Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketSetOption - sockets

in open-jdk-8 :
this jin function : Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketSetOption:
* SO_TIMEOUT is a no-op on Solaris/Linux
if (cmd == java_net_SocketOptions_SO_TIMEOUT) {
file: openjdk7/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c
does this mean , on linux setOption of SO_TIMEOUT will be ignored ?
I am can't found the jin for linux. but the solaris's code seems also works for linux .

No, it just means it isn't implemented as a socket option. Some platforms don't support it. On those platforms select() or friends are used.

The source inside solaris folder is also used for Linux.
SO_TIMEOUT is ignored in Java_java_net_PlainSocketImpl_socketSetOption0. But timeout is kept as a field when AbstractPlainSocketImpl.setOption is called:
if (val == null || (!(val instanceof Integer)))
throw new SocketException("Bad parameter for SO_TIMEOUT");
int tmp = ((Integer) val).intValue();
if (tmp < 0)
throw new IllegalArgumentException("timeout < 0");
// Saved for later use
timeout = tmp;
And timeout is used when doing read in SocketInputStream:
public int read(byte b[], int off, int length) throws IOException {
return read(b, off, length, impl.getTimeout());


Under what circumstances, if any, can ReadFile hang after WSAEventSelect said it was ready?

This is rather ugly. We're getting weird hangups caused (read: triggered) by some security scanning software. I suspect it has a nonstandard TCP/IP stack, and the customer is asking why hangups.
Static analysis suggests only two possible locations for the hangup. The hangup either has to be in ReadFile() or WriteFile() on a socket; and WriteFile() cannot hang here unless the scanner is designed to make WriteFile() hang by setting the window size to zero. If WriteFile() were to return at all even if it didn't make progress I'd be able to knock the thing out of its wedged state. I also don't think the log state is consistent with WriteFile() returning.
So onto ReadFile(): this is the calling sequence:
SOCKET conn;
HANDLE unwedgeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
HANDLE listenEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL);
if (listenEvent == NULL) return;
conn = accept(lstn);
for (;;) {
HANDLE wakeup[2];
wakeup[0] = unwedgeEvent;
wakeup[1] = listenEvent;
if (WSAEventSelect(conn, socket, FD_READ | FD_CLOSE) == 0) {
// Log error
which = WaitForMultipleObjects(2, wakeup, FALSE, INFINITE);
if (which < 0) {
// Log error
if (which == 1) {
DWORD read;
r = ReadFile(conn, chunk, 4096, &read, NULL);
if (r == 0) {
// Handle error -- not stuck here
} else {
// Handle data -- not stuck here either
if (which == 0) break;
Where signalling unwedgeEvent doesn't manage to accomplish anything and the thread remains stuck forever.
So the real question is have I gone nuts or is this really a thing that can happen?
So this has gone somewhat off the deep end; I don't need non-blocking sockets at all. I need a select() that takes handle arguments to things that are sockets and things that are not sockets.
The following API sequences do not hang in ReadFile:
Sender B Receiver
* WaitForMultipeObjects
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
* WaitForMultipeObjects
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
* WaitForMultipeObjects
send(buffer size = 2)
ReadFile(size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
* WaitForMultipeObjects
send(buffer size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 2)
* WaitForMultipeObjects
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
send(buffer size = 1)
ReadFile(size = 1)
I see a number of issues with your code:
You should use WSACreateEvent() and WSAWaitForMultipleEvents() instead of CreateEvent() and WaitForMultipleObjects(). Although the current implementation is that the former APIs simply map to the latter APIs, Microsoft is free to change that implementation at any time without breaking code that uses the former APIs properly.
In your call to WSAEventSelect(), socket should be listenEvent instead.
WSAEventSelect() returns SOCKET_ERROR (-1) on failure, not 0 like you have coded.
You are not calling WSAEnumNetworkEvents() at all, which you need to do in order to determine if FD_READ was the actual type of event triggered, and to clear the socket's event state and reset the event object. So, you may be acting on a stale read state, which could explain why you end up calling ReadFile() when there is actually nothing available to read.
WSAEventSelect() puts the socket into non-blocking mode (per its documentation), so it is actually not possible for ReadFile() (or any other reading function) to block on the socket. However, it could fail immediately with a WSAEWOULDBLOCK error, so make sure you are not treating that condition as a fatal error.
The WSAEventSelect() documentation does not list ReadFile() as a supported function for re-enabling events when calling WSAEnumNetworkEvents(). Although the Socket Handles documentation does say that a Winsock SOCKET can be used with non-Winsock I/O functions like ReadFile(), it recommends that a SOCKET should only be used with Winsock functions. So, you should use send()/recv() or WSASend()/WSARecv() instead of WriteFile()/ReadFile().
With that said, try something more like the following:
HANDLE unwedgeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
if (unwedgeEvent == NULL) {
// Log error
SOCKET conn = accept(lstn, NULL, NULL);
if (conn == INVALID_SOCKET) {
// Log error
WSAEVENT listenEvent = WSACreateEvent();
if (listenEvent == NULL) {
// Log error
else if (WSAEventSelect(conn, listenEvent, FD_READ | FD_CLOSE) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// Log error
else {
WSAEVENT wakeup[2];
wakeup[0] = (WSAEVENT) unwedgeEvent;
wakeup[1] = listenEvent;
char chunk[4096];
int read;
do {
DWORD which = WSAWaitForMultipleEvents(2, wakeup, FALSE, WSA_INFINITE, FALSE);
if (which == WSA_WAIT_FAILED) {
// Log error
if (which == WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0) {
if (which == (WSA_WAIT_EVENT_0+1)) {
if (WSAEnumNetworkEvents(conn, listenEvent, &events) == SOCKET_ERROR) {
// Log error
if (events.lNetworkEvents & FD_READ) {
read = recv(conn, chunk, sizeof(chunk), 0);
if (read == SOCKET_ERROR) {
if (WSAGetLastError() != WSAEWOULDBLOCK) {
// Log error
else if (read == 0) {
else {
// Handle chunk up to read number of bytes
if (events.lNetworkEvents & FD_CLOSE) {
while (true);

How can I implement a read function with a timeout after sending a frame in the same programm?

I implemented a communication between a client and server. But I have a problem, after sending a CAN frame with the function can_SendIsoTP() the select function is set to 0 even though it should be 1 because it get to read directly data from the server. Do you know why it doesn't work.
It works only when I am doing a breaking point before the select line is executed or with the sleep function (std::chrono::seconds dura(1); std::this_thread::sleep_for(dura);)
FD_SET(s, &fd);
can_SendIsoTP(s, result);
//std::chrono::seconds dura(1);
rv = select(s + 1, &fd,NULL, NULL, &timeout);
if (rv == -1)
perror("select"); /* an error accured */
else if (rv == 0)
printf("timeout"); /* a timeout occured */
nbytes = read(s, buffer, sizeof(buffer));
Thank you so much!!!

opensc-pkcs11 not getting any token

I am writing a sample program using in redhat linux. This is for pure software implementation of AES encryption/decryption. I am not using for any card.
My program intilizes the cryptoki successfully but giving CKR_TOKEN_NOT_PRESENT error.
code snippet is given.
CK_C_Initialize pC_Initialize;
CK_RV rv;
rv = C_GetFunctionList(&pFunctionList);
if(rv == CKR_OK)
pC_Initialize = pFunctionList -> C_Initialize;
rv = (*pC_Initialize)(NULL_PTR);
CK_ULONG ulSlotCount;
CK_C_GetSlotList pC_GetSlotList;
pC_GetSlotList = pFunctionList -> C_GetSlotList;
rv = (*pC_GetSlotList)(CK_FALSE, NULL_PTR, &ulSlotCount);
/* Get list of all slots */
//rv = C_GetSlotList(FALSE, NULL_PTR, &ulSlotCount);
if (rv == CKR_OK)
pSlotList =
//rv = C_GetSlotList(FALSE, pSlotList, &ulSlotCount);
rv = (*pC_GetSlotList)(CK_FALSE, pSlotList, &ulSlotCount);
if (rv == CKR_OK)
/* Now use that list of all slots */
l_lSlotId = pSlotList[0];
CK_SLOT_INFO slotInfo;
CK_TOKEN_INFO tokenInfo;
CK_C_GetSlotInfo pC_GetSlotInfo;
pC_GetSlotInfo = pFunctionList -> C_GetSlotInfo;
/* Get slot information for first slot */
rv = (*pC_GetSlotInfo)(pSlotList[0], &slotInfo);
fprintf(stderr, "pC_GetSlotInfo: rv = 0x%.8X\n", rv);
if(rv == CKR_OK)
/* Get token information for first slot */
cerr<<"pC_GetSlotInfo OK"<<endl;
CK_C_GetTokenInfo pC_GetTokenInfo;
pC_GetTokenInfo = pFunctionList -> C_GetTokenInfo;
rv = (*pC_GetTokenInfo)(pSlotList[0], &tokenInfo);
fprintf(stderr, "pC_GetTokenInfo: rv = 0x%.8X\n", rv);
Can anybody give idea about what is happening? I believe opensc-pkcs11 can be used for just software implementation also.
Thanks in advance.
PKCS#11 library shipped with OpenSC acts "only as a driver" for a bunch of generally available cryptographic smart cards so unless you have a physical card reader connected to your computer it won't find any slots. If you are looking for a pure software PKCS#11 implementation then I believe you should pick one from my answer to your previous question. If none of them suits your need then maybe you could use some general purpose cryptographic library such as OpenSSL, GnuTLS or Botan.

order of execution of forked processes

int sem_id;
void update_file(int number)
struct sembuf sem_op;
FILE* file;
printf("Inside Update Process\n");
/* wait on the semaphore, unless it's value is non-negative. */
sem_op.sem_num = 0;
sem_op.sem_op = -1; /* <-- Amount by which the value of the semaphore is to be decreased */
sem_op.sem_flg = 0;
semop(sem_id, &sem_op, 1);
/* we "locked" the semaphore, and are assured exclusive access to file. */
/* manipulate the file in some way. for example, write a number into it. */
file = fopen("file.txt", "a+");
if (file) {
fprintf(file, " \n%d\n", number);
/* finally, signal the semaphore - increase its value by one. */
sem_op.sem_num = 0;
sem_op.sem_op = 1;
sem_op.sem_flg = 0;
semop( sem_id, &sem_op, 1);
void write_file(char* contents)
printf("Inside Write Process\n");
struct sembuf sem_op;
sem_op.sem_num = 0;
sem_op.sem_op = -1;
sem_op.sem_flg = 0;
semop( sem_id, &sem_op, 1);
FILE *file = fopen("file.txt","w");
sem_op.sem_num = 0;
sem_op.sem_op = 1;
sem_op.sem_flg = 0;
semop( sem_id, &sem_op, 1);
int main()
//key_t key = ftok("file.txt",'E');
sem_id = semget( IPC_PRIVATE, 1, 0600 | IPC_CREAT);
/*here 100 is any arbit number to be assigned as the key of the
semaphore,1 is the number of semaphores in the semaphore set, */
if(sem_id == -1)
perror("main : semget");
int rc = semctl( sem_id, 0, SETVAL, 1);
pid_t u = fork();
if(u == 0)
pid_t w = fork();
if(w == 0)
If I run the above code as a c code, the write_file() function is called after the update_file () function
Whereas if I run the same code as a c++ code, the order of execution is reverse... why is it so??
Just some suggestions, but it looks to me like it could be caused by a combination of things:
The wait() call is supposed to take a pointer argument (that can
be NULL). Compiler should have caught this, but you must be picking
up another definition somewhere that permits your syntax. You are
also missing an include for sys/wait.h. This might be why the
compiler isn't complaining as I'd expect it to.
Depending on your machine/OS configuration the fork'd process may
not get to run until after the parent yields. Assuming the "wait()"
you are calling isn't working the way we would be expecting, it is
possible for the parent to execute completely before the children
get to run.
Unfortunately, I wasn't able to duplicate the same temporal behavior. However, when I generated assembly files for each of the two cases (C & C++), I noticed that the C++ version is missing the "wait" system call, but the C version is as I would expect. To me, this suggests that somewhere in the C++ headers this special version without an argument is being #defined out of the code. This difference could be the reason behind the behavior you are seeing.
In a nutshell... add the #include, and change your wait calls to "wait(0)"

Eclipe PDE: Jump to line X and highlight it

A qustion about Eclipse PDE development: I write a small plugin for Eclipse and have the following
* an org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor
* a line number
How can I automatically jump to that line and mark it? It's a pity that the API seems only to support offsets (see: ITextEditor.selectAndReveal()) within the document but no line numbers.
The best would be - although this doesn't work:
ITextEditor editor = (ITextEditor)IDE.openEditor(PlatformUI.getWorkbench().getActiveWorkbenchWindow().getActivePage(), file, true );
It this possible in some way? I did not find a solution
on the class DetailsView I found the following method.
private static void goToLine(IEditorPart editorPart, int lineNumber) {
if (!(editorPart instanceof ITextEditor) || lineNumber <= 0) {
ITextEditor editor = (ITextEditor) editorPart;
IDocument document = editor.getDocumentProvider().getDocument(
if (document != null) {
IRegion lineInfo = null;
try {
// line count internaly starts with 0, and not with 1 like in
// GUI
lineInfo = document.getLineInformation(lineNumber - 1);
} catch (BadLocationException e) {
// ignored because line number may not really exist in document,
// we guess this...
if (lineInfo != null) {
editor.selectAndReveal(lineInfo.getOffset(), lineInfo.getLength());
Even though org.eclipse.ui.texteditor.ITextEditor deals wiith offset, it should be able to take your line number with the selectAndReveal() method.
See this thread and this thread.
Try something along the line of:
((ITextEditor)org.eclipse.jdt.ui.JavaUI.openInEditor(compilationUnit)).selectAndReveal(int, int);