Calling SaveChanges after SaveChanges fails - entity-framework

I have the following test code:
Product product = productService.GetProductById(1502);
product.ProductName = "TEST PRODUCT NAME";
throw new ArgumentException("");
//Do some other DB updates
//Call SaveChanges
catch(Exception ex)
logService.InsertLog(LogTypeEnum.Error, "test", ex);
The problem is that my services share a context per request (using StructureMaps HttpContextScoped). So when the failure occurs and I call logService.SaveChanges it saves the products new name. However I lose atomicity because the "other DB updates" will not be saved to the DB. What would be the correct way to implement this?

This is always going to be a problem with context per-request. In a large project I started out with context per-request too, but have gradually removed it due to problems like this.
I would suggest identifying the scenarios like this where you are likely to need to write to your DB without calling SaveChanges - if it's all limited to this log service then perhaps you should re-implement this without the dependence on the context? Alternatively you should be able to specify a custom way of creating the log service with its own context (i.e. not just having one injected by the constructor).
I'm not familiar with the Structuremap syntax so here's something from Autofac which would do the same...
builder.RegisterType<MyContext>().InstancePerRequest(); // As you have already
.Register(c => new LogService(new MyContext())
This would construct LogService using an explicitly created context rather than the per-request instance which would've been injected had I registered it normally.


Limit instance count with Autofac?

I have a console app that will create an instance of a class and execute a method on it, and that's really all it does (but this method may do a lot of things). The class is determined at runtime based on command line args, and this is registered to Autofac so it can be correctly resolved, supplying class-specific constructor parameters extracted from the command line. All this works.
Now, I need to impose a system-wide limit to the number of instances per class that can be running at any one time. I will probably use a simple SQL database to keep track of number of allowed and running instances per class, and I have no problem with the SQL side of things.
But how do I actually impose this limit in a nice manner using Autofac?
I am thinking that I would have some "slot service" that would do something like this:
Try to reserve a new instance "slot".
If no more slots, log a message and terminate the process.
If slot successfully reserved, create instance and return it.
My idea is also to free the instance's slot in the class' Dispose method, preferably by using another method on the slot service.
How would I fit this into Autofac?
One possibility would be to register the class I want to instantiate with a lambda/delegate that does the above steps. But in that case, how do I "terminate"? Throw an exception? That would require some code to catch the exception and either log it or simply ignore it before terminating the process. I don't like it. I'd like the entire slot reservation stuff inside the delegate, lambda or service.
Another solution might be to do the slot reservation outside of Autofac, but that also seems somewhat messy.
I would prefer a solution where the "slot service" itself can be nicely unit tested, i.e. non-static and with an interface, and preferably resolved with Autofac.
I'm sure I'm missing something obvious here... Any suggestions?
This is my "best bet" so far:
static void Main(string[] args)
ReadCommandLine(args, out Type itemClass, out Type paramsClass, out Type paramsInterface, out object parameters);
BuildContainer(itemClass, paramsClass, paramsInterface, parameters);
IInstanceHandler ih = Container.Resolve<IInstanceHandler>();
if (ih.RegisterInstance(itemClass, out long instanceid))
ih.UnregisterInstance(itemClass, instanceid);

How to unit test code in the repository pattern?

How to test this scenario:
I have a user repository that (so far) only has one method: SaveUser.
"SaveUser" is suposed to receive a user as a parameter and save it to the DB using EF 6.
If the user is new (new user is defined by a "Email" that is not present in the database) the method is supposed to insert it, if its not, the method is supposed to only update it.
Technically if this method is called, all business validation are OK, only remaining the act of actually persisting the user
My problem here is: I don't actually want to create a new user or update one every time... this would lead to undesired side effects in the future (let's call it "paper trail")... How do i do it?
Here is the test code:
public void CreateOrUpdateUserTest1()
UserDTO dto = new UserDTO();
dto.UniqueId = new Guid("76BCB16B-4AD6-416B-BEF6-388D56217E76");
dto.Name = "CreateOrUpdateUserTest1";
dto.Email = "";
dto.Created = DateTime.Now;
GeneralRepository repository = new GeneralRepository();
//Now the user should be CREATED on the DB
dto.Name = "CreateOrUpdateUserTest";
//Now the user should be UPDATED on the DB
Your repository probably needs to invoke some methods of a third party library to actually persist the data. Unit-testing in such case could only make sense if you could mock the third party library and verify and the particular persistence methods are being correctly invoked by your repository. To achieve this, you need to refactor your code.
Otherwise, you can't unit-test this class, but also consider that maybe there is no need to. The third party library responsible for persistence is a different component, so testing if DB storage works correctly with your classes is rather a matter of Integration testing.

Entity Framework 5 Unit of Work pattern - where should I call SaveChanges?

Apologies, in advance, if this seems like a duplicate question. This question was the closest I could find, but it doesn't really solve the issues I am facing.
I'm using Entity Framework 5 in an ASP.NET MVC4 application and attempting to implement the Unit of Work pattern.
My unit of work class implements IDisposable and contains a single instance of my DbContext-derived object context class, as well as a number of repositories, each of which derives from a generic base repository class that exposes all the usual repository functionality.
For each HTTP request, Ninject creates a single instance of the Unit of Work class and injects it into the controllers, automatically disposing it when the request is complete.
Since EF5 abstracts away the data storage and Ninject manages the lifetime of the object context, it seems like the perfect way for consuming code to access in-memory entity objects without the need to explcitly manage their persistence. In other words, for optimum separation of concerns, I envisage my controller action methods being able to use and modify repository data without the need to explicitly call SaveChanges afterwards.
My first (naiive) attempt to implement this idea employed a call to SaveChanges within every repository base-class method that modified data. Of course, I soon realized that this is neither performance optimized (especially when making multiple successive calls to the same method), nor does it accommodate situations where an action method directly modifies a property of an object retrieved from a repository.
So, I evolved my design to eliminate these premature calls to SaveChanges and replace them with a single call when the Unit of Work instance is disposed. This seemed like the cleanest implementation of the Unit of Work pattern in MVC, since a unit of work is naturally scoped to a request.
Unfortunately, after building this concept, I discovered its fatal flaw - the fact that objects added to or deleted from a DbContext are not reflected, even locally, until SaveChanges has been called.
So, what are your thoughts on the idea that consuming code should be able to use objects without explicitly persisting them? And, if this idea seems valid, what's the best way to achieve it with EF5?
Many thanks for your suggestions,
UPDATE: Based on #Wahid's response, I am adding below some test code that shows some of the situations in which it becomes essential for the consuming code to explicitly call SaveChanges:
var unitOfWork = _kernel.Get<IUnitOfWork>();
var terms = unitOfWork.Terms.Entities;
// Purge the table so as to start with a known state
foreach (var term in terms)
Assert.AreEqual(0, terms.Count());
// Verify that additions are not even reflected locally until committed.
var created = new Term { Pattern = "Test" };
Assert.AreEqual(0, terms.Count());
// Verify that additions are reflected locally once committed.
Assert.AreEqual(1, terms.Count());
// Verify that property modifications to entities are reflected locally immediately
created.Pattern = "Test2";
var another = terms.Single(term => term.Id == created.Id);
Assert.AreEqual("Test2", another.Pattern);
Assert.True(ReferenceEquals(created, another));
// Verify that queries against property changes fail until committed
Assert.IsNull(terms.FirstOrDefault(term => term.Pattern == "Test2"));
// Verify that queries against property changes work once committed
Assert.NotNull(terms.FirstOrDefault(term => term.Pattern == "Test2"));
// Verify that deletions are not even reflected locally until committed.
Assert.AreEqual(1, terms.Count());
// Verify that additions are reflected locally once committed.
Assert.AreEqual(0, terms.Count());
First of all SaveChanges should NOT be ever in the repositories at all. Because that's leads you to lose the benefit of UnitOfWork.
Second you need to make a special method to save changes in the UnitOfWork.
And if you want to call this method automatically then you may fine some other solution like ActionFilter or maybe by making all your Controllers inherits from BaseController class and handle the SaveChanges in it.
Anyway the UnitOfWork should always have SaveChanges method.

Force Entity Framework to return a new instance

We have a scenario in our code when only a few properties of an entity are allowed to be changed. To guarantee that, we have code similar to this:
public void SaveCustomer(Customer customer)
var originalCustomer = dbContext.GetCustomerById(customer.Id);
if (customer.Name != originalCustomer.Name)
throw new Exception("Customer name may not be changed.");
originalCustomer.Address = customer.Address;
originalCustomer.City = customer.City;
The problem with this code is that the call to dbContext.GetCustomerById does not always gives me a new instance of the Customer class. If the customer already has been fetched from the database, Entity Framework will keep the instance in memory and return it on every subsequent call.
This leads us to the actual problem - customer and originalCustomer may refer to the same instance. In that case, customer.Name will be equal to originalCustomer.Name and we will not be able to detect if it differs from the database.
I guess the same problem exists with most other ORMs as well, because of the identitymap design pattern.
Any ideas how this can be solved? Can I somehow force EF to always give me a new instance of the customer class?
Or should we refactor the code instead? Does anyone know of any good design patterns for this scenario?
you can try by detaching the entity from the context, this will remove all the references to the context (as well as the identitymap behaviour).
So, before passing the Customer to your method you can detach it:

In ADO.Net Data Services how do I check if an entity is already in the context?

I have an ADO.Net Data Service that I am using to do a data import. There are a number of entities that are linked to by most entities. To do that during import I create those entities first, save them and then use .SetLink(EntityImport, "NavigationProperty", CreatedEntity). Now the first issue that I ran into was that the context did not always know about CreatedEntity (this is due to each of the entities being imported independently and a creation of a context as each item is created - I'd like to retain this functionality - i.e. I'm trying to avoid "just use one context" as the answer).
So I have a .AddToCreatedEntityType(CreatedEntity) before attempting to call SetLink. This of course works for the first time, but on the second pass I get the error message "the context is already tracking the entity".
Is there a way to check if the context is already tracking the entity (context.Contains(CreatedEntity) isn't yet implemented)? I was thinking about attempting a try catch and just avoiding the error, but that seems to create a new CreatedEntity each pass. It is looking like I need to use a LINQ to Data Services to get that CreatedEntity each time, but that seems innefficient - any suggestions?
I think you should look at the EntityState property of your entity.
Only if it is of the value EntityState.Detached than you have to add it to your context.
Do not forget the following remark:
This enumeration has a FlagsAttribute
attribute that allows a bitwise
combination of its member values.
I would create a extension method:
public static class EntityObjectExtensions
public static Boolean IsTracked(this EntityObject self)
return (self.EntityState & EntityState.Detached) != EntityState.Detached;
When trying to check whether the context was tracking the entity that I wanted to update (or add) I was pretty disapointed when I found that the context.Entites.Contains(currentItem) didn't work.
I got around it using:
if (context.Entities.Where(entities => entities.Entity == currentItem).Any())