winsock receive only one byte long telegrams - winsock

I am sending data over ethernet with winsock from server. On client side I found out that the char array I am sendig is split to characters. So If I send 1000 characters then recv function is called 1000 times to get whole message. Could anybody explain me why is that please? It does not look very efficient to me.
Thank you very much.


TCP/IP using Ada Sockets: How to correctly finish a packet? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
TCP Connection Seems to Receive Incomplete Data
(5 answers)
Closed 3 years ago.
I'm attempting to implement the Remote Frame Buffer protocol using Ada's Sockets library and I'm having trouble controlling the length of the packets that I'm sending.
I'm following the RFC 6143 specification (, see comments in the code for section numbers...
-- Section 7.1.1
String'Write (Comms, Protocol_Version);
Put_Line ("Server version: '"
& Protocol_Version (1 .. 11) & "'");
String'Read (Comms, Client_Version);
Put_Line ("Client version: '"
& Client_Version (1 .. 11) & "'");
-- Section 7.1.2
-- Server sends security types
U8'Write (Comms, Number_Of_Security_Types);
U8'Write (Comms, Security_Type_None);
-- client replies by selecting a security type
U8'Read (Comms, Client_Requested_Security_Type);
Put_Line ("Client requested security type: "
& Client_Requested_Security_Type'Image);
-- Section 7.1.3
U32'Write (Comms, Byte_Reverse (Security_Result));
-- Section 7.3.1
U8'Read (Comms, Client_Requested_Shared_Flag);
Put_Line ("Client requested shared flag: "
& Client_Requested_Shared_Flag'Image);
Server_Init'Write (Comms, Server_Init_Rec);
The problem seems to be (according to wireshark) that my calls to the various 'Write procedures are causing bytes to queue up on the socket without getting sent.
Consequently two or more packet's worth of data are being sent as one and causing malformed packets. Sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 are being sent consecutively in one packet instead of being broken into two.
I had wrongly assumed that 'Reading from the socket would cause the outgoing data to be flushed out, but that does not appear to be the case.
How do I tell Ada's Sockets library "this packet is finished, send it right now"?
To enphasize comment:
I'm not a protocols guru, but from my own experience, the usage of TCP (see RFC793) is often misunderstood.
The problem seems to be (according to wireshark) that my calls to the various 'Write procedures are causing bytes to queue up on the socket without getting sent.
Consequently two or more packet's worth of data are being sent as one and causing malformed packets. Sections 7.1.2 and 7.1.3 are being sent consecutively in one packet instead of being broken into two.
In short, TCP is not message-oriented.
Using TCP, sending/writing to socket results only append data to the TCP stream. The socket is free to send it in one exchange or several, and if you have lengthy data to send and message oriented protocol to implement on top of TCP, you may need to handle message reconstruction. Usually, an end of message special sequence of characters is added at the end of the message.
Processes transmit data by calling on the TCP and passing buffers of data as arguments. The TCP packages the data from these buffers into segments and calls on the internet module to transmit each segment to the destination TCP. The receiving TCP places the data from a segment into the receiving user's buffer and notifies the receiving user. The TCPs include control information in the segments which they use to ensure reliable ordered data transmission.
See also, quoting:
TCP is a stream-oriented connection, not message-oriented. It has no
concept of a message. When you write out your serialized string, it
only sees a meaningless sequence of bytes. TCP is free to break up
that stream up into multiple fragments and they will be received at
the client in those fragment-sized chunks. It is up to you to
reconstruct the entire message on the other end.
In your scenario, one would typically send a message length prefix.
This way, the client first reads the length prefix so it can then know
how large the incoming message is supposed to be.
or TCP Connection Seems to Receive Incomplete Data, quoting:
The recv function can receive as little as 1 byte, you may have to call it multiple times to get your entire payload. Because of this, you need to know how much data you're expecting. Although you can signal completion by closing the connection, that's not really a good idea.
I should also mention that the send function has the same conventions as recv: you have to call it in a loop because you cannot assume that it will send all your data. While it might always work in your development environment, that's the kind of assumption that will bite you later.

using socket package for octave on ubuntu

I am trying to use the sockets package for Octave on my Ubuntu. I am using the Java Sockets API for connecting to Octave. The Java program is the client, Octave is my server. I just tried your code example:
There are two problems:
Using SOCK_STREAM, for some strange reason, certain bytes are being received by recv() right after accept(), even if I'm not sending anything from the client. Subsequent messages I send with Java have no effect, it seems the Octave socket completely has its own idea about what it thinks it receives, regardless of what I'm actually sending.
Using SOCK_DGRAM, there is another problem:
I do get a reception of my actual message this way, but it seems that a recv() command doesn't remove the first element from the datagram queue. Until I send the second datagram to the socket, any subsequent recv() commands will repeatedly read the first datagram as if it were still in the queue. So the recv() function doesn't even block to wait for an actually new available datagram. Instead, it simply reads the same old one again. This is useless, since I cannot tell my server to wait for news from the client.
Is this how UDP is supposed to behave? I thought datagram packets are really removed from the datagram queue by recv().
This is my server side code:
s=socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0);
[config,count] = recv(s, 10)
[test,count] = recv(s, 4)
And this is my Java client:
public LiveSeparationClient(String host, int port, byte channels, byte sampleSize, int sampleRate, int millisecondsPerFrame) throws UnknownHostException, IOException {
this.port = port;
socket = new DatagramSocket(); = InetAddress.getByName(host);
DatagramPacket packet = new DatagramPacket(ByteBuffer.allocate(10)
.put(new byte[]{channels, sampleSize})
.array(), 10,, port
samplesPerFrame = (int) Math.floor((double)millisecondsPerFrame / 1000.0 * (double)sampleRate);
As you see, I'm sending 10 Bytes and receiving all 10 (this works so far) with recv(s, 10). In the later part of my Java program, packets will be generated and send also, but this may take some seconds. In the mean time, the second receive, recv(s, 4), in Octave should wait for a really new datagram package. But this doesn't happen, is simply reads the first 4 Bytes of the same old package again. recv() doesn't block the second time.
I hope it is not a problem for you to fix this?
Thanks in advance :-)
P.S.: Also, I don't undertstand why listen() and accept() are both necessary when using SOCK_STREAM, but not for SOCK_DGRAM.

Examine data at in callout driver for FWPM_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 layer in WFP

I am writing the callout driver for Hyper-V 2012 where I need to filter the packets sent from virtual machines.
I added filter at FWPM_LAYER_EGRESS_VSWITCH_TRANSPORT_V4 layer in WFP. Callout function receive packet buffer which I am typecasting it to NET_BUFFER_LIST. I am doing following to get the data pointer
pNetBuffer = NET_BUFFER_LIST_FIRST_NB((NET_BUFFER_LIST*)pClassifyData->pPacket);
pContiguousData = NdisGetDataBuffer(pNetBuffer, NET_BUFFER_DATA_LENGTH(pNetBuffer), 0, 1, 0);
I have simple client-server application to test the packet data. Client is on VM and server is another machine. As I observed, data sent from client to server is truncated and some garbage value is added at the end. There is no issue for sending message from server to client. If I dont add this layer filter client-server works without any issue.
Callback function receives the metadata which incldues ipHeaderSize and transportHeaderSize. Both these values are zero. Are these correct values or should those be non-zero??
Can somebody help me to extract the data from packet in callout function and forward it safely to further layers?
Thank You.
These are the TCP packets. I looked into size and offset information. It seems the problem is consistent across packets.
I checked below values in (NET_BUFFER_LIST*)pClassifyData->pPacket.
NET_BUFFER_LIST->NetBUfferListHeader->NetBUfferListData->FirstNetBuffer->NetBuffe rHeader->NetBufferData->CurrentMdl->MappedSystemVa
First 24 bytes are only sent correctly and remaining are garbage.
For example total size of the packet is 0x36 + 0x18 = 0x4E I don't know what is there in first 0x36 bytes which is constant for all the packets. Is it a TCP/IP header? Second part 0x18 is the actual data which i sent.
I even tried with API NdisQueryMdl() to retrieve from MDL list.
So on the receiver side I get only 24 bytes correct and remaining is the garbage. How to read the full buffer from NET_BUFFER_LIST?

How to read the whole message with Chilkat socket?

I need to get the whole message(response), but socket.ReceiveBytes(); returns just part of the message. I tried to loop it but it fails on timeout when no bytes to receive.
List<byte> lb = new List<byte>();
byte[] receivedMsg = socket.ReceiveBytes();
while (receivedMsg.Length > 0)
receivedMsg = socket.ReceiveBytes();
So, how I can check if there are byte to read? How I can read the whole message?
Since its a Chilkat implementation, you should probably contact the developer. But I found this that could help:
Ultimately, you need to know how much to read from the socket to constitute a whole message. For example, if the overlying protocol is a portmapper, then you know that you are expecting messsages in the format that the RFC specifies (
If you are rolling your own protocol over a socket connection, then use the method in the Chilkat blog post about putting the size of the total message in the first 4 bytes.

Read whole Message from UDP Socket

I'm sending data over an UDP socket and receive it in a loop with read().
The input data looks like this:
String 1
String 2
String 3
I write data out with send(), each string after each other (in a loop).
How do I make sure that I can reconstruct the data on the receive end in the correct fashion (as I put the strings in)?
The received data can be split anywhere in the middle of the lines like so:
Packet 0: Stri
Packet 1: ng 1
Packet 2: String 2 St
Packet 3: ring 3
Do i have to introduce a custom END OF MESSAGE byte sequence to tell? Because EOF won't help here.
I need to be able to tell if a package is corrupted, and where the data blocks that belong together begin and end, as I sent them away beginning with S and ending with the Number! I can't use TCP because i need broadcast/multicast support.
If you want all messages to arrive, and in the same order they were sent, and to have an "end of message" indication, maybe TCP is better :-)
(TCP does this all out of the box.)