How to run "sudo ipython notebook" in browser without using Anaconda "ipython notebook"? - ipython

I have two pythons installed on my ubuntu
sudo which python
which python(anaconda).
And both pythons have ipython installed in it. When I run ipython notebook (anaconda) it simply takes me to the browser and works perfectly. But, when I run it like sudo ipython notebook (calling from systems python) it gives me an error. I want run ipython in browser in both cases.
What I do:

Iresolved it using this command sudo apt-get install ipython-notebook. Actually sudo pip doesn't work i think. Therefore i tried that and installed ipython-notebook and then i tried "sudo ipyton notebook" and it worked! :


Jupyter Notebook Error: "Jupyter command `jupyter-notebook` not found."

I just downloaded vscode using homebrew and install python#3.11 using homebrew as well. I used pip3 install jupyter as I saw other recommend to fix this issue and still no luck. I have downloaded all the extensions on vscode and I have set the kernal to homebrew version of python and I still recieve this issue. Note that I have used notebooks in the past and have never gotten this issue so I am not really sure what it is this time. I have not installed anaconda.
I have tried uninstalling and installing the extensions but no luck. I have tried to pip3 uninstall jupyter, pip3 uninstall notebook and reinstall them and still no luck. I have tried to change the kernal to the default python3 on the mac and still nothing. My mac is m1 running on Ventura 13.2. I am able to run python code on regular python files just not using jupyter notebook. I followed the instructions how to set it up on vscode website but I got this error. Any help would be appreciated thank you.
I have same issue using VSCode on Mac OS.
VSCode's 'Jupyter' plugin is broken, causing VSCode unable to bind with python interpreter. Downgrading from v2023.1.2000312134 to v2022.11.1003412109 fixed my issue.
I had the same issue, running on m1 mac (Ventura 13.2). If you aren't already, make sure you are utilising a python virtual environment:
# Create a python virtual environment
$ python -m venv venv
# Activate your python virtual environment
$ source venv/bin/activate
Form your VSCode Command Palette (Shift+Command+P), search and then choose
Jupyter: Select Interpreter to Start Jupyter Server
You should then select the python version that is associated to your virtual environment (venv).

jupyter executables not accessible after pip install on ubuntu

I have installed jupyter - but to double check ran the install again:
pip install jupyter
Requirement already satisfied (use --upgrade to upgrade): jupyter in ./.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages
However there is no jupyter (or jupyter-notebook etc.) on the $PATH or anywhere under /usr
find /usr -name jupyter
Where is it installed? I am on ubuntu 16.0.4
Maybe I'm wrong but is your
Because it should be installed there :
And if really you struggle with system based python and Jupyter, I think you should install Anaconda instead.
It's the most used, production ready, compartimented python environment.
And it has jupyter built-in.
To finish my argumentation, it's the recommanded way to install Jupyter.

There is no activate when I am trying to run my virtual env

1) I installed virtualenv using pip.
2) I ran the command virtualenv venv
3) Then I ran source venv/bin/activate but it says that there is no such file or directory.
When I cd into venv/bin I find 3 things - python, python 2.7, and python 3.5. Does anyone know the problem?
i have had the same problem. and what i did is just run the command
virtualenv env
again. And then more files were generated under directory env/bin, including the activate file. it's so weird.
I solved the similar problem running python3.7 -m venv venv, you can change for your version of python that is installed in your enviroment.
According to Python doc, the installation step is
$ python3 -m pip install --user virtualenv
$ python3 -m venv env
The last command gives a warning message,
The virtual environment was not created successfully because ensurepip is not
available. On Debian/Ubuntu systems, you need to install the python3-venv
package using the following command.
apt-get install python3-venv
You may need to use sudo with that command. After installing the python3-venv
package, recreate your virtual environment.
$ sudo apt-get install python3-venv
Now, activate is available.
I solved a similar problem by naming it venv2 when I ran virtualenv. I already had a virtual environment named venv for another project. This allowed me to proceed.
I experienced this problem when using the --upgrade option. Removed the option, and all ran as expected.
I double it is caused by some networking issue, I run it twice to get 'activate' script installed. Maybe first it can't connect to some source so it just abort installation.
I had this happen on rasbian when I hadn't installed python3-pip before creating the venv.

Created an Anaconda python3 environment but it still loads ipython 2.7.6

So I installed Anaconda on my Ubuntu linux 12.04LTS x64 box. It seems to work fine except for this. So I created a conda environment using the
conda create -n py33dev python=3 anaconda
When I try to run the ipython shell, I would expect to get the Ipython3 shell and notebook. However, it still loads the ipython 2.7.6 shell. I tried using the ipython3 command, but it will then load an ipython3 shell from my computer and not from Anaconda.
I tried to install ipython3 to the Anaconda environment using
pip install ipython3
conda install ipython3
However, when I do this I just get a message saying "No packages found matching: ipython3"
So I am not sure why Anaconda runs fine with python2 but not with python3--even though Continuum indicates it is python3 ready. Am I missing a step anywhere? Does anyone know how to solve this?
Did you remember to do "source activate py33dev"?

ipython will not work even after reinstalling

Im trying very hard to get ipython notebook to work. I got it working in terminal, but I can't get it to work in my browser.
When I type ipython notebook in terminal, it says -bash: ipython: command not found
MacBook-Air:~ me$ sudo easy_install
error: None
MacBook-Air:~ me$ ipython
-bash: ipython: command not found
Im really unsure why this is happening.
You do not need to (and you probably shouldn't) do sudo easy_install it will probably install things as root, avoid sudo. Check that ipython executable is in your $PATH.
github tarballs are broken for IPython. You do have to deep clone with git if you want to run master, then run python with the option you like (install, develop, symlink)...
Use pip if you want to run IPython stable.
You might have issues with readline on osx (wrong multiline editting, wrong completion, IPython popping error messages at launch time) this is one of the rare case where you might have to using easy_install for readline.
Maverick (10.9) has issues with python/numpy/matplotlib you might need to have a custom python build with homebrew that does not use system libs.