Read File in SAP UI 5 - sapui5

I am looking for a possibility to read a file in SAP UI 5.
I tried it with the fileuploader, but I see no possibility to get the content of the selected file locally.
Does anyone know how to achieve this?

Found the solution a few minutes later in this thread:
To achieve the solution, check this JsBin:,output


Fixing MATLAB Bug -- Not all graphs displaying when publishing

I'm writing some simple code in MATLAB and for some reason it's only displaying the last graph in the HTML and/or pdf file when I publish it. Does anyone know how/why this can happen? stackoverflow isn't letting me post my code so any suggestions about common causes of this bug would be appreciated. Thanks everyone.
Are you using SNAPNOW ?

Trigger AppCache Download

Is there a way to trigger an application cache download? I've seen several webapps which provide a download for offline storage button, but it seems there's no event for this.
Dynamically changing the manifest file in the tag doesn't work too.
Does anyone has a solution for this?
Thanks in advance.
Yes there it is: window.applicationCache.update()

Form file upload

I am building some forms in qooxdoo and need to add a file upload section.
Curious to know if anyone has an elegant solution to this before I get hacky with it?
Not sure whether you consider it elegant, but there is the UploadWidget contrib.

Any examples/tutorials on using GData spreadsheets with gdata-objectivec-client?

I need to update some cells in google doc spreadsheet on iPhone app.
I've downloaded GData source and example projects (not iphone specific) but I can't seem to get it to work. Does anybody know of any good (or any at all ;)) tutorials out there?
Best regards.
The file SpreadsheetTableSampleWindowController.m has examples of using tables and records in spreadsheets. The method randomizeSelectedTable shows how to fill cells with randomly-selected strings.
Have you looked at the introduction? Or maybe you could post the error message your getting or the problem your running into.

iPhone UIView element similar to the lock screen

Does anyone know if there is an open source project for an UIView element that acts in a similar way to the lock screen for the iPhone.
I am working on an app that has some sensitive data, and I want to add another layer of comfort for users, to be able to setup a 4 digit pin number on the app.
I've seen apps like LoseIt and Weightbot that have similar functionality.
There isn't any element for this in the UI Library from what I've been able to find, and was hoping some kind soul might have open sourced something similar to this.
Thanks in advance!!!
Thanks to Andiih above for the answer, because I found an open source version on GitHub based on the name of the one he found.
Its not a free component, but check out the DTPinLockController - I think this does what you want.
And another open source one (BSD license) is at: