Can not sign in to Azure from Visual Studio 2012 - powershell

I am not able to login to my azure account from Visual Studio Professional 2012. I am getting an error shown below
However I am able to login to my Azure account using browser.
I have performed below steps
1) Opened Server Explorer in Visual Studio
2) Clicked on Microsoft Azure Subscription icon
3) Sign in Dialog Box opens up asking for my email, which I provided and clicked continue
4) Selected Microsoft Personal Account from the option provided
5) Entered Password clicked submit
6) Error dialog box opens up as shown earlier.
I feel that it is related to management certificate as I am also not able to run certain commands like Get-AzureDeployment from Azure PowerShell, whereas Get-AzureSubscription works fine.
I have already saved publishsettings file from Azure and there are certificates installed in Personal section in Certificate manager.

I was able to resolve the problem. As I could see that Visual Studio and Power shell both were failing. Visual Studio was not able to connect to Azure and Power shell scripts where I was trying to add Azure Account failed. By doing a bit more searching and reading few article, I came to know that Visual Studio as well as Power shell scripts apart from using your credentials for azure also use management certificate to communicate with azure. A network tool used in our organization was causing issue in this https communication. Just got it enabled from IT team and I am done.


Getting script error while connecting to Azure Devops through Visual Studio

Connection to Azure devops with Visual studio was working smoothly but after change of domain (Active Directory) password, it prompts for re-enter the credentials and after selection of domain email address it popups the following error:
Can anyone helps about how to resolve it?
Could you please clean the user data cache of Visual Studio?
You can delete the folder C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\15.0_xxxx to clean up the VS local cache
if issue persists, you could also try to clean the credential manager.
credential manager

How to open Bugs/PBIs in Visual Studio instead of a web browser when connecting to Azure DevOps Service?

I want to implement Team Foundation Server (now known as Azure DevOps Server) for source control and issue tracking. I have only used the on-premises solution previously. For this particular use case, it would be beneficial to have it hosted in the cloud.
I have deployed a VSTS/Azure DevOps Services cloud solution (as opposed to an on-premises TFS/Azure DevOps Server solution), and it seems to have all of the functionality I am used to with the web portal, except there seems to be no direct integration/plugin for Visual Studio.
I can connect Team Explorer to it and query the work items for a basic listing (as shown in the screenshot below) - but if I double click a work item, or if I click New Work Item, it opens in the web browser, not within Visual Studio.
Is this expected behaviour for VSTS/DevOps Services? Do I need an on-premises installation just to get Visual Studio integration or am I missing something? I would like to use their cloud solution as it has a lot of benefits for this particular use-case.
Which opens this:
Instead of this (below screenshot taken from the web):
Any help is much appreciated! I am hoping to get something up and running ASAP, and would rather not have to install & configure a full on-premises solution in the cloud myself. Letting Microsoft handle it is perfect.
It seems odd that there's no Visual Studio support/integration. I have tried on 2 different machines. I have connected one machine which is running Visual Studio 2017 Professional and the other has VS 2019 Professional. Both open and create work items in the web browser instead of within VS. But VSTS/DevOps Services does seem to have all of the other features of TFS/DevOps Server, as far as I can see.
The web portal is great for other stakeholders, but as a developer I like working directly within Visual Studio. In an on-premises installation you get both. Is there any way to do this on a cloud installation?
We need set the Work Items experience in Visual Studio, then we can create new work item in the visual studio.
Tools->work items->General->change the option Landing page.

Connect to Azure Sql Database in Visual Studio Code using Active Directory Authentication

I am looking to connect to azure sql server in Visual studio code using one of the Active Directory connection modes. However seems only sql authentication is supported as of now in visual studio code. Any help here is appreciated.
Tried checking in visual studio code documentation but didn't find any mention of active directory authentication
Please consider using Azure Data Studio, which is derived from VS Code for use with SQL Azure and other Azure Data services. It supports Azure Active Directory authentication (which is a bit different than traditional integrated authentication against a local AD. Given that SQL Azure isn't domain joined to your local domain, you would not be able to use it to authenticate anyways.
Here's the release notes where they mention AAD auth supportRelease Notes.

MIcrosoft Feedback Client can't connect to Team Foundation Server

I have a problem with the MIcrosoft Feedback Client, and in general the Request feedback option in VSTS.
If I try to open a request from the notification email, the Feedback Client displays the following error:
Cannot connect to Team Foundation Server. Verify the network connection and try again.
However, if I simply launch it as an application, I got a popup first, where I need to pick the server, the team project collection and finally the project I'd like to connect to (it doesn't ask for login). This works just fine and the submitted feedback is displayed in VSTS, it can be queried, etc.
I removed all cookies and cleared browser cache from all browsers I use, also I checked if there's a false entry in Windows Credential Manager.
Any suggestions what I should try next?
We use Feedback Client for Microsoft Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2015 downloaded from here
Make sure the account you use have the permission to access to the project and view the work items.
Feedback client use the credentials stored in Team Explorer. Try to delete the stored credentials from "Visual Studio -> Team -> Manage Connections -> Manage Connections -> Servers -> Remove" and then launch Feedback Client from email. A sign in dialog will pop up after this and you can enter your credential in it.
If it still does not work, clean all the TFS cache from "%LocalAppData%\Microsoft\Team Foundation\x.0\Cache" folder.
And also, check the link in the email to make sure it is correct. The link should like following:
What version of the TFS Client are you using 2012, 2013 or 2015? I ran into a similar issue when we were using this on premise and I had to bump down to a lower version of the TFS Feedback Client.
Here is the TFS 2015 client.
I just tested mine to VSTS and it worked as expected.

error activating .wsp file in sharepoint server 2010

I developed a sample application in visual studio 2010. I created an Empty SharePoint Project and gave the local site url for debugging. Checked "Deploy as Farm" as the trust level of the SharePoint solution. Added a visual webpart and also a class to the solution. I am able to build and successfully run the application using visual studio. In my local machine am using SharePoint foundation 2010 to debug the SharePoint application.
Now i want to deploy this application in the SharePoint server 2010 which is in a virtual machine.
1. I copied the .wsp file of the application i created to the virtual machine.
2. From the central administrator in the VM I created a web application and the site collection.
3. Then using Site Actions -> Site Settings -> Solution(Galleries), choose the .wsp file for uploading. it showed a "Warning: You should only activate this solution if you trust this solution. An activated solution can read, modify and delete your data. " and the activate button is disabled.
Then I tried to do same in my local machine on a different site collection. Here Activate button is enabled but when clicked it threw exception
Server Error in '/' Application.
This solution contains invalid markup or elements that cannot be deployed as part of a sandboxed solution. Solution manifest for solution 'aee60282-765d-4c9f-b67a-5981f18a6d3b' failed validation, file manifest.xml, line 10, character 4: The element 'Solution' in namespace '' has invalid child element 'TemplateFiles' in namespace ''. List of possible elements expected: 'FeatureManifests, ActivationDependencies' in namespace ''.
What could be this error?
The "TemplateFiles" element refers to items that will be copied onto the web server. This is allowed for farm solutions (which are deployed via CentralAdmin), but is not allowed for sandboxed solutions (which are deployed via the Solution Gallery).
When you deploy your wsp with visual studio, you deploy it as farm solution.
When you deploy your wsp from site settings into solution galery, you deploy it as user solution (sandbox solution) with some limitations :
first, avoid using out of the box visual webparts, it's prohibited !
Deploy your wsp by writing powershell script.
A good starting point here :
Le_Fredo is correct here, when attempting to deploy a WSP file into the site collection directly under the site settings, you won't be able to. I found this article from microsoft to be extermely helpful