I am not able to see tool-tips when hovering over variables. I have tried changing the Eclipse Mars theme but its not making a difference.
You have tagged the question "mint" so I assume this is Eclipse on Linux with GTK. The problem may be a GTK3 bug (there are a few in Eclipse Mars unfortunately, some fixed for the upcoming Mars.2 release, some for Neon.0 in the summer).
You can try forcing GTK2 with an evironment variable before launching Eclipse. Set SWT_GTK3=0 For example:
$ export SWT_GTK3=0
$ /path/to/eclipse -data /path/to/workspace
I switched from Eclipse Mars to Eclipse Neon today. The Pydev plugin was not installed at the place where it was in Eclipse Mars (/Applications/eclipse/cpp-neon/Eclipse.app/Contents/Eclipse/plugins).
Does anyone know where the pydevd.py is located on OsX.
The easiest way to know where the PyDev debugger is located is by opening a PyDev editor, writing pydevd and requesting a code completion just showing the templates (ctrl space twice)... A template for creating a programmatic breakpoint will be shown (and it adds the debugger to the PYTHONPATH, so you can see where it's located).
I'm using the Pydev plugin for Eclipse Luna for Java EE.
The python code runs correctly, but errors are showing up for built in keywords like print.
Error: Undefined Variable: print
I looked on stackoverflow for other answers, and the suggestions have all been to manually configure an interpreter. I changed my interpreter to point at C:/python34/python.exe, but this has not fixed the problem. I also made sure that I was using grammar version 3.0.
Update: I think it might be a problem with aptana instead of pydev. I uninstalled aptana, and installed pydev without any issues. But when I tried to reinstall aptana, I can only do it by uninstalling pydev. I need a way to try a previous version of aptana or else a way to install aptana and pydev separately
It seems like Eclipse Luna does not provide support for PyDev when it's installed with Aptana. I was able to install Aptana without PyDev and do a separate install of Pydev on its own and this solved the problem.
Eclipse Luna offers a dark color theme.
It's supposed to look like this:
On my system, it comes out like this:
Here's what I did:
Open Eclipse.
In Window → Preferences, set Appearance → Theme to Dark.
Close Eclipse. Restart OS. Open Eclipse.
This is a pretty fresh Linux Mint 17 Cinnamon 64-bit install.
I don't want to have to install the Eclipse color theme plugin. This should work out of the box.
Unlike others, my text field is fine, but my chrome is off. How can I fix this?
I'm using Mint 17 and I had to do four things after switching to Luna's dark theme do get it to look nice.
First I installed all gtk theme engines the repository got.
sudo apt-get install gtk2-engines-* gtk3-engines*
Second install a dark theme (Menu -> System Settings -> Themes), I choose 'Midnight'.
Third, I had to change some gtk settings under the 'Other settings' tab. For 'Controls' I choose 'Xfce-dusk' and 'Window borders' 'nightfall'. These settings might not be available if you don't install the gtk engines.
Fourth, in Eclipse I installed 'Eclipse Color Theme 0.14' from Eclipse Market place and choose 'Sublime Text 2'.
The result is rather striking, IMHO.
You may also have to change the desktop theme (some of the OS-level controls like scrollbars... are not CSS-able by us)...
Try to set the gtk3 env variable to 0, to start Eclipse in gtk2 compatible mode:
export SWT_GTK3=0
(anyway, currently scrollbars are not stylable by SWT/CSS in any OS, but buttons and toobars should look good, especially on linux)
I had this issue with Eclipse CDT Neon 4.6.2 on Ubuntu 14.04 and none of the answers worked for me.
The problem was I tried to tell Eclipse to not use Gtk3 (by passing SWT_GTK3=0) while I did not have Gtk2 installed.
Here is what I did:
Check if Gtk2 is installed: pkg-config --modversion gtk+-2.0
If it is installed, you should see something like: 2.24.23
If not, install it by sudo apt-get install gtk2.0
Test Eclipse by typing SWT_GTK3=0 <eclipse_install_path> in a terminal
(Optional) Create a .desktop file:
[Desktop Entry]
Exec=env SWT_GTK3=0 <eclipse_install_path>
Comment=Integrated Development Environment
Unfortunately this will not work with the scrollbars.
So to at least have themed scrollbars in the editor add
-Dswt.enable.themedScrollBar=true directly after -vmargs
in the eclipse.ini file located in your Eclipse package path.
I was trying to solve a different issue but I noticed you're on Linux Mint with Cinnamon, the same as me, and this answer went a long way to making Eclipse display properly: https://stackoverflow.com/a/14075592/1410035
Going to Window > Preferences > General > Appearance and changing the theme to Classic seems to solve the problem.
It's worth mentioning mine was pre-set to GTK.
i tried fedora12 yesterday, but i find eclipse doesn't work. at first i thought this problem is related to SELinux, but after i turn off selinux, i still can't
create a project, i press the "next" or "finish" button, there is no response. well the "cancel" button works. there is no error popup, or error logs.
i tried eclipse -debug -console; but there is no log output when i click the button. it is so weird, is this happened to anyone before?
environment: fedora12, JDK 1.6.0_17, eclipse Galileo.
computer: t400.
This is a bug due to a change introduced in GTK 2.18, see Bug 291257. The current workaround is to export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true before to run Eclipse. I actually use the following startup script:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla/
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/opt/IBM/eclipse
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
I can't install plugins from update sites, either.
In a blank eclipse install, adding a new update site (es: jboss tools) using the keyboard works; also, it's possible to select a release to install from the available software list.
The new plugin gets installed, but won't appear in perspectives (es: jboss devel) after restart.
After that, adding new update sites and trying to install their releases won't work, the available software list remains empty.
Using Fedora 12 Eclipse 3.5..
By the way, "Fedora Eclipse" rpm is screwed at the moment, it won't install a single file
Eclipse 3.6 fix those problems http://download.eclipse.org/eclipse/downloads/
Just add helios update site
There seems to be an incompatability with gtk/gdk shipped with F12. You can tell eclipse to use the native GDK and it should correct these problems:
You can also add -DGDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=1 to your eclipse.ini file. That should help if you switch workspaces.
it's a bug, the keyboard works. try it.
I've just upgrade my Ubuntu from 9.04 to 9.10 and I'm experimenting a very annoying problem with Eclipse Galileo.
The problem is that Eclipse doesn't catch some button clicks. For example, I've tried to install a plugin and I clicked on next, and then nothing happened.
I didn't have the same problem before the upgrade of my Ubuntu version.
This is a known bug (bug 291257) with Eclipse 3.5 and GTK+ 2.8 (fixed in Eclipse 3.6). The workaround is to set the GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS environment variable to true before to start Eclipse.
I use the following startup script for Eclipse:
export MOZILLA_FIVE_HOME=/usr/lib/mozilla/
export ECLIPSE_HOME=/opt/IBM/eclipse
export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true # workaround for Karmic - http://bit.ly/T8MIc
$ECLIPSE_HOME/eclipse $*
The important part is the line export GDK_NATIVE_WINDOWS=true.
There was a change in GTK with Karmic. Here are the relevant bugs: