LokiJS: How to create index (or UniqueIndex) on nested document properties - lokijs

To create an index (or UniqueIndex) on a LokiJS collection you just need to specify the field name:
...will create an index on 'name' property of documents in the collection.
That's ok for simple documents. But what if your doc has nested objects? ie.:
propA: 123,
propB: 'abc',
propC: {
propC1: 789,
propC2: 'xyz'
Is there a way to specify an index on propC1?

sorry to burst the bubble but LokiJS only supports top-level properties at the moment for indexes.
This issue has been coming up a few times recently so it's possible it will make it in the roadmap but it is definitely not supported at the moment.


MongoDB index for nested document is not being used

In my collection, I've say the following structure
_id: ObjectId("ssxxdfasfsadf"),
a: {
b: "somevalue"
I've created an index for a.b, which works fine if I use find query as db.collection.find({"a.b": "someothervalue"}).
If I change my query to db.collection.find({a: {b: "somevalue"}}), it's doing a complete collection scan. (Source - find().explain())
Sure, I can modify my application to do the query as "a.b", but I want to avoid that, as I've few other fields in a, on which in future I may need to query.
Is there anyway {a: {b: "somevalue"}} could work with tweaking the index?
Also, is there any advantage/disadvantage of using one or the other?
I would go with the first approach. A quick read through MongoDB's documentation, states the following:
MongoDB uses the dot notation to access the elements of an array and to access the fields of an embedded document.
See MongoDB Dot Notation and Query on Embedded/Nested Documents.
About tweaking the index, you could index the embedded document as a whole:
db.myColl.createIndex({ "a": 1 });
But I don't see the reason of doing this if you only need specific properties indexed. I would be sensitive on the Index Size, especially if the property will be holding a lot of data.

mongodb sharding, use multiple fields as the shard key?

I have documents with the following schema:
idents: {
list: ['foo', 'bar', ...],
id: 123
the field idents.list is an array of string and always contains at least one element.
the field idents.id may or may not be existant.
over time more entries are added to 'idents.list' and at some point in the future the field idents.id may be set too.
these two fields are used to clearly identify a document and therefore are relevant for a shard key.
is it possible to use sharding with this schema?
documents are always queried via {idents.list: 'foo'} OR { $or: [ {idents.list: 'foo'}, {idents.id: 42} ] }
Yes,you can do this. The documentation says:
Use a compound shard key that uses two or three values from all documents that provide the right mix of cardinality with scalable write operations and query isolation.

MongoDB: Speed of field ("inside record") search in comporation with speed of search in "global scope"

My question may be not very good formulated because I haven't worked with MongoDB yet, so I'd want to know one thing.
I have an object (record/document/anything else) in my database - in global scope.
And have a really huge array of other objects in this object.
So, what about speed of search in global scope vs search "inside" object? Is it possible to index all "inner" records?
Thanks beforehand.
So, like this
users: {
age: "18",
best_comments :
age: "18",
best_comments :
So, how can I make it fast to find user_maria->best_comments->goodnight (index context of collections "best_comment") ?
First of all, your example schema is very questionable. If you want to embed comments (which is a big if), you'd want to store them in an array for appropriate indexing. Also, post your schema in JSON format so we don't have to parse the whole name/value thing :
db.users {
age: 18,
best_comments: [
title: "goodnight",
comment: "23rr"
title: "sleeptired",
comment: "dsf3"
With that schema in mind you can put an index on name and best_comments.title for example like so :
db.users.ensureIndex({name:1, 'best_comments.title:1})
Then, when you want the query you mentioned, simply do
db.users.find({name:"maria", 'best_comments.title':"first"})
And the database will hit the index and will return this document very fast.
Now, all that said. Your schema is very questionable. You mention you want to query specific comments but that requires either comments being in a seperate collection or you filtering the comments array app-side. Additionally having huge, ever growing embedded arrays in documents can become a problem. Documents have a 16mb limit and if document increase in size all the time mongo will have to continuously move them on disk.
My advice :
Put comments in a seperate collection
Either do document per comment or make comment bucket documents (say,
100 comments per document)
Read up on Mongo/NoSQL schema design. You always query for root documents so if you end up needing a small part of a large embedded structure you need to reexamine your schema or you'll be pumping huge documents over the connection and require app-side filtering.
I'm not sure I understand your question but it sounds like you have one record with many attributes.
record = {'attr1':1, 'attr2':2, etc.}
You can create an index on any single attribute or any combination of attributes. Also, you can create any number of indices on a single collection (MongoDB collection == MySQL table), whether or not each record in the collection has the attributes being indexed on.
edit: I don't know what you mean by 'global scope' within MongoDB. To insert any data, you must define a database and collection to insert that data into.
Database 'Example':
Collection 'table1':
records: {a:1,b:1,c:1}
ensureIndex({a:ascending, d:ascending}) <- this will index on a, then by d; the fact that record 1 doesn't have an attribute 'd' doesn't matter, and this will increase query performance
edit 2:
Well first of all, in your table here, you are assigning multiple values to the attribute "name" and "value". MongoDB will ignore/overwrite the original instantiations of them, so only the final ones will be included in the collection.
I think you need to reconsider your schema here. You're trying to use it as a series of key value pairs, and it is not specifically suited for this (if you really want key value pairs, check out Redis).
Check out: http://www.jonathanhui.com/mongodb-query

MongoDB Index on different types

We can have { data: "hello" }, { data: 123 } in the same collection and even create a index on it. I'm curious how does mongodb manage the index behind the scene. We can't create single B-tree on different types. Right? However, I did getIndexes to see if another index is created but only one index is created.
There's no problem having two types in the same index. Each key within the index includes the type.
When you query, only objects matching the type you query on will be returned.
So if you query for {data: "hello"}, only strings will be returned, etc.

MongoDB: Unique Key in Embedded Document

Is it possible to set a unique key for a key in an embedded document?
I have a Users collection with the following sample documents:
Name: "Bob",
Items: [
Name: "Milk"
Name: "Bread"
Name: "Jim"
Is there a way to create an index on the property Items.Name?
I got the following error when I tried to create an index:
> db.Users.ensureIndex({"Items.Name": 1}, {unique:true});
E11000 duplicate key error index: GroceryGuruApp.Users.$Items.Name_1 dup key: {
: null }
Any suggestions? Thank you!
Unique indexes exist only across collection. To enforce uniqueness and other constraints across document you must do it in client code. (Probably virtual collections would allow that, you could vote for it.)
What are you trying to do in your case is to create index on key Items.Name which doesn't exist in any of the documents (it doesn't refer to embedded documents inside array Items), thus it's null and violates unique constraint across collection.
You can create a unique compound sparse index to accomplish something like what you are hoping for. It may not be the best option (client side still might be better), but it can do what you're asking depending on specific requirements.
To do it, you'll need to create another field on the same level as Name: Bob that is unique to each top-level record (could do FirstName + LastName + Address, we'll call this key Identifier).
Then create an index like this:
ensureIndex({'Identifier':1, 'Items.name':1},{'unique':1, 'sparse':1})
A sparse index will ignore items that don't have the field, so that should get around your NULL key issue. Combining your unique Identifier and Items.name as a compound unique index should ensure that you can't have the same item name twice per person.
Although I should add that I've only been working with Mongo for a couple of months and my science could be off. This is not based on empirical evidence but rather observed behavior.
More on MongoDB Indexes
Compound Keys Indexes
Sparse Indexes
An alternative would be to model the items as a hash with the item name as the key.
Items: { "Milk": 1, "Bread": 1 }
I'm not sure about whether you're trying to use the index for performance or purely for the constraint. The right way to approach depends on your use cases, and determining whether the atomic operations are enough to keep your data consistent.
The index will be across all Users and since you asked it for 'unique', no user will be able to have two of the same named item AND no two users will be able to have the same named Item.
Is that what you want?
Furthermore, it appears that it's objecting to two Users having a 'null' value for Items.Name, clearly Jim does, is there another record like that?
It would be unusual to require uniqueness on an indexed collection like this.
MongoDB does allow unique indexes where it indexes only the first of each value, see
http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Indexes#Indexes-DuplicateValues, but I suspect the real solution is to not require uniqueness in this case.
If you want to ensure uniqueness only within the Items for a single user you might want to try the $addToSet option. See http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Updating#Updating-%24addToSet
You can use use findAndModify to create a sequence/counter function.
function getNextSequence(name) {
var ret = db.counters.findAndModify({
query: { _id: name },
update: { $inc: { seq: 1 } },
new: true,
upsert: true
return ret.seq;
Then use it whenever a new id is needed...
_id: getNextSequence("userid"),
name: "Sarah C."
This is from http://docs.mongodb.org/manual/tutorial/create-an-auto-incrementing-field/. Check it out.