If and For in Play Framework's email template - email

I am writing a email notification part of a project using Play Framework.I don't know how to use if and for loop in the email template. All I can find are using ${var} to show specific variables in the email.

The Mailer class uses the same template engine as of in HTML. So we can just use the syntax of html to write a mail template.


Send a frontend Form by email

I'm using Vue 2 and Laravel 7 to build a website...in my client side I put a Contact form that i'd like to send by email (a Vue component). I found tons of ways to do it with Laraval using blade but I can't use blade in a Vue project and I have to take the values from Vue.
Can someone explain me the steps to do it?
I found some easy ways like emailjs but I have the send even some checkboxes values and I can't do it with that. Thanks
you can just simply create an email template view in the laravel end
and when on the view project you are submitting the form values you
put those values in that email template and send it though check this
for reference doc

how do I prepend domain name for a hyperlink authored in rte?

I have an email template which has several authored hyperlinks using RTE editor.
For example:
<a href=\"/consumer/en-us/site-configurations/external-link/accounts.html
my java osgi service sends entire email template/page as an html to backend business layer which triggers the email.
how do I replace in osgi service <a href=\"/consumer/en-us/site-configurations/external-link/accounts.html to <a href=www.domain.com/consumer/en-us/site-configurations/external-link/accounts.html before email is triggered ?
following worked for me:
Run through a pattern matcher using regex and extract the relative link.
Pass it through externalizer.
ReplaceAll the relativeLink with new link received from externalizer
send the refined html back in business layer.
put the entire code in static synchronized method.

$mail -> where to put?

This seems to be the canonical way of sending emails in TYPO3.
I have access to the back-end of a typo3 installation via my browser. I have written some HTML code that I want to incorporate into the website via the "plain HTML" widget. That HTML code lets the user input some data. I want to send that data via email. Now I read the above tutorial and I'm asking myself where they want me to put that code? I mean that $GLOBALS stuff and further down that $mail stuff.
The documentation is a developer guide, thus you'll need to implement a plugin or similar with a controller or handler which contains this code.
However, with TYPO3v8 you can easily create forms with the form extension which also allows you to send mails. This is a lot easier if you are not a developer. (The email finisher of the form extension also uses the TYPO3 mailing API of course.)

Keycloak's FreeMarker email template

I'm using Keycloak to send a forgot password email, and from what I've read on their docs and the FreeMarker docs, it seems like I should be able to use HTML tags just fine. However, when I use them in the password-rest.ftl file, it renders the whole tag like so:
<p>Some Text</p>
instead of just showing: Some Text
I found this (https://issues.jboss.org/browse/KEYCLOAK-681) saying that Keycloak can only send plain text emails, and I just wanted to see if anyone knew for sure since I have found some stuff that looks like the HTML tags should be usable How do you block emails from appearing as links in FreeMarker?
Any advice or thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated.
There are two sub-directories containing templates for emails. They are called text and html. When you want HTML you need to edit templates located in html directory.
Keycloak itself sends emails as multi-part messages containing both plain-text and HTML versions - email client decides which one is displayed.
I am not familiar with Keycloak, but somehow you should set the Mime type of your e-mail to "text/html" (e.g. have a look at this Stack Overflow answer).
Which version of Keycloak are you using? Comparing the source code of 'FreeMarkerEmailProvider' in tag 1.2.0.Final and on branch 1.3.x lets me assume that Keycloak is able to handle text/html at least from version 1.3.x on.
But again: I am not familiar with Keycloak...

CSS Selector on Responsive Email template

I am currently studying on Responsive Email template. I saw some of the templates online using Attribute Selector like this: h1[class="title"]. Why don't just just h1.title, is there any special trick for doing Email template like this?
This trick is done to stop some email clients from recognizing this tag. The most common use of this would be to hide tags that are only used in a mobile version of this email.
For instance the Yahoo.com email client, does not recognize media types or css using the bracketed format. So by using this format you can trick Yahoo mail to not parse css specifically used for the mobile version.