How to Install conscript in Windows - scala

Conscript is needed for giter8 to check out project templates directly from Github and as states
is recommended way to generate Scalatra project skeletons.
When conscript-0.4.4.jar is ran error "Error downloading sbt-launch-0.13.0 happens".

sbt-launch-0.13.0.jar was removed from sbt site. so you have to:
Install sbt from the official site.
Copy "sbt-launch.jar" from "C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin" into "C:\Users{Username}.conscript"
Make another copy of "sbt-launch.jar" in "C:\Program Files (x86)\sbt\bin" and rename it to "sbt-launch-0.13.0.jar"
Run your conscript installation jar ("conscript-0.4.4-1.jar") and wait for it to finish.
Add "C:\Users{Username}\bin" to your PATH environment variable.


How do I download the Gson library?

Should be simple question.
When I go to I can only download the library as a zip folder as opposed to a jar file.
Where can I get the jar file?
First you need to clone the repository locally on your computer:
git clone
Then you go inside the project folder ./gson and you create the jar file running:
mvn package
Of course to do this you need to have maven installed, if you are under osx you can install it running
brew install maven
Otherwise you can look for the installation for your system on the maven official website
After running mvn package the jar file will be in ./gson/gson/target/gson-2.7.1-SNAPSHOT.jar
There is a MVN Repo there you will find how to add to a maven OR in your case how to download the lib jars
am bit late but for anyone in future,
ofcourse if its vresion changes you can figure it out from the base url.
I just downloaded it here:
Is working for me.

Install OrientDB with source code sucessfully,but no release directory

After I have installed orientdb with source code sucessfully,but no release directory in a level! I want to know how to fix the problem
The doc about installation from sources is updated:
the old releases directory isn't created anymore by maven.
With Maven when you use the command "mvn clean install" from your folder with the source code, the folder with your version of OrientDb will be created under the following path rootfolder/distrubution/target
The folder "releases" isn't created but with Maven, for example, will be created the folder orientdb-community.2.1.10-snapshot.dir

Build KafkaOffsetMonitor tool manually

I am trying to monitor kafka using KafkaOffsetMonitor tool. It is working fine as I used already built jar available at its github page. Now I want to make some changes in this tool but I dont know how to manually build it. I have downloaded the zip file from github page. Now how should I build it?
PS: Steps would be helpful
Below are the steps which may help you:
1. Checkout and get the source code into your local machine or you may have to unzip it if you have downloaded zip file.
2. Go to the folder which you have extracted or checked-out.
3. Run below command:
mvn clean package -U -DskipTests
Note: make sure you have installed maven in your machine.
Make the changes in the source if you want to modify the tool and build it using above steps.
I know that I'm coming at this pretty late, but I ran into the same problem. Basically, you need a Java jdk, scala, and sbt installed first. You didn't post what os you're dealing with, so it would be hard for me to give you steps for that. I use Gentoo Linux and you can install it by running emerge -av sbt
Once sbt is installed, just clone KafkaOffsetMonitor Github repository change to the top level directory and run the following sbt command: sbt assembly
The jar you will be looking for will be in: ./target/scala-<scala_version>/KafkaOffsetMonitor-assembly-<kafkaoffsetmonitor_version>.jar

Where can I download Autofac.dll without Nuget?

I need autofac.dll but I cannot find it.
One of our project used to run properly with a previous version but it seems that there were an update on our server...
You can "download" any package and use the contents using the NuGet command line. Just open a command prompt in an empty folder and use:
nuget install Autofac -Version 3.4.0
It'll "install" the package in the empty folder and you can go into the "lib" folder and pull the assembly out if you need.
I have found an autofac.dll with version and the project now runs fine again, even if the error message was saying that a version was needed...

How do I set permissions on files in an unpacked Eclipse Plugin (not a jar)

I have created an Eclipse feature set, composed of various plugins. One of these plugins contains an executable file that gets called from the plugin. The feature.xml file sets unpack="true" for this plugin, so it is installed as a directory rather than a jar.
But when Eclipse tries to launch the executable, it throws a "permission denied" error. Running chmod on the exectuable fixes this ... but I need this to happen automatically when people install the Eclipse plugin.
I've ensured that the executable file has the correct permissions before I build the plugin.
I'm thinking maybe there's a way to add installation tasks to a feature.xml, perhaps?
Figured it out, p2 TouchPoint instructions enable the execution of commands during the installation of a plugin.