Rainmeter '!SetVariable' fails to work run in command line - window-position

I have a couple of Rainmeter skins on top of my taskbar that act as a cooler clock, and in order to keep the skins above the taskbar, I have the following code:
OnUpdateAction=!ZPos #ZAxis#
So that keeps the skins above the taskbar, but it also keeps it above things like youtube running fullscreen. I got an AutoHotKey script that will run a program when a window becomes fullscreen and when it closes fullscreen, so I told it to launch "%PathToRainmerer%\Rainmeter.exe" !SetVariable "ZAxis" "-1" Skin.ini and "1" on the un-fullscreen, but nothing happened.
I checked everything to make sure the AHK script was working, and I even tried to run Rainmeter.exe with the parameters using a shortcut, but nothing worked. I also set up a Meter with Text=#ZAxis# and it stayed at one. I'm guessing the issue is with the syntax, but I can't find proper documentation (probably because I'm so bad at researching). I can provide more details on polite request.
Please remember that kind and respectful comments are greatly appreciated.

Try "\pathtorainmeter\rainmeter.exe" !activateconfig "mainskin folder\skin subfolder" "skin.ini"
Worked for me


Powershell ISE addon working when using GUI menu but not when using its assigned custom keyboard shortcut

I still use the ISE on occasion and decided to attempt a custom ISE addon that emulates VS Code's Delete Line Ctrl+Shift+K keyboard shortcut. For the moment, this rough draft doesn't delete multiple lines if selected (that functionality will be added later), only the line the cursor is on:
[void]$psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add("Delete Line", {
}, "Ctrl+Shift+K")
What I discovered is that this runs as intended when using clicking on the ISE's menu (Add-ons > Delete Line) but not when using its assigned keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+Shift+K). Using the keyboard shortcut runs everything I've put in the code block thus far except the SendWait() method(s).The result when using the keyboard shortcut is what you would expect $psise.CurrentFile.Editor.SelectCaretLine() to do - highlight the line that the cursor is currently on - it just doesn't send 'Delete' twice. The console output is identical when using either method (GUI vs keyboard shortcut). I've run into some goofy things when using Winforms classes within the ISE, but the difference in behavior between using the ISE Add-ons menu vs keyboard shortcut is new to me. I've googled for PowerShell ISE SendKeys and ISE SendWait etc and have come up empty.I'm open to suggestions on a better method (regex, pinvoke/embedded Win32, etc) but am hoping to gain some insight into what's happening under the hood within ISE.I know, I know - I already use VS Code for a lot and ISE is dying, but this has me curious now and I'd like to know either how to fix this or at least understand why the SendWait method isn't playing well with the ISE.Any help is much appreciated!
*** removing my previous answer, since you had issues with the approach.***
Refactoring to just this, fully tested/validated for what you say you want. I'd still work to avoid Send-Keys, unless there is no other option.
Function Delete-Line
# Pause the allow for Send-Keys to work for HotKey use
Start-Sleep -Seconds 1
$psISE.CurrentPowerShellTab.AddOnsMenu.Submenus.Add("Delete Current Line", {Delete-Line}, 'Ctrl+Shift+K')
You of course can adjust that time to fit your response time. Say, using milliseconds vs seconds. This timing is not absolute with Send-Keys. Each machine you use this on may need a time adjustment. Hence the reason to use another more efficient approach.

VSCode annoying problem focus behavior, keeps jumping to a problem

Last Edit:
It appears I've had an F8 key being pressed non-stop, and it seems to be a shortcut for "Go to Next Error or Warning".
I've wrote a piece of code, it has an error which I'm aware of. Specifically, I'm trying to run a function which doesn't exist yet:
All good, I'm glad it is telling me there's a problem, but... I wish to keep writing stuff in the same file and I simply can't. Every so often the GUI keeps sending the caret (the place where my next piece of text will be written) to the beginning of the problematic piece of code. Simply speaking, I can't keep doing anything until I resolve the problem, since it forcefully intrudes my every action. Even more than that! When I go to a different file, with means of fixing the problem and adding the missing function, it once again interrupts me and forcefully takes me back to the problematic file to show me that there's a problem (??!?!?!). Closing it with "Esc" only closes it once, but it keeps on returning every several seconds.
I don't think it was like that just a week ago, and I didn't install any new plugin since then. I'm currently using the last version, 1.58.2.
How do I stop this work-flow-intruding behavior?
I've kept on working for some time and it turns out the issue is much bigger than that. Whenever I type a name of some property, half way through some wild problem would jump and tell me "Cannot find name 'quar'. Did you mean 'quarter'?". The issue is basically the time delay of the problem checks, it's non-existent. It's also too intrusive, moving the caret and jumping between files to show me the existing problems. It's very recent, it didn't happen earlier this week. I've tried disabling different plugins I have and they're not the cause.
This is not exactly your issue, but could be related to what you are experiencing: https://github.com/microsoft/vscode/issues/68776
Try disabling the Outline Explorer and see what happens then.
Furthermore, see if disabling autosave improves anything.

Configure VS Code output window for python to jump to last line of output window?

I am sorry if the question doesn't make sense, I didn't really know how to phrase it properly.
What I am trying to achieve is similar to how it works in the command prompt when running a python file. When I run a python file from the command prompt, the command prompt window will jump to the last outputted line during the running of the program, so what is currently being outputted is always visible. However in my current VS Code set up, the output window will not jump to the last line as it is printed, and I have to scroll through the output window to see what is happening with the program.
I am currently using the latest version of VS Code and using the code-runner extension as well. Please let me know if what I am asking does not really make sense.
As far as I understand your question, I would like to answer it.
To Auto-Scroll to the last output, you can just click on the Lock Icon near the Clear Console icon.

Constant error: "A setting has changed that requires a restart to take effect"

"press the restart button to restart Visiual Studio Code and enable the setting."
Now Im going to preface this by saying that this is quite possibly the most annoying thing I have ever experienced in my years computing.
I'm new to VS Code and as such I am knee deep in my settings.json a lot of the time. Especially moreso when Ive just installed a new extension and it comes with loads of parameters, alnd all sorts of goodies - sort of like I did today when I got home from work.
I open settings.json. I add a comment line indicating a new section for my new extension's myriad of settings I half understand, and move any auto-generated config settings from the bottom to the freshly minted position. I start typing, the widget pops up letting me know about all 70+ settings I can fiddle with as much as I please.
I hit tab on the first entry, it goes down. Tab again, "true" goes down.
"A setting has changed that requires a restart to take effect"
OKAY no problem VS code. Quick restart, back to my config.
I start typing the extension again, I get 200ms in or however long it takes for that widgit to appear, and
"A setting has changed that requires a restart to take effect"
I watch the text in my editor contort as the settings are unloaded and reloaded and unloaded again.
I got the first 4 characters of the extension name typed out before this lovely notification reappears.
when this happens a few times its a little irritating.
BUT THIS IS CONSTANT .Every. Single. Line. I try to add. Each and every setting. Sometimes 2 or 3 times before I actually get the string down, never-mind its value.
I don't know what to do, I am legitimately going to rip my hair out. This is by far easily up there with one of the most frustrating things I have ever been forced to endure. It is relentless.
I dont know what else to do. Ive tried all I can think of.
I just want to learn and use my new extension.
Please for the love of anything help me.

Eclipse debugger freezes but gives no errors

I'm debugging someones code, and it freezes when I do something specific, but Eclipse doesn't stop on an error (I may have accidentally turned this off). When I press pause in the debugger, Eclipse shows me a bunch of suspended threads, where two of them are coloured red.
I want to find out if there is an error anywere, or if there's just an infinite loop somewhere (which doesn't seem likely, because Eclipse should break in the loop in that case).
I'd be great if anyone can help me with this Thanks in advance!
Maybe you have a deadlock?
You can use jconsole (goes with java jdk) to find out this. Launch jconsole, attach to your process, go to the Threads tab. Press "Detect deadlock"... It can be also useful to look at all threads states, for example you can have infinity loop in one thread and another thread blocked etc...
I've had this happen to me before, try inserting breakpoints every few lines of code, then stepping through those until it breaks, removing the breakpoints that don't have any errors between them. Remember the line of code that causes it to crash and make whatever changes are necessary to fix it.