Why code displays error? - matlab

Can you help me and explain why this code gives a error? I would like to use XOR, but I can not. I'm trying to do this using the following formula:"A XOR B= (A AND ~B)OR(~A AND B). Can you hint what did I do wrong?
public = 'public';
password = 'passwd';
if length(public)== length(password)
public = uint8(public);
password = uint8(password);
negpublic = ~(dec2bin(public));
negpassword = ~(dec2bin(password));
score = bitor(bitand(public,negpassword),bitand(negpublic,password));
public = dec2bin(public);
password = char(password)
fprintf('length not ok!\n' );

Normally I do not provide answers for homework questions, but it seems as you are almost there. The logic is done and that was the important part I guess.
Regarding the code, there is a few of bugs here. The function dec2bin will deceit you. As far as I know, matlab does not support binary format. The dec2bin actually convert the number to an array of char :(. However, having the text in binary format is not a requirement for doing bitwise operations. I cannot really see the use for a binary format in matlab since the smallest data unit for most computer achitectures normally is one byte.
You can use the function bitcmp (bitwise complement, which is another word for bitwise NOT) to do the negation. Secondly, bitwise operations can also work on vectors. Third, it is possible to define the negation as a variable, but bit operations are among the cheapest for most processors and operating systems so this is frankly not necessary for only two uses. So the content of everything is that you can simplify things a lot.
ab = 'ab'; bb = 'bb';
ab=uint8(ab); bb=uint8(bb);
bitor(bitand(ab,bitcmp(bb)), bitand(bb,bitcmp(ab)))

Why does the code yield error?
Let's first list the error:
Error using bitand Inputs must be signed or unsigned integers of the
same class or scalar doubles.
Error in foo (line 8)
score = bitor(bitand(public,negpassword),bitand(negpublic,password));
Ok, so the following line yields the error:
score = bitor(bitand(public,negpassword),bitand(negpublic,password));
We can break this down and see that both the following expressions yields errors on their own
Why? If we look at the the first of these two a bit closer, we see that public and negpassword and non-compliant for use with bitand:
public =
112 117 98 108 105 99
negpassword =
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
These two must be, at the very least, of the same dimension. See the reference for Bit-wise OR for details.
I'm not really sure what you're trying to achieve here, but not that Matlab has its own bitxor function:
public = 'public';
password = 'passwd';
if length(public)== length(password)
public = uint8(public);
password = uint8(password);
score = bitxor(public,password);
public = dec2bin(public);
password = char(password);
fprintf('length not ok!\n' );


How to recursively get the number of elements until reached all squares in 5 x 5 grid in scala

I have a grid 5 x 5 grid. And my initial position is at (0,0)
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
# 0 0 0 0
I have a method that finds all possible position in 'L' shape from that position
So from (0,0).
So either
( x + 2 )( y + 1 )
( x + 1 )( y + 2 )
We have two positions
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 # 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
# 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0
0 0 # 0 0
# 0 0 0 0
Then my method will call it self from the list of all the possible moves and finds the position of each one.
The recursion only breaks if the last position in the possible moves list is the same as the initial position.
So the possible moves for position:
(0)(0) is List((1,2),(2,1))
List((possible moves for (1,2) ), (possible moves for (2,1) ) )
and so on:
My method so far
def CountTour(dimension: Int, path: Path): Int = {
// possibleMoves returns list of possible moves
val Moves = possibleMoves(dimension, path, path.head).contains(path.last)
// if the last element is not the same as first position, and has visited the whole graph, then break the recursion
if (legalMoves && path.size == (dimension * dimension)) {
} else {
// else call the same method again with each possible move
val newList = for (i <- legal_moves(dimension, path, path.head)) yield i
However this won't work. How can i fix it?
It looks to me like you don't actually have any working code for this yet. I say this because A) the code you posted has lots of holes, and B) I didn't get a straight answer when I asked what output you're currently getting. For these reasons (and because this looks like a homework assignment) I'm not going to post an answer with real code but, instead, I'll describe what I think should work.
The goal is to write a function (actually a method) that takes the dimension of the playing board, and a starting point on it, and returns a count of all paths (successive moves) that exhaust the board (no returning to an already visited square).
1st - From any starting point there are 8 different positions that can be moved to (2 steps to the east/west/north/south and then 1 step to the left/right). I'd write a procedure that takes the grid dimensions and a starting point. It first creates a collection (maybe a List) of all 8 possible new locations and then keeps only those that fall within the grid (i.e. no negative numbers or coordinates larger than the grid dimension).
2nd - That list will have to be checked against the list of places that have already been visited and any duplicates removed. I'd use the diff method. Note that ...
possible_moves diff already_been_there // one result
already_been_there diff possible_moves // different result
One of those is the one you want.
3rd - Now you have a list of all permissible moves. If that list is empty then you're at the end of the road and there are no more moves to make. Return 1 because you've found one path that exhausts the board.
4th - If the list is not empty then you want to re-call this same procedure (recursion) with a new starting point and an updated list of already-been-there squares. The problem is that this list has at least one, and maybe as many as eight, new locations. How can you invoke the recursive call a different number of times with each iteration? Well, what you want to do is change your list from a list of new locations to a list of returned values from the recursive call. You know how to turn a List[A] into a List[B]? (Hint: it rhymes with "nap".)
5th - If you've gotten this far then you have a list of numbers, each is a count of how many ways to exhaust the board from each new starting point. Add them together and you've got a count of how many ways to exhaust the board from this starting point, and that's the number you return.
If I've described your goal correctly, and I've coded it up correctly, then you can check my work. For a 5X5 board, starting at 0,0, I came up with 625,308 different paths. (17 lines of code, but I wasn't trying to be terribly concise.)

Convolutiona code and viterbi decoding using matlab

i'm trying to encode and decode a simple message using Matlab. The message is denoted msg=[1 0 0 1 1 1 0 1]. the encoding step is fruitful but the decoding step " viterbi " return a binary string of zeros '0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0' not the initial msg. Hereafter the code source , i don't knwo where is the problem
trellis = poly2trellis(7,[171 133])
code = convenc(msg,trellis);
decoded = vitdec(code,trellis,64,'cont','hard');
thanks a lot.
You can try this line instead :
vitdec(code, trellis,8,'trunc','hard')
As in the MATLAB help says : "The 'cont' mode is appropriate when you invoke this function repeatedly and want to preserve continuity between successive invocations."
But your input vector is not like this.

How to do bitwise operation decently?

I'm doing analysis on binary data. Suppose I have two uint8 data values:
a = uint8(0xAB);
b = uint8(0xCD);
I want to take the lower two bits from a, and whole content from b, to make a 10 bit value. In C-style, it should be like:
(a[2:1] << 8) | b
I tried bitget:
But this just gave me separate [1, 1] logical type values, which is not a scalar, and cannot be used in the bitshift operation later.
My current solution is:
Make a|b (a or b):
temp1 = bitor(bitshift(uint16(a), 8), uint16(b));
Left shift six bits to get rid of the higher six bits from a:
temp2 = bitshift(temp1, 6);
Right shift six bits to get rid of lower zeros from the previous result:
temp3 = bitshift(temp2, -6);
Putting all these on one line:
result = bitshift(bitshift(bitor(bitshift(uint16(a), 8), uint16(b)), 6), -6);
This is doesn't seem efficient, right? I only want to get (a[2:1] << 8) | b, and it takes a long expression to get the value.
Please let me know if there's well-known solution for this problem.
Since you are using Octave, you can make use of bitpack and bitunpack:
octave> a = bitunpack (uint8 (0xAB))
a =
1 1 0 1 0 1 0 1
octave> B = bitunpack (uint8 (0xCD))
B =
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1
Once you have them in this form, it's dead easy to do what you want:
octave> [B A(1:2)]
ans =
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1
Then simply pad with zeros accordingly and pack it back into an integer:
octave> postpad ([B A(1:2)], 16, false)
ans =
1 0 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
octave> bitpack (ans, "uint16")
ans = 973
That or is equivalent to an addition when dealing with integers
result = bitshift(bi2de(bitget(a,1:2)),8) + b;
a = 01010111
b = 10010010
result = 00000011 100010010
= a[2]*2^9 + a[1]*2^8 + b
an alternative method could be
result = mod(a,2^x)*2^y + b;
where the x is the number of bits you want to extract from a and y is the number of bits of a and b, in your case:
result = mod(a,4)*256 + b;
an extra alternative solution close to the C solution:
result = bitor(bitshift(bitand(a,3), 8), b);
I think it is important to explain exactly what "(a[2:1] << 8) | b" is doing.
In assembly, referencing individual bits is a single operation. Assume all operations take the exact same time and "efficient" a[2:1] starts looking extremely inefficient.
The convenience statement actually does (a & 0x03).
If your compiler actually converts a uint8 to a uint16 based on how much it was shifted, this is not a 'free' operation, per se. Effectively, what your compiler will do is first clear the "memory" to the size of uint16 and then copy "a" into the location. This requires an extra step (clearing the "memory" (register)) that wouldn't normally be needed.
This means your statement actually is (uint16(a & 0x03) << 8) | uint16(b)
Now yes, because you're doing a power of two shift, you could just move a into AH, move b into AL, and AH by 0x03 and move it all out but that's a compiler optimization and not what your C code said to do.
The point is that directly translating that statement into matlab yields
But, it should be noted that while it is not as TERSE as (a[2:1] << 8) | b, the number of "high level operations" is the same.
Note that all scripting languages are going to be very slow upon initiating each instruction, but will complete said instruction rapidly. The terse nature of Python isn't because "terse is better" but to create simple structures that the language can recognize so it can easily go into vectorized operations mode and start executing code very quickly.
The point here is that you have an "overhead" cost for calling bitand; but when operating on an array it will use SSE and that "overhead" is only paid once. The JIT (just in time) compiler, which optimizes script languages by reducing overhead calls and creating temporary machine code for currently executing sections of code MAY be able to recognize that the type checks for a chain of bitwise operations need only occur on the initial inputs, hence further reducing runtime.
Very high level languages are quite different (and frustrating) from high level languages such as C. You are giving up a large amount of control over code execution for ease of code production; whether matlab actually has implemented uint8 or if it is actually using a double and truncating it, you do not know. A bitwise operation on a native uint8 is extremely fast, but to convert from float to uint8, perform bitwise operation, and convert back is slow. (Historically, Matlab used doubles for everything and only rounded according to what 'type' you specified)
Even now, octave 4.0.3 has a compiled bitshift function that, for bitshift(ones('uint32'),-32) results in it wrapping back to 1. BRILLIANT! VHLL place you at the mercy of the language, it isn't about how terse or how verbose you write the code, it's how the blasted language decides to interpret it and execute machine level code. So instead of shifting, uint32(floor(ones / (2^32))) is actually FASTER and more accurate.

Is there any way to reverse the order of bits in matlab

What I am trying is getting binary value of a number e.g
Which results me in having this answer :
0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
now what I want is that is its reverse order without changing its values like this :
i have tried bitrevorder() function but i am not having my desired answer. any help and suggestions will be appreciated.
ans = 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1
>> fliplr(ans)
ans =
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
Use the function fliplr. It can be used to reverse the order of array.
Try using the flag 'left-msb' (according to the documentation in http://www.mathworks.com/help/comm/ref/de2bi.html)
The commands below show how to convert a decimal integer to base three without specifying the number of columns in the output matrix. They also show how to place the most significant digit on the left instead of on the right.
t = de2bi(12,[],3) % Convert 12 to base 3.
tleft = de2bi(12,[],3,'left-msb') % Significant digit on left
The output is
t =
0 1 1
tleft =
1 1 0
You just need to use the 'left-msb' option in de2bi:
>>de2bi(234, 'left-msb')
ans =
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0
You can use a more simple command called dec2bin which produces the desired result:
>> dec2bin(234)
ans =
Here is the docs: http://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/dec2bin.html?refresh=true
While this is an old question, I needed to do the same thing for a CRC checksum and feel I should share the results.
In my case I need to reverse 16bit numbers, so, I've tried three methods:
1) Using fliplr() to reverse as per the suggestions:
To test out the speed I decided to try and checksum 12MB of data. Using the above code in my CRC, it took 2000 seconds to complete! Most of this time was performing the bit reversal.
2) I then devised a more optimal solution, though not a one line code it is optimised for speed:
reverse = uint16(0);
for i=1:16
reverse = bitor(bitshift(reverse,1), uint16(bitand(forward,1)));
forward = bitshift(forward,-1);
Using the same CRC code, but with this used instead of (1), it took a little over 500 seconds to complete, so already it makes the CRC calculations four times faster!
3) That is still too much time for my liking, so instead I moved everything to a mex function. This allows the use of code from the bit twiddling examples that are floating around for optimum performance. I moved the whole CRC code to the mex function and used the following two other functions to do the bit reversal.
unsigned char crcBitReverse8(unsigned char forward) {
return (unsigned char)(((forward * 0x0802LU & 0x22110LU) | (forward * 0x8020LU & 0x88440LU)) * 0x10101LU >> 16);
unsigned short crcBitReverse16(unsigned short forward) {
unsigned char inByte0 = (forward & 0xFF);
unsigned char inByte1 = (forward & 0xFF00) >> 8;
return (unsigned short )((crcBitReverse8(inByte0) << 8) | (crcBitReverse8(inByte1)));
Just for comparison, it took just 0.14 seconds to compute the CRC for the same 12MB data chunk (and there is no mistake in the calculation, the CRC checksums for all three methods match what is expected).
So basically, if you have to do this a lot of times (e.g. for CRC) I seriously suggest you write a mex function for doing the reversal. For such a simple operation, native MATLAB code is embarrassing slow.
why not use bitget?
>> bitget( 234, 8:-1:1 )
ans =
1 1 1 0 1 0 1 0

Brainfuck compare 2 numbers as greater than or less than

How can I compare two numbers with an inequality? (greater than or less than)
I want to compare single digits
For example
1 2
5 3
9 2
This is the best way to compare two numbers.Why because, if you are intelligent enough, you can use the same code in bigger programs.It's highly portable.
Assume we have two numbers a,b.
we have two blocks : if( a>=b ) and else,
Hope its enough.
0 1 0 a b 0
Make the array like this. And point to the (4) i.e. point to the a
+>+< This is for managing if a=0 and b=0
[->-[>]<<] This is a magic loop. if a is the one which
reaches 0 first (a<b),then pointer will be at(4).
Else it will be at (3)
// BLOCK (a>=b)
//You are at (2) and do whatever you want and come back to (2).
//Its a must
// BLOCK(a<b)
//You are at (1) and do whatever you want and come back to (1).
//Its a must
It will not affect the following program code as both the code blocks will end up in (1) You can do further coding assuming that pointer will reach (1)
Please remove the documentation if you copy the code. Because code contains some valid brainfuck symbols like < . , etc.
Once you know which is the distance between the two numbers you should or decrement both of them in the same loop iteration and then check both for being zero: you will understand which one is the smaller.
+++++ > +++ < [->-< check is first is zero, then second]
(this is just to give you a hint, you will have to take care about equal numbers and similar issues.
I was thinking about this too, and while I'm sure this isn't the best solution, at least it can answer the question of which number is larger =)
The program asks for two characters, outputs '<' if the first is smaller, '>' if it is larger, and '=' if they are equal. After outputting one char, the program halts by asking for additional input.
Hopefully somewhat clearer:
+ init (0) to 1
>, read (1)
>, read (2)
<<[ loop forever
>-[>>>] decrement (1) going to (4) if (1) != 0
<[ goto (0) == 1 if (1) reached 0 (otherwise goto (3))
>>-[>++++++++++[->++++++<]>.,] decrement (2) printing lessthan if larger than 0
++++++++++[->++++++<]>+., if (2) == 0 print '='
<-[>>>] decrement (2) going to (5) if (2) != 0
<<[ goto (0) == 1 if (2) reached 0 (otherwise goto (3))
>>>++++++++++[->++++++<]>++., print largerthan since (2) reached 0 first
<<< goto(0)
I made a solution, that gives you back a boolean and the pointer always at the same point.
This is how it looks like at the beginning:
0 0 0 a b 0 0
And these are the two possible outputs:
0 0 0 0 0 1 0 #true
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 #false
The code:
[ # while cell != 0
- # decrement a
[ # if a != 0
>- # decrement b
[ # if b != 0
< # go left
<-< # undo the finally-block;
] # finally-block
<[-]> # clear a
>+> # res = 1; move to end-position
<<< # undo the finally-block
] # finally-block
>[-]>> # clear b; res = 0; move to end-position
] #
minified version:
>>>>[-[>-[< <-<]<[-]>>+><<<]>[-]>>]
Given two numbers A and B, the following code will print A if A is greater than B, B if B is greater than A and C if both are equal.
No such thing exists in BF. The > and < in BF move the pointer to the right and to the left, respectively.