How to get email from facebook in cordova application? - facebook

i want to get email after login with my cordova application
but when i added a permission with Graph API Explorer , i found this
yes i added permission :
in my controller :
.controller("LoginController", function($scope, $cordovaOauth, $localStorage, $location) {
$scope.login = function() {
$cordovaOauth.facebook("app-id", ["email", "user_birthday","user_website", "user_location", "user_relationships"]).then(function(result) {
$localStorage.accessToken = result.access_token;});
.controller("ProfileController", function($scope, $http, $localStorage, $location) {
$scope.init = function() {
if($localStorage.hasOwnProperty("accessToken") === true) {
$http.get("", { params: { access_token: $localStorage.accessToken, fields: "id,email,name,gender,email,location,website,picture,relationship_status", format: "json" }}).then(function(result) {
$scope.profileData =;
}, function(error) {
//alert("There was a problem getting your profile. Check the logs for details.");
i found this result :
[![enter image description here][4]][4]

Users don't need an email to use Facebook afaik, and it may not be confirmed yet. The debug message is very clear about that. There is no guarantee to always get the Email, even with the email permission.
Just to make sure, test this API call:


Connecting Facebook page and Facebook application

Goal : Connecting an application with existing Facebook page.
Why ? I want to allow user to use their page as bot. Facebook app is a bot.
Reason : User wants a bot for Facebook page but does not allow admin permissions.
What I've tried :
Get all users pages :
if ( typeof (response.authResponse) !== 'undefined')
token = response.authResponse.accessToken;
url: "api/FB/GetCode?token=" + token,
}).done(function (data) {
var mySelect = $('.dropdown');
$.each(, function (val, text) {
} else {
//do the login logic
Then when user has chosen page :
'pageId/subscribed_apps?access_token=' +
function (response) {
if (response && !response.error) {
So when one page instance is connected with one application, this not gonna work anymore. Its okey that way.
Is it possible to get this work ? Or maybe you guys have a better idea ?

Getting all Pages user is Admin of using Graph API

I am trying to get a list of all the pages the logged user an Admin of, but I am getting the error "An active access token must be used to query information about the current user". Here is the code I am using:
function login(){
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
$.get("", function(data) {
alert( "success" );
.done(function() {
alert( "second success" );
.fail(function(data) {
alert( "error" );
.always(function() {
alert( "finished" );
} else {
// not auth / cancelled the login!
}, { scope: "manage_pages" });
So in this code, after logging in, the call $.get("") throws the error.
I am able to get the the list using FB.api("/me/accounts"). So how come I can't get it using this code? What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
Simple: You are not passing a user access token with your direct request:
$.get("", function(data) { ... });
instead of
var accessToken = "aoidhfgoafhgoidfhg"; // replace with real access token
$.get("" + accessToken, function(data) { ... });
The FB SDK does this internally/automatically. What's not really clear to me is why you don't use the FB SDK here as well, if you're already using it for FB Login. That doesn't make much sense IMHO.

Getting user app token using react-native facebook SDK

I've gotten facebook login working using the new, however I can't seem to get the user token which is usually returned in the response. Anyone found a way to get this information? The other SDK's returns it on the login request but the new FB sdk doesn't, and the documentation on the github page doesn't mention it anywhere.
Found the answer after some more digging. You need to use the fbsdkcore to access the user token. Heres how you use it.
var FBSDKCore = require('react-native-fbsdkcore');
var {
} = FBSDKCore;
var Login = React.createClass({
render: function() {
return (
onLoginFinished={(error, result) => {
if (error) {
alert('Error logging in.');
} else {
if (result.isCanceled) {
alert('Login cancelled.');
} else {
FBSDKAccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken((token) => {
onLogoutFinished={() => console.log('Logged out.')}
You don't need a third party module (react-native-fbsdkcore)
The package (react-native-fbsdk) has instructions on it's Github page:
After you've logged the user in, you can fetch the access credentials as follows:
import { AccessToken } from 'react-native-fbsdk';
AccessToken.getCurrentAccessToken().then(data => {

Facebook login not responding to FB.login response

I am working on a android phonegap application with facebook integration.
FB.login(function(response) function has a response handler it is being called when
user click on fb button, but its not getting into the function response
or alert('test') every time. it gets into this script only when i hit
around 5 or 6 times. wat i need is to fetch the access token the very first time i logged into facebook. i have gone through a lot of links regarding this but
cant find an exact solution for this...
FB login callback function not responding if user is already logged in facebook
Even this question seems to be same but i cant figure it out my solution.
this is the code am working :
<div id="data">Hello Facebooktesters, loading ...</div>
<button onclick="login()">Login</button>
<button onclick="me()">Me</button>
<button onclick="logout()">Logout</button>
<button onclick="Post()">facebookWallPost</button>
<script type="text/javascript">
document.addEventListener('deviceready', function() {
try {
alert('Device is ready! Make sure you set your app_id below this alert.');
appId : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
nativeInterface : CDV.FB,
useCachedDialogs : false
document.getElementById('data').innerHTML = "FB init executed";
} catch (e) {
}, false);
function me() {
FB.api('/me/friends', {
fields : 'id, name, picture'
}, function(response) {
if (response.error) {
} else {
var data = document.getElementById('data');
fdata =;
console.log("fdata: " + fdata); {
var d = document.createElement('div');
d.innerHTML = "<img src="+item.picture+"/>" +;
var friends =;
for ( var k = 0; k < friends.length && k < 200; k++) {
var friend = friends[k];
var index = 1;
friendIDs[k] =;
//friendsInfo[k] = friend;
console.log("friendId's: " + friendIDs);
function login() {
FB.login(function(response) {
if (response.authResponse) {
alert('logged in');
var access_token = FB.getAuthResponse()['accessToken'];
window.location = "test.html"
} else {
alert('not logged in');
}, {
scope : "email"
function logout() {
FB.logout(function(response) {
alert('logged out');
function Post(ele) {
var domain = '';
console.log('Debug 1');
var params = {
method: 'feed',
name: 'test - test',
link: domain+'test/test/showproddetails.action?product.productId=1',
picture: '',
caption: 'test',
description: 'test'
FB.ui(params, function(obj) { console.log(obj);});
Thank you,
You are missing semicolon in this line :
window.location = "test.html"
This question was posted a while ago but I would like to point out something. FB.login function opens a popup dialog asking if the user would like to log in to your app using Facebook. It is generally recommended that it be run after clicking a button as most browsers would block popup dialogs when a page loads. If the user had previously authorized your app then the popup dialog redirects back to your app and closes the dialog box (assuming your app is a website).
If what you intended to do was to check whether a user is logged in to your app upon page load, then it's recommended that you instead use FB.getLoginStatus method like so
function checkLoginState() {
FB.getLoginStatus(function(response) {
// Check response.status to see if user is logged in
Refer to this extensive documentation on facebook

Facebook Authentication - adding permission for accessing email address

It might be a basic question.
And also my English is poor...
I have a web service which needs Facebook login.
With JavaScript SDK, I can get users' basic information such as user ID, name, gender.
And now there are about 10000 users.
This time, I need to access users' email address.
I know I can get email address from new users by adding scope attribute.
However, from existed users, though I can access email address, I don't know how to display authorization dialogue for permission to access email address.
Any idea? Thanks in advance!
Below is a code snippet that I have used. Basically check their permissions using /me/permissions and show a reauthenticate link
var FB_config = {
API_ID: 123123123123,
PERMISSIONS: "publish_stream,email",
// initialise FB
window.fbAsyncInit = function() {
appId : FB_config.API_ID,
status : true,
cookie : true,
xfbml : true,
oauth : true
FB.Event.subscribe('auth.statusChange', FBverifyLogin);
function FBverifyLogin(response) {
if (response.status === 'connected') {
checkPermissions(); // check permissions if the user is logged in
function checkPermissions(){
FB.api('/me/permissions', function(response) {
var permissions = FB_config.PERMISSIONS.split(",");
for(var i = 0; i < permissions.length; i++)
if([0][permissions[i]] == undefined ||[0][permissions[i]] != 1)
// user does not have full permissions, show reauth link
function FBreauth(){
method: 'oauth',
display: 'popup',
app_id: FB_config.API_ID,
client_id: FB_config.API_ID,
redirect_uri: "",
scope: FB_config.PERMISSIONS
App permissions have changes. Please reauthorize this app