Trouble changing port in Confluent 2.0.0 Kafka 0.9 - apache-kafka

Seeing some strange behavior with Confluent 2.0.0 Kafka 0.9, wondering if anyone has any ideas. I had started up a broker with the PLAINTEXT listener, on 9092. worked great. I am trying to change it to listen to a different port. I tried 9095. When it starts up I see this in the log:
[2016-01-14 18:11:43,511] INFO Awaiting socket connections on (
But then later, I see this
[2016-01-14 18:11:43,906] INFO Registered broker 0 at path /brokers/ids/0 with addresses: PLAINTEXT -> EndPoint(,9092,PLAINTEXT) (kafka.utils.ZkUtils)
This is concerning, why is it still registering on 9092???
At this point, if I try to produce on 9095 I get tons of these until I kill it:
[2016-01-14 18:14:42,614] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 0 : {plaintext=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
[2016-01-14 18:14:42,745] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 : {plaintext=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
[2016-01-14 18:14:42,850] WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 2 : {plaintext=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
And if I try to produce on 9092 it fails after 1 minute with this:
[2016-01-14 18:30:11,845] ERROR Error when sending message to topic plaintext with key: null, value: 10 bytes with error: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms. (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback)
I think this may have something to do with my host names not being set up properly... but I'm not sure how to do that... FYI this is an EC2 instance. hostname is ip-10-0-0-22. /etc/hosts has localhost
The public DNS is And in my I have
(This last I found I had to set to be able to connect to the broker from outside of amazon).
So... any suggestions from any Kafka experts?

There's advertised.port property which you can explicitly set to 9095.

Turns out I needed to use advertised.listeners. I bet Alexander Zolotko's suggestion to use advertised.port would have worked too, although I didn't try tat.


Kafka issue in kubernetes

When any message push to Kafka topic i'm seeing below message.
my message contains only 5 elements and it is plain text only it wont exceed 300 characters still seeing below error.
WARN [SocketServer brokerId=0] Unexpected error from /; closing connection ( Invalid receive (size = 1920298859 larger than 504857600)
If no active consumer for long time around 8 to 10 hours kafka itself killing in Kubernetes.
I want some good article to setup Kafka cluster in Kubernetes any help appreciated.
1920298859 is a recognizable value, it's ruok decoded as a integer:
>>> struct.unpack("!I", struct.pack("!4s", "ruok".encode("UTF8")))
It looks like you have some Zookeeper tooling/healthcheck trying to connect to Kafka. The ruok command should only be sent to Zookeeper hosts. Kafka only accepts connections from Kafka clients.

Error in kafka when consumed by a remote client

Kafka already work good in the localhost as consumer but, when i make a consumer in a remote machine I get the next error:
[2020-02-06 11:53:22,172] ERROR Error when sending message to topic TopicTest with key: null, value: 4 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Expiring 1 record(s) for TopicTest-0: 2325 ms has passed since batch creation plus linger time
The conection between the remote machine and the server is fine because i execute the next command and work:
bin/ --list --zookeeper my.public.ip:2181
You should check advertised.listeners config in If it is localhost, then you should change it to broker ip address. This answer can also helpful for you.

Kafka Console Producer sending message failed

I would like to ask anyone face before this kind of stuation?
Few days ago the kafka is able to work properly but today it starting having problem. The console producer is unable to send message and receive by console consumer. After few seconds it prompt :
" ERROR Error when sending message to topic test with key: null, value: 11 bytes with error: (org.apache.kafka.clients.producer.internals.ErrorLoggingCallback)
org.apache.kafka.common.errors.TimeoutException: Failed to update metadata after 60000 ms. "
Anyone can help? :'(
You'll see this if the broker you are bootstrapping from is not reachable. Try to telnet to the host and port you are trying to access from the producer. If that communication is OK, turn on debug logging by locating the and changing the warn level to debug.

Kafka - Error while fetching metadata with correlation id - LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE

I have setup Kafka cluster locally. Three broker's with properties :
Things were working fine but I am now getting error :
WARN Error while fetching metadata with correlation id 1 : {TRAIL_TOPIC=LEADER_NOT_AVAILABLE} (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
I am also trying to write messages via Java based client & I am getting error : unable to fetch metadata in 6000ms.
I faced the same problem, it is because the topic does not exist and the configuration of broker auto.create.topics.enable by default is set to false. I was using bin/connect-standalone so I didn't specify topics I would use.
I changed this config to true and it solved my problem.

Kafka QuickStart, gives kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException

I am able to get a simple one-node Kafka (kafka_2.11- working locally on one linux machine, but when I try to run a producer remotely I'm getting some confusing errors.
I'm following the quickstart guide at I stopped the kafka processes and deleted all the zookeeper & karma files in /tmp. I am on a local network NAT-ed with an external IP address, so I modified to tell zookeeper how to broadcast my external address, as per
Then I'm running this:
$ bin/ config/
--> ...
$ export KAFKA_HEAP_OPTS="-Xmx256M -Xms128M" # small test server!
$ bin/ config/
--> ...
I opened up the firewall for my producer on the remote machine, and created a new topic and verified it:
$ bin/ --create --zookeeper MY.EXTERNAL.IP:2181 --replication-factor 1 --partitions 1 --topic test123
--> Created topic "test123".
$ bin/ --list --zookeeper MY.EXTERNAL.IP:2181
--> test123
However, the producer I'm running remotely gives me errors:
$ bin/ --broker-list MY.EXTERNAL.IP:9092 --topic test123
--> [2015-06-16 14:41:19,757] WARN Property topic is not valid (kafka.utils.VerifiableProperties)
My Test Message
--> [2015-06-16 14:42:43,347] WARN Error while fetching metadata [{TopicMetadata for topic test123 ->
No partition metadata for topic test123 due to kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException}] for topic [test123]: class kafka.common.LeaderNotAvailableException (kafka.producer.BrokerPartitionInfo)
--> (repeated several times)
(I disabled the whole firewall to make sure that wasn't the problem.)
The stdout errors in the karma-startup are repeated: [2015-06-16 20:42:42,768] INFO Closing socket connection to /MY.EXTERNAL.IP. (
And the controller.log gives me this, several times:
at kafka.controller.RequestSendThread.liftedTree1$1(ControllerChannelManager.scala:132)
at kafka.controller.RequestSendThread.doWork(ControllerChannelManager.scala:131)
[2015-06-16 20:44:08,128] INFO [Controller-0-to-broker-0-send-thread], Controller 0 connected to id:0,host:MY.EXTERNAL.IP,port:9092 for sending state change requests (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
[2015-06-16 20:44:08,428] WARN [Controller-0-to-broker-0-send-thread], Controller 0 epoch 1 fails to send request Name:LeaderAndIsrRequest;Version:0;Controller:0;ControllerEpoch:1;CorrelationId:7;ClientId:id_0-host_null-port_9092;Leaders:id:0,host:MY.EXTERNAL.IP,port:9092;PartitionState:(test123,0) -> (LeaderAndIsrInfo:(Leader:0,ISR:0,LeaderEpoch:0,ControllerEpoch:1),ReplicationFactor:1),AllReplicas:0) to broker id:0,host:MY.EXTERNAL.IP,port:9092. Reconnecting to broker. (kafka.controller.RequestSendThread)
Running this seems to indicate that there is a leader at 0:
$ ./bin/ --zookeeper MY.EXTERNAL.IP:2181 --describe --topic test123
--> Topic:test123 PartitionCount:1 ReplicationFactor:1 Configs:
Topic: test123 Partition: 0 Leader: 0 Replicas: 0 Isr: 0
I reran this test and my server.log indicates that there is a leader at 0:
[2015-06-16 21:58:04,498] INFO 0 successfully elected as leader (kafka.server.ZookeeperLeaderElector)
[2015-06-16 21:58:04,642] INFO Registered broker 0 at path /brokers/ids/0 with address MY.EXTERNAL.IP:9092. (kafka.utils.ZkUtils$)
[2015-06-16 21:58:04,670] INFO [Kafka Server 0], started (kafka.server.KafkaServer)
[2015-06-16 21:58:04,736] INFO New leader is 0 (kafka.server.ZookeeperLeaderElector$LeaderChangeListener)
I see this error in the logs when I send a message from the producer:
[2015-06-16 22:18:24,584] ERROR [KafkaApi-0] error when handling request Name: TopicMetadataRequest; Version: 0; CorrelationId: 7; ClientId: console-producer; Topics: test123 (kafka.server.KafkaApis)
kafka.admin.AdminOperationException: replication factor: 1 larger than available brokers: 0
at kafka.admin.AdminUtils$.assignReplicasToBrokers(AdminUtils.scala:70)
I assume this means that the broker can't be found for some reason? I'm confused what this means...
For the recent versions of Kafka (0.10.0 as of this writing), you don't want to use at all. In fact, even the [documentation] states that is already deprecated. Moreover, Kafka will use this not only as the "advertised" host name for the producers/consumers, but for other brokers as well (in a multi-broker environment)...which is kind of a pain if you're using using a different (perhaps internal) DNS for the brokers...and you really don't want to get into the business of adding entries to the individual /etc/hosts of the brokers (ew!)
So, basically, you would want the brokers to use the internal name, but use the external FQDNs for the producers and consumers only. To do this, you will update advertised.listeners instead.
Set to a host name, not an IP address. The default is to return a FQDN using getCanonicalHostName(), but this is only best effort and falls back to an IP. See the java docs for getCanonicalHostName().
The trick is to get that host name to always resolve to the correct IP. For small environments I usually setup all of the hosts with all of their internal IPs in /etc/hosts. This way all machines know how to talk to each other over the internal network, by name. In fact, configure your Kafka clients by name now too, not by IP. If managing all the /etc/hosts files is a burden then setup an internal DNS server to centralize it, but internal DNS should return internal IPs. Either of these options should be less work than having IP addresses scattered throughout various configuration files on various machines.
Once everything is communicating by name all that's left is to configure external DNS with the external IPs and everything just works. This includes configuring Kafka clients with the server names, not IPs.
So to summarize, the solution to this was to add a route via NAT so that the machine can access its own external IP address.
Zookeeper uses the address it finds in both to tell clients where to find the broker as well as to communicate with the broker itself. The error that gets reported doesn't make this very clear, and it's confusing because a client has no problem opening a TCP connection.
Taking cue from above: for my single node (while still learning) I modified file having text "" to value=127.0.01. So finally it looks something like this
While starting producer it still shows warning, but now it is atleast working while I can see messages on consumer terminal perfectly comming
On your machine where Kafka is installed, check if it is up and running. The error states, 0 brokers are available that means Kafka is not up and running.
On linux machine you can use the netstat command to check if the service is running.
netstat -an|grep port_kafka_is_Listening ( default is 9092)
DEPRECATED: only used when listeners is not set. Use listeners instead. hostname of broker. If this is set, it will only bind to this address. If this is not set, it will bind to all interfaces