Scala understanding signatures - scala

In Scala (Play Framework), I can't understand the type signatures even though I read through all the symbols in here.
For example:
/* matches if a == b */
def equalTo[T](t: => T): BeEqualTo
class BeEqualTo(t: => Any)
extends BeTypedEqualTo[Any]
What on earth do these type signatures even mean?
For example, what exactly is "a" and "b" in the documentation? All I see is "t". Is equalTo a function that takes in a function which returns a value of generic type T?
Another example...
Say I have this line...
According to the IDE, OK is a pattern or symbol of type Int. So OK is an Int? You can monkey-patch an int to give it a function like "must", but how can an Int go inside of "equalTo", a function that takes in a function?
Now some of the type signatures make sense. For example...
def status(of: Future[Result])(implicit timeout: Timeout): Int
^ This is a curried function that takes in a future that returns something of type Result and that sucks in an implicit parameter of type Timeout from somewhere (Scala magic) and returns an Int. "home" is of type "Future[Result]", so it fits inside "status".
But other stuff...
contentType(home).must(beSome.which(_ == "text/html"))
^ My IDE says that beSome is of type
def beSome[T](check: ValueCheck[T]): SomeCheckedMatcher[T]
^ So "beSome" is a function. If that is the case, then how on earth can I appeand ".which()", another function, to it as if it were an object?
Another example...
def which[R : AsResult](f: (U) => R): OptionLikeCheckedMatcher[F, Nothing, U]
^ How on earth do you read these type signatures? "which" takes in "f: (U)", or a variable which we call "f" of type "(U)"? Why the unnecessary parenthesis around the "(U)"? Can't you just say "f: U" and make U be a String if R is a String?
"must" is like this...
def must(m: => Matcher[T]): MatchResult[T]
^ So "must" takes in a function that returns a Matcher. But "which" is passing in an OptionLikeCheckedMatcher. "m: => Matcher[T]" is a function that takes in an "m" and returns a "Matcher[T]". How is that the same as an object of type OptionLikeCheckedMatcher?
Can someone provide a definitive guide as to how to read Scala type signatures?

I think you're getting a little confused with the distinction between a function-valued parameter and a call-by-name parameter. They are similar but not quite the same. In the first example you posted, def equalTo[T](t: => T): BeEqualTo, the : => notation means that the parameter is not evaluated immediately (as it would be if it were declared with just a colon), but every time it is used in an expression. This link might clarify things a bit for you:
In another example you posted, def which[R: AsResult](f: (U) => R): OptionCheckedLikeMatcher[F, Nothing, U] takes in a function parameter called f, which accepts a U as its argument and returns a T. The brackets around the U are indeed unnecessary, but they would have been necessary if (for example) f were a function taking 2 parameters of type U - we would then have written it as f: (U, U) => R. The return value of which will be an OptionCheckedMatcher. Assuming that this is a subtype of Matcher (which seems sensible), this is the value which is passed to must.


Newbie scala confused about identiy type signature, and nothing (bottom)

I'm best described as a C#/F# + a bit of amateur Haskell programmer.
I'm a bit confused about the type signatures in Scala.
for example
the identity function has type
Nothing => Nothing
(according to scala console in my intellij thing)
but to me that makes no sense.
the type of identity is something like..
all x . x => x
identity 1
=> x ~ Int
=> 1 : Int
Nothing => Nothing
makes no sense to me....I would expect I type exception when passing any value to a function expecting Nothing!
clearly Im missing something.
In scala there is a distinction between methods and function values. Methods can be parameterized, while values (function or otherwise) can not.
So the identity method looks like this:
def identity[A](x: A): A = x
It has type [A](x: A)A. But if you convert it to a function value like this:
val idFunction = identity _
The value idFunction will have type Nothing => Nothing. Since I didn't provide a type argument to identity the compiler inferred A = Nothing.
What you can do is this:
val intIdentity = identity[Int] _
And then intIdentity will have type Int => Int.
The identity function is defined in scala.PreDef and has the following type signature:
def identity[A](x: A): A
It takes a type parameter A, a value of type A, and returns what it got as an input.
See the docs for scala.PreDef here: scala.Predef

Demystifying a function definition

I am new to Scala, and I hope this question is not too basic. I couldn't find the answer to this question on the web (which might be because I don't know the relevant keywords).
I am trying to understand the following definition:
def functionName[T <: AnyRef](name: Symbol)(range: String*)(f: T => String)(implicit tag: ClassTag[T]): DiscreteAttribute[T] = {
val r = ....
new anotherFunctionName[T](name.toString, f, Some(r))
First , why is it defined as def functionName[...](...)(...)(...)(...)? Can't we define it as def functionName[...](..., ..., ..., ...)?
Second, how does range: String* from range: String?
Third, would it be a problem if implicit tag: ClassTag[T] did not exist?
First , why is it defined as def functionName...(...)(...)(...)? Can't we define it as def functionName[...](..., ..., ..., ...)?
One good reason to use currying is to support type inference. Consider these two functions:
def pred1[A](x: A, f: A => Boolean): Boolean = f(x)
def pred2[A](x: A)(f: A => Boolean): Boolean = f(x)
Since type information flows from left to right if you try to call pred1 like this:
pred1(1, x => x > 0)
type of the x => x > 0 cannot be determined yet and you'll get an error:
<console>:22: error: missing parameter type
pred1(1, x => x > 0)
To make it work you have to specify argument type of the anonymous function:
pred1(1, (x: Int) => x > 0)
pred2 from the other hand can be used without specifying argument type:
pred2(1)(x => x > 0)
or simply:
pred2(1)(_ > 0)
Second, how does range: String* from range: String?
It is a syntax for defining Repeated Parameters a.k.a varargs. Ignoring other differences it can be used only on the last position and is available as a scala.Seq (here scala.Seq[String]). Typical usage is apply method of the collections types which allows for syntax like SomeDummyCollection(1, 2, 3). For more see:
What does `:_*` (colon underscore star) do in Scala?
Scala variadic functions and Seq
Is there a difference in Scala between Seq[T] and T*?
Third, would it be a problem if implicit tag: ClassTag[T] did not exist?
As already stated by Aivean it shouldn't be the case here. ClassTags are automatically generated by the compiler and should be accessible as long as the class exists. In general case if implicit argument cannot be accessed you'll get an error:
scala> import scala.concurrent._
import scala.concurrent._
scala> val answer: Future[Int] = Future(42)
<console>:13: error: Cannot find an implicit ExecutionContext. You might pass
an (implicit ec: ExecutionContext) parameter to your method
or import
val answer: Future[Int] = Future(42)
Multiple argument lists: this is called "currying", and enables you to call a function with only some of the arguments, yielding a function that takes the rest of the arguments and produces the result type (partial function application). Here is a link to Scala documentation that gives an example of using this. Further, any implicit arguments to a function must be specified together in one argument list, coming after any other argument lists. While defining functions this way is not necessary (apart from any implicit arguments), this style of function definition can sometimes make it clearer how the function is expected to be used, and/or make the syntax for partial application look more natural (f(x) rather than f(x, _)).
Arguments with an asterisk: "varargs". This syntax denotes that rather than a single argument being expected, a variable number of arguments can be passed in, which will be handled as (in this case) a Seq[String]. It is the equivalent of specifying (String... range) in Java.
the implicit ClassTag: this is often needed to ensure proper typing of the function result, where the type (T here) cannot be determined at compile time. Since Scala runs on the JVM, which does not retain type information beyond compile time, this is a work-around used in Scala to ensure information about the type(s) involved is still available at runtime.
Check currying:Methods may define multiple parameter lists. When a method is called with a fewer number of parameter lists, then this will yield a function taking the missing parameter lists as its arguments.
range:String* is the syntax for varargs
implicit TypeTag parameter in Scala is the alternative for Class<T> clazzparameter in Java. It will be always available if your class is defined in scope. Read more about type tags.

Complex Scala Type Inference w/ Lambda Expressions

I'm working on a DSL for a experimental library I'm building in Scala, and I've run into some vexing peculiarities of Scala's type inference as it pertains to lambda expression arguments that don't seem to be covered in the book Programming In Scala.
In my library, I have a trait, Effect[-T], that is used to represent temporary modifiers that can be applied to an object of type T. I have a object, myEffects, that has a method named += that accepts an argument of type Effect[PlayerCharacter]. Lastly, I have a generic method, when[T], that is used for constructing conditional effects by accepting a conditional expression and another effect as an argument. The signature is as follows:
def when[T](condition : T => Boolean) (effect : Effect[T]) : Effect[T]
When I call the "when" method with the above signature, passing it's result to the += method, it is unable to infer the type of the argument to the lambda expression.
myEffects += when(_.hpLow()) (applyModifierEffect) //<-- Compiler error
If I combine the arguments of "when" into a single parameter list, Scala is able to infer the type of the lambda expression just fine.
def when[T](condition : T => Boolean, effect : Effect[T]) : Effect[T]
/* Snip */
myEffects += when(_.hpLow(), applyModifierEffect) //This works fine!
It also works if I remove the second parameter entirely.
def when[T](condition : T => Boolean) : Effect[T]
/* Snip */
myEffects += when(_.hpLow()) //This works too!
However, for aesthetic reasons, I really want the the arguments to be passed to the "when" method as separate parameter lists.
My understanding from section 16.10 of Programming in Scala is that the compiler first looks at whether the method type is known, and if so it uses that to infer the expected type of it's arguments. In this case, the outermost method call is +=, which accepts an argument of type Effect[PlayerCharacter]. Since the return type of when[T] is Effect[T], and the method to which the result is being passed expects an argument of type Effect[PlayerCharacter], it can infer that T is PlayerCharacter, and therefore the type of the lambda expression passed as the first argument to "when" is PlayerCharacter => Boolean. This seems to be how it works when the arguments are provided in one parameter list, so why does breaking the arguments into two parameter lists break it?
I'm relatively new to Scala myself, and I don't have a lot of detailed technical knowledge of how the type inference works. So best take this with a grain of salt.
I think the difference is that the compiler is having trouble proving to itself that the two Ts are the same in condition : T => Boolean and effect : Effect[T], in the two-parameter-list version.
I believe when you have multiple parameter lists (because Scala views this as defining a method which returns a function that consumes the next parameter list) the compiler treats the parameter lists one at a time, not all together as in the single parameter list version.
So in this case:
def when[T](condition : T => Boolean, effect : Effect[T]) : Effect[T]
/* Snip */
myEffects += when(_.hpLow(), applyModifierEffect) //This works fine!
The type of applyModifierEffect and the required parameter type of myEffects += can help constrain the parameter type of _.hpLow(); all the Ts must be PlayerCharacter. But in the following:
myEffects += when(_.hpLow()) (applyModifierEffect)
The compiler has to figure out the type of when(_.hpLow()) independently, so that it can check if it's valid to apply it to applyModifierEffect. And on its own, _.hpLow() doesn't provide enough information for the compiler to deduce that this is when[PlayerCharacter](_.hpLow()), so it doesn't know that the return type is a function of type Effect[PlayerCharacter] => Effect[PlayerCharacter], so it doesn't know that it's valid to apply that function in that context. My guess would be that the type inference just doesn't connect the dots and figure out that there is exactly one type that avoids a type error.
And as for the other case that works:
def when[T](condition : T => Boolean) : Effect[T]
/* Snip */
myEffects += when(_.hpLow()) //This works too!
Here the return type of when and its parameter type are more directly connected, without going through the parameter type and the return type of the extra function created by currying. Since myEffects += requires an Effect[PlayerCharacter], the T must be PlayerCharacter, which has a hpLow method, and the compiler is done.
Hopefully someone more knowledgeable can correct me on the details, or point out if I'm barking up the wrong tree altogether!
I am a little confused because in my view, none of the versions you say work should, and indeed I cannot make any of them work.
Type inferences works left to right from one parameter list (not parameter) to the next. Typical example is method foldLeft in collections (say Seq[A])
def foldLeft[B] (z: B)(op: (B, A) => B): B
The type of z will makes B known, so op can be written without specifying B (nor A which is known from the start, type parameter of this).
If the routine was written as
def foldLeft[B](z: B, op: (B,A) => B): B
or as
def foldLeft[B](op: (B,A) => B)(z: B): B
it would not work, and one would have to make sure op type is clear, or to pass the B explicity when calling foldLeft.
In your case, I think the most pleasant to read equivalent would be to make when a method of Effect, (or make it look like one with an implicit conversion) you would then write
Effects += applyModifierEffect when (_.hpLow())
As you mentionned that Effect is contravariant, when signature is not allowed for a method of Effect (because of the T => Boolean, Function is contravariant in its first type parameter, and the condition appears as a parameter, so in contravariant position, two contravariants makes a covariant), but it can still be done with an implicit
object Effect {
implicit def withWhen[T](e: Effect[T])
= new {def when(condition: T => Boolean) = ...}

What is the point of multiple parameter clauses in function definitions in Scala?

I'm trying to understand the point of this language feature of multiple parameter clauses and why you would use it.
Eg, what's the difference between these two functions really?
class WTF {
def TwoParamClauses(x : Int)(y: Int) = x + y
def OneParamClause(x: Int, y : Int) = x + y
>> val underTest = new WTF
>> underTest.TwoParamClauses(1)(1) // result is '2'
>> underTest.OneParamClause(1,1) // result is '2'
There's something on this in the Scala specification at point 4.6. See if that makes any sense to you.
NB: the spec calls these 'parameter clauses', but I think some people may also call them 'parameter lists'.
Here are three practical uses of multiple parameter lists,
To aid type inference. This is especially useful when using higher order methods. Below, the type parameter A of g2 is inferred from the first parameter x, so the function arguments in the second parameter f can be elided,
def g1[A](x: A, f: A => A) = f(x)
g1(2, x => x) // error: missing parameter type for argument x
def g2[A](x: A)(f: A => A) = f(x)
g2(2) {x => x} // type is inferred; also, a nice syntax
For implicit parameters. Only the last parameter list can be marked implicit, and a single parameter list cannot mix implicit and non-implicit parameters. The definition of g3 below requires two parameter lists,
// analogous to a context bound: g3[A : Ordering](x: A)
def g3[A](x: A)(implicit ev: Ordering[A]) {}
To set default values based on previous parameters,
def g4(x: Int, y: Int = 2*x) {} // error: not found value x
def g5(x: Int)(y: Int = 2*x) {} // OK
TwoParamClause involves two method invocations while the OneParamClause invokes the function method only once. I think the term you are looking for is currying. Among the many use cases, it helps you to breakdown the computation into small steps. This answer may convince you of usefulness of currying.
There is a difference between both versions concerning type inference. Consider
def f[A](a:A, aa:A) = null
//Null = null
Here, the type A is bound to Any, which is a super type of String and Int. But:
def g[A](a:A)(aa:A) = null
error: type mismatch;
found : Int(1)
required: java.lang.String
As you see, the type checker only considers the first argument list, so A gets bound to String, so the Int value for aa in the second argument list is a type error.
Multiple parameter lists can help scala type inference for more details see: Making the most of Scala's (extremely limited) type inference
Type information does not flow from left to right within an argument list, only from left to right across argument lists. So, even though Scala knows the types of the first two arguments ... that information does not flow to our anonymous function.
Now that our binary function is in a separate argument list, any type information from the previous argument lists is used to fill in the types for our function ... therefore we don't need to annotate our lambda's parameters.
There are some cases where this distinction matters:
Multiple parameter lists allow you to have things like TwoParamClauses(2); which is automatically-generated function of type Int => Int which adds 2 to its argument. Of course you can define the same thing yourself using OneParamClause as well, but it will take more keystrokes
If you have a function with implicit parameters which also has explicit parameters, implicit parameters must be all in their own parameter clause (this may seem as an arbitrary restriction but is actually quite sensible)
Other than that, I think, the difference is stylistic.

Scala unexpectedly not being able to ascertain type for expanded function

Why, in Scala, given:
a = List(1, 2, 3, 4)
def f(x : String) = { x }
work, but
give the error
missing parameter type for expanded function ((x$1) => x$1.toString)
Well... f() takes a String as a parameter. The construct _.toString has type A <: Any => String. The function f() expects a type of String, so the example above does not type check. It seems that Scala is friendly in this case and gives the user another chance. The error message means: "By my type inference algorithms this does not compile. Put the types in and it might, if it's something I can't infer."
You would have to write the anonymous function longhand in this case, i.e. => f(n.toString)). This is not a limitation of type inference, but of the wildcard symbol. Basically, when you write, the _.toString gets expanded into an anonymous function inside the closest brackets it can find, otherwise this would lead to enormous ambiguity. Imagine something like f(g(_.toString)). Does this mean f(g(x => x.toString)) or f(x => g(x.toString))? Worse ambiguities would arise for multiple nested function calls. The Scala type checker therefore takes the most logical solution, as described above.
Nitpick: the first line of your code should be val a = List(1,2,3,4) :).