How to use sum statements in Zend Framework1 - zend-framework

How to use aggerate function in zend framework
$select = $this->select()->from(dailyusages, new Zend_Db_Expr("SUM(offPeakTotal)"));

$select = new Zend_Db_Select($dbadapter);
$result = $select
'offPeakTotalSum' => 'SUM(offPeakTotal)'


zend framework subquery

I am using zend framework 1.12. I have following query to run.
"SELECT name,(select count(*) from org_quote_template_items where org_quote_template_items.quote_template_id = org_quote_templates.`id` ) as total_line_item FROM `org_quote_templates`"
In my model file , I created it like this. following is my model file.
class default_Model_DbTable_QuoteTemplates extends Zend_Db_Table_Abstract
* Name of the original db table
* #var string
protected $_name = 'org_quote_templates';
public function getAllTemplate($where){
$select = $this->select();
$subquery = " (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM org_quote_template_items WHERE org_quote_template_items.quote_template_id = org_quote_templates.`id` )";
$select->from(array($this), array('org_quote_templates.*','total_line_items' => new Zend_Db_Expr($subquery)));
$select = $select->where('organization_id = ?',$where['org_id']);
$adapter = new Zend_Paginator_Adapter_DbSelect($select);
$paginator = new Zend_Paginator($adapter);
I am getting following error when I run the code.
" exception 'Zend_Db_Table_Select_Exception' with message 'Select query cannot join with another table' "
please let me know what should I do ?
There is an error in your request. You should have:
$select = $this->select ();
$subquery = "(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM dtempls WHERE order_id =";
$select->from ($this, array (
'total_line_items' => new Zend_Db_Expr ($subquery)
I think you have to use setIntegrityCheck(false) for accomplishing that. Check this link
You can try this way in zend
->from(array('oqt' => 'org_quote_templates'),array('total_line_item'))
->joinLeft(array('oqti' => 'org_quote_template_items'), 'oqti.quote_template_id =', array(count(*) as count))

Zend_Locale_Format number_format number does not work

i have code like this:
$options = array(
'number_format' => '#.##'
$value = '22155000000000000048';
$result = Zend_Locale_Format::getNumber($value, $options);
receive: 22155000000000000048
suppose: 22155000000000000048.00
even 'number_format' => '#.00' not helps
Use toNumber() instead of getNumber(). And correct format is '#0.00'
$options = array(
'number_format' => '#0.00'
$value = '22155000000000000048';
$result = Zend_Locale_Format::toNumber($value, $options);

How to Use Multiple Conditions In An Update Statement With Zend_Db And QuoteInto

Using Zend Framework, is there a way to pass multiple conditions to an update statement using the quoteInto method? I've found some references to this problem but I'm looking for a supported way without having to extend Zend_Db or without concatenation.
$db = $this->getAdapter();
$data = array('profile_value' => $form['profile_value']);
$where = $db->quoteInto('user_id = ?', $form['id'])
. $db->quoteInto(' AND profile_key = ?', $key);
$this->update($data, $where);
You can use an array type for your $where argument. The elements will be combined with the AND operator:
$where = array();
$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('user_id = ?', $form['id']);
$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('key = ?', $key);
$this->update(array('value' => $form['value']), $where);
Since 1.8 you can use:
$where = array(
'name = ?' => $name,
'surname = ?' => $surname
$db->update($data, $where);
Just refreshing the above answer
$data = array('value' => $form['value']);
$where = array();
$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('user_id = ?', $form['id']);
$where[] = $this->getAdapter()->quoteInto('key = ?', $key);
$this->update($data, $where);

Zend Framework: Zend_Db_Select - how to join custom subquery table?

$select->joinRight(array('i' => '(SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY image_id)'),'i.ad_id = '. $main .'.id',$imarray);
Like that doesn't work. Subquery getting inside quotes.
Like that:
RIGHT JOIN `(SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY image_id)` AS `i` ON i.ad_id =
Thanks ;)
array('i' => new Zend_Db_Expr('(SELECT * FROM images ORDER BY image_id)')),
'i.ad_id = '. $main .'.id',
I feel This is easier to read and navigate...
$sub = $this->select()
->from(array('i' => 'images'), array('*'))
$select = $this->select()
->from(array('m' => 'MAIN_TABLE'), array('*'))
->joinRight(array('i' => $sub), 'i.ad_id =', array('*'));
return $this->select($select);

Zend Framework: How to do a DB select with multiple params?

I'm just wondering what the syntax is to do a db select in Zend Framework where two values are true. Example: I want to find if a user is already a member of a group:
$userId = 1;
$groupId = 2;
$db = Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter();
$select = new Zend_Db_Select($db);
->where('user_id = ?', $userId); //Right here. What do I do about group_id?
$result = $select->query();
$resultSet = $result->fetchAll();
You can use multiple where clauses which will be ANDed together by default:
->where('user_id = ?', $userId)
->where('group_id = ?', $groupId);
Just In case someone wants to add an OR condition to a select with multiple params
$select = $db->select()
array('product_id', 'product_name', 'price'))
->where('price < ?', $minimumPrice)
->orWhere('price > ?', $maximumPrice);
For more view the Zend Select manual Docs: