Print the Values from list in JasperReports version 3 - jasper-reports

I want to get the values from the list and show it in a tabular form. I m using sub reports. However, I am able to get the first row values from the list, i can't access the rest of the values.
I am using Ireports version 3.
Here is the Sub report:
The first row matches the Pojo fields. I need to print from second row, the other values from list.
However, The error shows that Cant' retrieve the value from material1....

As suggested in the prevoius comments, you should probably better understand how the detail band works.
The detail band iterates every "row" of your datasource, so unless you did something unconventional in your datasource, you just need a single field for every "column" in your datasource.
Basically, if your data source is something like:
Material Quantity Actual_Cost
AAA 100 5
BBB 200 10
CCC 150 7
DDD 50 8
Having 3 "columns" to show, you need only 3 fields in your detail band.
Running your report, you will get 4 rows (like your datasource should suggest you).

Thanx Fabio.
I solved my problem. It was a mistake at the java end. i didn't iterate through the list and set the values in the Hashmap. I set the values directly in the main report. ;)


DSUM function in crystal reports?

I am trying to convert an old Microsoft Access report into Crystal reports. I have everything working perfectly except for this last small detail. The Access report uses a DSUM function within an if statement for one of the fields on the report.
After much searching, I've determined that CR doesn't have anything similar.
Here's basically what I'm dealing with.
I have a proposal report. In the details of the report I print the qty, description, and a couple of price fields.
The data looks like something this:
Proposalnum Partitem RolltoItem Unitprice
18611.............1.......... NULL........0.00
18611.............2......... NULL.......17225.92
18611............3............ 2............156.90
18611............4............. 2............482.05
What I need to do is when I print a specific part, I need to query through the rest of the records to find the parts that have a matching number in the rolltoitem field and add the unitprice to the part I'm printing.
So in this example when I print partitem #2, I need to add the 156.90 and the 482.05 from parts 3 and 4 to the 17225.92 so I print a total of 17864.87.
Is there any way to do this?
As far as i know, there is no such function.
But I would try this.
The general idea is: group the data by ProposalNum and use a subreport to select the "children rows" and sum the "children prices".
Create an empty group section by PartItem.
If you want to show only items where RoolToItem is null, use a suppress function for this case.
In the details section, put a subreport. The data source of the subreport would be the same of the main report.
Change subreport links to select data in subreport based on fields: PartItem in the main report = RolltoItem in the subreport.
Pass other fields to the subreport without select data: ProposalNum, PartItem, UnitPrice. I think you need to create parameters in the subreports before doing that - example: ParentProposalNum, ParentPartItem, ParentUnitPrice.
Create a new formula: ParentUnitPrice + Sum ({YourDataSource.UnitPrice})
Put the formula in the subreport footer a long with the other fields. Maybe: ParentProposalNum, ParentPartItem, formula.
It is a theoretical solution. I hope it points out to the right direction.
If you are trying to sum the Unitprice column for all items that have the same value in Rolltoitem, you could do this with a SQL Expression Field. The code would look something like this. My Where clause may need tweaked though since I'm not sure what your database structure looks like.
Select Sum("YourDataBaseTableName"."Unitprice")
From YourDataBaseTableName
Where "YourDataBaseTableName"."Rolltoitem" = *currentRolltoitemValue*
Syntax can also vary for SQL Expression Fields based upon what type of database you are using. The syntax I provided is fairly general, but should work on SQL Server.
EDIT: Adding example with explanation of how it works.
Here is one of my SQL Expression Fields from a crystal report that prints a Bill of Lading for shipped goods.
In my database the BOL table is the starting point. A single BOL can contain 1 or more SHIPMENTS, and a single SHIPMENTS can contain one or more PRODUCTS.
Top level grouping is on BOL.ID. The PALLET_COUNT is found once and only once on each SHIPMENTS. I also had a sorting requirement for the data in the details section that prevented me from using a Running Total Field.
This allows a BOL with 2 SHIPMENTS that contains a total of 3 products to look like this:
1 10 1 2 XXX
1 9 1 1 YYY
1 10 1 2 ZZZ
The correct PALLET_COUNT for this BOL should be 3, since PRODUCTS XXX and ZZZ are in the same SHIPMENTS and the PALLET_COUNT is duplicated because of its relationship to the PRODUCTS.

Aggregate not populating chart correctly in SSRS

Below, I've attached a sample of my data as well as a sample of the chart output. I want to aggregate the data and include one row with this number; however, SSRS is just showing multiple of the same value.
In the example below, you'll notice there are 8 rows in Unit 1 and 8 rows in Unit 2, a
total of 13. How can I get Unit 1 to have one row which shows 8 and one row in Unit 2 to show 5? Currently, the expression is =COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "DataSet1").
I've also tried adding in a column full of the number 1 which I could use to Sum on, but that produced the same results.
Originally I was doing this all in SQL; that is, producing the exact output I want in SQL and then charting in SSRS. However, this is no longer a viable solution as the end user would like to be able to drill down into the details of the report. I do imagine, if there is no easy way to do this (which I feel like there has to be), that I could write two queries, having one show the report and the other show the details.
The second parameter of your count expression is the problem.
Don't use this:
=COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "DataSet1")
Try something like this instead:
=COUNT(Fields!SubID.Value, "UnitGroupName")
The group name should match what is shown in BIDS as the name you've given the grouping, such as under Row Groups.

How to make zero tablix data rows appear?

I am developing an SSRS 2008 report. I created a tablix, however, when I view this report one of the rows has zero entries. This row is not showing in the output. How can I make it show regardless of values so that it will just show "0" otherwise?
This was the expression I used for it:
=iif(CountDistinct(Fields!Client.Value)=0 or
And I have tried grouping on different fields and also filtering on another field, but none of these make it appear when there is no data.
I think that the best you can do is ensuring that the dataset you are using has the record you want, even if it is null. For example, if you are grouping months, and you want all 12 months to appear in your tablix, then you need to make those months to exist in your dataset even if they have null values for all the other columns.

getting grouped records into separate view columns

I have a crystal report with a subgrouping on a field. The output is shown each group-details vertically stacked as follows:
Group Header Value 1
Detail 1a
Detail 1b
Group Header Value 2
Detail 2a
Detail 2b
and so on.
What I need to see is the detail values in table columns as follows:
Group Header Value 1 Group Header Value 2 Group Header Value 3
Detail 1a Detail 2a Detail 3a
Detail 1b Detail 2b Detail 3b
Detail 1c Detail 3c
Detail 3d
I've tried formatting the Detail Section with multiple columns along with formatting the group with multiple column, but it's just a mess. I know I will only have at most 4 distinct Group values.
Any suggestions please?
Crystal is not very good at displaying items vertically like that, but here are a couple of options I can think of:
Build up 4 arrays where each corresponds to one of the groups and contains strings that are what you'd like to output for each record (one array element for "Detail 1a", one for "Detail 2b", etc.). You can do this by creating a single formula in your details section that checks the individual records for the group condition and add the values to the appropriate array.
In the report footer, create 4 formulas that output the entire contents of one of the arrays delimited by a newline character. If your arrays contain strings, you can simply use the Join() function to output the whole thing with a delimiter. Make sure those formula fields are set to "Can Grow" and place them side-by-side.
The downside to this is Crystal arrays are limited to 1000 elements, so if you'll have over 1000 records per group, this is a bad idea.
You could make 4 individual subreports for each group and place them side-by-side. I've never tried something like this before, so there might be some quirks that I'm not considering. Generally, though, you should be able to put whatever you want in the subreports and as long as it doesn't grow too large width-wise (you may needle to manually specify a very small page size in the subreports to make sure of this), it should look relatively the same as how you place them in your main report
If I understand the question correctly, you want to implement your report in a format similar to a Pivot table (as can be found in Excel).
The Crystal equivalent of this is call a Cross-Tab - you can add one to your report by selecting Insert>Cross-Tab... . This will bring up the Cross-Tab Expert, which will enable you to drag and drop the fields you want to see down and across the page into the appropriate places.

Flatten data inside a crystal report

Ok, this might be a weird request, but is it possible to essentially flatten my dataset inside a crystal report?
I have a datatable in C# that was created with a join, so when it hits the report its 2 records. Most of the columns have identical data, with the last few displaying a different address.
Instead of printing the detail section multiple times with mostly similar data, I need to display 1 'record' with the common data printed once, and each records address arranged next it. As in, all the common fields displayed in one area, and then next to that the address fields from the record where 'AddressType = 1', then next to that the address fields where 'AddressType = 2'
Is this a subreport thing? Because even with subreports I can't get it to only print 1 detail section with the data from just the first record.
Is this even possible with crystal? For long drawn out reasons, I can't flatten the data before it gets to the report.
Ok, someone here in the office showed me the way, so I'll put this out there.
Given data with cols A,B,C all common and D,E different across multiple rows, this is how I 'flattened' the dataset in crystal:
Create a group based on col A, and put A,B,C inside that group header - get rid of the details section entirely
Create a subreport in the group header for each row of data, in my case 2 subreports
Inside each subreport, put fields D,E. Important: There are NO links for these subreports!
For each subreport go into the Select Expert and create a condition that shows only 1 particular row of data. This conditional will have the same field for each subreport, but different values. In my case it was AddressType='A', and AddressType='B'
This will produce 1 report, with A,B,C listed once, and D,E listed once for each subreport(once for each row of data)
This was confusing, time consuming, and I hate crystal reports now more than ever.
It would be pretty ugly, but you could add a group for each common field in Group Expert and then display the data for the common fields in the last group header. So if your common fields are field1 through field5, you would create five groups and put all five fields in the group header of field5. Then you would put the unique address fields (call them field field6 through field8) in the details section.
Now the trick is getting everything to line up correctly. You can set "underlay following sections" on the group header for field5; this will cause field1 through field5 to "fall down" into the details section. You just need to make sure that field6 through field8 are all to the right of field1 through field5 so the text does not overlap.
Now, if you want the two address records to print horizontally, I think you will need a subreport with multiple columns for that. But the same principle applies -- just make sure the subreport is to the right of field1 through field5 so the data doesn't overlap.
Have you tried the suppress if duplicated option on each non-address field?
Otherwise, you could group by the common id, put the common fields in that header, and then display the multiple addresses in the details section.
Or, you could remove the addresses from the datasource and use a subreport to fetch this data for each record. This would bypass the join and be the slowest option performance wise, due to having to select the addresses for each record.
Ok, firstly let's see if I understand this right :
You want a report that would be in the format
MainDetails Address(type1)
MainDetails Address(type2)
to instead be in the format
MainDetails Address(type1) Address(type2)
Assuming there are only two address types, you can do the following :
1) Group by Main details (whatever the unique entry is
2) Put the address details in the group header next to them, on the right
3) Also put the address details in the details section, but positioned as if they were in the Address(type2) column positions, so it looks like :
GH MainDetails Address
4) Next, add a sort to the report on the AddressType field, so that AddressType=1 shows first.
5) Add a conditional suppression formula to the Details section saying {AddressType=1}
6) Using the Section Expert, in the Group Header tick the 'underlay following sections' box
This should work as long as the number of addresses is either 1 or 2.