How to integrate 3rd party SDKs into Smartface App Studio? -

Is there any way to integrate 3rd party SDKs into my app which built with Smartface App Studio.
If so, this feature helps me to integrate crash reporting SDKs, notification SDKs, etc.,
Please provide any necessary info or links to achieve this.
Thanks in advance.

New release of Smartface(450), lets you to use plugins. You can download it from
You can check these documents about developing smartface plugins:
For Android:
For iOS:
Also, you can check the helloworld plugin examples for both iOS and Android:


Track Events using Facebook SDK on Nativescript App using nativescript-facebook plugin

I am trying to connect the an app built with Nativescript-Vue with Facebook to set up ads and track the performance. I am reading through the documentation of but have not found how should I implement the tracking features (specifically Track App Installs and App Opens). Does the plugin work for events? Thanks.-
I also see that the official facebook Quick Start for iOS SDK tutorial, includes some xml for iOS that it is not included in the plugin docs:
Any idea why?
The plugin do not implement events yet. But you may do it by accessing the native apis on the iOS / Android SDK.
Learn more about accessing native apis for iOS / Android from JavaScript in the docs.

Using native SDK in React Native or Ionic

I intend to develop an app for our site but one of the main worry is that I need to use a 3rd party payment gateway that only provides SDK for android in Java and iOS in Objective-C.
I want to know if it is appropriate to use React-Native or Ionic for the app. I am not sure which of these framework supports integration of native integrated and work flawlessly.
Hope someone with experience can help advise on this.
For react-native you can write your native modules for both android(JAVA) and ios(OBJECTIVE-C). It provides you right to write code in module and then register the module for your further use inside your application.
You can read the complete docs from :-
For android
and for ios

Apple / Android pay in nativeScript

what is the best way to use Apple / Android pay in nativeScript for in App purchase? Is there any plugin around? Can anyone give me a direction?
Check out this one:
Currently, it is only supporting IOS, but guessing will have Android support soon.
nativescript-purchase currently supports both android and iOS.
And it is constantly being updated.
As far as I know there is no such plugin at the moment however you can create easily new one by using some already available cocoa pod for example for iOS:
You can use this repo to get started with Google Pay:
Here is also more info how to create {N} plugins:

How to integrate Facebook sdk in titanium for ios and Android?

Hi am working on an app Using Appcelerator Titanium, in which i have to integrate Facebook sdk. i am so confused on using which sdk have to use .. whether choose the ios or android or javascript sdk. Another query is , whether if have to create a separate project for ios and Android. or a single project is enough. Thanks in advance
You can either check the Facebook support shipped with Titanium SDK:!/api/Modules.Facebook
Or you can check out this module on github:

share to social iphone native code

I want to share messages to social networks from my phonegap application. For that i m creating plugin for iphone and android.
i found code for android:
String message = "Text I wan't to share."
Intent share = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_SEND);
share.putExtra(Intent.EXTRA_TEXT, message);
startActivity(Intent.createChooser(share, "Title of the dialog the system will open"));
But i can't able to find code for iphone.. can you please help me?
You can use FacebookConnect plugin authorise by Phonegap team.
This plugin provides a simple way to use Facebook Graph API in
This plugin is built for Cordova >= v2.1.0 with ARC. Both iOS &
Android are supported with the same javascript interface.
Use can also use Dave johnson's plugin, this also support iOS and Android platform.
The share Intent is part of the Android SDK and not iOS! Nothing like this exists for iOS and you will just have to integrate each social network separately.
You may want to look at this and this for facebook and twitter integration as these are now part of iOS (Twitter was integrated into iOS 5, Facebook in iOS 6).