How to set variable from use object in sightly? - aem

I have plain use class which contains one method that returns complex bean with a lot of setters/getters. Lets name it SomeUse. Given sightly file:
<sly data-sly-use.someUse="com.mycompany.SomeUse">
<!-- ...and so on -->
So the point is I don't want to look at getting. Instead of it I would do something like this:
<sly data-sly-use.someUse="com.mycompany.SomeUse"${}>
<!-- ...and so on -->
I can't do this way though. Is there any alternative to achieve such result? Thanks a lot!

So the answer is to:
<sly data-sly-test.varName="${data.firstProperty}"></sly>
<div> ${varName.secondProperty} </div>
Creating a variable through empty data-sly-test attribute make it accessible after a tag.

You can set variables for use in a WCMUse class with the following syntax:
<sly data-sly-use.someUse="${ 'com.mycompany.SomeUse' # page=currentPage }">
and retrieve the page variable from your WCMUse class's activate() method like this:
Page page = get("page", Page.class);
For a working example, check out this Sightly script and this WCMUse class.

Instead of${}
Then you will be able to get the property like

You can also set in DOM elements
<div id="elementId" data-sly-test.vehicle="${model.vehicle}">


How to use onclick method inside AEM component

Am having a AEM6 html component, am getting the values from dialog and using it inside the component via the .js file and using the return properties.
I could able to get the authored values but it is getting null or empty when am using it inside the onclick method. Please find below the code snippet below.
<div data-sly-unwrap data-sly-use.test="test.js"></div>
<a href="#" class="${test.testId}" id="${test.testId}" onClick="toggleDraw('${test.testId}')" >
The content I authored is getting displayed in class and Id, but it is not displaying in the onClick method.
Below is the Output am getting after authoring.
<a href="#" class="get-a-quote" id="get-a-quote" onClick="toggleDraw('')" >
Output I needed is :
<a href="#" class="get-a-quote" id="get-a-quote" onClick="toggleDraw('get-a-quote')" >
This should do the trick:
<a data-sly-test.variable123="toggleDraw('${test.testId}')" href="#" class="${test.testId}" id="${test.testId}" onclick="${variable123 # context='attribute'}" >
You need to put the function call in a variable because of the nested single quotes. And you need to manually set the context in this case. If "attribute" does some escaping you do not like, you could use "unsafe" - this will end in all escaping mechanisms being disabled. That might or might not be a security issue for your application.

AEM - data-sly-resource children html

I want to figure out a way to insert HTML inside a <sly data-sly-resource> tag and be able to go inside the component I am retrieving from the resource attribute.
To compare, it would be something like Vue's slots, and React's { this.props.children }.
Parent Component
<sly data-sly-resource="${'example' # resourceType='path/to/component/structure/example'}">
<h1>Hello World</h1>
Example Component
<div id="example-component">
${ variable.getChildrenHTMLCall() } // Does something like this exist?
<div id="example-component">
<h1>Hello World</h1>
This functionality does not exist.
You could make a similar functionality by using data-sly-template. But you’d have to pass the HTML sting as a parameter (more specifically option) but that might not be desired or maintainable.
You could use the as seen here:

Polymer data bind without dom-bind

I have a polymer element <my-element> with a computed property myProperty. I need to bind myProperty to another place in the HTML page, so I can't put it inside a dom-bind template
Here's what I mean
<my-element my-property="{{myProperty}}"></my-element>
<!--somewhere deep inside another part of the document-->
<h4>myProperty = </h4><span>[[myProperty]]</span>
I cannot wrap my-element and the usage of [[myProperty]] in a dom-bind template as this would result in nearly the entire document being enclosed in this. Attempting to use the bind as it is results in myProperty = [[myProperty]] being displayed, not the value of [[myProperty]].
Is there some way to have behaviour similar to data binding but usable across the whole HTML document? (In the future there might also be a case where [[myProperty]] is used inside an attribute such as <my-second-element my-property="[[myProperty]]">). Or if both occurences are wrapped individually in dom-bind templates is there some way to make the bind global?
Thanks in advance
Not sure why you wouldn't be able to do like this:
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-lite.js"></script>
<template is="dom-bind" id="app">
<my-element my-property="{{myProperty}}"></my-element>
<!--somewhere deep inside another part of the document-->
<h4>myProperty = </h4><span>[[myProperty]]</span>
This is totally doable. If myProperty changes inside my-element it would also change in "this" html-document. There also wouldn't be a problem adding your second element:
<my-second-element my-property="[[myProperty]]">
Unless you're missing to tell us some specific behavior that you want, this should be what you want. :)

AEM 6 sightly: How to read variable from language file?

I have the following html:
<div >${'foo' # i18n}</div>
In my i18n file I have the following:
sling:message="This is dummy text"/>
This is dummy text is displayed in the page. well so far. The problem is that foo is a variable which comes form other template and I read as follow:
${fooValue} //this returns foo
Now to read message from the i18n I tried the following:
<div>${'${fooValue}' # i18n} </div>
but This displays ${fooValue} in the page. How to read message from the i18n, if I have variable key?
You could use a local template to which you pass the variable identifying your key for the i18n dictionary:
<template data-sly-template.locale="${# key}">
${key # i18n, locale='de'}
<div data-sly-call="${locale # key='world'}"></div>
Assuming your i18n dictionary has the translation, the output would be:
You can also call the locale template from another template in your page:
<template data-sly-template.locale="${# key}">
${key # i18n, locale='de'}
<template data-sly-template.translate="${# string}">
<div data-sly-call="${locale # key=string}" data-sly-unwrap></div>
<div data-sly-call="${translate # string='world'}"></div>
The output would be the same as above.
The solution by Radu works wonderfully. I have also tried this and this works too, if anyone is looking for a solution without involving templates.
<div>${fooValue # i18n}</div>
I personally would go with templates though. Makes it a little easier to read.
<div>${fooValue # i18n}</div> vs <div data-sly-call="${translate # string=fooValue}"></div>.

Dynamic String in UiBinder (not for i18n)

I'm trying to make a Widget that generalizes a bootstrap style from twitter for collapsible items.
I got to make it work hardcoding it, but I find some dificulties abstracting it.
The widget looks like:
<div class="accordion" id="accordion1">
<div class="accordion-group">
<div class="accordion-heading">
<a class="accordion-toggle" data-toggle="collapse" data-parent="#accordion1" href="#collapseOne">
... text to show collapsed ...
<div id="collapseOne" class="accordion-body collapse">
<div class="accordion-inner">
... anything to show expanded ...
The thing is, this uses a javascript which depends on ids of some div tags. The generalized widget would need this to be randomized or depending on some seed passed in the constructor.
It would also be nice to have access to those generated Strings from Java part, as it would be a fancy way to set the text showing in the widget.
My first approach was to use something like <ui:with type="com.a.b.c.IdGenerator" field="idGenerator"></ui:with> but it seems to instanciate dynamically the class IdGenerator so no access to the Strings is obtained in Java part.
Is there any fancy way to dinamically generate those Strings having access to them from the Java part?
You simply need a #UiField IdGenerator idGenerator on the Java side to have the instance created by the <ui:with> injected in it (or you can #UiField(provided = true) it).