Difference between "Red Hat Satellite" and "Red Hat Network Satellite"? - redhat

Im trying to understand what differences are there between this products. Can someone explain me main differences and what is each one's functionality?

They are the same product. During the lifecycle of Satellite 5, the name was modified to go from Red Hat Network Satellite to Red Hat Satellite. So, if you look for documentation for Satellite 5.5. or below it will be listed under Red Hat Network Satellite (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-network-satellite/) For 5.6 and later it will be listed as Red Hat Satellite (https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en/red-hat-satellite/)

Red hat network sometimes want to say the internal network of red hat for customers
Red Hat Network (abbreviated to RHN) is a family of systems-management services operated by Red Hat. RHN makes updates, patches, and bug fixes of packages included within Red Hat Linux and Red Hat Enterprise Linux available to subscribers. Other available features include the deployment of custom content to, and the provisioning, configuration, reporting, monitoring of client systems.
Users of these operating systems can then invoke the up2date or yum program to download and install updates from RHN. The updates portion of RHN is akin to other types of automatic system maintenance tools such as Microsoft Update for Microsoft Windows operating systems. The system requires a subscription to allow access to updates. (Red Hat's yum and Advanced Packaging Tool repositories provide free access to updates for Fedora systems.)
On June 18, 2008 Red Hat CEO Jim Whitehurst announced plans for the RHN Satellite software to be open-sourced following the Fedora/RHEL model.[1] Subsequently, project Spacewalk was launched.


Upgrading from Jboss Community edition to Enterprise Edition

We're currently in the process of purchasing enterprise edition of Jboss and facing some delay in the purchase cycle.
As an interim measure, thinking of starting the project with community edition and later on applying license to this, to convert to enterprise edition.
Is this doable ? Has anyone done this before ?
Appreciate any pointers on this please.
You can get a developer subscription from Red Hat for no cost. This will allow you to download any of the Red Hat software and access the Red Hat knowledge base.

Red Hat Fuse ESB Community vs Enterprise edition

This should be a simple 'google' ... but I have drawn a blank. I assume it must be out there somewhere, can anyone help me find it?
I need a simple comparison that tells me what is in and what is out of the Fuse ESB community edition vs the enterprise edition?
Here are some questions :
Is Red Hat Fuse is open source or commercial ?
What's main differences between Fuse ESB Enterprise and Community Edition (Comparing Features)
i downloaded jboss-fuse-full-6.2.0.redhat-133 from Red Hat Site and i cannot recognize it is Edition version or Enterprise edition
What if we use Community edition or Enterprise edition in Production usage ?
i did research some tutorial about Fuse ESB only i found is Apache Camel and CXF tutorials(All these are creating soap services from bottom) : Can i deploy/ publish existing (our SOAP service) to Fuse Management Console and Track and Monitor service's request and response ?
Our company has been searching Open Source ESB based on our needs to use it in Production Environment (Then we chose Red Hat FUSE)
Thank you.
Red Hat software is open source. You can download and use anything you can get from the 'free' distribution sites like https://developers.redhat.com. (Fuse version 6.2 is very old, by the way.)
The difference is that you get professional support when you buy a support agreement. Red Hat support only concerns the 'professional, product' versions of the software like 'Fuse'. The 'community' versions like Camel are not supportable by Red Hat support.

Deploying multiple versions of Red Hat Developer Toolset to multiple RHEL version

Can I deploy multiple versions of Red Hat Developer Toolset to multiple versions of Red Hat Enterprise Linux?
Developer Toolset (DTS) installs itself in different parts of the file system, so 'yes' you can install multiple versions of DTS on RHEL. Both RHEL 6 and 7 are supported today.

RHEL vagrantbox (or alternative)

I've been searching for vagrant box for RedHat linux for a week ended up to nothing. Possibly because RedHat, especially the Enterprise Linux, is under commercial used rather than open-sourced.
I've been trying to learn my ways around JBoss with a RedHat Enterprise Linux distribution via Vagrant. Is there a box already present or should I result to alternative box then install and configure JBoss almost similar with RHEL?
Indeed RHEL is not distributed, you need to register with Red Hat to get access to their distribution.
You can use another Red Hat based distribution and it will work almost the same.
the most famous are probably centos as well as Oracle Linux.
You can find those boxes on :
vagrant atlas : https://atlas.hashicorp.com/boxes/search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&sort=&provider=&q=centos
http://www.vagrantbox.es/ has a few boxes that match your need

Any known issues migrating from Debian to Red hat or CentOS (due to data centre move)?

Are there any known issues/compatibility concerns moving hosted domains, websites (mainly CMS systems Fatwire, Drupal, WordPress) from a Debian OS to either Redhat or Cent OS? This is due to changing data centre providers.
With some effort the migration should work out fine. I'll share some common questions to save you some Googling.
Most visible differences between Debian and Red Hat to sysadmins:
Service Management: update-rc.d on Debian becomes chkconfig on Red Hat. At least they'll unify on systemctl with System D eventually.
Apache configuration: a2ensite and /etc/apache2/ on Debian becomes /etc/{conf.d,conf.modules.d} on Red Hat
Network Interface Configuration: /etc/network/interfaces on Debian becomes /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ on Red Hat
Package Management and Software Installation: see RPM DPKG Rosetta Stone