Mojolicious can't find my controller - mojolicious

I'm trying to get the project hosted on github running.
From the root directory I'm running
/LS30$ morbo bin/webserver
which starts the server. Navigating to http://ip:port/settings I get the following error
[Fri Jan 15 15:27:20 2016] [debug] Controller "LS30::Web::Settings" does not exist.
Now the controller is located here: LS30::Web::Controller::Settings so it is looking in the wrong place.
Since it is looking in the wrong place I figured why not copy the Settings controller (and the base controller) where it was looking - but this just gives me this error instead:
[Fri Jan 15 15:31:45 2016] [debug] Class "LS30::Web::Settings" is not a controller.
The routes look correct to a beginner, so I don't think it's that. In fact I suspect it's probably something wrong in my environment since I know this worked for the original author.
I'm very new to this so I'm not really sure what to do next:/

Mojolicious version 5.25 adds "Controller" automatically to a class name in an app when it's searching for a class to use to execute a route.
In this case, the app is LS30::Web and it's looking for a class called Settings. Mojolicious 5.25 and later test the classes LS30::Web::Controller::Settings and LS30::Web::Settings but earlier versions test only the latter, which doesn't exist.
The solution therefore, is to upgrade your Mojolicious to 5.25 or later. If you are using Ubuntu, upgrade to vivid or later. Otherwise, use CPAN or a tool such as cpanm to download and install the most recent Mojolicious from source.


How can I get back access to the backend of TYPO3 when fluidpages are causing an error on backend and frontend?

I got to work on a Typo3 page and I have to say I'm at the very beginning if it comes to TYPO3.
So I wanted to fix a bug and updated the plugin "fluidpages" from version 4.1.0 (I guess) to 4.3. That cause the "Oops, an error occurred!" in the backend and frontend, so I dont have access from that side. I still have the FTP login for the website. The version of TYPO3 is 8.7.18.
The errorcode I get is that one:
Could not analyse class:
"FluidTYPO3\Flux\Configuration\ConfigurationManager" maybe not loaded
or no autoloader?
Class FluidTYPO3\Flux\Configuration\ConfigurationManager does not exist
So does anyone know what I need to do?
From my research I think I need to update another plugins to make it back to work? And can I update them just by uploading them through FTP?
Thanks in advance!
Edit: After I tried to get the old version of the plugin running, I'm getting this error code from the log file:
Mon, 17 Feb 2020 22:59:56 +0100 [ALERT] request="fec23f8baf6dc" component="TYPO3.CMS.Frontend.ContentObject.Exception.ProductionExceptionHandler": Oops, an error occurred! Code: 2020021722595594039a4d - {"exception":"TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Exception: The default controller for extension \"Flux\" and plugin \"Page\" can not be determined. Please check for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.
You can enter the Install Tool via and start with Check for broken extensions. If that doesn't yield the extension in question, you can always manually change the PackageStates.php file and remove the extension you want to unload. Afterwards you should flush all caches through the Install Tool.
In the long term you should consider a few things:
Use a local development environment which mirrors your production environment. You can safely perform all steps without any risk here before deploying.
Use a deployment strategy/tool which allows for rollbacks. This allows you to quickly revert to a working version of your instance in case all other checks have failed. A simple but flexible solution is Deployer, you'll need SSH for this though.
Have you tried dumping autoload from Install Tool? Generally, it would help for the class not loaded problem. Otherwise, you may want to check the log at typo3/temp/var/log/ and find the errors in code.

Can't install zfcuser on Zend Framework 2

I'm starting a new project, so I installed the skeleton zf2 project from github.
I followed the instruction provided here, to install zfcuser.
I used composer to install zfcuser and changed the required files.
But although I can see the indexpage of the skeleton project at "http://localhost/Test/public/", when I go to "http://localhost/Test/User" all I see is default page saying
Not Found
The requested URL /Teste/public/user was not found on this server.
It's my first time installing modules on zf2. What am I missing?
Remember: All requests will be served out of public/index.
That means if you set up a route like "/some/route" your current setup will have you go to http://localhost/Test/public/some/route
So the ZfcUser route will be: http://localhost/Test/public/user
If you can, try pointing your host root dir to /public.

Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildDetail error

I have a TFS 2013 RC install running VS 19,12, and 13 on the build agents. I have a build definition using the CopyDirectory action from the toolbox and when I place anything other than a hard-coded path in either the source or destination box, I get this error
The build process failed validation. Details: Validation Error: The private implementation of activity '1: DynamicActivity' has the following validation error: Compiler error(s) encountered processing expression "BuildDetail.DropLocation".'Microsoft.TeamFoundation.Build.Client.BuildDetail' is not accessible in this context because it is 'Friend'.
I have googled this and nothing seems to come up that works.
Any ideas would be great, as we are blocked on using this.
I believe that you need to use the 2013 build template if you are using the 2013 Build Agent. If you don't want to, or can't, upgrade your template you should reinstall the 2012 build agent which works fine with 2013.
The new templates are on the server, rather than in VC, but you can download them from the build definition screen and check them in if you need to customize them...
So two solutions:
Upgrade your templates to 2013
Downgrade your build agent to 2012 and use the existing templates

mojolicious morbo server is caching by default?

I generated a full app from the command console:
mojo generate app MyApp
After that i started the dev server:
morbo myapp
I changed some code, even changed the name of the default controller, but i can not see any changes in the browser, only if i restart the morbo server works.
This is reallly annoying for developing.
How to get rid of this caching behaviour?
UPDATE: i noticed if i use hypnotoad instead morbo, works and updates changes properly, so the problem is morbo.
I've never had this problem before but there is watch().
Maybe if you explicitly tell the server where to look for
changed files it will work. Or, perhaps that can help you
find where the problem is.
On an aditional note, if you want to have live updates directly using morbo+fullapp you should cd to the app's folder then run
$ morbo script/myapp
It would then work properly.

Debugging Zend Framework in Eclipse, mod_rewrite problems

I have a simple ZF that already works well.
I've set it up to work in a subfolder, so I access it with localhost/zftutorial URL.
Now the time came for debugging, but when I execute debugger in Eclipse, it appends debug URL params (like XDEBUG_SESSION_START=ECLIPSE_DBGP) which break everything and I start getting this message:
> Zend_Controller_Dispatcher_Exception: Invalid controller specified (index.php) in C:\Program Files\VertrigoServ\www\library\Zend\library\Zend\Controller\Dispatcher\Standard.php on line 241
I've tried to set both localhost/zftutorial and localhost/zftutorial/public/index.php as start URLs for debugger, but still getting the same message.
Looks like ZF likes clean URL names, but Eclipse wants scripts with php extensions, but controller names. Whichever debug options I use, Ecplise tries to start debugging from
not Zend-style URL - http://localhost/zftutorial/index.php
I guess this can be solved 2 ways:
configuring Eclipse somehow to use a proper URL with debug params, like localhost/zftutorial
setting rewrite rule for localhost/zftutorial/public/index.php to be rewritten as localhost/zftutorial (right?)
I've come to a conclusion that such problems are best avoidable by setting up ZF application
public folder as root folder in web server. Such root placement is a recommended practice and causes are no debug-related problems like above, unlike when ZF app resides in a subfolder and mod_rewrite rules break things now and then.