I want to create a new mongodb RDD each time I enter inside foreachRDD. However I have serialization issues:
.foreachRDD(rdd => {
val mongoClient = MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
val db = mongoClient(mongoDatabase)
val coll = db(mongoCollection)
// ssc is my StreamingContext
val modelsRDDRaw = ssc.sparkContext.parallelize(coll.find().toList) })
This will give me an error:
object not serializable (class: org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext, value: org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext#31133b6e)
Any idea?
You might try to use rdd.context that returns either a SparkContext or a SparkStreamingContext (if rdd is a DStream).
mydstream foreachRDD { rdd => {
val mongoClient = MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
val db = mongoClient(mongoDatabase)
val coll = db(mongoCollection)
val modelsRDDRaw = rdd.context.parallelize(coll.find().toList) })
Actually, it seems that RDD has also a .sparkContext method. I honestly don't know the difference, maybe they are aliases (?).
In my understanding you have to add if you have a "not serializable" object, you need to pass it through foreachPartition so you can make a connection to database on each node before running your processing.
mydstream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
val mongoClient = MongoClient("localhost", 27017)
val db = mongoClient(mongoDatabase)
val coll = db(mongoCollection)
// ssc is my StreamingContext
val modelsRDDRaw = ssc.sparkContext.parallelize(coll.find().toList) }})
I am using Kafka Producer and Spark Consumer. I want to pass some data in the topic as an array to the consumer and execute a Neo4j query with this data as parameters. For now, I want to test this query with a set of data.
The problem is that when I try to run my consumer I get an exception:
org.neo4j.driver.v1.exceptions.AuthenticationException: Unsupported authentication token, scheme 'none' is only allowed when auth is disabled.
Here is my main method with Spark and Neo4j configs:
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val sparkSession = SparkSession
val sparkConf = sparkSession.conf
val streamingContext = new StreamingContext(sparkSession.sparkContext, Seconds(3))
val neo4jLocalConfig = ConfigFactory.parseFile(new File("configs/local_neo4j.conf"))
sparkConf.set("spark.neo4j.bolt.url", neo4jLocalConfig.getString("neo4j.url"))
sparkConf.set("spark.neo4j.bolt.user", neo4jLocalConfig.getString("neo4j.user"))
sparkConf.set("spark.neo4j.bolt.password", neo4jLocalConfig.getString("neo4j.password"))
val arr = Array("18731", "41.84000015258789", "-87.62999725341797")
execNeo4jSearchQuery(arr, sparkSession.sparkContext)
And this is the method in which I run my query:
def execNeo4jSearchQuery(data: Array[String], sc: SparkContext) = {
println("Id: " + data(0) + ", Lat: " + data(1) + ", Lon: " + data(2))
val neo = Neo4j(sc)
val sqlContext = new SQLContext(sc)
val query = "MATCH (m:Member)-[mtg_r:MT_TO_MEMBER]->(mt:MemberTopics)-[mtt_r:MT_TO_TOPIC]->(t:Topic), (t1:Topic)-[tt_r:GT_TO_TOPIC]->(gt:GroupTopics)-[tg_r:GT_TO_GROUP]->(g:Group)-[h_r:HAS]->(e:Event)-[a_r:AT]->(v:Venue) WHERE mt.topic_id = gt.topic_id AND distance(point({ longitude: {lon}, latitude: {lat}}),point({ longitude: v.lon, latitude: v.lat })) < 4000 AND mt.member_id = {id} RETURN g.group_name, e.event_name, v.venue_name"
val df = neo.cypher(query).params(Map("lat" -> data(1).toDouble, "lon" -> data(2).toDouble, "id" -> data(0).toInt))
I checked the query it works fine in Neo4j. So what may cause this exception?
I have researched and tried various options that helped me find an answer. AS I understood this exception happens because I do not set SparkConfig parameters for Neo4j properly. And the solutions would be to provide the SparkConfig as one of the SparkSession attributes. SparkConfig should already have all the Neo4j attributes set up
I want to use SparkContext and SQLContext inside foreachPartition, but unable to do it due to serialization error. I know that both objects are not serializable, but I thought that foreachPartition is executed on the master, where both Spark Context and SQLContext are available..
`msg -> Map[String,String]`
`result -> Iterable[Seq[Row]]`
This is my current code (UtilsDM is an object that extends Serializable). The part of code that fails starts from val schema =..., where I want to write result to the DataFrame and then save it to Parquet. Maybe the way I organized the code is inefficient, then I'd like to here your recommendations. Thanks.
// Here I am creating df from parquet file on S3
val exists = FileSystem.get(new URI("s3n://" + bucketNameCode), sc.hadoopConfiguration).exists(new Path("s3n://" + bucketNameCode + "/" + pathToSentMessages))
var df: DataFrame = null
if (exists) {
df = sqlContext
// Here I process myDStream
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.foreachPartition{iter =>
val r = new RedisClient(UtilsDM.getHost, UtilsDM.getPort)
val producer = UtilsDM.createProducer
var df = UtilsDM.getDF
val result = iter.map{ msg =>
// ...
val schema = StructType(
StructField("key", StringType, true) ::
StructField("value", StringType, true)
result.foreach { row =>
val rdd = sc.makeRDD(row)
val df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
// If the parquet file is not created, then create it
var df_final: DataFrame = null
if (df != null) {
df_final = df.unionAll(df2)
} else {
df_final = df2
I am using Spark 1.6.2 and Scala 2.10.6.
It is not possible. SparkContext, SQLContext and SparkSession can be used only on the driver. You can use sqlContext in the top level of foreachRDD:
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
You cannot use it in transformation / action:
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.foreach {
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(...)
You probably want equivalent of:
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
val foo = rdd.mapPartitions(iter => doSomethingWithRedisClient(iter))
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(foo, schema)
I found out that using an existing SparkContext (assume I have created a sparkContext sc beforehand) inside a loop works i.e.
// this works
stream.foreachRDD( _ => {
// update rdd
.... = SparkContext.getOrCreate().parallelize(...)
// this doesn't work - throws a SparkContext not serializable error
stream.foreachRDD( _ => {
// update rdd
.... = sc.parallelize(...)
I want to use SparkContext and SQLContext inside foreachPartition, but unable to do it due to serialization error. I know that both objects are not serializable, but I thought that foreachPartition is executed on the master, where both Spark Context and SQLContext are available..
`msg -> Map[String,String]`
`result -> Iterable[Seq[Row]]`
This is my current code (UtilsDM is an object that extends Serializable). The part of code that fails starts from val schema =..., where I want to write result to the DataFrame and then save it to Parquet. Maybe the way I organized the code is inefficient, then I'd like to here your recommendations. Thanks.
// Here I am creating df from parquet file on S3
val exists = FileSystem.get(new URI("s3n://" + bucketNameCode), sc.hadoopConfiguration).exists(new Path("s3n://" + bucketNameCode + "/" + pathToSentMessages))
var df: DataFrame = null
if (exists) {
df = sqlContext
// Here I process myDStream
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.foreachPartition{iter =>
val r = new RedisClient(UtilsDM.getHost, UtilsDM.getPort)
val producer = UtilsDM.createProducer
var df = UtilsDM.getDF
val result = iter.map{ msg =>
// ...
val schema = StructType(
StructField("key", StringType, true) ::
StructField("value", StringType, true)
result.foreach { row =>
val rdd = sc.makeRDD(row)
val df2 = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
// If the parquet file is not created, then create it
var df_final: DataFrame = null
if (df != null) {
df_final = df.unionAll(df2)
} else {
df_final = df2
I am using Spark 1.6.2 and Scala 2.10.6.
It is not possible. SparkContext, SQLContext and SparkSession can be used only on the driver. You can use sqlContext in the top level of foreachRDD:
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(rdd, schema)
You cannot use it in transformation / action:
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
rdd.foreach {
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(...)
You probably want equivalent of:
myDStream.foreachRDD(rdd => {
val foo = rdd.mapPartitions(iter => doSomethingWithRedisClient(iter))
val df = sqlContext.createDataFrame(foo, schema)
I found out that using an existing SparkContext (assume I have created a sparkContext sc beforehand) inside a loop works i.e.
// this works
stream.foreachRDD( _ => {
// update rdd
.... = SparkContext.getOrCreate().parallelize(...)
// this doesn't work - throws a SparkContext not serializable error
stream.foreachRDD( _ => {
// update rdd
.... = sc.parallelize(...)
I am able to save a Data Frame to mongoDB but my program in spark streaming gives a datastream ( kafkaStream ) and I am not able to save it in mongodb neither i am able to convert this datastream to a dataframe. Is there any library or method to do this? Any inputs are highly appreciated.
import org.apache.spark.SparkConf
import org.apache.spark.streaming.StreamingContext
import org.apache.spark.streaming.Seconds
import org.apache.spark.streaming.kafka.KafkaUtils
object KafkaSparkStream {
def main(args: Array[String]){
val conf = new SparkConf().setMaster("local[*]").setAppName("KafkaReceiver")
val ssc = new StreamingContext(conf, Seconds(10))
val kafkaStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,
"localhost:2181","spark-streaming-consumer-group", Map("topic" -> 25))
Save a DF to mongodb - SUCCESS
val mongoDbFormat = "com.stratio.datasource.mongodb"
val mongoDbDatabase = "mongodatabase"
val mongoDbCollection = "mongodf"
val mongoDbOptions = Map(
MongodbConfig.Host -> "localhost:27017",
MongodbConfig.Database -> mongoDbDatabase,
MongodbConfig.Collection -> mongoDbCollection
//with DataFrame methods
Access the underlying RDD from the DStream using foreachRDD, transform it to a DataFrame and use your DF function on it.
The easiest way to transform an RDD to a DataFrame is by first transforming the data into a schema, represented in Scala by a case class
case class Element(...)
val elementDStream = kafkaDStream.map(entry => Element(entry, ...))
elementDStream.foreachRDD{rdd =>
val df = rdd.toDF
Also, watch out for Spark 2.0 where this process will completely change with the introduction of Structured Streaming, where a MongoDB connection will become a sink.
I have a spark (1.2.1 v) job that inserts a content of an rdd to postgres using postgresql.Driver for scala:
rdd.foreachPartition(iter => {
//connect to postgres database on the localhost
val driver = "org.postgresql.Driver"
var connection:Connection = null
connection = DriverManager.getConnection(url, username, password)
val statement = connection.createStatement()
iter.foreach(row => {
val mapRequest = Utils.getInsertMap(row)
val query = Utils.getInsertRequest(squares_table, mapRequest)
try { statement.execute(query) }
catch {
case pe: PSQLException => println("exception caught: " + pe);
In the above code I open new connection to postgres for each partition of the rdd and close it. I think that the right way to go would be to use connection pool to postgres that I can take connections from (as described here), but its just pseudo-code:
rdd.foreachPartition { partitionOfRecords =>
// ConnectionPool is a static, lazily initialized pool of connections
val connection = ConnectionPool.getConnection()
partitionOfRecords.foreach(record => connection.send(record))
ConnectionPool.returnConnection(connection) // return to the pool for future reuse
What is the right way to connect to postgres with connection pool from spark?
This code will work for spark 2 or grater version and scala , First you have to add spark jdbc driver.
If you are using Maven then you can work this way. add this setting to your pom file
write this code to scala file
import org.apache.spark.sql.SparkSession
object PostgresConnection {
def main(args: Array[String]) {
val spark =
val prop = new java.util.Properties
prop.setProperty("user", "username")
prop.setProperty("password", "password")
val url = "jdbc:postgresql://"
val df = spark.read.jdbc(url, "table_name",prop)