Globally declare a hash in perl - perl

I have a hash which is present in the main perl script (.pl) I want the hash to be visble to the modules (.pm) that are called in the main perl script. How can I declare it globally? Is it possible?

First off - this is a bad idea. Globals or super-globals like you're looking for lead to code with complicated dependencies all over the place - the very thing you're trying to avoid by using modules in the first place.
However - you can declare a variable with our and then access it via package name.
our %thing = ( key => "value" );
print Dumper \%main::thing;
This is visible elsewhere in the namespace via full name and module.
(If you really must, you can start mucking around with TYPEGLOBs, but trust me when I say this is a bad idea).

This breaks many rules of good software design, but it's possible using package variables.
use strict;
use warnings;
use 5.010;
use MyHashModule;
our %hash = (one => 1, two => 2, three => 3);
say hashkeys();
package MyHashModule;
use strict;
use warnings;
use base 'Exporter';
our #EXPORT = qw[hashkeys];
sub hashkeys {
return keys %main::hash;
But I can't repeat enough what a terrible idea this is. If you were to explain more about what you are actually trying to do, we could probably come up with a solution that is far saner.

It is strongly recommended you look to declare local variables as opposed to global variables, whenever possible. If you are only needing to write a small script, there may be no problems with declaring a global variable, but as the script gets bigger, or if you or another developer adds more functionality, there may be some hard to find logic errors that creep in.
That being said, if you must declare a global variable, you would simply change the my to our, like this:
our %global_variable = (key => "value");


Splitting perl module into multiple files

I'm a perl newbie who is working on a module that is getting quite long and I want to split it into multiple files for easier maintainability and organization. Right now it looks something like this
package ABC;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $var1;
my $var2;
sub func1 {
#some operations on a $var
sub func2 {
#some operations on a $var
return 1;
I'd like it to look something like
package ABC;
use strict;
use warnings;
my $var1;
my $var2;
sub func1 {
#some operations on a $var
return 1;
package ABC;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub func2 {
#some operations on a $var
return 1;
The issue I'm having is getting the variables to be seen across the separate files. I tried to declare them using 'our', but then I have to use the scope resolution operator which I don't want to do. I'd like to treat them as local variables within the module files, but have them hidden to the calling script. I'd also like to only have one include in the calling script, like
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use ABC;
The issue I'm having is getting the variables to be seen across the separate files.
Your best option is to stop wanting that.
The whole point of lexical variables is for them to be accessible in only a small locally visible bit of code. A variable that needs to be accessed from multiple different files is a sign of "code smell".
If you're really sure you want this though…
I tried to declare them using 'our', but then I have to use the scope resolution operator which I don't want to do.
Yes, this should work, but you need to declare the variable at the top of each file you use it in.
package ABC;
our $foo;
# code that accesses $foo goes here
And then:
package ABC;
our $foo;
# code that accesses $foo goes here
You can make your file a collection of require statements.
package ABC;
require ABC1;
require ABC2;
require ABC3;
It's important to work with require instead of use, because use will try to import things automatically. But that will not work since there is no package ABC1 in your file, so ABC1->import will fail.
Regarding the variables, there's really no way to get lexical variables into different files. You could use do instead of require, which would read and run the files directly in the line with the do. That way, the scope would stay the same, and you could have this.
package ABC;
my $foo;
my $bar;
do 'lib/';
do 'lib/';
Please do not do this. It's crazy!
If you feel that your library is getting too big, first add proper documentation to every function, and sort so that things that belong together are together. If that does not help you, split up the file into smaller logical units and make those individual packages that talk to each other through a defined interface, but also are able to stand alone where needed.
If repeating a bunch of use statements feels like too much boiler plate, write your own module collection (like strictures) using Import::Into.
Furthermore, don't use lexical variables in the file scope. If you want to have state for things, create object oriented code and write classes. Then you'll have state and behavior. If you have package/class data, use package variables.
Perl doesn't have the concept of private things for a reason. There are conventions in place to mark things as private, like naming them _stuff with a leading underscore. That's a sign for everyone that this is internal, not a stable API, might change at any moment and shouldn't be messed with. Do that, instead of trying to hide things. It's a strength of Perl to allow you to mess with everything. But that doesn't mean you have to do it. It's an option that you should embrace.

how to access variables in imported module in local scope in perl?

I am stuck while creating a perl Moose module.
I have a global pm module.
package XYZ;
require Exporter;
our #ISA = qw(Exporter); ## EDIT missed this line
our #EXPORT_OK = qw($VAR);
my $VAR1 = 1;
our $VAR = {'XYZ' => $VAR1};
I want to get $VAR in a Moose module I'm creating
package THIS;
use Moose;
use YAML::XS;
sub get_all_blocks{
my ($self) = #_;
require $self->get_pkg(); # this returns the full path+name of the above package
# i cannot use use lib+use since the get_pkg starts complaining
our $VAR;
print YAML::XS::Dump($XYZ::VAR); # this works
print YAML::XS::Dump($VAR); # this does not work
# i cannot use the scope resolution since XYZ would keep changing.
Can someone please help me with accessing variable?
EDIT: Missed one line in the package XYZ code.
I cannot touch the package XYZ since it is owned/used by someone else, I can just use it :(
Exporting variables may easily lead to trouble.
Why not
package XYZ;
use strict;
use warnings;
use Exporter qw(import);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw(get_var);
my $VAR = '...'; # no need for "our" now
sub get_var { return $VAR }
and then
package THIS;
use warnings;
use strict;
use XYZ qw(get_var);
my $var = get_var();
See Exporter.
As for what you tried to do, there are two direct problems
$VAR from XYZ is never imported into THIS. If you need symbols from other packages you need to import them.† Those packages have to make them available first, so you need to add it to #EXPORT_OK as well.
Like above but with $VAR instead of get_var()
package XYZ;
use Exporter qw(import);
our #EXPORT_OK = qw($VAR);
our $VAR = '...'; # need be "our" for this
package THIS;
use XYZ qw($VAR);
print "$VAR\n";
Now $VAR can be used directly, including being written to (unless declared constant); that can change its value under the feet of yet other code, which may never even know about any of it.
Another way is to use #EXPORT and then those symbols are introduced into every program that says use Package;. I strongly recommend to only use #EXPORT_OK, when callers need to explicitly list what they want. That also nicely documents what is being used.
Even once you add that, there is still a variable with the same name in THIS, which hides (masks, shadows) the $XYZ::VAR. So remove our $VAR in THIS. This is an excellent example of one problem with globals. Once they're introduced we have to be careful about them always and everywhere.
But there are far greater problems with sharing variables across modules.
It makes code components entangled and the code gets harder and harder to work with. It runs contrary to principles of well defined scopes and modular design, it enables action at a distance, etc. Perl provides many good tools for structuring code and we rarely need globals and shared variables. It is telling that the Exporter itself warns against that.
Note how now my $VAR in XYZ is not visible outside XYZ; there is no way for any code outside XYZ to know about it or to access it.‡ When it is our then any code in the interpreter can write it simply as $XYZ::VAR, and without even importing it; that's what we don't want.
Of course that there may be a need for or good use of exporting variables, what can occasionally be found in modules. That is an exception though, to be used sparingly and carefully.
† Unless they're declared as package globals under a lexical alias via our in their package, in which case they can be used anywhere as $TheirPackageName::varname.
‡ This complete privacy is courtesy of my.
You do not want our $VAR; in THIS's namespace. That creates a lexical reference to $THIS::VAR. Not what you want.
Instead, you need to use properly:
use XYZ qw($VAR);
However, XYZ doesn't have an import to run here, so you need to update that. There are two ways to fix XYZ to do this - one is to import import, e.g., use Exporter qw(import);, the other is to derive off Exporter, e.g., use parent qw(Exporter);. Both of these will get XYZ->import(...) to work properly.
Once XYZ is useing Exporter correctly, then the use XYZ qw($VAR); line will cause perl to implicitly load XYZ and call XYZ->import(qw($VAR)), which will import that variable into your namespace.
Now, having answered your question, I will join others in suggesting that exporting variables is a very bad code smell, and probably is not the best / cleanest way to do what you want.

When is our needed in a Perl program?

It seems that our is only needed for exposing a (global) variable in a package. In other contexts, its use only helps readability but is not required.
And if the above observation is right, then by following the practice of encapsulation, it's not even needed in a package, because my would be used, and getter and setter would be provided.
Assuming my application can completely be implemented using OOD, and that within a package, data is strictly passed around using args to subroutines, would I then completely obviate the need for our?
Use our when...
You're required to use a global variable.
You want to use local (which you probably shouldn't).
In general you're correct, anything you might do as a global variable could be done with a class method accessor gaining all the advantages of encapsulation.
For example...
package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $Thing = 42;
compared to...
package Foo;
use strict;
use warnings;
sub thing { 42 }
What happens if $Foo::Thing is no longer a simple constant? What if it's something that turns out to be expensive to calculate and rarely used? By encapsulating with Foo->thing you can do the calculation only when needed.
It also allows subclasses to override class information.
package Bar;
our #ISA = qw(Foo);
sub thing { 23 }
And that brings us to when to use our: when you have to. There's a lot of Perl features and libraries that read global variables either by convention or implementation. The most common examples are #ISA for subclassing, $VERSION, and the salad of Exporter variables like #EXPORT.
There are better ways to do this, and many modules like Exporter have replacements, but many of these conventions were laid down when Perl 5 wasn't comfortable with OO.
There is one final use of our and that's to take advantage of local. It can be used to pass extra data around without changing the function signatures. The original value is automatically restored when the function exits.
our $foo;
sub something { something involving $foo and set $stuff...
local $foo = $stuff;
Yes, this is a poor example.
The circumstances where this is useful and advisable are, again, indicative of bad design. Usually it's used to pass extra data between functions without changing their signature, often as part of recursion. File::Find is littered with this technique. Run perldoc -m File::Find and poke around.
It is needed in certain circumstances, such as accessing the class variables from other locations where you don't need/can't use a getter:
package Package;
our $VERSION = '0.01';
perl -wMstrict -MPackage -E 'say $Package::VERSION'
If the $VERSION variable was declared with my:
Use of uninitialized value $Package::VERSION in say at -e line 1.
That is, the variable is not visible outside of the package namespace itself, because when using my, it is lexical to the package itself, ie. it's in package scope only.
You must also use our if you are exporting variables:
package Package;
use Exporter;
our #ISA = 'Exporter';
our #EXPORT = qw($x);
our $x = 10;
This will print 10:
perl -wMstrict -MPackage -E 'say $x'
...but with my, you'll get the same warning as above.

Using a var to select a var in Perl

I thought you used to be able to do this in "strict" mode, but I may be remembering incorrectly. Is is possible for something like this to work...
use strict;
use warnings;
package SomePackage;
my $TargetPID="demo:5"; #using "our" also works, but not in strict mode
my $VarName="TargetPID";
print ${$VarName}; #works but not in strict or if the var is declared with "my"
The reason I'm interested is that I'm trying to select a variable based on a text flag in a text file and I'd like to read in the content of the text file into a hash, then substitute some identifier along the lines of "#TargetPID#" with the corresponding variable. Being also able to specify both a package and a variable (or constant) would be a nice tbonus.
I can't think of any advantage of doing it the way you are trying to over just using a hash:
use strict;
use warnings;
package SomePackage;
my %vars = ();
my $VarName="TargetPID";
print $vars{$VarName};
If you really must use $TargetPID as a variable and not a member of a hash, you can use eval:
my $TargetPID = "demo:5";
my $VarName = '$TargetPID';
print eval $VarName;
Or, if for some reason you need the value of $VarName to be 'TargetPID' and not '$TargetPID', you can do print eval '$' . $VarName.
You can use the PadWalker module for this. From the documentation:
PadWalker is a module which allows you to inspect (and even change!)
lexical variables in any subroutine which called you. It will only
show those variables which are in scope at the point of the call.
In your case, you would need to use peek_my, which does what it says: it allows you to peek into variables declared by my in a given scope.
use warnings;
use strict;
package SomePackage;
use PadWalker qw/peek_my/;
my $TargetPID = "demo:5";
my $VarName = "TargetPID";
print ${peek_my(0)->{'$' . $VarName}}
The subroutine peek_my takes one argument, a level, which is the number of subroutine calls to go back on the stack. It then returns a hash map of all the lexical my variables that were in scope at the time of the given call. In your case, the variable you want is defined in the same scope as where it is needed, so you would pass in 0, to go back 0 subroutine calls. Then you pull out the data you need like any other hash ref.
Be careful though, from the documentation:
PadWalker is particularly useful for debugging (emphasis mine.) It's even used by
Perl's built-in debugger. (It can also be used for evil, of course.)
I wouldn't recommend using PadWalker directly in production code, but
it's your call. Some of the modules that use PadWalker internally are
certainly safe for and useful in production.

I serialized my data in Perl with Data::Dumper. Now when I eval it I get "Global symbol "$VAR1" requires explicit package name"

I serialized my data to string in Perl using Data::Dumper. Now in another program I'm trying to deserialize it by using eval and I'm getting:
Global symbol "$VAR1" requires explicit package name
I'm using use warnings; use strict; in my program.
Here is how I'm evaling the code:
my $wiki_categories = eval($db_row->{categories});
die $# if $#;
/* use $wiki_categories */
How can I disable my program dying because of "$VAR1" not being declared as my?
Should I append "my " before the $db_row->{categories} in the eval? Like this:
my $wiki_categories = eval("my ".$db_row->{categories});
I didn't test this yet, but I think it would work.
Any other ways to do this? Perhaps wrap it in some block, and turn off strict for that block? I haven't ever done it but I've seen it mentioned.
Any help appreciated!
This is normal. By default, when Data::Dumper serializes data, it outputs something like:
$VAR1 = ...your data...
To use Data::Dumper for serialization, you need to configure it a little. Terse being the most important option to set, it turns off the $VAR thing.
use Data::Dumper;
my $data = {
foo => 23,
bar => [qw(1 2 3)]
my $dumper = Data::Dumper->new([]);
print $dumper->Dump;
Then the result can be evaled straight into a variable.
my $data = eval $your_dump;
You can do various tricks to shrink the size of Data::Dumper, but on the whole it's fast and space efficient. The major down sides are that it's Perl only and wildly insecure. If anyone can modify your dump file, they own your program.
There are modules on CPAN which take care of this for you, and a whole lot more, such as Data::Serializer.
Your question has a number of implications, I'll try to address as many as I can.
First, read the perldoc for Data::Dumper. Setting $Data::Dumper::Terse = 1 may suffice for your needs. There are many options here in global variables, so be sure to localise them. But this changes the producer, not the consumer, of the data. I don't know how much control you have over that. Your question implies you're working on the consumer, but makes no mention of any control over the producer. Maybe the data already exists, and you have to use it as is.
The next implication is that you're tied to Data::Dumper. Again, the data may already exist, so too bad, use it. If this is not the case, I would recommend switching to another storable format. A fairly common one nowadays is JSON. While JSON isn't part of core perl, it's pretty trivial to install. It also makes this much easier. One advantage is that the data is useful in other languages, too. Another is that you avoid eval STRING which, should the data be compromised, could easily compromise your consumer.
The next item is just how to solve it as is. If the data exists, for example. A simple solution is to just add the my as you did. This works fine. Another one is to strip the $VAR1: (my $dumped = $db_row->{categories}) =~ s/^\s*\$\w+\s*=\s*//;. Another one is to put the "no warnings" right into the eval: eval ("no warnings; no strict; " . $db_row->{categories});.
Personally, I go with JSON whenever possible.
Your code would work as it stood except that the eval fails because $VAR1 is undeclared in the scope of the eval and use strict 'vars' is in effect.
Get around this by disabling strictures within as tight a block as possible. A do block does the trick, like this
my $wiki_categories = do {
no strict 'vars';
eval $db_row->{categories};