calling rest api from meteor app - rest

How can I call a rest api with authentication from meteor, appreciate if you can guide to an example, I have added the http package to the meteor project. Using advanced rest client chrome app, I am able to get the data by passing the following URL and 2 headers. This app is using the already logged in browser session.
URL: https://xxxxx:9443/ccm/oslc/contexts/_ZoC0QNS3EeGPlow7Bl9IAw/workitems
headers: Accept", "application/json"
OSLC-Core-Version", "2.0"
How can I pass the headers and user name password of the rest api service.


WSO2 API manager returns binary response

I am very new to WSO2 API manager and trying out my very first simple restful api. which returns json response and has no security since it is an internal api.
I installed WSO2 API manager locally and trying to call the rest api on my dev server which uses http and no security as I mentioned earlier.
Here is how my get url looks like:
and here is my url looks like for production and sandbox environment:
I don't have any message mediation enabled.
I went to the API store and created a trial application (so that I can get the access token. Eventhough, my dev environment api has no security, I was reading that for throttling and other purpose, I need to pass bearer token to the WSO2 api OR it will reject the request.)
When I am trying to consume the api, I get the following binary message.
Is there any way I can see the proxy log on WSO2 server so that I can see the request and its header sent to my dev server?
How can I fix this binary response to get the proper json response?
I searched all over and can't find solution to it.
You can use below steps on WSO2 ESB or APIM to enable Wire Logs.
Uncomment below line in /repository/conf/
Restart Server.
Source -

IBM Weather REST API 401 Keep getting CORS issues when access

I am getting a 401 and some cross domain issues when trying to access IBM Weather REST API from either client (browser) or server.
If I generate a URL and try and access it directly from a browser (eg paste it in it works fine and the JSON weather report is returned).
When I try and run the Javascript HTTP request from either the browser or server it seems like it's only allowed to run from an domain.
Failed to load The 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header contains multiple values 'https://*, https://*', but only one is allowed. Origin 'http://localhost:3000' is therefore not allowed access.
I am using the free service on Bluemix. Is this restricted to only run via a Bluemix server? or are there some options I can pass when I create the service on Bluemix
Note, when I make the request I am using the credentials supplied via the Bluemix console. Again, this works via the browser URL bar, but not via code.
Update/More info: if I hit past the URL above into the browser (with creds) it works as above, then if hit it via the web app in the same session it works.
Hmmm. So the IBM server is sending the following response header:
Access-Control-Allow-Origin: https://*, https://*
That's an invalid response from IBM. Unfortunately, I think your only option is to complain to IBM, and convince them to
Return a valid Access-Control-Allow-Origin response header (with only one value)
Allow people outside of IBM to access it
Without that, I fear you're out of luck.

HP QC REST API for postman rest client

I tried to connect HP QC using postman rest client
The followig URL(Example)
It throws error as follows
**Authentication failed. Browser based integrations - to login append '?login-form-required=y' to the url you tried to access.**
when i tried adding the parameter login-form-required=y it goes back to login page how to store session and fetch data through rest api using postman rest client.
Choose Authorization type as BASIC and Enter credential and Click Update Request.
Postman snap:

Magento 2.0 REST API Oauth Token Request Error

Trying to integrate magento 2.0 with a desktop application (i.e the desktop application should be able to create products & download orders) using the REST API.
I am trying to make a 'POST' call to Magento 2.0 token request to get the access token, however I am getting an error while sending the request: oauth_problem=Consumer+key+has+expired.
I am trying to generate the signature using:

Accessing REST service after login within browser using oauth2 and spring security using java config

I have implemented Oauth2 using sparkl2 app. I am using spring-security as described in the sparkl2 app using java config. I can successfully get auth token using curl and i can invoke web service using curl.
My question is
How I can access my REST service within the same browser after login into my application? I am not sure what I am missing here?
Let me elaborate my question in more details. The way browser keep session after login and we can access any protected resource in the application, what is the best way to implement so that I can test my REST api from browser
spring security keeps it in session. Session id is stored in browser cookie, so its passed with each request to your service. Then spring security should take it and check if specific session(with user logged in) is allowed to hit this particular url.
I would start with configuring secure paths in your java config:
or some other method instead antMatchers.
you probably have to log in user into spring security on some oauth callback, something like:
Authentication auth = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(user, null, authorities);