Adding custom points to mapbox studio - mapbox

In Mapbox studio classic, you just click where you want a new "marker" and it creates one. I want to do the same thing in the new mapbox studio but that feature doesn't seem to exist. Please note, I do not have a dataset to upload, I need to create a dataset through Mapbox Studio.
If anybody has any insight for me that would be super!

You can add your data to Mapbox Studio along with this custom svg marker. I styled it similar to the old Leaflet L.marker:
Then in the layout properties you can set "marker-symbol"/"icon-image" to "myMarker-Blue-Shadow":
map.addSource("pointclick", {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [e.lngLat.lng,]
"properties": {
"title": "mouseclick",
"marker-symbol": "myMarker-Blue-Shadow"
"id": "pointclick",
type: 'symbol',
source: 'pointclick',
"layout": {
"icon-image": "{marker-symbol}",
"icon-offset": [0, -13]
"paint": {}


Mapbox GL-JS : Adding a pattern to a polygon

I am closely following the example at this link at Mapbox documentation to add a pattern to a polygon. I have simply taken their code and added it to my map using an onClick event. It is very simple and basic. I am unable to figure out how to use my own data, though. They use manually entered coordinates. I wish to use my own local JSON file. How do I do this? Here is my code that works : (it is literally copied/pasted from the Mapbox tutorial, but this is my actual code that is working)
function test() {
// Add GeoJSON data
map.addSource('source', {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[
[-30, -25],
[-30, 35],
[30, 35],
[30, -25],
[-30, -25]
// Load an image to use as the pattern
map.loadImage('', function(err, image) {
// Throw an error if something went wrong
if (err) throw err;
// Declare the image
map.addImage('pattern', image);
// Use it
"id": "pattern-layer",
"type": "fill",
"source": "source",
"paint": {
"fill-pattern": "pattern"
So, how do I use my own data? I have tried the following below and many (10+) variations and I can't get this to work. Below is just an example of what I am trying to do.
map.addSource('source', {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {},
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"data": "folder/sample.json"
map.addSource('source', {
"type": "geojson",
"data": "folder/sample.json"

How can I take coordinates for a polygon from a geojson file and extrude a 3D polygon from that?

I am trying to build a custom polygon and extrude it to the desired height using a geojson format for the data of the layer. I cannot, however, get the layer to appear on the map.
Here is what my code currently looks like:
map.on('load', function() {
"id": "points",
"type": "fill-extrusion",
"source": {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"height": 20
"geometry": {
"type": "Polygon",
"coordinates": [[-77.95156674578604,43.21028611031018],[-77.9515685764367,43.21023621803456],[-77.95164127121708,43.21023640149863],[-77.95163950226289,43.20994159756599],[-77.95156746849948,43.20994229766657],[-77.95156608216422,43.20984647340193],[-77.95163884784701,43.2098471878642],[-77.95163818870492,43.20974779426955],[-77.95156665824665,43.20974844351096],[-77.95156615562892,43.2096483942845],[-77.95163707195606,43.20964807835471],[-77.95163793551596,43.20955241242493],[-77.95156647756606,43.20955241987652],[-77.9515664774183,43.2094545892833],[-77.95163793511105,43.20945458922404],[-77.95163696894726,43.20935746267753],[-77.95156551159552,43.20935675861833],[-77.95156647716871,43.20929763788168],[-77.95105728862093,43.20929848258431],[-77.95105728634326,43.20935651174059],[-77.95094326166087,43.20935664235909],[-77.9509445324407,43.2094533024724],[-77.95105528277132,43.20945365396392], [-77.95105519319713,43.20955170962569],[-77.9509434596672,43.20955220425741],[-77.95094421091157,43.20964816606944],[-77.95105501443713,43.20964756032618],[-77.95105491497931,43.20974624410085], [-77.95094329958742,43.20974576773256],[-77.95094365714365,43.20984690983914],[-77.95105721793563,43.20984632462195],[-77.95105737381726,43.20994209364298], [-77.95094302334114,43.2099429224098], [-77.95094306509297,43.21003748562214],[-77.95105440575118,43.21003746846881],[-77.95105570050066,43.21013103703177],[-77.95094276571092,43.21013059432006],[-77.95094112502309,43.21023730976442],[-77.95105416431622,43.21023720143463],[-77.95105549775089,43.21028580291442],[-77.95156674578604,43.21028611031018]]
"paint": {
"fill-extrusion-color": "#aaa",
"fill-extrusion-height": ['get', 'height']
Polygon is an array of LineStrings in GeoJSON (see, for instance). So in your case the coordinates should look like this:
"coordinates": [[[-77.95156674578604,43.21028611031018],[-77.9515685764367,43.21023621803456],[-77.95164127121708,43.21023640149863],[-77.95163950226289,43.20994159756599],[-77.95156746849948,43.20994229766657],[-77.95156608216422,43.20984647340193],[-77.95163884784701,43.2098471878642],[-77.95163818870492,43.20974779426955],[-77.95156665824665,43.20974844351096],[-77.95156615562892,43.2096483942845],[-77.95163707195606,43.20964807835471],[-77.95163793551596,43.20955241242493],[-77.95156647756606,43.20955241987652],[-77.9515664774183,43.2094545892833],[-77.95163793511105,43.20945458922404],[-77.95163696894726,43.20935746267753],[-77.95156551159552,43.20935675861833],[-77.95156647716871,43.20929763788168],[-77.95105728862093,43.20929848258431],[-77.95105728634326,43.20935651174059],[-77.95094326166087,43.20935664235909],[-77.9509445324407,43.2094533024724],[-77.95105528277132,43.20945365396392], [-77.95105519319713,43.20955170962569],[-77.9509434596672,43.20955220425741],[-77.95094421091157,43.20964816606944],[-77.95105501443713,43.20964756032618],[-77.95105491497931,43.20974624410085], [-77.95094329958742,43.20974576773256],[-77.95094365714365,43.20984690983914],[-77.95105721793563,43.20984632462195],[-77.95105737381726,43.20994209364298], [-77.95094302334114,43.2099429224098], [-77.95094306509297,43.21003748562214],[-77.95105440575118,43.21003746846881],[-77.95105570050066,43.21013103703177],[-77.95094276571092,43.21013059432006],[-77.95094112502309,43.21023730976442],[-77.95105416431622,43.21023720143463],[-77.95105549775089,43.21028580291442],[-77.95156674578604,43.21028611031018]]]

Is there a way to extrude the height of mapbox Point on the map?

Is there a way to extrude the height of mapbox Point on the map?
Having the following example:
map.addSource("markers", {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [14.422063225409431,50.08273361716846]
"properties": {
"height": 12,
"base_height": 10,
"title": "Mapbox DC",
"marker-symbol": "spaceti-maintenance"
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [14.421896271941648,50.08259946060207]
"properties": {
"height": 12,
"base_height": 10,
"title": "Mapbox SF",
"marker-symbol": "spaceti-maintenance"
"id": "markers",
"source": "markers",
//"type": "symbol",
// "layout": {
// "icon-image": "{marker-symbol}",
// "text-field": "{title}",
// "text-font": ["Open Sans Semibold", "Arial Unicode MS Bold"],
// "text-offset": [0, 0.6],
// "text-anchor": "top"
// },
"paint": {
// See the Mapbox Style Spec for details on property functions
"fill-extrusion-color": "#424242",
"fill-extrusion-height": {
// Get fill-extrusion-height from the source "height" property.
"property": "height",
"type": "identity"
"fill-extrusion-base": {
// Get fill-extrusion-base from the source "base_height" property.
"property": "base_height",
"type": "identity"
// Make extrusions slightly opaque for see through indoor walls.
"fill-extrusion-opacity": 0.90
am I able to use both layout and paint properties of the layer assuming that I want to have marker with custom icon + extrusion height? I am building indoor navigation with multiple floor, that is the reason.
​It's not possible at this time to extrude points, however, you can convert these to (small) circles and extrude them based on your values. Looks like some similar requests for point cloud support is here:
​ so you may be able to follow the progress should it makes its way into new releases.

Mapbox GL setData to update layer with multiple markers

I have a Mapbox GL map with a single layer and multiple markers on that layer, I am trying to update a specific marker, so I am using setData in order to update only one marker but setData will reset the whole layer markers to add only that I am trying to update as the single marker on the whole layer, thus removing all old markers.
By trying to add multiple markers in GEOJson format as an array of GEOJson objects as shown below I get an error:
Uncaught Error: Input data is not a valid GeoJSON object.
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [31.331849098205566, 30.095422632059062]
"properties": {
"marker-symbol": "cafe"
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [31.39, 30.10]
"properties": {
"marker-symbol": "cafe"
Will appreciate it so much if someone can please help by telling me what I am doing wrong / missing here, thanks
setData expects a complete GeoJSON object (not just it's features) or a url pointing to a GeoJSON object.
You'll need to manage the state of the GeoJSON in your code and update the entire object via setData when a change is made.
var geojson = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
map.on('load', function() {
map.addSource('custom', {
"type": "geojson",
"data": geojson
// Add a marker feature to your geojson object
var marker {
type: 'Feature',
geometry: {
type: 'Point',
coordinates: [0, 0]
}); is a good example that demonstrates this behaviour.

Can't get custom markers to work in Mapbox GL JS

I've followed both the example at Mapbox site and this instruction on GitHub but can't get markers to show on my map: (using Mapbox style and sprites) (using custom style and sprites)
var center = [51.5, -0.1];
var map = new mapboxgl.Map({
container: 'map',
center: center,
zoom: 8,
style: ''
// Markers
map.on('style.load', function() {
map.addSource("markers", {
"type": "geojson",
"data": {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": [{
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [51.48, -0.08]
"properties": {
"title": "Lorem",
"marker-symbol": "default_marker"
}, {
"type": "Feature",
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [51.52, -0.12]
"properties": {
"title": "Ipsum",
"marker-symbol": "secondary_marker"
"id": "markers",
"type": "symbol",
"source": "markers",
"layout": {
"icon-image": "{marker-symbol}",
"text-field": "{title}",
"text-font": "Open Sans Semibold, Arial Unicode MS Bold",
"text-offset": [0, 0.6],
"text-anchor": "top"
"paint": {
"text-size": 14
All styles, JSON and PNG files with markers seem to load properly.
Any ideas?
The GeoJSON layer type of Mapbox GL JS follows the GeoJSON specification, which requires that coordinates be in longitude, latitude order. Your examples have them reversed. Flipping them shows the markers, which have the correct icons.
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [-0.12, 51.52]