VSTS Create Area Path with WorkItemClassificationNode - azure-devops

I'm using the VSTS .NET client libraries and I'm trying to create an area path. I already have a WorkItemTrackingHttpClient. On this client I can create an area path with the CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync Method. But I can't set the parent of the area path.
var node = new WorkItemClassificationNode();
node.StructureType = TreeNodeStructureType.Area;
node.Name = "Test";
var result = await this.Client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(node, "Team-Project", TreeStructureGroup.Areas);
How can I set the parent of the area path?

You almost got it right. To create a area at a certain path, use the following code:
var node = new WorkItemClassificationNode();
node.StructureType = TreeNodeStructureType.Area;
node.Name = “Name”;
var result = this.Client.CreateOrUpdateClassificationNodeAsync(
The important parameter is the path specifying the parent of the new node.

Shai has a create set of articles on the TFS SDK. This article shows how you can interact with classification nodes: http://blogs.microsoft.co.il/shair/2009/01/30/tfs-api-part-10-add-areaiteration-programmatically/


How can I create a function that automatically takes data from Google Sheets and replaces the tags in a Slides template?

I am new to Google Apps Script and coding in general and wasn't entirely sure how to do this. I want to create code that allows me to create a new set of Google Slides based on a Slides template using the relevant rows from a Google Sheets document.
function generateNewSlides() {
var wsID = "would insert worksheet URL ID here";
var ws = SpreadsheetApp.openById(wsID).getSheetByName("Data");
var data = ws.getRange(2, 1, ws.getLastRow()-1, 5).getValues();
>the above should get the relevant table from the sheet
var firstname = info[0];
var surname = info[1];
var email = info[2];
var phone = info[3];
var image = info[4];
var presName = info[5];
>the above are columns where the different pieces of data would be taken from for the placeholders in the Slides template
var slidesTemplateID = "would insert slides template URL ID here";
var slidesTemplate = SlidesApp.openById(slidesTemplateID);
var template = slidesTemplate.getSlides();
var folderID = "would insert desired folder ID for saving in here";
>the above should get me the Slides template
template.makeCopy(presName,DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID)); **>line where error occurred**
var newPresentation = DriveApp.getFilesByName(presName).next().getUrl();
var Presentation = SlidesApp.openByUrl(newPresentation);
>the above should create a copy and then open it
var shapes = (Presentation.getShapes());
shape.getText().replaceAllText('{{presname}}', presName)
>the above should replace all the placeholder tags in the template with the row data
Above is the code I have so far. The worksheet I am extracting data from has columns: first name, surname, email address, phone number, image (URL), and presentation name. When I try to run it I encounter an error on line 37 where it says template.makeCopy is not a function, however I am certain .makeCopy should be able to create a copy for it, no?
My main questions are:
1) What should I change to make it work, generating a new set slides for each row in the worksheet?
2) How can I add images to it replacing placeholder tags I've added in squares (not textboxes) in the template?
Thanks in advance!
Issue 1. makeCopy:
makeCopy(name, destination) is a method of the class File, which belongs to the Drive Service, not to the Slides Service. In your code, template is a list of Slides (you retrieve it by calling the method getSlides() from a Presentation). makeCopy cannot work here.
In order to make a copy of a Presentation, you should be using the Drive Service instead. You should replace these lines:
var slidesTemplate = SlidesApp.openById(slidesTemplateID);
var template = slidesTemplate.getSlides();
With this one:
var template = DriveApp.getFileById(slidesTemplateID);
Issue 2. Iterating through all shapes:
Next, you want to iterate through all shapes in your Presentation, and replace all placeholder tags with your desired text. In order to do that, you are using Presentation.getShapes(), which cannot work, since getShapes() is not a method of Presentation, but of Slide.
You should first iterate through all Slides in the Presentation, and for each Slide, iterate through all Shapes. You should replace these lines:
var shapes = (Presentation.getShapes());
// Replacing text lines
With these ones:
Presentation.getSlides().forEach(function(slide) {
slide.getShapes().forEach(function(shape) {
// Replacing text lines
In order to retrieve the copied presentation, you are currently doing this:
var newPresentation = DriveApp.getFilesByName(presName).next().getUrl();
var Presentation = SlidesApp.openByUrl(newPresentation);
There is no need to do this, you can just retrieve the ID of the created template, and open by ID, like this:
var copiedTemplate = template.makeCopy(presName,DriveApp.getFolderById(folderID));
var Presentation = SlidesApp.openById(copiedTemplate.getId());
Slides Service
Drive Service

Create an Array from list of objects in MaxScript and add them to a new layer

I'm super new to Maxscript and want to automate a process, I've been looking at some tutorials, but I'm running into a issue with selection. What I'm trying to do, is I have a list of strings (that I might have to add to) that represent objects in the max file that I want to select (if they exist in that file) and then add to a new layer.
for instance:
/* I have a big long list of objects I want to mass select, this has to be hardcoded because its a similar list that exists in a ton of max files */
rObj1 = "testObj1"
rObj2 = "sampleObj2"
rObj99 = "newObj90"
/*I want to then add it to an array
removeList = #(rObj***)
/* Then run through each entry in the array to make sure it exists and then add it to my selection
for i in removeList do
if i != undefined then select (i)
/*Then Add what I have selected to a new layer
newLayer = LayerManager.newLayerFromName "removed_list"
for obj in selection do newLayer.addNode obj
I keep getting an error when it comes to selection, being new to Max I'm not sure what to do.
You are trying to select string where you should be selecting (or adding to the layer) an object:
newLayer = LayerManager.newLayerFromName "removed_list"
for objName in removeList where isValidNode (getNodeByName objName) do
newLayer.addNode (getNodeByName objName)

Get all outging connectors from a shape programmatically

I want to rename a connector after a shape has been dropped.
Lets say I have a shape1 and I dropped a shape2 connected with shape1.
I want the connector shape between shape1 and shape2 so that I can rename it.
I guess it depends on what stage you intercept the drop. If it's immediately, you might make some assumptions about how many connectors might be involved, but if if some time after the drop then you might want to determine how many connections are involved.
As an example, with the following shapes:
...you could approach this in a number of ways:
Use the GluedShapes method working back from ShapeTwo
Use the GluedShapes method including the 'from' shape
Iterate through the Connects collection of the Page
Iterate over the Connect objects in on your target shape (ShapeOne)
I would definitely try and use the GluedShapes method (which came into Visio in 2010) over the Connect objects, but I'm adding them here as they can be useful depending on what you're trying to achieve.
Here's an example using LINQPad:
void Main()
var vApp = MyExtensions.GetRunningVisio();
var vPag = vApp.ActivePage;
//For demo purposes I'm assuming the following shape IDs
//but in reality you'd get a reference by other methods
//such as Window.Selection, Page index or ID
var shpOne = vPag.Shapes.ItemFromID[1];
var shpTwo = vPag.Shapes.ItemFromID[2];
Array gluedIds;
Console.WriteLine("1) using GluedShapes with the 'to' shape only");
gluedIds = shpTwo.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming1D,"");
IterateByIds(vPag, gluedIds);
Console.WriteLine("\n2) using GluedShapes with the 'to' and 'from' shapes");
gluedIds = shpTwo.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesIncoming1D, "", shpOne);
IterateByIds(vPag, gluedIds);
Console.WriteLine("\n3) using the Connects collection on Page");
var pageConns = from c in vPag.Connects.Cast<Visio.Connect>()
where c.FromSheet.OneD != 0
group c by c.FromSheet into connectPair
where connectPair.Any(p => p.ToSheet.ID == shpOne.ID) && connectPair.Any(p => p.ToSheet.ID == shpTwo.ID)
select connectPair.Key.Text;
Console.WriteLine("\n4) using FromConnects and Linq to navigate from shpOne to shpTwo finding the connector in the middle");
var shpConns = from c in shpOne.FromConnects.Cast<Visio.Connect>()
where c.FromSheet.OneD != 0
let targetConnector = c.FromSheet
from c2 in targetConnector.Connects.Cast<Visio.Connect>()
where c2.ToSheet.Equals(shpTwo)
select targetConnector.Text;
private void IterateByIds(Visio.Page hostPage, Array shpIds)
if (shpIds.Length > 0)
for (int i = 0; i < shpIds.Length; i++)
//Report on the shape text (or change it as required)
Running the above will result in this output:
It's worth bearing in mind that the Connects code (3 and 4) makes the assumption that connector shape (1D) are being connected to the flowchart shapes (2D) and not the other way round (which is possible).
You can think of the connect objects as being analgous to connection points, so in the diagram, the three connector shapes generate six connect objects:
Anyway, hope that gets you unstuck.
UPDATE - Just to be clear (and to answer the original question properly), the code to get all outgoing connectors from ShapeOne would be:
Console.WriteLine("using GluedShapes to report outgoing connectors");
gluedIds = shpOne.GluedShapes(Visio.VisGluedShapesFlags.visGluedShapesOutgoing1D, "");
IterateByIds(vPag, gluedIds);

Dynamically generate new named class from string with coffeescript

I have looked around and have found a number of questions which approach using-a-string-to-define-the-class-name and dynamic-class-generation-in-coffeescript> but neither of them exactly address my problem, so I am wondering whether I making some fundamental mistake in my approach to the problem.
In the loop below I am looping through some data parsed from JSON. For each set of data I want to extend my class Robot with string = new Robot where string is a string.
Currently my code does not produce any errors, and successfully creates new Robots but since their name is a string, trying to access them with robot1.move() or robot2.doSomeOtherClassyThing() does not work and tells me they are undefined.
This seems like it should not require a verbose helper function to make it work. What am I missing here?
createRobots: -> # process robot commands
createXcoord = missionData.xCoord
createYcoord = missionData.yCoord
createOrient = missionData.orientation
createInstru = missionData.robotInstructions
for command in createOrient
robot = 'robot' + (_i + 1)
name = robot
robot = new Robot \ # create named Robot
, createXcoord[_i]
, createYcoord[_i]
, createOrient[_i]
, createInstru[_i]
I think what is happening is that the variable "robot = 'string' is written over when the robot = new Robot is declared.
The outcome I am hoping for is string1 = new Robot, "string2 = new Robot". Does that make sense? jsfiddle.net/7EN5y/1
You need to add them to a context. If you want them to be global, create a variable like this:
# Either the browser root, or the CommonJS (e.g. Node) module root
root = window or exports
If you want an object that holds robots, add such an object to the root.
root.robots = []
Then when creating robots, add them to such an object.
robot = 'robot' + (_i + 1)
name = robot
robot = new Robot # ...
root[name] = robot # or robots[name] = robot
You may then use code like robot1.move(), or robots.robot1.move() (depending on if you attached them to the root or not).

Enterprise Library Fluent API and Rolling Log Files Not Rolling

I am using the Fluent API to handle various configuration options for Logging using EntLib.
I am building up the loggingConfiguration section manually in code. It seems to work great except that the RollingFlatFileTraceListener doesn't actually Roll the file. It will respect the size limit and cap the amount of data it writes to the file appropriately, but it doesn't not actually create a new file and continue the logs.
I've tested it with a sample app and the app.config and it seems to work. So I'm guess that I am missing something although every config option that seems like it needs is there.
Here is the basics of the code (with hard-coded values to show a config that doesn't seem to be working):
//Create the config builder for the Fluent API
var configBuilder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
//Start building the logging config section
var logginConfigurationSection = new LoggingSettings("loggingConfiguration", true, "General");
logginConfigurationSection.RevertImpersonation = false;
var _rollingFileListener = new RollingFlatFileTraceListenerData("Rolling Flat File Trace Listener", "C:\\tracelog.log", "----------------------", "",
10, "MM/dd/yyyy", RollFileExistsBehavior.Increment,
RollInterval.Day, TraceOptions.None,
"Text Formatter", SourceLevels.All);
_rollingFileListener.MaxArchivedFiles = 2;
//Add trace listener to current config
//Configure the category source section of config for flat file
var _rollingFileCategorySource = new TraceSourceData("General", SourceLevels.All);
//Must be named exactly the same as the flat file trace listener above.
_rollingFileCategorySource.TraceListeners.Add(new TraceListenerReferenceData("Rolling Flat File Trace Listener"));
//Add category source information to current config
//Add the loggingConfiguration section to the config.
configBuilder.AddSection("loggingConfiguration", logginConfigurationSection);
//Required code to update the EntLib Configuration with settings set above.
var configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
//Set the Enterprise Library Container for the inner workings of EntLib to use when logging
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.CreateDefaultContainer(configSource);
Any help would be appreciated!
Your timestamp pattern is wrong. It should be yyy-mm-dd instead of MM/dd/yyyy. The ‘/’ character is not supported.
Also, you could accomplish your objective by using the fluent configuration interface much easier. Here's how:
ConfigurationSourceBuilder formatBuilder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
ConfigurationSourceBuilder builder = new ConfigurationSourceBuilder();
RollingFile("Rolling Flat File Trace Listener")
.FormatWith(new FormatterBuilder().TextFormatterNamed("textFormatter"));
var configSource = new DictionaryConfigurationSource();
EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.CreateDefaultContainer(configSource);
var writer = EnterpriseLibraryContainer.Current.GetInstance<LogWriter>();
DateTime stopWritingTime = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(10);
while (DateTime.Now < stopWritingTime)
writer.Write("test", "General");