pdf.js turn.js kDefaultURL doesn't open - turnjs

I use pdfjs turnjs of http://www.maxims6n.bget.ru/book2/viewer/viewer.html and my kDefaultURL does not open. But, if I use the open file button, it's works.


VS Code change file extension at file save as dialog

On some files I need to change standard save as file dialog.
I want to use custom command that executed 'workbench.action.files.saveLocalFile' command with some params that can change availible file extensions.
Where I can find the params if they exist?
Another way:
Custom command with showSaveDialog (my own vscode.SaveDialogOptions)
Close unsaved editor
Open saved file in editor
At step 2 I use 'workbench.action.closeActiveEditor' command, but I can see confirm dialog (Do you want to save the changes...)
How to remove this confirm?

How can I detect file change from outside in VSCode Extension?

I have a file foo.txt and open it with my Custom Editor Extension.
When my extension edit it, I can know the change by fire onDidChangeDocument Event.
But how can I know change from outside?
For example, I should update my web-view when some other program edit foo.txt.
You use a FileSystemWatcher.
Also read: FileSystemProvider.

How to get VSCode to "open as new file" from Go To File dialog

I have recently switched to VSCode, and am loving it, except for one specific thing that drives me nuts.
My "goto" command is {Command+P}, the easy search-and-open-file bar. If I type the name of a file into this bar and it does not exist, I want to be able to hit ENTER and have it open a tab editing that file as a new file. This is the behavior I would get in old-school Windows Notepad, or in mvim :e <filename>, but I can't figure out how to do it in VSCode.
Is there a toggle or a plugin I can use to get this behavior straight out of the Go To File dialog?
Answering my own question:
No, there's no way to do this using {Command+P}. This is strictly a file finder and I've yet to see any plugin that changes the behavior.
If you're using the VsCodeVim plugin, an almost-as-good approach is just :e <file> - immediately open a new buffer editing the given file. There's no tab autocomplete this way, but you just have to live with that.

debugging plunker in chrome developer tools

I created a javascript file in Plunker and I want to debug it. When I open 'Sources' panel, I don't see js file that I created. I only see plenty of Plunker js files. Please advice. Thanks
Another way is to put this in your javascript file
and leave the console open, which will force the debugger to not only stop there but to also open the file.
You have two main options to drill down to the source file that you created.
1. Use the pop-up window mode of the preview panel
By default, the previewer runs inside an <iframe> inside the plunker webapp. You can ask plunker to show the previewer in a separate window by clicking the blue expand icon in the top right of the preview window. If you open dev tools for the pop-up window, you will only see your source files.
2. Right click the preview and hit inspect element
Doing it this way will let you use the embedded, live preview and will give you a shortcut to drill down to the DOM associated with your code.
The picture is worth thousand words...
F12 and then select sources; plunkerPreviewTarget has the source code
A quicker way I found is to simply grab the unique id of your plnk.
In normal 'edit' mode URL will be something like
Simply append this id - P0fqZG6G6khKKrtfBkDP to the URL
http://run.plnkr.co/plunks/ therefore becoming
Important: Make double sure you add the trailing /
Open new URL in a new chrome window
Hit F12 in chrome, voila native angular JS debugging for your plnk
Note: You can then continue editing in plnkr, saving, and simply refreshing this URL when debugging, to maintain your active debugging session.
This may change, but currently on Chrome 47.0.2526.111 m on Windows 10, 64 bit, this is how you can find your plunk source files:
Open developer tools (F12)
Open sources
Look for run.plnkr.co
Expand this to show a single directory with a cryptic name
Inside, you will find your files so you can start debugging

japplet open second window

is it possible to open a new window from a japplet? right now i'm using getAppletContext().showDocument() to open a document, but it closes my applet. anyone know how to open a second window without interfering with the applet?
Try using the version that takes a target as well and pass "_blank" as the target:
getAppletContext().showDocument(new URL("http://www.google.com"), "_blank");