How to connect to a remote meteor mongodb using robomongo - mongodb

I am using Meteor. Which is installed on another server.
I want to access its mongodb from another [Ubuntu Machine].
Now how can I access that mongodb via robomongo or any other tool?
Any guidance or help would be appreciated.

In Robomongo in the upper left:
Click create
In the pop-up window enter the address and port of your Mongo server
Give the connection a name and click save.
Using the Terminal (on the client):
mongo --host <hostname> --port <port>
You have to make sure the port is not blocked on the Ubuntu machine running the Meteor application. Note: when developing a Meteor app the default Mongo port is 3001.


Connect mongodb server via robomongo from another PC

I am using mongodb database for my meteor app. I want to access it from another pc. I have mounted my local as a virtual drive on other PC using ssh. Now I want to connect to mongodb via robomongo. I have given the address as (ip addr of local : port on which meteor is running +1). But its giving an error 'Unable to connect to mongodb'. How to proceed?
The other way around is to start your meteor on a regular mongo server with this command :
MONGO_URL=mongodb://localhost:27017/nameOfDatabase meteor
Be sure to have a running mongo on localhost and to change the nameOfDatabase.
Now it's just a regular mongoDB server to connect. Also you might need to add login and password to that mongo url and the debug parameter after meteor if you use packages like meteor toys.
Please check mongodb's config file /etc/mongod.conf and comment out bind ip
port: 4001
Restart mongodb service. This will allow mongodb to bind to ip's other than localhost.

JDBC connection to mongodb running on Meteor server on Cloud 9

I have a Meteor app running on Cloud 9 and I would like to connect to MongoDB from a window app that I am in trial period (DBSCHEMA:
Cloud 9 guys told me that I need my DB to listen to
In cloud9 I started my app using command: $ meteor --port $IP:$PORT.
I also created a db and user that has role "userAdmin" to this database.
In another terminal, at c9, "Meteor mongo" command give me connecting to:
In DBSchema ping to the server is succesfull, but connection is refused.
So, I am trying to change to but I cant figure out how and not sure its going to work.
Any suggestions please?
use environment variable MONGO_URL=your-mongo-server-ip-or-hostname:8082 in meteor and start mongo with port 8082 on with the config file
Ideally, you should not expose you dB to the outside (so not bind to which exposes the DB on all interfaces including the public IP).
If you want to access it with Robomongo, bind to localhost, and then you should create a ssh tunnel to the server from you local terminal with the command
ssh -L 8082:localhost:8082 your-host
then connect to it with robomongo at localhost:8082 –

Connecting to Meteor Mongo from GUI

How do I connect to my Meteor Mongo instance from a GUI, e.g. MongoChef (I am on Windows running an Ubuntu Virtual Machine which has the Meteor application on it)?
I have tried connecting using the IP address of my running Virtual Box, with both port 3001 and 27017 with no joy - should I be setting up some port forwarding or something?
This applies to an out-of-the-box install of Mongo when Meteor is installed:
The mongo daemon mongod binds to so you need to connect to it via a SSH tunnel if your client supports it. MongoVUE and Mongo Chef both allow this type of connection. Once you SSH into the VM, you can connect to without any trouble. It does not require a password or username, just the database to be set as meteor.

How can I connect to local Meteor's mongodb

How can I connect to the local Meteor's local mongoDB? Fyi, I want to use robomongo as the client. Where can I get the authentication details etc?
I'm using robomongo too
1) Just open robomongo,
2) Create new connection,
3)Give address localhost and port 3001
4) Click connect
Note: Meteor must be running to access the database
While you are creating new connection there is an authentication tab,there u can create username and password for db
enter command meteor mongo in the project directory while you are running the project. it will connect to a mongo shell of the project where you can see the mongo url.
$ meteor mongo
MongoDB shell version: 2.4.9
connecting to:

How to connect mongodb clients to local Meteor MongoDB

How can I connect Robomongo (or any other mongodb client) to the mongodb instance that is created by my local Meteor application?
Ensure Meteor is running on localhost. Open a terminal window and run meteor command. It will start running on localhost:3000 if you have not changed to port.
While it is running, open a separate terminal window and run meteor mongo command. This will open up a MongoDB shell and tell you what port it is connecting to This is normally 3001 as of version or 3002 if earlier. It will say something like
Go to Robomongo (or your favorite mongodb client software) and create a new connection, making sure to change the connection address to localhost and the given the port number. No need to additionally define /meteor if your client does not insist on a default database.
Also as pointed out in some drivers may need specific line endings, delimeters or other character flow. For example, ObjCMongoDB a C based driver wants the url to be with that extra / at the end, or it won't work. So make sure you check the documentation for your driver/client.
Easiest way to get the current configuration details is to use the following command
meteor mongo -U
This will give you the connection string
From terminal run following command
meteor mongo -U
That will show you the local host IP address and in which port you application is running. Now run the Robomongo and configure as following two field as you got by running the previous command
Use SSH tunneling by the following command :
ssh -L 3001:localhost:3001 user-name#host
It forwards connections from your local port 3001 to localhost:3001 on your server. Now we can simply connect to our database.
Create a Robomongo connection on your localhost and hit Test (Out of two checks, Authentication may fail) :
I'm using ObjCMongoDB, a C based mongoDB driver. With the new update instead of using the previous to connect to my localhost running meteor's mongodb, I now need to use with the collection name still being meteor.collection. The important change is the port from :3002 to :3001/. Remember the /, it is critical for the connection.
This worked for me,Before connecting make sure meteor is running.
I am using Robomongo to connect. Create new connection and add
Address as : localhost;
port as: 3001
I'm too using Robomongo and before the latest update V0.7.1,i used port 3002 to connect,as #Serkan Durusoy suggest's for the latest update it is working for 3001 port
#imal365 answer is perfect. Just to add my insight on it:
I realized that the default Meteor Mongo port number is the port number of the application with 1 added to it (as of version In my case, I was running Meteor on port 1337 with the command meteor --port 1337 and my Meteor Mongo port was 1338.