how to self join using eloquent with order by and group by - left-join

I want to execute below query in Laravel 5.1
SELECT *, max(m2.created_at) createdat FROM `messages` m1 left join messages m2
on ( where m1.parent_id=0 group by order by createdat desc
Below is my 'messages' table
id |parent_id |message_content |created_at
2 |0 |hello |2015-08-10 10:32:16
3 |0 |Hello Again |2015-08-10 10:33:25
4 |0 |how are you.This|2015-10-19 16:34:56
24 |2 |hi from a |2016-01-07 11:37:21
25 |4 |ok |2016-01-07 11:38:23
26 |3 |now its here2 |2016-01-07 11:38:38
27 |4 |4th on top1 |2016-01-07 11:39:32
28 |3 |3rd on top1 |2016-01-07 11:46:56
29 |2 |2nd on top1 |2016-01-07 11:47:12
30 |3 |3rd on top2 |2016-01-07 11:47:24
31 |4 |4th on top2 |2016-01-07 11:47:36
I got it working using below Laravel code
$messages = Message::select(DB::raw('*,max(m2.created_at) as createdAt'))->leftJoin('messages as m2','m2.parent_id','=','')
This is my Parent() scope
public function scopeParent($query)
return $query->where('messages.parent_id', '=', '0');
Is it possible to get it done without using "leftJoin" and purely eloquent way?


Get last value of previous partition/group in pyspark

I have a dataframe looking like this (just some example values):
| id | timestamp | mode | trip | journey | value |
1 2021-09-12 23:59:19.717000 walking 1 1 1.21
1 2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000 walking 1 1 1.36
1 2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000 driving 2 1 1.65
2 2021-09-11 23:52:09.315000 walking 4 6 1.04
I want to create new columns which I fill with the previous and next mode. Something like this:
| id | timestamp | mode | trip | journey | value | prev | next
1 2021-09-12 23:59:19.717000 walking 1 1 1.21 bus driving
1 2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000 walking 1 1 1.36 bus driving
1 2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000 driving 2 1 1.65 walking walking
2 2021-09-11 23:52:09.315000 walking 4 6 1.0 walking driving
I have tried to partition by id, trip, journey and mode and ordered by timestamp. Then I tried to use lag() and lead() but I am not sure these work on other partitions. I came across the Window.unboundedPreceding and Window.unboundedFollowing, however I am not sure I completely understand how these work. In my mind I think that if I partition the data as explained above I will always just need the last value of mode from the previous partition and to fill the next I could reorder the partition from ascending to descending on the timestamp and then do the same to fill the next column. However, I am unsure how I get the last value of the previous partition.
I have tried this:
w = Window.partitionBy("id", "journey", "trip").orderBy(col("timestamp").asc())
w_prev = w.rowsBetween(Window.unboundedPreceding, Window.unboundedFollowing)
df = df.withColumn("prev", first("mode").over(w_prev))
Code examples and explainations using pyspark will be very appreciated!
So, based on what I could understand you could do something like this,
Create a partition based on ID and their journey, within each journey there are multiple trips, so order by trip and lastly the timestamp, and then simply use the lead and lag to get the output!
w = Window().partitionBy('id', 'journey').orderBy('trip', 'timestamp')
df.withColumn('prev', F.lag('mode', 1).over(w)) \
.withColumn('next', F.lead('mode', 1).over(w)) \
|id |timestamp |mode |trip|journey|value|prev |next |
|1 |2021-09-12 23:59:19.717000|walking|1 |1 |1.21 |null |walking|
|1 |2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000|walking|1 |1 |1.36 |walking|driving|
|1 |2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000|driving|2 |1 |1.65 |walking|null |
|2 |2021-09-11 23:52:09.315000|walking|4 |6 |1.04 |null |null |
Okay as OP asked, you can do this to achieve it,
# Used for taking the latest record from same id, trip, journey
w = Window().partitionBy('id', 'trip', 'journey').orderBy(F.col('timestamp').desc())
# Used to calculate prev and next mode
w1 = Window().partitionBy('id', 'journey').orderBy('trip')
# First take only the latest rows for a particular combination of id, trip, journey
# Second, use the filtered rows to get prev and next modes
df2 = df.withColumn('rn', F.row_number().over(w)) \
.filter(F.col('rn') == 1) \
.withColumn('prev', F.lag('mode', 1).over(w1)) \
.withColumn('next', F.lead('mode', 1).over(w1)) \
|id |timestamp |mode |trip|journey|value|prev |next |
|1 |2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000|walking|1 |1 |1.36 |null |driving|
|1 |2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000|driving|2 |1 |1.65 |walking|null |
|2 |2021-09-11 23:52:09.315000|walking|4 |6 |1.04 |null |null |
# Finally, join the calculated DF with the original DF to get prev and next mode
final_df = df.alias('a').join(df2.alias('b'), ['id', 'trip', 'journey'], how='left') \
.select('a.*', 'b.prev', '')
|id |trip|journey|timestamp |mode |value|prev |next |
|1 |1 |1 |2021-09-12 23:59:19.717000|walking|1.21 |null |driving|
|1 |1 |1 |2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000|walking|1.36 |null |driving|
|1 |2 |1 |2021-09-12 23:59:38.617000|driving|1.65 |walking|null |
|2 |4 |6 |2021-09-11 23:52:09.315000|walking|1.04 |null |null |

How to get the two nearest values in spark scala DataFrame

Hi EveryOne I'm new in Spark scala. I want to find the nearest values by partition using spark scala. My input is something like this:
first row for example: value 1 is between 2 and 7 in the value2 columns
|id |value1 |value2 |
|1 |3 |1 |
|1 |3 |2 |
|1 |3 |7 |
|2 |4 |2 |
|2 |4 |3 |
|2 |4 |8 |
|3 |5 |3 |
|3 |5 |6 |
|3 |5 |7 |
|3 |5 |8 |
My output should like this:
|id |value1 |value2 |
|1 |3 |2 |
|1 |3 |7 |
|2 |4 |3 |
|2 |4 |8 |
|3 |5 |3 |
|3 |5 |6 |
Can someone guide me how to resolve this please.
Instead of providing a code answer as you appear to want to learn I've provided you pseudo code and references to allow you to find the answers for yourself.
Group the elements (select id, value1) (aggregate on value2
with collect_list) so you can collect all the value2 into an
select (id, and (add(concat) value1 to the collect_list array)) Sorting the array .
find( array_position ) value1 in the array.
splice the array. retrieving value before and value after
the result of (array_position)
If the array is less than 3 elements do error handling
now the last value in the array and the first value in the array are your 'closest numbers'.
You will need window functions for this.
val window = Window
.partitionBy("id", "value1")
val result = df
.withColumn("prev", lag("value2").over(window))
.withColumn("next", lead("value2").over(window))
.withColumn("dist_prev", col("value2").minus(col("prev")))
.withColumn("dist_next", col("next").minus(col("value2")))
.withColumn("min", min(col("dist_prev")).over(window))
.filter(col("dist_prev") === col("min") || col("dist_next") === col("min"))
.drop("prev", "next", "dist_prev", "dist_next", "min")
I haven't tested it, so think about it more as an illustration of the concept than a working ready-to-use example.
Here is what's going on here:
First, create a window that describes your grouping rule: we want the rows grouped by the first two columns, and sorted by the third one within each group.
Next, add prev and next columns to the dataframe that contain the value of value2 column from previous and next row within the group respectively. (prev will be null for the first row in the group, and next will be null for the last row – that is ok).
Add dist_prev and dist_next to contain the distance between value2 and prev and next value respectively. (Note that dist_prev for each row will have the same value as dist_next for the previous row).
Find the minimum value for dist_prev within each group, and add it as min column (note, that the minimum value for dist_next is the same by construction, so we only need one column here).
Filter the rows, selecting those that have the minimum value in either dist_next or dist_prev. This finds the tightest pair unless there are multiple rows with the same distance from each other – this case was not accounted for in your question, so we don't know what kind of behavior you want in this case. This implementation will simply return all of these rows.
Finally, drop all extra columns that were added to the dataframe to return it to its original shape.

Parse the XML column into multiple columns and transpose into rows based on count in Spark DataFrame

I have a scenario where the XML column response_output have ordercount and orders with corresponding order details.
For example xml is like below, the count of OrderCount is 4 , and under orders we have 4 order details
<ORDTime>2021-02-02 21:13:12</ORDTime><ORDStatus>COMPLETE</ORDStatus>
<order><name>MR RITA SOMA</name><address>606 JAL TXS</address><tracknumber>7825225</tracknumber><status>UNK</status></order>
<order><name>MR RITA SOMA</name><address>1 BAL, HAL</address><tracknumber>7825226</tracknumber><status>FAIL</status></order>
<order><name>MR RODREX SOMA</name><address>18, GHC,BAN</address><tracknumber>7825224</tracknumber><status>SUC</status></order>
<order><name>MR RITA SOMA</name><address>1 BAL, HAL</address><tracknumber>7825223</tracknumber><status>SUC</status></order>
I need to retrieve the records based on the ordercount, if the ordercount is 4 then I need to iterate 4 times on orders and fetch 4 records with all order details and if the ordercount is 1 then I need to fetch 1 record with order details respectively.
Could anyone help me with this with spark2, scala solution?
|customer_id|response_id|response_output |
|100 |1 |<USR_ORD><OrderResponse><OrderResult><OrderCount>1</OrderCount><ORDTime>2021-02-02 10:34:19</ORDTime><ORDStatus>COMPLETE</ORDStatus><ORDValue><USR1OrderTotalTime>321</USR1OrderTotalTime><USR1OrderKYC>{ND}</USR1OrderKYC><USR1OrderLoc>{ND}</USR1OrderLoc><orders><order><name>MRS MITA PERS</name><address>17 MAXI RD CHN</address><tracknumber>7825222</tracknumber><status>FAIL</status><amount>4500</amount><orderdate>2019-10-18</orderdate></order></orders><USR1Orderqnt>10</USR1Orderqnt><USR1Orderxyz>0</USR1Orderxyz><USR1OrderD>{ND}</USR1OrderD></ORDValue></OrderResult></OrderResponse></USR_ORD> |
|200 |1 |<USR_ORD><OrderResponse><OrderResult><OrderCount>4</OrderCount><ORDTime>2021-02-02 21:13:12</ORDTime><ORDStatus>COMPLETE</ORDStatus><ORDValue><USR1OrderTotalTime>221</USR1OrderTotalTime><USR1OrderKYC>{ND}</USR1OrderKYC><USR1OrderLoc>{ND}</USR1OrderLoc><orders><order><name>MR RITA SOMA</name><address>606 JAL TXS</address><tracknumber>7825225</tracknumber><status>UNK</status><amount>1030</amount><orderdate>2020-11-16</orderdate></order><order><name>MR RITA SOMA</name><address>1 BAL, HAL</address><tracknumber>7825226</tracknumber><status>FAIL</status><amount>8000</amount><orderdate>2018-07-17</orderdate></order><order><name>MR RODREX SOMA</name><address>18, GHC, BAN</address><tracknumber>7825224</tracknumber><status>SUC</status><amount>2500</amount><orderdate>2017-09-16</orderdate></order><order><name>MR RITA SOMA</name><address>1 BAL, HAL</address><tracknumber>7825223</tracknumber><status>SUC</status><amount>2700</amount><orderdate>2017-04-22</orderdate></order></orders><USR1Orderqnt>10</USR1Orderqnt><USR1Orderxyz>0</USR1Orderxyz><USR1OrderD>{ND}</USR1OrderD></ORDValue></OrderResult></OrderResponse></USR_ORD>|
When I try to run the below sql I am getting as follows but I need to get 4 records for customer_id 200 as the count is 4 with the corresponding oder details.
| customer_id,
| xpath_string(response_output,'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/OrderCount') as OrderCount,
| xpath_string(response_output,'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/name') as name,
| xpath_string(response_output,'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/address') as address,
| xpath_string(response_output,'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/tracknumber') as tracknumber,
| xpath_string(response_output,'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/status') as status
| from cust_tbl""").show()
Result I am Getting:
|customer_id|OrderCount| name| address|tracknumber|status|
| 100| 1|MRS MITA PERS|17 MAXI RD CHN| 7825222| FAIL|
| 200| 4| MR RITA SOMA| 606 JAL TXS| 7825225| UNK|
Expecting OutPut:
|customer_id|OrderCount|name |address |tracknumber|status|
|200 |4 |MRRITASOMA |606JALTXS |7825225 |UNK |
|200 |4 |MRRITASOMA |1BAL HAL |7825226 |FAIL |
|200 |4 |MRRODREXSOMA|18 GHC BAN |7825224 |SUC |
|200 |4 |MRRITASOMA |1 BAL HAL |7825223 |SUC |
|100 |1 |MRSMITAPERS |17MAXIRDCHN|7825222 |FAIL |
The function xpath_string extracts one string value for the given XPath expression. For your case, you need to use xpath to get array of the node values for each order detail (name, status, ...) and zip them all together using arrays_zip:
val df1 = df.withColumn(
expr("xpath_string(response_output, 'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/OrderCount')")
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/name/text()')"),
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/address/text()')"),
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/tracknumber/text()')"),
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/status/text()')")
).select("customer_id", "OrderCount", "orders.*")
//|customer_id|OrderCount|name |address |tracknumber|status|
//|100 |1 |MRS MITA PERS |17 MAXI RD CHN|7825222 |FAIL |
//|200 |4 |MR RITA SOMA |606 JAL TXS |7825225 |UNK |
//|200 |4 |MR RITA SOMA |1 BAL, HAL |7825226 |FAIL |
//|200 |4 |MR RODREX SOMA|18, GHC, BAN |7825224 |SUC |
//|200 |4 |MR RITA SOMA |1 BAL, HAL |7825223 |SUC |
For Spark < 2.4, you can posexplode each array columns and join on index :
val df1 = df.withColumn(
expr("xpath_string(response_output, 'USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/OrderCount')")
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/name/text()')").as("name"),
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/address/text()')").as("address"),
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/tracknumber/text()')").as("tracknumber"),
expr("xpath(response_output, '/USR_ORD/OrderResponse/OrderResult/ORDValue/orders/order/status/text()')").as("status")
val result = df1.selectExpr("customer_id", "OrderCount", "posexplode(name) as (idx, name)")
df1.selectExpr("customer_id", "posexplode(address) as (idx, address)"),
Seq("idx", "customer_id")
df1.selectExpr("customer_id","posexplode(tracknumber) as (idx, tracknumber)"),
Seq("idx", "customer_id")
df1.selectExpr("customer_id", "posexplode(status) as (idx, status)"),
Seq("idx", "customer_id")
//|customer_id|OrderCount|name |address |tracknumber|status|
//|100 |1 |MRS MITA PERS |17 MAXI RD CHN|7825222 |FAIL |
//|200 |4 |MR RITA SOMA |606 JAL TXS |7825225 |UNK |
//|200 |4 |MR RITA SOMA |1 BAL, HAL |7825226 |FAIL |
//|200 |4 |MR RODREX SOMA|18, GHC, BAN |7825224 |SUC |
//|200 |4 |MR RITA SOMA |1 BAL, HAL |7825223 |SUC |

Join with uneven columns

I have two dataframes structured the following way:
Type|Total # Users|Hour
I'd like to join these columns based on hour however the first dataframe is at a deeper granularity in the second and therefore has more rows. Basically I want a dataframe where I have
|Source|#Users|#Clicks|Hour|Type|Total # Users
where the total # users is from the second dataframe. Any suggestions? I think I maybe want to use map?
Here's an example
|Prod1 |50 |3 |01 |Internet
|Prod2 |10 |2 |07 |iOS
|Prod3 |1 |50 |07 |Internet
|Prod2 |3 |2 |07 |Internet
|Prod3 |8 |2 |05 |Internet
|Type |Total #Users|Hour
|Internet|100 |01
|iOS |500 |01
|Internet|300 |07
|Internet|15 |05
|iOS |20 |07
|Source|#Users|#Clicks|Hour|Type |Total #Users
|Prod1 |50 |3 |01 |Internet|100
|Prod2 |10 |2 |07 |iOS |20
|Prod3 |1 |50 |07 |Internet|300
|Prod2 |3 |2 |07 |Internet|300
|Prod3 |8 |2 |05 |Internet|15
That's a left join you're trying to do :
df1.join(df2, (df1.Hour === df2.Hour) & (df1.Type === df2.Type), "left_outer")
Short version : a left join keep all the rows from df1 and join on condition with matching rows of df2 if there is a match (null if not, duplicate if multiple matches).
More info on Pyspark join
More info on SQL Joins types

Display %ROWCOUNT value in a select statement

How is the result of %ROWCOUNT displayed in the SQL statement.
Select top 10 * from myTable.
I would like the results to have a rowCount for each row returned in the result set
|rowNumber |Column1 |Column2 |
|1 |A |B |
|2 |C |D |
There are no any simple way to do it. You can add Sql Procedure with this functionality and use it in your SQL statements.
For example, class:
Class Sample.Utils Extends %RegisteredObject
ClassMethod RowNumber(Args...) As %Integer [ SqlProc, SqlName = "ROW_NUMBER" ]
quit $increment(%rownumber)
and then, you can use it in this way:
SELECT TOP 10 Sample.ROW_NUMBER(id) rowNumber, id,name,dob
FROM sample.person
You will get something like below
|rowNumber |ID |Name |DOB |
|1 |200 |Quigley,Neil I. |12/25/1999 |
|2 |199 |Zevon,Imelda U. |04/22/1955 |
|3 |198 |O'Brien,Frances I. |12/03/1944 |
|4 |197 |Avery,Bart K. |08/20/1933 |
|5 |196 |Ingleman,Angelo F. |04/14/1958 |
|6 |195 |Quilty,Frances O. |09/12/2012 |
|7 |194 |Avery,Susan N. |05/09/1935 |
|8 |193 |Hanson,Violet L. |05/01/1973 |
|9 |192 |Zemaitis,Andrew H. |03/07/1924 |
|10 |191 |Presley,Liza N. |12/27/1978 |
If you are willing to rewrite your query then you can use a view counter to do what you are looking for. Here is a link to the docs.
The short version is you move your query into a FROM clause sub query and use the special field %vid.
SELECT v.%vid AS Row_Counter, Name
FROM (SELECT TOP 10 Name FROM Sample.Person ORDER BY Name) v
Row_Counter Name
1 Adam,Thelma P.
2 Adam,Usha J.
3 Adams,Milhouse A.
4 Allen,Xavier O.
5 Avery,James R.
6 Avery,Kyra G.
7 Bach,Ted J.
8 Bachman,Brian R.
9 Basile,Angelo T.
10 Basile,Chad L.