Angular material layout broken with Iphone 5c & 6 - iphone

I'm working on a website with angular-material. Everything works well except with mobile view on IOS.
Iphone: 5c or 6
IOS version: 8.1 or 9
Here's a screen shot, on the left part the good rendering on Android, on the right, the IOS one.
The only difference beteween IOS & Android is the store button shown (Play for android, AppStore for IOS) but I tried to remove them already. The code can be inspected directly on
Did I miss something? Is it a known problem?
Thanks in advance.


Margin black using iPhone 5C on xcode

Yesterday I had to change my iphone 4S to 5C and now something is wrong in my xcode app. When I run the app in my iPhone 5C it shows some top and bottom black borders. I have search some on Google and here, but they are talking about put the 3 image launch (and I need help with that).
Any help will be much appreciated, because I'm stuck at the moment and I want to work it for 4 and 5.
Thanks in advance.
Apparently your app was built prior to iPhone 5 release (which was back in 2012), so the app is quite outdated. The reason for the black bars on top and bottom is that you do not have a iPhone 5 launch image in the app and your app is not optimised for iPhone 5 (and newer).
My recommendation is to take a look at iOS 8 and rebuild your user interface to support adaptive layouts, because you will also need to support iPhone 6 and 6+.

Vertical squishing of images on iPhone 5C under iOS 7 using HTML5 canvas in Safari

I have developed a mobile web application which allows the user to take a picture with their mobile device camera and then displays it on an HTML5 canvas. When running this web application on an iPhone 5C under iOS 7, the image is severely vertically squished, so that it appears distorted and takes up approximately 20% of the canvas instead of taking 100% as intended.
This may be related to Safari image subsampling, which also caused vertical squishing in earlier versions of iOS and on other devices, although not nearly as bad as what is being seen in the above issue. A jquery plugin named megapix-image.js was created to address this issue and it works on iPhone4 and iPad running iOS 6 to correct this vertical squishing so the image appears correctly. megapix-image.js appears not to be compatible with iPhone 5/iOS 7 (it will not convert the image file).
Something to note is that iOS 7 completely corrected the vertical squishing issue seen on iPhone 4, but it has apparently made the problem much worse on iPhone 5/5C.
Is there a solution to this issue?
<script type="text/javascript" src="~/Scripts/megapix-image.js"></script>
var mpImg = new MegaPixImage(file);
var mpImg.render(srcImage, {maxWidth: 960, maxHeight: 960});
where file is the file from the fileInput control and srcImage is the corrected image
I discovered that megapixel-image.js does work with iPhone 5 and iOS 7. I found I was calling some parameters incorrectly. The plug-in corrects the vertical squishing issue.

The screen of ios phonegap application dont show completly in iphone 5 device

I have an application made ​​with ios phonegap in itunnes connect. When making a new version of the application I had to adjust it to iphone5. For this, I updated the version of phonegap to 2.8.0 and I have introduced the splash required for the application was validated to iphone5. Once in the itunnes connect the version 2 of the application I noticed that it looks bad on iphone 5 devices .The app is cut off at the bottom as shown in the image (white rectangle). In iphone 4 works perfectly as shown in the picture.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? thanks!!
I finally found the solution to this problem. The HTML5 framework I was using (DHTMLX), has a problem that the new iphone5.
In this forum it is solved:

LazyLoad Plugin by Mika Tuupola not working on Iphone 5/4s but works on ipad 3 using iOS 6.1

I'm having an issue with lazyload on the iphone 5 and 4s. For some reason, when I scroll down the page, it loads two images in the viewport, when there are 9 in the viewport, then i scroll down, only another 2 images are loaded, and again, etc. When I click the home button and go back to safari on the iphone 5, it then loads all the images in the viewport. I don't have an iphone 5 but i tested it at the apple store, I have an ipad 3 and it works fine on that. If anybody has any experience with this, any help would be greatly appreciated. I'm hoping Mika can chime in on this as well as he's active here too. Thanks!
after fixing some bugs, it appears to be working. had some problems with the viewport other minor css bugs, and now it works perfect.

iOS 5 and iOS 6 - UIWebView difference in behaviour

I am testing some HTML code on UIWebView. And am also wishing to support both iOS 5.x and iOS 6.x. But there seems to be a problem about font size associated with iOS 6.x only.
That is, under rotation, iOS 5.x would make fonts slightly smaller when changing to portrait from landscape mode (which is desirable, since portrait's width is shorter). However, UIWebView in iOS 6.x would do just the opposite.
The problem does not come up when the same HTML code is rendered in iOS Safari (both 5.x and 6.x), as font size always scales as expected during rotation.
It could be something I've missed about UIWebView, hope somebody knowledgable could help to explain this.
Also, the above problem comes up on my iPhone 5 iOS 6.1 test device. Please comment if you do or don't find any similar problem. Wish to know if it is only associated with this particular phone (or its settings) only.
Latest Update :
The above problem should be related to how the project (which started long before iOS 6 was available) is laid out. As have set up a new test project with a UIWebView and a UIView in some different basic setups, and the text autosizing during rotation seems to be ok in both ios 5 & 6. The above problem may be due to custom layout adjustment code used which is good only in iOS 5. Really wish there were more compatibility between the 2 ios versions.
Please use the viewpoint setting to see the difference in ios 5 and ios 6