Read specific text patterns in perl [closed] - perl

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to read from a text file only specific text, for example:
I would like to read the whole file except the part of the file from the 3rd "1" from the first "/" until the ".c" after the 4th "/" to make myself more clear I will bold the text I want my program to read and leave unbolded the part of the text I don't want my program to read.
after I do all the operations I want with the bolded text,I want to write it in another file the unbolded text unmodified and the bolded text with the modifications made after the operations,and placed in the original file order.
open my $fh1, '<', 'hex.txt';
open my $fh2, '<', 'hex2.txt';
until ( eof $fh1 or eof $fh2 ) {
my #l1 = map hex,unpack '(a2)*', <$fh1>;
my #l2 = map hex,unpack '(a2)*', <$fh2>;
my $n = #l2 > #l1 ? #l2 : #l1;
my #sum = map {
$l1[$_] + $l2[$_];
} 0 .. $n-1;
#sum = map { sprintf '%X', $_ } #sum;
open my $out, '>', 'sum.txt';
print { $out } #sum, "\n";
I want to sum the hex values from the file hex to the sum values from file hex2,both files have the same construction type, both have text and hex values in the same location and have the exact same length.i just need to understand how to tell him to read from location1 to location2.
Convert file to hex:
my $input = do {
open my $in, '<', $ARGV[0];
local $/;
open my $out, '>', 'hex.txt';
print $out unpack 'H*', $input;

Your precise criteria aren't clear. Are those digits always ones? It's a mistake to show such a very simple example when you're hoping for help. But I suggest you use split
Something like this perhaps?
use strict;
use warnings;
use feature 'say';
my $data = do {
local $/;
$data =~ tr/\n//d;
say for split qr{\d\d\d(?:/\w+)+/\w+\.c}, $data;

I changed the input to be able to recognize what 1's it matches:
This seems to produce the output you want
perl -pe 's=([^/]+).../.*\.c=$1='
[^/] is a character class, it matches anything that's not a slash;
+ means it must be present one or more times
putting it into parentheses makes it a "capture group", i.e. Perl will remember what matched that part.
.../ matches any three character followed by a slash.
.* matches anything.
\.c matches a dot followed by a c.
the whole matching part (abcd in the sample input, up to the c before X) is substituted (hence the starting s) with $1, i.e. the contents of the first capture group, i.e. the abcd in the sample input.


Why this Perl program is not giving expected output? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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open ( F1, "file1.txt" );
open ( F2, "+>file2.txt" );
$/ = "\n\n" ;
while (<F1>) {
print F2;
$/ = "\n" ;
#arr = <F2> ;
#found = grep(/^: /, #arr);
if( $#found == -1) {
truncate(F2, $length);
$/ = "\n\n" ;
Please help me to find the error in this code.
: x
note::a , :b and : x , :y are separated by "\n" and :b and :x by "\n\n"
Expected contents in file2.txt after execution of program:
: x
There are things wrong with your program, but its difficult to tell what you might be referring to, since you do not actually specify a problem or a question.
open ( F1, "file1.txt" );
open ( F2, "+>file2.txt" );
You should use three argument open, with explicit mode and lexical file handle. Also, you should check the return value of the open to see that it did not fail and why. Also, using better names for file handles does not hurt.
open my $in, "<", "file1.txt" or die "Cannot open file1.txt for reading: $!";
open my $out, "+>", "file2.txt" or die "Cannot open file2.txt for overwrite: $!";
Do note that the file open mode +> will truncate your file when you open it, but allow you to both read and write to/from the file handle. Most of the time, you do not want this.
$/ = "\n\n" ;
while (<F1>) {
Setting the input record separator to $/ will read paragraphs from your input file, in your case (assuming I got the formatting right), that would be
$_ = ":a
You then print this value to your output file
print F2; # this means "print F2 $_"
You then change the input record separator again, and read all the lines in your output file:
$/ = "\n" ;
#arr = <F2> ;
But unfortunately, this is wrong, because the position of the file handle will be at the end of file (eof), because this is a file handle your are printing to. So #arr will be empty.
#found = grep(/^: /, #arr);
if( $#found == -1) {
truncate(F2, $length);
So this code, with the truncate will always happen. Also, of course, $length is an undefined variable, so it will give you a warning such as Use of uninitialized value $length in truncate at ... unless you have been so foolish as to not use:
use warnings;
I assume that what you are trying to do here is to check the input received before printing it to the output, but you should know that trying to print and truncate afterwards is a horrible idea. Why not check it before printing it instead? That's not only how its done 99.99% of the times, its also the simplest and most logical way to do it.
if (/^: /) {
print $out $_;
/^: / is short for $_ =~ /^: /, in case you are uncertain -- it applies a regex match operator to the default input variable $_, which are what you are reading to in the while (<F1>) loop condition, which is short for while ($_ = <F1>)
In your programs you should always use
use strict;
use warnings;
And learn to use them, because they will save you lots of time when debugging, and give you vital information about what your program is doing.
So you get:
use strict;
use warnings;
open my $in, "<", "file1.txt" or die "Cannot open file1.txt for reading: $!";
open my $out, "+>", "file2.txt" or die "Cannot open file2.txt for overwrite: $!";
$/ = "\n\n";
while (<$in>) {
if (/^: /) {
print $out $_;
Be advised that you can solve this with a simple one-liner program
perl -00 -nle 'print if /^: /' file1.txt > file2.txt

Printing % characters with printf function in perl [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How do I print the '%' character with 'printf'?
(6 answers)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have a Perl script that takes as an input a text file containing several sentences (Sentences.txt). Each sentence is separated with a white line. The script creates separate text files for each sentence in Sentences.txt. For example, Sent1.txt for the first sentence in Sentences.txt, Sent2.txt for the second sentence in Sentences.txt and so on.
The problem comes when I try to print a sentence from Sentences.txt to the corresponding separate file (SentX.txt) using the printf function and the sentence contains a % character. How can I solve this?
This is the code:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
use warnings;
# Separate sentences
my $sep_dir = "./sep_dir";
# Sentences.txt
my $sent = "Sentences.txt";
open my $fsent, "<", $sent or die "can not open '$sent'\n";
# read sentences
my $kont = 1;
my $previous2_line = "";
my $previous_line = "";
my $mom_line = "";
while(my $line = <$fsent>){
$previous2_line = $previous_line;
$previous_line = $mom_line;
$mom_line = $line;
if($mom_line !~ m/^\s*$/){
# create separate sentence file
my $fitx_esal = "Sent.$kont.txt";
open my $fesal, ">", $fitx_esal or die "can not open '$fitx_esal'\n";
printf $fesal $mom_line;
close $fesal or die "can not close '$fitx_esal'.\n";
close $fsent or die "can not close '$sent'.\n";
If you just want to put the sentence as you found it, why not use print? That has no Problem with %.
If printf is required you will need to replace every % with %%, for example using
$sentence =~ s/%/%%/g;
The f in printf stands for "format", not "file". You're missing the format parameter.
printf $fesal "%s", $mom_line;
But you could simply use
print $fesal $mom_line;
To include % in a (s)printf format, double it: %%.

how to output the second line in a multi-line file [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I have a big file with repeated lines as follows:
I will like to output the all the 'second line' in the file. I have the following code snipped for doing this, but it's not working as expected. Lines 1, 3 and 4 are in the output instead.
open(IN,"<", "file1.txt") || die "cannot open input file:$!";
while (<IN>) {
$line = $line . $_;
if ($line =~ /^\#/) {
my $line = $line;
print "$line";
Please help!
try this
open(IN,"<", "file1.txt") || die "cannot open input file:$!";
my $lines = "";
while (<IN>) {
if ($. % 4 == 2) $lines .= $_;
print "$lines";
I assume what you are asking is how to print the line that comes after a line that begins with #:
perl -ne 'if (/^\#/) { print scalar <> }' file1.txt
This says, "If the line begins with #, then print the next line. Do this for all the files in the argument list." The scalar function is used here to impose a scalar context on the file handle, so that it does not print the whole file. By default print has a list context for its arguments.
If you actually want to print the second line in the file, well, that's even easier. Here's a few examples:
Using the line number $. variable, printing if it equals line number 2.
perl -ne '$. == 2 and print, close ARGV' yourfile.txt
Note that if you have multiple files, you must close the ARGV file handle to reset the counter $.. Note also the use of the lower precedence operator and will force print and close to both be bound to the conditional.
Using regular logic.
perl -ne 'print scalar <>; close ARGV;'
perl -pe '$_ = <>; close ARGV;'
Both of these uses a short-circuit feature by closing the ARGV file handle when the second line is printed. If you should want to print every other line of a file, both these will do that if you remove the close statements.
perl -ne '$at = $. if /^\#/; print if $. - 1 == $at' file1.txt
Written out longhand, the above is equivalent to
open my $fh, "<", "file1.txt";
my $at_line = 0;
while (<$fh>) {
if (/^\#/) {
$at_line = $.;
else {
print if $. - 1 == $at_line;
If you want lines 2, 6, 10 printed, then:
while (<>)
print if $. % 4 == 2;
Where $. is the current line number — and I didn't spend the time opening and closing the file. That might be:
my $file = "file1.txt";
open my $in, "<", $file or die "cannot open input file $file: $!";
while (<$in>)
print if $. % 4 == 2;
This uses the modern preferred form of file handle (a lexical file handle), and the braces around the construct mean the file handle is closed automatically. The name of the file that couldn't be opened is included in the error message; the or operator is used so the precedence is correct (the parentheses and || in the original were fine too and could be used here, but conventionally are not).
If you want the line after a line starting with # printed, you have to organize things differently.
my $print_next = 0;
while (<>)
if ($print_next)
print $_;
$print_next = 0;
elsif (m/^#/)
$print_next = 1;
Dissecting the code in the question
The original version of the code in the question was (line numbers added for convenience):
1 open(IN,"<", "file1.txt") || die "cannot open input file:$!";
2 while (<IN>) {
3 $line = $line . $_;
4 if ($line =~ /^\#/) {
5 <IN>;
6 #next;
7 my $line = $line;
8 }
9 }
10 print "$line";
Discussion of each line:
OK, though it doesn't use a lexical file handle or report which file could not be opened.
Premature and misguided. This adds the current line to the variable $line before any analysis is done. If it was desirable, it could be written $line .= $_;
Suggests that the correct description for the desired output is not 'the second lines' but 'the line after a line starting with #. Note that since there is no multi-line modifier on the regex, this will always match only the first line segment in the variable $line. Because of the premature concatenation, it will match on each line (because the first line of data starts with #), executing the code in lines 5-8.
Reads another line into $_. It doesn't test for EOF, but that's harmless.
Comment line; no significance except to suggest some confusion.
my $line = $line; is a self-assignment to a new variable hiding the outer $line...mainly, this is weird and to a lesser extent it is a no-op. You are not using use strict; and use warnings; because you would have warnings if you did. Perl experts use use strict; and use warnings; to make sure they haven't made silly mistakes; novices should use them for the same reason.
Of itself, OK. However, the code in the condition has not really done very much. It skips the second line in the file; it will later skip the fourth, the sixth, the eighth, etc.
OK, but...if you're only interested in printing the lines after the line starting #, or only interested in printing the line numbers 2N+2 for integral N, then there is no need to build up the entire string in memory before printing each line. It will be simpler to print each line that needs printing as it is found.

I want to replace a sequence name in fasta file with another name

I have one fasta file and one text file fasta file contains sequences in fasta format and text file contains name of genes now I want to replace name of the sequences in fasta file after '>' sign with the gene names in text file
I am new to perl though I have written a script but I don't know why its not working can anyone help me on that please
following is my script:
print"Enter annotated file...";
print"Enter sequence file...";
open(FILE1,$f1) || die"Can't open $f1";
open(FILE2,$f2) || die"Can't open $f2";
print #seqfile[$j];
my files looks like following:
pool75_contig_389 ubiquitin ligase e3a
pool75_contig_704 tumor susceptibility
pool75_contig_1977 serine threonine-protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit
pool75_contig_3064 bardet-biedl syndrome 2 protein P
pool75_contig_2499 succinyl- ligase
Consider using Bio::SeqIO to parse your Fasta dataset, instead of doing it yourself. Bio::SeqIO lives for this task, and is well developed for it. Additionally, if you're in bioinformatics, it would serve you well to get to know Bio::SeqIO. Given this, consider the following:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bio::SeqIO;
open my $fh, '<', 'annot.txt' or die $!;
my %annot = map { /(\S+)\s+(.+)/; $1 => $2 } <$fh>;
close $fh;
my $in = Bio::SeqIO->new( -file => 'goat300.fasta', -format => 'Fasta' );
while ( my $seq = $in->next_seq() ) {
my $seqID = $annot{ $seq->id } // $seq->id;
print "$seqID\n" . $seq->seq . "\n";
Output on your datasets:
tumor susceptibility
ubiquitin ligase e3a
serine threonine-protein phosphatase 4 catalytic subunit
bardet-biedl syndrome 2 protein P
succinyl- ligase
The hash %annot is initialized by reading and capturing the contents of your annot.txt data. A Bio::SeqIO object is created using your goat300.fasta file data. The while loop iterates through your fasta sequences. The variable $seqID either takes the associated value of the key in the %annot hash or it keeps the current sequence ID (the // notation means defined or, so that insures $seqID will be defined). Finally, the Fasta record is printed.
Hope this helps!
There were a lot of warnings in your code, and your approach was inefficient. Let me first show you a working Perl program. I'll explain afterwards.
use strict;
use warnings;
# Read the annotations file
print"Enter annotated file...\n";
# my $f1 = <STDIN>;
my $f1 = 'annot.txt';
open(my $fh_annotations, '<', $f1) or die "Can't open $f1";
my #annotfile = <$fh_annotations>;
close $fh_annotations;
# Read the sequence file
print"Enter sequence file...\n";
# my $f2 = <STDIN>;
my $f2 = 'goat300.fasta';
open(my $fh_genes, '<', $f2) or die "Can't open $f2";
my #seqfile = <$fh_genes>;
close $fh_genes;
# Process the annotations data
my %names; # this hash is going to hold the names
foreach my $line (#annotfile) {
chomp $line; # remove newline
my #fields = split /\t/, $line; # split into array
$names{$fields[0]} = $fields[1]; # save in the hash as key->value pair
# Process the sequence data
foreach my $line (#seqfile) {
# Look at each line
if ($line =~ m/>(.+)$/) {
# If there is a heading there, remember it...
if (exists $names{$1}) {
# ... check if we know a name for it and replace it in the line
$line =~ s/($1)/$names{$1}/;
# output the line (this would be done to another filehandle)
print $line;
This reads both files and saves them in memory, just like yours did. But instead of trying to build two arrays for the names, I went with a hash, which is a key/value pair. Think of it like an array with names instead of numbers and no particular sorting.
Once these names are set up, I can process the sequence file. I simply look at each line and check if there is a heading there, by looking for the > sign. If it's there (it goes into $1 because of the parenthesis), I look if we have a hash entry (with exists) in our %names hash. If we do, we can replace the heading with the proper name.
After that, we could write it out to a new file. I'm just printing it.
I've used a few other techniques. Unfortunately the literature people get in a BioPerl context is quite outdated. Please take this advice, it will make your live easier.
Always use strict and warnings. They will tell you about problems with your code.
Always declare your variables with my. This is not like other languages, where you need to set up a variable at the top of your problem. You can declare it where you need it. The vars only live in a certain scope, which means between the nearest enclosing { and } brackets, or block.
Use three-argument open and lexical file handles for security. Read more here.
Perl offers foreach as an alternative to the C for loop. In this case, it made things a lot easier.
One more thing about this program: While this example data was rather short, I believe your actual data might be a lot larger. Consider processing the sequence file while you read it so you do not run out of memory. There's no need to save all the lines, unless you want to do something else with them.
open my $fh_out, '>', $filename_out or die $!;
open my $fh_in, '<', $filename_in or die $!;
while (my $line = <$fh_in>) {
# do stuff with the line, like your regex
print $fh_out $line;
close $fh_in;
close $fh_out;

parse a huge text file in perl

I have a text file which is tab separated. They can be quite big upto 1 GB. I will have variable number of columns depending on the number of sample in them. Each sample have eight columns.For example, sampleA : ID1, id2, MIN_A, AVG_A, MAX_A,AR1_A,AR2_A,AR_A,AR_5. Of which the ID1, and id2 are the common to all the samples. What I want to achieve is split the whole file in to chunks of files depending on the number of samples.
This is how my model file looks, I want to have them as :
File A :
File B:
File C:
Is there any easy way of doing this than going thorough an array?
How I have worked out my logic is counting the (number of headers - 2) and dividing them by 8 will give me the number of Samples in the file. And then going through each element in an array and to parse them . Seems to be a tedious way of doing this. I would be happy to know any simpler way of handling this.
#!/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# open three output filehandles
my %fh;
for (qw[A B C]) {
open $fh{$_}, '>', "file$_" or die $!;
# open input
open my $in, '<', 'somefile' or die $!;
# read the header line. there are no doubt ways to parse this to
# work out what the rest of the program should do.
while (<$in>) {
my #data = split /,/;
print $fh{A} join(',', #data[0 .. 9]), "\n";
print $fh{B} join(',', #data[0, 1, 10 .. 17]), "\n";
print $fh{C} join(',', #data[0, 1, 18 .. $#data]), "\n";
Update: I got bored and made it cleverer, so it automatically handles any number of 8-column records in a file. Unfortunately, I don't have time to explain it or add comments.
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
# open input
open my $in, '<', 'somefile' or die $!;
chomp(my $head = <$in>);
my #cols = split/,/, $head;
die 'Invalid number of records - ' . #cols . "\n"
if (#cols -2) % 8;
my #files;
my $name = 'A';
foreach (1 .. (#cols - 2) / 8) {
my %desc;
$desc{start_col} = (($_ - 1) * 8) + 2;
$desc{end_col} = $desc{start_col} + 7;
open $desc{fh}, '>', 'file' . $name++ or die $!;
print {$desc{fh}} join(',', #cols[0,1],
#cols[$desc{start_col} .. $desc{end_col}]),
push #files, \%desc;
while (<$in>) {
my #data = split /,/;
foreach my $f (#files) {
print {$f->{fh}} join(',', #data[0,1],
#data[$f->{start_col} .. $f->{end_col}]),
This is independent to the number of samples. I'm not confident on the output file name though because you might reach more than 26 samples. Just replace how the output file name works if that's the case. :)
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Slurp;
use Text::CSV_XS;
use Carp qw( croak );
#I'm lazy
my #source_file = read_file('source_file.csv');
# you metion yours is tab separated
# just add the {sep_char => "\t"} inside new
my $csv = Text::CSV_XS->new()
or croak "Cannot use CSV: " . Text::CSV_XS->error_diag();
my $output_file;
#read each row
while ( my $raw_line = shift #source_file ) {
my #fields = $csv->fields();
#get the first 2 ids
my #ids = splice #fields, 0, 2;
my $group = 0;
while (#fields) {
#get the first 8 columns
my #columns = splice #fields, 0, 8;
#if you want to change the separator of the output replace ',' with "\t"
push #{ $output_file->[$group] }, (join ',', #ids, #columns), $/;
#for filename purposes
my $letter = 65;
foreach my $data (#$output_file) {
my $output_filename = sprintf( 'SAMPLE_%c.csv', $letter );
write_file( $output_filename, #$data );
#if you reach more than 26 samples then you might want to use numbers instead
#my $sample_number = 1;
#foreach my $data (#$output_file) {
# my $output_filename = sprintf( 'sample_%s.csv', $sample_number );
# write_file( $output_filename, #$data );
# $sample_number++;
Here is a one liner to print the first sample, you can write a shell script to write the data for different samples into different files
perl -F, -lane 'print "#F[0..1] #F[2..9]"' <INPUT_FILE_NAME>
You said tab separated, but your example shows it being comma separated. I take it that's a limitation in putting your sample data in Markdown?
I guess you're a bit concerned about memory, so you want to open the multiple files and write them as you parse your big file.
I would say to try Text::CSV::Simple. However, I believe it reads the entire file into memory which might be a problem for a file this size.
It's pretty easy to read a line, and put that line into a list. The issue is mapping the fields in that list to the names of the fields themselves.
If you read in a file with a while loop, you're not reading the whole file into memory at once. If you read in each line, parse that line, then write that line to the various output files, you're not taking up a lot of memory. There's a cache, but I believe it's emptied after a \n is written to the file.
The trick is to open the input file, then read in the first line. You want to create some sort of field mapping structure, so you can figure out which fields to write to each of the output files.
I would have a list of all the files you need to write to. This way, you can go through the list for each file. Each item in the list should contain the information you need for writing to that file.
First, you need a filehandle, so you know which file you're writing to. Second, you need a list of the field numbers you've got to write to that particular output file.
I see some sort of processing loop like this:
while (my $line = <$input_fh>) { #Line from the input file.
chomp $line;
my #input_line_array = split /\t/, $line;
my $fileHandle;
foreach my $output_file (#outputFileList) { #List of output files.
$fileHandle = $output_file->{FILE_HANDLE};
my #fieldsToWrite;
foreach my $fieldNumber (#{$output_file->{FIELD_LIST}}) {
push $fieldsToWrite, $input_line_array[$field];
say $file_handle join "\t", #fieldsToWrite;
I'm reading in one line of the input file into $line and dividing that up into fields which I am putting in the #input_line_array. Now that I have the line, I have to figure out which fields get written to each of the output files.
I have a list called #outputFileList that is a list of all the output files I want to write to. $outputFileList[$fileNumber]->{FILE_HANDLE} contains the file handle for my output file $fileNumber. $ouputFileList[$fileNumber]->{FIELD_LIST} is a list of fields I want to write to output file $fileNumber. This is indexed to the fields in #input_line_array. So if
$outputFileList[$fileNumber]->{FIELD_LIST} = [0, 1, 2, 4, 6, 8];
Means that I want to write the following fields to my output file: $input_line_array[0], $input_line_array[1], $input_line_array[2], $input_line_array[4], $input_line_array[6], and $input_line_array[8] to my output file $outputFileList->[$fileNumber]->{FILE_HANDLE} in that order as a tab separated list.
I hope this is making some sense.
The initial problem is reading in the first line of <$input_fh> and parsing it into the needed complex structure. However, now that you have an idea on how this structure needs to be stored, parsing that first line shouldn't be too much of an issue.
Although I didn't use object oriented code in this example (I'm pulling this stuff out of my a... I mean... brain as I write this post). I would definitely use an object oriented code approach with this. It will actually make things much faster by removing errors.