Microsoft Visual Basic Error - linked-tables

I have a table in an access database that keeps giving my a run-time error '3044' 'Y:\InfoSystem\CommData.mdb is not a valid path. Make sure that the path name is spelled correctly and that you are connected to the server on which the file resides. I don't understand why I am getting this error because the information should be coming from my C: drive and not the Y: I haven't changed anything to make it occur. Is there a way to change it to the C: drive? I believe it is a linked table.

you have somewhere in your code a connection string that tells vb when to find the db. make sure that the path is right. try to search the whole project for "CommData.mdb"
it should be something like that:
Connection1.ConnectionString="Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & App.Path & "\CommData.mdb" & ";Persist security Info=False"
another approach is to try to set the path manually in your code


Roblox ModuleScript reporting Infinite yield possible on

Helping my kid learn to develop. Using Roblox as the tool.
We are in the ServerScriptService folder and in a file called OverheadRankScript. I have a line of code like this:
local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
local DataModule = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DataModule"))
My ModuleScript is in ReplicatedStorage folder and it is new and looks like this.
local module = {}
return module
I get the following error
Infinite yield possible on
I copied the example from this link
Does ModuleScript script need to be in Replicated Storage or is Server Script Service the correct area?
Not sure what I am doing wrong should the file name be DataModule or is ModuleScript ok?
Does the variable need to change not sure the example provided in the documentation does not seem to work.
It's just a warning, but you can add a timeout to it for the warning to stop showing up.
local DataModule = require(ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DataModule", 10))
The 10 is the optional timeout parameter that you can change to whatever you'd like to.
Actually what I found out was the DataModule needs to be renamed to ModuleScript. That Is the file name and it is referencing the file name. The example referenced in the link does not mention this at all. Infinite yield possible was misleading and it could not find the file.

SSRS Deployment complaining about path length when my path is short

I am attempting to deploy my SSRS solution. I have set the "TargetReportFolder" property of my project to "Reports"
When I right-click and select "Deploy", I get the following error:
The path of the item '/Reports' is not valid. The full path must be less than 260 characters long; other restrictions apply. If the report server is in native mode, the path must start with slash.
Obviously my path is less than 260 characters long. I've tried setting my TargetReportFolder property to "/Reports", to the name of my project, and to the name of my project with a slash at the beginning - all give the same error.
I don't understand this deployment process very well. Can someone help me understand?
(I also feel like this may not be on topic, but was encouraged by the presence of an SSRS tag)
My problem was that I didn't understand how Reporting Services works with SharePoint. My comment above is incorrect, I did need to deploy, but I had the wrong parameters for my properties. This page helped me:
The key takeaways from this article are:
All Target*Folder properties need to be either a URL to a document library, or empty
If they are empty, they take the value of TargetReportFolder, which can't be empty and must be a URL to a document library
TargetServerURL needs to be the URL of the site collection in SharePoint

Error showing at tAccessInput component

While using tAccessInput component in my job, it showing error like,
It may not be a database that your application recognizes, or the file may be corrupt.
But, it all the connections and database/table names are valid in my job.
What can be the problem. and how can i resolve it.
Metioning the exact DBVersion is more important for tAccessInput/tAccessOutput.
Like Access 2003/Access 2007 and associated database file name.

How to write an Enterprise Library dataConfig.config file?

I have 'inherited' a test harness application which uses Enterprise Library for its SQL data access. In the app.config file (enterpriselibrary.configurationSettings), it references a "configurationSection" with a path to "dataConfig.config", which is encrypted. I would like to change the database connection properties, but EntLibConfig.exe will not open the dataConfig.config or app.config (I have the FileKeyAlgorithmPairStorageProviderData file).
The test harness application runs, so its configured ok.
I can, in code, using (Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration.ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("dataConfiguration")) read the data configuration, and can navigate all the instances and connection strings (security isn't an issue for this test harness). I can dump everything I need to a hand-crafted XML file (using GetType().AssemblyQualifiedName to get the full name for the classes which read the config file) and then change the app.config to read my new, unencrypted, xml dataConfig file.
All is fine, I can now change my database config settings.
However... given that ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("dataConfiguration") returns a fully populated instance of a DatabaseSettings object, is there not a method I can call which will write the XML file (dataConfig.config) for me ?
I appreciate that this is probably a really big hammer way to edit the data configuration, but after half a day of trying, I fell back on the old coding maxim... if you can't find the tool to do what you want, write your own !
Well... turns out that its not that hard.
I added a new "configurationSection" to my app.config (dataConfiguration2), with encrypt set to false, with a path pointing to an new empty text file (dataConfiguration.config2). I then copied my encrypted dataConfiguration details using the following code:
using Entlib = Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Practices.EnterpriseLibrary.Data.Configuration;
DatabaseSettings settings = (DatabaseSettings)Entlib.ConfigurationManager.GetConfiguration("dataConfiguration");
Entlib.ConfigurationManager.WriteConfiguration("dataConfiguration2", settings);
...and it filled the empty file with the (unencrypted) configuration details.

Joomla template parameters and params.ini - file becomes unwritable after save

I am using wamp on Win XP SP3 and creating a Joomla template with changeable parameters.
initially the message is
The parameter file \templates\ssc_2010\params.ini is
once I make changes everything works as expected, except now i get the message:
The parameter file \templates\ssc_2010\params.ini is
One solution is to brows to the directory, right click the file, select properties, and uncheck read-only. Again the file is writable but once I modify the parameters again it becomes read only again. I'm quite lazy and would like to prevent this from happening again, I've notice this happening in past projects, but now I have to work a lot with parameters so it becomes quite boring doing manual labor like that :P
There is a bug in Joomla 1.5 that causes the message to be displayed.
A security feature was added that makes the template files unwritable until just before save, where they are made writable, saved, then made unwritable again.
Try to make a change, then go back and check the preview. You will see that the change was actually made.
If you want to fix the annoying unwritable message, add the following code to
administrator/components/controller.php around line 179, just after setting the FTP credentials:
$file = $client->path.DS.'templates'.DS.$template.DS.'params.ini';
// Try to make the params file writeable
if (!$ftp['enabled'] && JPath::isOwner($file) && !JPath::setPermissions($file, '0755')) {
JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('Could not make the template parameter file writable'));
This will make the file writable during the edit load process, and before the file's status is posted in the template.
Then for security, in case the edit screen is closed without saving, search for the following lines:
require_once (JPATH_COMPONENT.DS.'admin.templates.html.php');
TemplatesView::editTemplate($row, $lists, $params, $option, $client, $ftp, $template);
and paste the following code just AFTER these lines but before the closing brace:
// Try to make the params file unwriteable
if (!$ftp['enabled'] && JPath::isOwner($file) && !JPath::setPermissions($file, '0555')) {
JError::raiseNotice('SOME_ERROR_CODE', JText::_('Could not make the template parameter file unwritable'));
That will make the file unwritable again.
This is the same code that is used in the saveTemplate() function. We are just doing it again before we display the status of the file on the edit screen. If the process fails because of your web server's configuration, you will get warning messages, BEFORE you've made a bunch of changes to your template. :)
P.S. Remember to save a copy of this file separately, so that you can redo the changes when you upgrade Joomla! (if they haven't fixed this themselves yet.)
This sounds like a user rights problem within Windows - have a look a the security permissions for the directory in which the file you are editing is located, and check that the user "IUSR_xxx" (where xxx is the name of your computer) has full control.
If this doesn't work, then can you tell us what version of Windows you are running as this may help...