Unable to use the terminal in Rubymine 6.3.3 on Windows 8 - rubymine

I downloaded Rubymine 6.3.3 and I have Windows 8. When I open the terminal only the version and copyright appears without the path and I am unable to type anything. I checked the settings and the plugin is enabled and the terminal options seem to set correctly
any help would be really appreciated


debugger option C++(GDB/LLDB) is not avaliable vscode windows

I am trying to set up the debugger following a course in C language development. the option of the C++(GDB/LLDB) is not avaliable it is not showing in the command line pallet
vscode version 1.71.0
windows 10
cygwin64 installed
what am I missing to have that option for debugging.

Extension Host Terminated Unexpectedly (vs code) Mac

I have been struggling with this vs code issue (extension host terminated unexpectedly).
I've tried uninstalling/ reinstalling vs code, I've uninstalled and disabled all my extensions and still get the error, I've downloaded an older version which worked temporarily, I'm out of ideas.
I don't understand how I can have no extensions but the still get the error?
does anybody know the answer to this?
it seems I'm having the same issue as your from around the same time. I would suggest to add more infos, in my case for example
> MacOS X : 10.11.6 El Capitan
> VS Code Version: 1.57.1
> Commit: 507ce72a4466fbb27b715c3722558bb15afa9f48
> Date: 2021-06-17T13:28:32.912Z
> Electron: 12.0.7
> Chrome: 89.0.4389.128
> Node.js: 14.16.0
> V8:
> OS: Darwin x64 15.6.0
After a long period of not using VS Code I found this alert always popping up
-Extension host terminated unexpectedly
-Open Developer Tools -Restart Extension Host
And restarting just repeated this alert.
If I choose from the context menu (aka right click) Run a line/selection or Run Current File, either on terminal or in interactive window with Jupyter, it has no reaction (while a couple of days ago it worked perfectly, when I used it in offline cause there was no wifi)
In hope it could help you, here are what I tried:
to deactivate and reactivate the extension (cmd+shift+p > Reload With
Extensions disabled)
to install a previous extension of Python ms-python.python (or whatever suit your case)
to run the command Bisect (cmd+shift+p > Help: Start Extension
So far I found no solution for me.
Soon I will try to follow what sumitparakh commented in this github issue , meaning to save the former extensionHostProcess.js file (renaming it) and adding in its stead the file he provided
On Windows the location should be
C:\Program Files\Microsoft VS Code\resources\app\out\vs\workbench\services\extensions\node\extensionHostProcess.js
While MacOS path should be:
'/Applications/Visual Studio Code.app/Contents/Resources/app/out/vs/workbench/services/extensions/node/extensionHostProcess.js'
UPDATE 1: after adding the file and reloading I get even this message
-Your Code installation appears to be corrupt. Please Reinstall
-More information
UPDATE 2: I tried to follow this fix from a github issue . Here is the quote:
ehamwey commented on Jan 4
The following steps worked for me, after upgrading from an x86 build
of vscode-insiders to Darwin arm64 (version 1.53.0-insider) I got the
behavior described above.
Remove the folder: /Users/[your-home-folder]/.vscode/ # **NOTE:** I renamed it as a backup
This will remove all extensions and any vscode configurations from your system!
Reinstall vscode and any extensions
BUT, even after I reinstalled the same version 1.57.1 of Code the extension host error is there, without any extension yet installed...
So maybe, I should try to revert to a previous update and maybe even reporting this issue
I'm open to suggestion aswell
I solved it running in the notebook kernel:
pip install six

How to get NetBeans 12.0 to launch on Mac (MAC OS 11.0 beta / Big Sur)

On Mac (Big Sur) when I click on the Netbeans 12 icon in the doc it bounces briefly then fails to launch Netbeans.
The answer helped me launch Netbeans from the terminal. I added this change to make my dock icon launch Netbeans like before.
I changed the Netbeans config file to make it launch with the Java path:
Like the previous post indicates find your JDK path with this command in the Terminal
/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.7*'
Now add this path to the Netbeans conf file. To do this:
right click on the Netbeans icon in the dock and select Open in Finder
in the smaller icon it shows right click again and select Show sources
find the netbeans.conf file in folder Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/etc/netbeans.conf
open this netbeans.conf file with a TextEditor or similar and find the line
Uncomment this line and change it for your path (the one you found in point 1)
something like
Save the netbeans.conf file and try and launch from the Dock icon
If you right click on the icon in the dock --> Options --> Show in Finder the operating system will show you where 'Apache Netbeans 12.0' is located.
Highlight 'Apache Netbeans 12.0' then right-click and choose 'Show Package Contents', then you can find a shortcut that launches Netbeans (Contents/MacOS/netbeans).
If you double-click to launch netbeans you'll be presented with the following reason why it fails to load.
/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ 12.0.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/bin/netbeans ; exit;
rob#Robs-MBP-2015 ~ % /Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ 12.0.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/bin/netbeans ; exit;
The operation couldn’t be completed. Unable to locate a Java Runtime that supports (null).
Please visit http://www.java.com for information on installing Java.
Cannot find java. Please use the --jdkhome switch.
Credit goes to How can I change Mac OS's default Java VM returned from /usr/libexec/java_home for providing the following step to determine what the JDK path is...
/usr/libexec/java_home -v '1.7*'
Then you can type the following (adjust for your path and version required)
export JAVA_HOME="/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home"
However that didn't seem to do the trick for me (I also tried JDK_HOME), so instead from a Terminal window type the command to launch Netbeans but include the --jdkhome to your Java home folder, e.g.
/Applications/NetBeans/Apache\ NetBeans\ 12.0.app/Contents/Resources/NetBeans/netbeans/bin/netbeans --jdkhome /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk-13.0.2.jdk/Contents/Home
Now I have Netbeans launching again. I'm not quite sure why the JAVA_HOME doesn't resolve this, but hopefully in the meantime anyone unable to launch Netbeans can at least use this workaround.
I've also found this How to run a shell script in OS X by double-clicking? useful to ensure I can double-click on the shell script to run it from a shortcut on my desktop.
For some reason, some Netbeans versions for Mac OS do not detect the JDK contained in JRE. For proper installation and running the application,you must have Java for Mac OS installed previously.
I had the same issue after upgrading to macOS Big Sur from Mojave.
Before running commands in terminal, you could just try to reinstall Java for Mac OS X :
It solves my issue. I am now able to launch NetBeans 12.1

Visual Studio Code can't run in Ubuntu 18.04

I have been using VSCode for a while and never had any big problem with it. Today I tried to start my VSCode from left taskbar on my Ubuntu 18.04 and it not showing up. Also, I tried to run in terminal as 'code .' again nothing.
VSCode version is latest 1.23.1 I tried few time today with install/remove and nothing. Somehow I am thinking maybe it something with permissions but not sure.
When click on task bar icon its shows like loading on top taskbar in ubuntu 18.04 for a few seconds and stops.
Also when tried to run in terminal as:
$ code . --verbose
[15027:0603/191139.702752:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(279)] Gtk: Locale not supported by C library.
Using the fallback 'C' locale.
[15027:0603/191139.809312:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(279)] Gtk: GModule (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ibus.so) initialization check failed: GLib version too old (micro mismatch)
[15027:0603/191139.809326:ERROR:browser_main_loop.cc(279)] Gtk: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed
pcilib: Cannot open /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:07:00.0/resource: No such file or directory
just getting an error, but not sure is this error connected with problem I did some investigation and Gtk is already installed and works well on my OS.
Fixed it with "delete the /home/user/.config/Code folder"

Error installing Netbean in Windows 8

I have tried everything possible to install Netbean 7.3.1 on my Windows 8 OS supporting laptop. However, it was not going through from here https://netbeans.org/downloads/index.html.
This is the message I got after downloading all the software from mentioned link when tried to install for each download:
CRITICAll nullnull
I downloaded JDK (Name of the file: jdk-7u25-nb-7_3_1-windows-x64) and when I tried installing JDK I got an error says:
cannot find bundled JVM to run installer
Please can anyone share step-by-step instructions?
Open command prompt in the directory where your netbeans setup file is located. (to open cmd prompt, press shift and right click anywhere in the directory window and hit 'open command prompt here')
Now type the following command in command prompt
netbeans-8.0-windows.exe --tempdir C:\Temp --userdir C:\NBI
hit enter.
This is apparently a bug, though not in netbeans. Check out comments 9 and 10 for a possible work-around.