PHP7.0.0 is not loading on Mamp OS X - mamp

I have downloaded the PHP7.0.0 from Mamp downloads page and put it in /mamp/bin/php but It is not loading in dropdown. I know it only lists 2 PHP versions in Preferences PHP tab. All other versions lists but not PHP7.0.0

It may just be a display issue because it's limited to two versions of PHP. In my experience there are two potential fixes:
1) you need to quit MAMP and re-open to show most recent PHP version
2) you have to hide the other versions and only leave 7.0.0 and one other version. To do this I go to MAMP/bin/php and add "_X" next to the versions of PHP that I don't want to show. For example, "php5.1.6_X". Go through all versions, so that the only ones left are php7.0.0 and any other that you would like. When done quit mamp (stop servers first if you don't have them to stop automatically) and re-open.


moodle: Automatic plugin updates for developing offline

I am developing a plugin for moodle. Every time want to review the results of the things I have changed in the code it is necessary to update all plugins. This means I have to open a notification page and click on update. I waste a lot time by doing this. Furthermore, it requires a internet connection to check for updates online.
Is there a way to update plugins that are under development automatically?
Especially changes to the AMD-Files do not become updated. The following steps I have tried:
First try:
change js-file inside AMD folder
[optional] delete minified version of the js-file
run grunt (uglify)
page reload in firefox or chrome
=> no changes visible after page reload in firefox
Second try:
change js-file inside AMD folder
run grunt (uglify)
change version number at version.php
updated plugin at moodle / administration / site administration / notifications
page reload in firefox or chrome
=> changes are visible
Cache was disabled in the browser and inside moodle
You shouldn't need to do any form of update if you have just made changes to your code - make the change, save it, refresh the page.
If you have changed any language strings or CSS or created any new autoloading classes, then Purge the site caches to see the new version.
If debugging is on, you shouldn't need to purge any caches for javascript changes (but you can also set $CFG->jsrev = -1; in config.php, as that sometimes helps).
The only times (during development) when you really need to bump the version number and then visit the notifications page (which doesn't require an internet connection) is if you are adding/removing a capability, changing the database tables in some way or making changes to one of the other files in the 'db/' subfolder (e.g. caches.php, messages.php).
I changed the config.php in the root folder of moodle and added the following lines:
$CFG->cachejs = false;
Finally, I saw all changes made to Javascript files stored in mod/my-plugin/amd/src directly on the page without running grunt.
It was not enough to set the debugging options under administration / site administration / development / debugging.

Moodle 2.5.1+ File Picker not working

I know that in Moodle 2.5.1+ there are some problems with the File Picker.
If editing is turned on, the File Picker doesn't work. I was curious if anyone had found a solution for this as it would be much easier to create new SCORM packages or whatever without having to worry about turn editing on, add activity, turn editing off, upload file, turn editing back on. That seems really painful.
Have you tried: turn editing on, drag & drop SCORM zip file onto course page, select 'create SCORM', click 'OK'?
As for your 'file picker not working' issue:
Have you turned on debugging ( )
Are there any errors displayed on the page?
Are there any
javascript errors in your browser (usually hidden away under some
form of 'developer tools' in modern browsers, you haven't mentioned
which web browser you are using, so I cannot give further advice
here) ?
Have you tried upgrading to the latest version of Moodle 2.5
(2.5.6 was released on 12th May and has fixed a number of issues in
2.5.1 - see for details of all changes made) ?

IE11 F12 Developer Tools on Windows 7 functionality missing/not working?

I was using IE10 on Windows 7 but it is such a buggy piece of you-know-what (hanging, crashing, etc.) that I gave up and installed IE11. It has not hung or crashed since installing. But I hate the F12 developer tools! Okay, not completely - there are some very cool new features. What I don't like is that they seem to have dropped several features that I really liked! Unless I'm just missing something... I've searched and searched on Google and Microsoft but all of the help I've found only describes the new features. Here is what I'm missing: Color picker, Ruler, and most of all, the Clear browser cache for this domain. They allege to have a Clear browser cache function, but it doesn't work! So when I make changes to my website, in particular changing graphics, the only way I can see the change is to delete all my temporary files from IE. Then I lose all of my cookies e.g. for automatically logging in to Stack Overflow! IE version 11.0.9600.16428 on Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit.
The color picker is still available, go to the DOM Explorer tab and there is an eye dropper on the tool bar at the top towards the left. That activates the color picker.
For the issue of serving cached files try toggling on "Always refresh from server" on the network tool (3rd option from the left). This should get you the latest changes from your server.

Plone 4.3 default editor isn't showing up

I have a Plone 4.3 site that was a migration from a Plone 2.5 site. It had been working fine, but for some reason the default editor that shows up when editing any page or content item is the straight HTML view.
I've tested it in Firefox, Chrome, and Safari — all shows up the same. The drop down menu above the editing box shows these options:
I've also tried switching the "Default editor" both in the Site setup > Editing Control Panel and also through the ZMI > portal_properties > site_properties > available_editors but no dice. The options there are None, Kupu, and TinyMCE.
There are two other Plone sites on this same instance (not migrations though, they started as Plone 4.3 sites) and their editors show up like normal.
Any thoughts? I'm at a loss, except to maybe try uninstalling and reinstalling TinyMCE through buildout, but I'm wary of whether or not that might break something else, especially if it breaks the other two sites.
4.3 suffers from some random failures loading generic setup profile steps on creating a plone site. There are a few alternative ways to resolve this:
1) Identify the missed steps (in this case TinyMCE) and go to portal_setup and run them. Or, rerun all the steps.
2) Remove or comment out the line "PYTHONHASHSEED random" in base.cfg. Rerun buildout. Restart. Re-add your Plone site.
3) Upgrade to Plone 4.3.1. I haven't heard of anyone having this problem with 4.3.1. If you do, be sure to file a bug report!
Plone also stores the chosen editor in the user preferences.
Check http://yoursite/##personal-preferences
There's a small script which migrates all users to tinymce ->

Minimize floating windows in NetBeans 7.2

I recently upgraded to NetBeans 7.2 and am facing a substantial usability issue with floating windows. In 7.1 each floating window was minimize-able, which I used quite regularly. By all appearances the minimize button is completely gone. The button is missing and when I right click on the title bar, the close button is available but the minimize is disabled (greyed out).
I'm running windows 7 x64.
I also encountered the issue in the RC but figured that it would be resolve in the final version. I've googled around and not been able to find anyone with the same issue so I'm hoping that it is just me.
I checked out the settings under Tools > Options > Miscellaneous > Windows and none of them seem to make any difference.
How can I get the minimize floating windows functionality back?
It looks like a bug on the windows version, because I'm using the mac one and the minimize buttons are in place.
I'd go back to the previous version until they solve the bug.
In fact, at least in mac, you can have both versions installed, so you could open 7.2 from time to time and check for any updates that solved the problem.
I've found some additional info here:
Maybe you could try to do as they tell:
No minimize button means those windows are docked into editor docking spot. Use
menu Window - Reset Windows.
I am able to minimize windows in netbeans on win 7x64
And sorry I wanted to add this as a comment, but apparently I couldn't