Protractor how to wait for options - protractor

I have code like this:
element(by.model("roleSelection.role")).element(by.cssContainingText('option', newRole)).click();//.then(function() {console.log('role click')})//;
where the options is loaded via a call to the server.
I can wait for the first element by doing this
browser.wait(function() {
return browser.isElementPresent(by.model("roleSelection.role")).then(function(present){
return present;
});}, 8000);
and it seems to work. But how can I wait until the "sub-element" is clickable.
I have tried this
browser.wait(function() {
return browser.isElementPresent(by.model("roleSelection.role")).then(function(present){
if (present) {
var elm = element(by.model("roleSelection.role"));
return elm.isElementPresent(by.cssContainingText('option', newRole)).then(function(subpresent) {
return subpresent;
}); }, 8000);

Have you tried clickable? Something along these lines
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var select = element(by.model("roleSelection.role"))
var isClickable = EC.elementToBeClickable(select);
browser.wait(isClickable,5000); //now options should have been loaded by now

Well, try to this:
But, Please keep in mind, Protractor is suitable for angular webpages and interactions, and animations. For example ng-animate. So, it is not sure to working for example jquery, or other animates.
In this way:
onPrepare: function () {
// disable animations when testing to speed things up
var disableNgAnimate = function () {
angular.module('disableNgAnimate', []).run(function ($animate) {
browser.addMockModule('disableNgAnimate', disableNgAnimate);
Or you can switch in script way in browser.executeScript().
Please see this link. It works only jquery animations.
If you not have animate problems. Use setTimeout() JS function.


How to select a drop down using protractor?

Can any one help me on how to select a drop down in protractor.
Page Object code
function selectDropdownbyNum(element, optionNum) {
if (optionNum) {
element.all(by.tagName('option')).then(function(options) {
console.log('Desired value selected');
var pageName= function(){
this.selectTier = async function(){
var Tiers = element(by.xpath(/*element value*/));
console.log('select silver method');
console.log('value selected');
module.exports = new pageName();
And Spec is as follows
it('select Silver Tier',async function(){
browser.ignoreSynchronization = true;
console.log('Executing silver tier selection test case');
await pageName.selectTier()
I have tried the above code. I am able to print all the values of the drop down, but am unable to click.
Is their any mistake in the above code.I can print the 'Desired value selected'. But value was not selected
May this will help you for selecting option
element(by.cssContainingText('option','Option value')).click();
element('id')).sendKeys("Values from option");
this worked for me
var Tiers = element(by.xpath(dropDownValue));;
selectDropdownbyNum(element, optionNum) {
if (optionNum) {
element.all(by.tagName('option')).then(function(options) {
avoid using Xpath example use :
element(by.css('select[formcontrolname="any value according to situation"]'));
I haven't tested it, but I suppose it's because of the nested promise you are using inside the for loop. The nature of the promise is to be async, and the for loop is synchronous, which results in the loop complete whyle the very first promise items[i].getText().then get's resolved and that's why your click didn't succeed. If you don't need to know the option names, then just remove the nested promise items[i].getText() and just execute the click in the loop.

How to detect when Mapbox/Leaflet enters or exits fullscreen mode

How can I detect when Mapbox or Leaflet enters or exits fullscreen mode?
I found this answer where someone said this:
Documentation says:
map.on('fullscreenchange', function () {
if (map.isFullscreen()) {
console.log('entered fullscreen');
} else {
console.log('exited fullscreen');
If doesnt work, use this instead:
map.on('enterFullscreen', function(){
map.on('exitFullscreen', function(){
I tried that, as well as a few variations of the event type parameter. No dice.
Also, the documentation doesn't mention an event for this.
Note that I am using Mapbox GL JS.
I know this is a late response but to anyone in the future this is how I approached it (for mapbox GL JS (without leaflet).
map.on("resize", () => {
if (document.fullscreenElement) // do something
You can give the map wrapper div a name and exclusively also check if the map is what triggered the fullscreen event
map.on("resize", () => {
if (document.fullscreenElement? === "mapWrapper") // do something
And if you are using React you can use a state to hold this information.
const [isFullScreen, setIsFullScreen] = useState();
map.on("resize", () => {
document.fullscreenElement? === "mapWrapper"
if (isFullScreen) //do something
This is actually really simple. You don't need anything from Leaflet or Mapbox. Just use an event listener on the document object.
let fullScreenChange;
if ('onfullscreenchange' in window.document) {
fullScreenChange = 'fullscreenchange';
} else if ('onmozfullscreenchange' in window.document) {
fullScreenChange = 'mozfullscreenchange';
} else if ('onwebkitfullscreenchange' in window.document) {
fullScreenChange = 'webkitfullscreenchange';
} else if ('onmsfullscreenchange' in window.document) {
fullScreenChange = 'MSFullscreenChange';
function onFullscreenChange() {
// Your stuff.
window.document.addEventListener(fullScreenChange, onFullscreenChange);

Protractor : wait for element to become invisible/hidden

I saw other protractor related post mentioning about how to wait for an element to become visible. However, recently, I ran into an opposite use case. I wanted to wait for an element until it becomes invisible. Since I could not find anything specific about it. I went ahead and came up with a solution.
var ptor = protractor.getInstance();
ptor.wait(function() {
return element(by.css('#my-css-here')).isDisplayed().then(function(isVisible){
console.log('is visible :' + isVisible);
return !isVisible;
}, 12000).then(function(){
//do whatever you want
hopefully it helps. any suggestion is welcome.
Using the elementexplorer ( I looked at the protractor object and found an answer that is working wonderfully for me:
var el = element('visibleElementId'));
From #Machtyn
This should be the correct answer:
var EC=protractor.ExpectedConditions; browser.wait(EC.not(EC.presenceOf(el)), someTimeoutInMilli);
Protractor now has invisibilityOf function built in.
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
// Waits for the element with id 'abc' to be no longer visible on the dom.
browser.wait(EC.invisibilityOf($('#abc')), 5000);
Read more for details
None of the solution working for me. Please take a look at below code:
var protractor = require('protractor');
describe('Testing', function () {
it('Should show the settings button', function () {
var EC = protractor.ExpectedConditions;
var settings = $('.settings');
var isSettingVisible = EC.visibilityOf(settings);
console.log("--------------------welcome 1-------------------");
protractor.browser.wait(isSettingVisible, 10000, "Searching for settings").then(() => {
console.log("waiting complete");
}, (error) => {

Kendo layouts not rendering widgets without setTimeout

I upgraded the kendo library to the 2014Q1 framework which had a few nice features that they were adding, however when I did that it broke any widget (grid, tabStrip, select lists, etc.) from rendering at all. I tracked it down to the layout/view not being able to activate the widget without being wrapped in a setTimeout set to 0. Am I missing something key here or did I build this thing in an invalid way?
The basic idea of the problem I am having is below (remove the comments and it works):
var router = new kendo.Router();
var mainLayout = new kendo.Layout($('#mainLayout').html());
var view = new kendo.View('sample', {
wrap: false,
model: kendo.observable({}),
init: function() {
// setTimeout(function(){
// }, 0);
router.route('/', function() {
mainLayout.showIn('#app', view);
Admittedly, I don't fully understand it, but hope this helps.
Basically when you try to init the #datepicker, the view elements have not been inserted into the DOM yet. You can put a breakpoint inside the init function, when it hits, check the DOM and you will see that the #app is an empty div, and #datepicker does not exist yet (at least not on the DOM).
kendo.Layout.showIn seems to need to exit in order for the view to finish rendering, but when it initializes the view's elements, it thinks the render is done and init is triggered incorrectly ahead of time. The setTimeout works because it runs the kendoDatePicker initialization asynch, the view is able to finish rendering before the timeout function.
Trigger the view rendering from the view object itself:
var view = new kendo.View('sample', {
init: function() {
router.route('/', function() {
Select and find the datepicker from the view object itself:
var view = new kendo.View('sample', {
init: function() {
router.route('/', function() {
mainLayout.showIn('#app', view);
Near the bottom of this thread is where I got the idea for the 2nd option. Maybe someone else can come around and give a better explanation of whats going on.

GwtQuery - fadeIn one after another

I want to add fade-in animation for couple of widgets one after another.
I reviewed the doc, but it only does first fade-in.
$(myWidget1).fadeIn(new Function(){
public boolean f(Event e){
//tried to add the second fade-in for myWidget2, but no result
return true;
How do I achieve fade-in one after another in this way or, is there another way to do it?
Try this, using jQuery:
var widgets = $('.widget');
var fader = function(widget_n){
if (widget_n < widgets.length) {
$(widgets.get(widget_n)).fadeIn('slow', function(){
fader(widget_n +1);
if (widgets.length > 0) {
Check my example here :
I use the fadeIn GQuery method method to fade in each piece of the board. You can find the code there :
Why dont you use the .each() function to loop through your "widgets".
var map = {
'mywidget1': '#mywidget1',
'mywidget2': '#mywidget2'
$.each(map, function(key, value) {
or if they all have a something in common (i.e. class of tag combination etc.) this would be even easier.
See .each() jQuery API
You are overriding an incorrect method: f(Event) is used for events, change it by f():
$(myWidget1).fadeIn(new Function(){
public void f() {