I need to integrate paypal payment gateway with my Phonegap + jquerymobile application for android platform. I need similar to native Paypal Android SDK. Please point me towards the right direction or if there is another way. I tried a few libraries but it seems like they are outdated.
Note: I am using build.phonegap
have a look on this official paypal plugin, its preferred over other third party plugin services due to security reasons.
Its documented and its being updated and in track.
I'm looking for how i can use flutter_stripe_web to make payments or a another best method to implement a stripe payments with flutter web.
You can just run the example project as a web app in Chrome browser.
Please note that flutter_stripe_web is in very early stage and I won't recommend you to use it in production, instead you should use the standard web integration.
I've found a lot of guidelines on how to integrate HMS in my apps. But majority of them are different or using android studio. May I know which one is the latest guidelines to integrate HMS in my apps for Unity.
Also, I want to enable In-App-Purchase (subscription) for my apps as well.
Thanks in advance.
Currently I'm trying to implement In-App-Purchase for huawei. Huawei tech said that users need to signIn first before they can use IAP. But I received this error while testing signIn
How to obtain product info ? here
AFAIK you have two main options:
UDP SDK from Unity, which is the Unity official solution to HMS in Unity. However has been under maintenance for some days now.
Unity HMS Plugin from EvilMinds, an open source alternative that is already functional and includes supports to more HMS kits. Looks pretty promising for the future.
In any case you can still manually access HMS Android SDK directly using Unity SDK Android API.
Unity provides the HMS Plugin here: Unity Asset Store > Huawei HMS Core App Services
The README file contains information about development guides, API references. For more technical questions, please submit a ticket with Unity Customer Service.
Currently Unity does not support the In-App-Purchase (subscription) function. It will be planned in the future.
For the IAP error:
It is a null pointer. Please check for unassigned objects. If you cannot find anything, please delete project and install again cause sometimes these kind of things happening.
I need to integrate google analytics to both iOS and Android mobile applications using Titanium. Can someone guide me on what APIs to be used and explain what values I can retrieve through them?
I would start at gitt.io. It's a site dedicated to providing open-source titanium modules and widgets. This link takes you to 30 available modules. Email the developer if you have questions. Hope this helps.
I've successfully implemented the MEC pattern in a couple of native applications using the MECL library as described in:
The library (both iOS and Android packages) can be found here:
Unfortunately, the new http://developer.paypal.com website seem to have forgotten that once this library existed.
What should I do? Remove the library and do the express checkout without the DRT (device reference token) provided by the library? Or is it safe to still use it?
My app uses the DRT id to ask the server whether the payment was completed, and so a failure to get the token would compromise the ability to perform payments.
Mobile Express Checkout process is still around and available to use. There isn't any official code samples though and that is kind of a bummer.
You can use the Merchant SDK to get a working example of the full-site Express Checkout process and make changes to it as needed.
We're trying to get people to use the new iOS and Android SDK's.
Here is a link to a setup guide for Mobile Express Checkout:
It goes into detail on the differences (mostly just the redirect URL) and I hope gets you a place to start.
I am creating my first native phone application using dreamweaver and phonegap build service, one of the most important features I need is the ability to send push notifications. That being said I am having a hard time finding a tutorial on integrating xtify with an app built in dreamweaver. any suggestions? All the documentation on xtify assumes I am building the program in phonegap. First thing you need to understand is that I am not a programmer, I work for a non profirt organization and this is just part of my job here.
Dreamweaver uses Adobe PhoneGap Build which packages mobile apps in the cloud. They don't support custom phonegap plugins (like Xtify) yet but they are working on it. Details here.
From the website:
Right now, you cannot submit your own plugins to PhoneGap Build and
have them included on our system. We are working on the infrastructure
changes to allow this support.