qgis 2.12 - Remove all TextAnnotations via python - qgis

I have maps with a lot of textannotations. I would like to remove them all from the python console.
I tried:
from qgis.gui import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
items = qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().items()
for item in items:
print type(item).__name__
if (isinstance(item, QgsAnnotationItem)):
print "Got annotation"
It gets the graphics objects, but never finds an annotation item. How would I know if item was an annotation? And how would I then remove it from the map?

In fact it gets your TextAnnotations but you get them in the form of QGraphicsItem.
But you have a methode data on your items and for you are looking for item.data(0) == 'AnnotationItem'.
from qgis.gui import *
from PyQt4.QtGui import *
from PyQt4.QtCore import *
items = qgis.utils.iface.mapCanvas().items()
for item in items:
print type(item).__name__
if item.data(0) == 'AnnotationItem':
print "Got annotation"


How do I print a dictionary vs a defaultdict based dictionary as a yaml file using ruamel.yaml?

Please refer to this trivial block of code shown below. My goal is to use defaultdict to come up with a relatively simple dictionary, and further print the results out as a yaml file.
When I manually define the dictionary, it seems to work just fine and the YAML is displayed exactly the way I want it, but when I use defaultdict to come up with a dictionary, I get an error message and unfortunately I am not able to decipher that.
When I print the dictionary as a JSON, it prints the exact same output. What I am missing?
import sys,ruamel.yaml
import json
from collections import defaultdict
def dict_maker():
return defaultdict(dict_maker)
S = ruamel.yaml.scalarstring.DoubleQuotedScalarString
app = "someapp"
d = {'beats':{'name':S(app), 'udp_address':S('')}}
foo = dict_maker()
foo["beats"]["name"] = S(app)
foo["beats"]["udp_address"] = S("")
print "Regular dictionary"
print json.dumps(d, indent=4)
print "defaultdict dictionary"
print json.dumps(foo, indent=4)
print "dictionary as a yaml\n"
ruamel.yaml.dump(d, sys.stdout, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper)
print "defaultdict dictionary as a yaml\n"
ruamel.yaml.dump(foo, sys.stdout, Dumper=ruamel.yaml.RoundTripDumper)
Error Message
raise RepresenterError("cannot represent an object: %s" % data)
ruamel.yaml.representer.RepresenterError: cannot represent an object: defaultdict(<function dict_maker at 0x7f1253725a28>, {'beats': defaultdict(<function dict_maker at 0x7f1253725a28>, {'name': u'someapp', 'udp_address': u''})})
You seem to be using the word "dictionary" when refering to a Python dict. There is however no such thing as a "defaultdict based dictionary", that would imply that foo after
foo = dict_maker()
would be a dict, and of course it is not: foo is a defaultdict which is dict based (i.e. exactly the other way around from what you write).
That JSON dumps this, is not surprising, as it cannot do more than stupidly dump the key-value pairs as if it were a dict. But when you try to load that JSON back, you see how useless this is as, you cannot continue working with it (at least not in the way expected):
import sys
import json
from collections import defaultdict
import io
def dict_maker():
return defaultdict(dict_maker)
app = "someapp"
foo = dict_maker()
foo["beats"]["name"] = app
foo["beats"]["udp_address"] = ""
io = io.StringIO()
json.dump(foo, io, indent=4)
bar = json.load(io)
bar['otherapp']['name'] = 'some_alt_app'
The above throws: KeyError: 'otherapp'. And that is because JSON doesn't keep all the information needed.
However, if you use the unsafe YAML dumper, then ruamel.yaml can dump and load this fine:
import sys
from ruamel.yaml import YAML
from collections import defaultdict
import io
def dict_maker():
return defaultdict(dict_maker)
app = "someapp"
yaml = YAML(typ='unsafe')
foo = dict_maker()
foo["beats"]["name"] = app
foo["beats"]["udp_address"] = ""
io = io.StringIO()
yaml.dump(foo, io)
bar = yaml.load(io)
bar['otherapp']['name'] = 'some_alt_app'
this doesn't throw an error, as bar is again a defaultdict with dict_maker as the function it defaults to. The above prints
as you would expect.
That the RoundTripDumper/Loader doesn't support this out-of-the-box, is because it is based on the SafeDumper/Loader, which cannot dump/load arbitrary Python instances like defaultdict and its dict_maker function reference. Enabling that would make the loading unsafe.
So if you need to use the RoundTripDumper you should add a representer for defaultdict or a subclass thereof (and possible one for dict_maker as well). To be able to load that, you need constructor(s) as well. How to do that is described in the documentation (Dumping Python classes)

Working with banana-rdf

Does anyone have an example on how to properly integrate banana-rdf into a project?
Based on the example on how to use a SPARQL engine, I have tried to set up something for my project, but I get an error that I don't know how to resolve.
import java.net.URL
import org.w3.banana.jena.JenaModule
import org.w3.banana.{SparqlHttpModule, SparqlOpsModule, RDFOpsModule, RDFModule}
object SparqlService extends RDFModule with RDFOpsModule with SparqlOpsModule
with SparqlHttpModule with JenaModule
import SparqlService._
import SparqlService.sparqlOps
import SparqlService.sparqlOps._
import SparqlService.sparqlHttp.sparqlEngineSyntax._
import SparqlService.ops._
val endpoint = new URL("http://dbpedia.org/sparql/")
val query = parseSelect("""
PREFIX ont: <http://dbpedia.org/ontology/>
?language a ont:ProgrammingLanguage .
?language ont:influencedBy ?other .
?other ont:influencedBy ?language .
} LIMIT 100
val answers: Rdf#Solutions = endpoint.executeSelect(query).get
val languages: Iterator[Rdf#URI] = answers.iterator map { row =>
Unfortunately, I get the following error and I don't get why.
Error:(27, 26) could not find implicit value for parameter fromPG:
Any idea?

TabularAdapter customization/notifications?

Thanks to another user here on SO (Warren Weckesser), I found a nice way to format my TabularAdapter columns. There are some other customizations I'd like to accomplish, so I thought I'd put this out to SO to see if I can get more help.
The following code puts up a couple of TabularAdapter tables in the format that I want to use. What I'd like to be able to do are 2 things:
I'd like to set the first column as non-editable. I've found how to set a row to non-editable, but not a column -- is this possible?
What I'd really like (even more than #1 above) it to get a notification if one of the values in any of my columns changes! I've heard that there are some 'tweaks' that can be done with numpy arrays to accomplish this, but I'm way too inexperienced yet to pull this off. Is there any TraitsAdapter mentods that might be used to accomplish this feat?
Here's my code so far (thanks to Warren's modifications):
from traits.api import HasTraits, Array, Str
from traitsui.api import View, Item, TabularEditor
from traitsui.tabular_adapter import TabularAdapter
from numpy import dtype
test_dtype = dtype([('Integer#1', 'int'),
('Integer#2', 'int'),
('Float', 'float')])
class TestArrayAdapter1(TabularAdapter):
columns = [('Col1 #', 0), ('Col2', 1), ('Col3', 2)]
even_bg_color = 0xf4f4f4 # very light gray
width = 125
def get_format(self, object, name, row, column):
formats = ['%d', '%d', '%.4f']
return formats[column]
class TestArrayAdapter2(TabularAdapter):
columns = [('Col1 #', 0), ('Col2', 1), ('Col3', 2)]
even_bg_color = 0xf4f4f4 # very light gray
width = 125
object_0_format = Str("%d")
object_1_format = Str("%d")
object_2_format = Str("%.4f")
class Test(HasTraits):
test_array = Array(dtype=test_dtype)
view = \
Item(name='test_array', show_label=False,
Item(name='test_array', show_label=False,
test = Test()
test.test_array.resize(5, refcheck=False)
For your item #2, after talking to Enthought folks, I confirmed there isn't an official way to do this yet but:
I created a ticket for it: https://github.com/enthought/traitsui/issues/387
I worked around the issue, by keeping a handle on the ArrayAdapter, subclass it, and override the set_text method like so:
class NotifyingArrayAdapter(ArrayAdapter):
value_changed = Event
def set_text(self, object, trait, row, column, text):
super(NotifyingArrayAdapter, self).set_text(object, trait, row,
column, text)
self.value_changed = True
That way, I can just listen to the value_changed event, and do what I need with it.
You can get fancier, and make the event be a more complex object, for example storing information about the old/new values, and the row and column changed:
class ArrayAdapterEvent(HasStrictTraits):
row = Int
column = Int
old = Str
new = Str
class NotifyingArrayAdapter(ArrayAdapter):
value_changed = Event(Instance(ArrayAdapterEvent))
def set_text(self, object, trait, row, column, text):
old = self.get_text(object, trait, row, column)
super(NotifyingArrayAdapter, self).set_text(object, trait, row,
column, text)
event = ArrayAdapterEvent(old=old, new=text, row=row, column=column)
self.value_changed = event

PyQt4 QComboBox autocomplete without using setModel?

I have found several excellent examples of a PyQt4 QComboBox with autocomplete (e.g. How do I Filter the PyQt QCombobox Items based on the text input?), but they all use setModel and setSourceModel... etc.
Is it possible to create an autocomplete QComboBox in PyQt4 without using a model?
Using smitkpatel's comment... I found a setCompleter example which works. It was posted by flutefreak at QComboBox with autocompletion works in PyQt4 but not in PySide.
from PyQt4 import QtCore
from PyQt4 import QtGui
class AdvComboBox(QtGui.QComboBox):
def __init__(self, parent=None):
super(AdvComboBox, self).__init__(parent)
# add a filter model to filter matching items
self.pFilterModel = QtGui.QSortFilterProxyModel(self)
# add a completer, which uses the filter model
self.completer = QtGui.QCompleter(self.pFilterModel, self)
# always show all (filtered) completions
# connect signals
def filter(text):
print "Edited: ", text, "type: ", type(text)
# on selection of an item from the completer, select the corresponding item from combobox
def on_completer_activated(self, text):
if text:
index = self.findText(str(text))
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
combo = AdvComboBox()
names = ['bob', 'fred', 'bobby', 'frederick', 'charles', 'charlie', 'rob']
combo.resize(300, 40)

Finding html element with class using lxml

I've searched everywhere and what I most found was doc.xpath('//element[#class="classname"]'), but this does not work no matter what I try.
code I'm using
import lxml.html
def check():
data = urlopen('url').read();
return str(data);
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(check())
el = doc.xpath("//div[#class='test']")
It simply prints an empty list.
How odd. I used google as a test page and it works fine there, but it doesn't work on the page I was using (youtube)
Here's the exact code I'm using.
import lxml.html
from urllib.request import urlopen
import sys
def check():
data = urlopen('http://www.youtube.com/user/TopGear').read(); #TopGear as a test
return data.decode('utf-8', 'ignore');
doc = lxml.html.document_fromstring(check())
el = doc.xpath("//div[#class='channel']")
The TopGear page that you use for testing doesn't have any <div class="channel"> elements. But this works (for example):
el = doc.xpath("//div[#class='channel-title-container']")
Or this:
el = doc.xpath("//div[#class='a yb xr']")
To find <div> elements with a class attribute that contains the string channel, you could use
el = doc.xpath("//div[contains(#class, 'channel')]")
You can use lxml.cssselect to simplify class and id request: http://lxml.de/dev/cssselect.html
HTML uses classes (a lot), which makes them convenient to hook XPath queries. However XPath has no knowledge/support of CSS classes (or even space-separated lists) which makes classes a pain in the ass to check: the canonically correct way to look for elements having a specific class is:
//*[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(#class), ' '), '$className')]
In your case this is
el = doc.xpath(
"//div[contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(#class), ' '), 'channel')]"
# print(el)
# [<Element div at 0x7fa44e31ccc8>, <Element div at 0x7fa44e31c278>, <Element div at 0x7fa44e31cdb8>]
or use own XPath function hasclass(*classes)
def _hasaclass(context, *cls):
return "your implementation ..."
xpath_utils = etree.FunctionNamespace(None)
xpath_utils['hasaclass'] = _hasaclass
el = doc.xpath("//div[hasaclass('channel')]")