Terminate all observables and wait until they're complete - system.reactive

I want to write a function that wraps an observable in a way I can terminate it, and perform some code after it completes. I thought of doing:
class ObsrevableWrapper {
var terminating: Bool = false
var terminatingObservable: Observable<Int>?
func wrapObservable(o: Observable<Int>) -> Observable<Int> {
terminatingObservable = Observable
.deferred { () -> Observable<Int> in
if self.terminating {
return Observable.empty()
} else {
return o
.takeWhile {_ in
return !self.terminating
return terminatingObservable!
func terminateObservable() {
terminating = true
.map { _ -> Void in
return ()
.subscribeNext {
self.output("Performing completion code")
Can I do it without the var terminating: Bool instance variable? (i.e. more functional..)


AsyncStream spams view, where AsyncPublisher does not

I'm running into a behavior with AsyncStream I don't quite understand.
When I have an actor with a published variable, I can "subscribe" to it via an AsyncPublisher and it behaves as expected, updating only when there is a change in value. If I create an AsyncStream with a synchronous context (but with a potential task retention problem) it also behaves as expected.
The weirdness happens when I try to wrap that publisher in an AsyncStream with an asyncronous context. It starts spamming the view with an update per loop it seems, NOT only when there is a change.
What am I missing about the AsyncStream.init(unfolding:oncancel:) which is causing this behavior?
import Foundation
import SwiftUI
actor TestService {
static let shared = TestService()
#MainActor #Published var counter:Int = 0
#MainActor public func updateCounter(by delta:Int) async {
counter = counter + delta
public func asyncStream() -> AsyncStream<Int> {
return AsyncStream.init(unfolding: unfolding, onCancel: onCancel)
//() async -> _?
func unfolding() async -> Int? {
for await n in $counter.values {
return n
return nil
#Sendable func onCancel() -> Void {
print("confirm counter got canceled")
public func syncStream() -> AsyncStream<Int> {
AsyncStream { continuation in
let streamTask = Task {
for await n in $counter.values {
continuation.onTermination = { #Sendable _ in
print("StreamTask Canceled")
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
HStack {
//TestActorViewA() //<-- uncomment at your own risk.
struct TestActorButton:View {
var counter = TestService.shared
var body: some View {
Button("increment counter") {
Task { await counter.updateCounter(by: 2) }
struct TestActorViewA:View {
var counter = TestService.shared
#State var counterVal:Int = 0
var body: some View {
.task {
//Fires constantly.
for await value in await counter.asyncStream() {
print("View A Value: \(value)")
counterVal = value
struct TestActorViewB:View {
var counter = TestService.shared
#State var counterVal:Int = 0
var body: some View {
.task {
//Behaves like one would expect. Fires once per change.
for await value in await counter.$counter.values {
print("View B Value: \(value)")
counterVal = value
struct TestActorViewC:View {
var counter = TestService.shared
#State var counterVal:Int = 0
var body: some View {
.task {
//Also only fires on update
for await value in await counter.syncStream() {
print("View C Value: \(value)")
counterVal = value
The real solution to wrapping a publisher appears to be to stick to the synchronous context initializer and have it cancel it's own task:
public func stream() -> AsyncStream<Int> {
AsyncStream { continuation in
let streamTask = Task {
for await n in $counter.values {
//do hard work to transform n
continuation.onTermination = { #Sendable _ in
print("StreamTask Canceled")
From what I can tell the "unfolding" style initializer for AsyncStream is simply not a fit for wrapping an AsyncPublisher. The "unfolding" function will "pull" at the published value from within the stream, so the stream will just keep pushing values from that infinite well.
It seems like the "unfolding" style initializer is best used when processing a finite (but potentially very large) list of items, or when generating ones values from scratch... something like:
struct NumberQueuer {
let numbers:[Int]
public func queueStream() -> AsyncStream<Int> {
var iterator = AsyncArray(values: numbers).makeAsyncIterator()
print("Queue called")
return AsyncStream.init(unfolding: unfolding, onCancel: onCancel)
//() async -> _?
func unfolding() async -> Int? {
do {
if let item = try await iterator.next() {
return item
} catch let error {
return nil
#Sendable func onCancel() -> Void {
print("confirm NumberQueue got canceled")
public struct AsyncArray<Element>: AsyncSequence, AsyncIteratorProtocol {
let values:[Element]
let delay:TimeInterval
var currentIndex = -1
public init(values: [Element], delay:TimeInterval = 1) {
self.values = values
self.delay = delay
public mutating func next() async throws -> Element? {
currentIndex += 1
guard currentIndex < values.count else {
return nil
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: UInt64(delay * 1E09))
return values[currentIndex]
public func makeAsyncIterator() -> AsyncArray {
One can force the unfolding type to work with an #Published by creating a buffer array that is checked repeatedly. The variable wouldn't actually need to be #Published anymore. This approach has a lot of problems but it can be made to work. If interested, I put it in a repo with a bunch of other AsyncStream examples. https://github.com/carlynorama/StreamPublisherTests
This article was very helpful to sorting this out: https://www.raywenderlich.com/34044359-asyncsequence-asyncstream-tutorial-for-ios
As was this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwwKJLrg_0U

"Unsupported action method signature". FolioReader Swift , Error

please help me to solve this error using FolioReaderKit Swift
enter image description here
I was also facing same crash while using Folioreader in my app. I have fixed it by doing below changes in my code.
In FolioReaderAudioPlayer.swift file. Update these 5 methods.
#objc func pause() -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
playing = false
if !isTextToSpeech {
if let player = player , player.isPlaying {
} else {
if synthesizer.isSpeaking {
synthesizer.pauseSpeaking(at: .word)
return .success
#objc func togglePlay() -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
isPlaying() ? pause() : play()
return .success
#objc func play() -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
if book.hasAudio {
guard let currentPage = self.folioReader.readerCenter?.currentPage else { return .commandFailed }
} else {
return .success
#objc func playPrevChapter() -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
// Wait for "currentPage" to update, then request to play audio
self.folioReader.readerCenter?.changePageToPrevious {
if self.isPlaying() {
} else {
return .success
#objc func playNextChapter() -> MPRemoteCommandHandlerStatus {
// Wait for "currentPage" to update, then request to play audio
self.folioReader.readerCenter?.changePageToNext {
if self.isPlaying() {
return .success

Swift Combine: Check if Subject has observer?

In RxSwift we can check if a *Subject has any observer, using hasObserver, how can I do this in Combine on e.g. a PassthroughSubject?
Some time after posting my question I wrote this simple extension. Much simpler than #Asperi's solution. Not sure about disadvantages/advantages between the two solutions besides simplicity (of mine).
private enum CounterChange: Int, Equatable {
case increased = 1
case decreased = -1
extension Publisher {
func trackNumberOfSubscribers(
_ notifyChange: #escaping (Int) -> Void
) -> AnyPublisher<Output, Failure> {
var counter = NSNumber.init(value: 0)
let nsLock = NSLock()
func updateCounter(_ change: CounterChange, notify: (Int) -> Void) {
counter = NSNumber(value: counter.intValue + change.rawValue)
return handleEvents(
receiveSubscription: { _ in updateCounter(.increased, notify: notifyChange) },
receiveCompletion: { _ in updateCounter(.decreased, notify: notifyChange) },
receiveCancel: { updateCounter(.decreased, notify: notifyChange) }
Here are some tests:
import XCTest
import Combine
final class PublisherTrackNumberOfSubscribersTest: TestCase {
func test_four_subscribers_complete_by_finish() {
doTest { publisher in
publisher.send(completion: .finished)
func test_four_subscribers_complete_by_error() {
doTest { publisher in
publisher.send(completion: .failure(.init()))
private extension PublisherTrackNumberOfSubscribersTest {
struct EmptyError: Swift.Error {}
func doTest(_ line: UInt = #line, complete: (PassthroughSubject<Int, EmptyError>) -> Void) {
let publisher = PassthroughSubject<Int, EmptyError>()
var numberOfSubscriptions = [Int]()
let trackable = publisher.trackNumberOfSubscribers { counter in
func subscribe() -> Cancellable {
return trackable.sink(receiveCompletion: { _ in }, receiveValue: { _ in })
let cancellable1 = subscribe()
let cancellable2 = subscribe()
let cancellable3 = subscribe()
let cancellable4 = subscribe()
XCTAssertNotNil(cancellable1, line: line)
XCTAssertNotNil(cancellable2, line: line)
XCTAssertNotNil(cancellable3, line: line)
XCTAssertNotNil(cancellable4, line: line)
XCTAssertEqual(numberOfSubscriptions, [1, 2, 3, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0], line: line)
No one time needed this... Apple does not provide this by API, and, actually, I do not recommend such thing, because it is like manually checking value of retainCount in pre-ARC Objective-C for some decision in code.
Anyway it is possible. Let's consider it as a lab exercise. Hope someone find this helpful.
Disclaimer: below code was not tested with all Publisher(s) and not safe as for some real-world project. It is just approach demo.
So, as there are many kind of publishers and all of them are final and private and, moreover there might be come via type-eraser, we needed generic thing applying to any publisher, thus operator
extension Publisher {
public func countingSubscribers(_ callback: ((Int) -> Void)? = nil)
-> Publishers.SubscribersCounter<Self> {
return Publishers.SubscribersCounter<Self>(upstream: self, callback: callback)
Operator gives us possibility to inject in any place of of publishers chain and provide interesting value via callback. Interesting value in our case will be count of subscribers.
As operator is injected in both Upstream & Downstream we need bidirectional custom pipe implementation, ie. custom publisher, custom subscriber, custom subscription. In our case they must be transparent, as we don't need to modify streams... actually it will be Combine-proxy.
Posible usage:
1) when SubscribersCounter publisher is last in chain, the numberOfSubscribers property can be used directly
let publisher = NotificationCenter.default
.publisher(for: UIApplication.didBecomeActiveNotification)
2) when it somewhere in the middle of the chain, then receive callback about changed subscribers count
let publisher = URLSession.shared
.dataTaskPublisher(for: URL(string: "https://www.google.com")!)
.countingSubscribers({ count in print("Observers: \(count)") })
.receive(on: DispatchQueue.main)
.map { _ in "Data received" }
.replaceError(with: "An error occurred")
Here is implementation:
import Combine
extension Publishers {
public class SubscribersCounter<Upstream> : Publisher where Upstream : Publisher {
private(set) var numberOfSubscribers = 0
public typealias Output = Upstream.Output
public typealias Failure = Upstream.Failure
public let upstream: Upstream
public let callback: ((Int) -> Void)?
public init(upstream: Upstream, callback: ((Int) -> Void)?) {
self.upstream = upstream
self.callback = callback
public func receive<S>(subscriber: S) where S : Subscriber,
Upstream.Failure == S.Failure, Upstream.Output == S.Input {
upstream.receive(subscriber: SubscribersCounterSubscriber<S>(counter: self, subscriber: subscriber))
fileprivate func increase() {
numberOfSubscribers += 1
fileprivate func decrease() {
numberOfSubscribers -= 1
// own subscriber is needed to intercept upstream/downstream events
private class SubscribersCounterSubscriber<S> : Subscriber where S: Subscriber {
let counter: SubscribersCounter<Upstream>
let subscriber: S
init (counter: SubscribersCounter<Upstream>, subscriber: S) {
self.counter = counter
self.subscriber = subscriber
deinit {
Swift.print(">> Subscriber deinit")
func receive(subscription: Subscription) {
subscriber.receive(subscription: SubscribersCounterSubscription<Upstream>(counter: counter, subscription: subscription))
func receive(_ input: S.Input) -> Subscribers.Demand {
return subscriber.receive(input)
func receive(completion: Subscribers.Completion<S.Failure>) {
subscriber.receive(completion: completion)
typealias Input = S.Input
typealias Failure = S.Failure
// own subcription is needed to handle cancel and decrease
private class SubscribersCounterSubscription<Upstream>: Subscription where Upstream: Publisher {
let counter: SubscribersCounter<Upstream>
let wrapped: Subscription
private var cancelled = false
init(counter: SubscribersCounter<Upstream>, subscription: Subscription) {
self.counter = counter
self.wrapped = subscription
deinit {
Swift.print(">> Subscription deinit")
if !cancelled {
func request(_ demand: Subscribers.Demand) {
func cancel() {
if !cancelled {
cancelled = true

How to pass data from delegate method to the observable's onNext method in RxSwift?

I have manager class which will connect and manage the data and state of the Bluetooth device.
The manager class conforms to IWDeviceManagerDelegate and has a method which gives the weight data func onReceiveWeightData(_ device: IWDevice!, data: IWWeightData!).
Once I call listenToWeight() from any controller I want to give the data using Observable.
How I fire an onNext event with the data of onReceiveWeightData method to listenToWeight observable?
Below is the code.
class WeightMachineManager: NSObject {
func setup() {
IWDeviceManager.shared()?.delegate = self
func listenToWeight() -> Observable<IWWeightData> {
let tag = WeightMachineManager.tag
if let connectedDevice = connectedDevice {
IWDeviceManager.shared()?.add(connectedDevice, callback: { (device, code) in
if code == .success {
print("\(tag)[SUCCESS] Device added successfully.")
} else {
print("\(tag)[FAILURE] Failed to add device.")
} else {
print("\(tag)[FAILURE] Couldn't find any device to connect.")
extension WeightMachineManager: IWDeviceManagerDelegate {
func onReceiveWeightData(_ device: IWDevice!, data: IWWeightData!) {
// TODO:- Pass this data in the onNext event of listenToWeight's observable.
I've made a lot of assumptions in the below, but the result should look something like this:
class WeightMachineManager {
var connectedDevice: IWDevice?
func setup() {
func listenToWeight() -> Observable<IWWeightData> {
if let connectedDevice = connectedDevice, let deviceManager = IWDeviceManager.shared() {
return deviceManager.rx.add(connectedDevice)
.flatMap { deviceManager.rx.receivedWeightData() } // maybe this should be flatMapLatest or flatMapFirst. It depends on what is calling listenToWeight() and when.
else {
return .error(NSError.init(domain: "WeightMachineManager", code: -1, userInfo: nil))
extension IWDeviceManager: HasDelegate {
public typealias Delegate = IWDeviceManagerDelegate
class IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy
: DelegateProxy<IWDeviceManager, IWDeviceManagerDelegate>
, DelegateProxyType
, IWDeviceManagerDelegate {
init(parentObject: IWDeviceManager) {
super.init(parentObject: parentObject, delegateProxy: IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy.self)
public static func registerKnownImplementations() {
self.register { IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy(parentObject: $0) }
extension Reactive where Base: IWDeviceManager {
var delegate: IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy {
return IWDeviceManagerDelegateProxy.proxy(for: base)
func add(_ device: IWDevice) -> Observable<Void> {
return Observable.create { observer in
self.base.add(device, callback: { device, code in
if code == .success {
else {
observer.onError(NSError.init(domain: "IWDeviceManager", code: -1, userInfo: nil))
return Disposables.create()
func receivedWeightData() -> Observable<IWWeightData> {
return delegate.methodInvoked(#selector(IWDeviceManagerDelegate.onReceiveWeightData(_:data:)))
.map { $0[1] as! IWWeightData }

Test PublishSubject for ViewState

I'm trying to test the main functionality of my ViewModel. The important step is to test te loaded state completed. But for sure, for a better test it could be interesting to test al states.
I was reading a lot of post and information about RxTest and RxBlocking but I'm not able to test this module. If someone can help me, it would be great!
struct Product: Equatable { }
struct Promotion { }
protocol ProductsRepository {
func fetchProducts() -> Observable<Products>
func fetchPromotions() -> Observable<[Promotion]>
struct ProductCellViewModel: Equatable {
let product: Product
struct Products {
let products: [Product]
enum ProductsViewState: Equatable {
case loading
case empty
case error
case loaded ([ProductCellViewModel])
class ProductsViewModel {
var repository: ProductsRepository
let disposeBag = DisposeBag()
private var productCellViewModel: [ProductCellViewModel]
private var promotions: [Promotion]
// MARK: Input
init(repository: ProductsRepository) {
self.repository = repository
productCellViewModel = [ProductCellViewModel]()
promotions = [Promotion]()
func requestData(scheduler: SchedulerType) {
.flatMap({ (products) -> Observable<[ProductCellViewModel]> in
return self.buildCellViewModels(data: products)
}).subscribe(onNext: { (cellViewModels) in
self.productCellViewModel = cellViewModels
}, onError: { (error) in
}, onCompleted: {
.flatMap({ (promotions) -> Observable<[Promotion]> in
self.promotions = promotions
return Observable.just(promotions)
}).subscribe(onNext: { (_) in
}, onError: { (error) in
}).disposed(by: self.disposeBag)
}).disposed(by: disposeBag)
// MARK: Output
var state = PublishSubject<ProductsViewState>()
// MARK: ViewModel Map Methods
private func buildCellViewModels(data: Products) -> Observable <[ProductCellViewModel]> {
var viewModels = [ProductCellViewModel]()
for product in data.products {
viewModels.append(ProductCellViewModel.init(product: product))
return Observable.just(viewModels)
func resetCalculate() {
productCellViewModel = [ProductCellViewModel]()
The goal is to be able to test all of ProductsViewState after viewmodel.requestData() is being called
The key here is that you have to inject your scheduler into the function so you can inject a test scheduler. Then you will be able to test your state. BTW that state property should be a let not a var.
class ProductsViewModelTests: XCTestCase {
var scheduler: TestScheduler!
var result: TestableObserver<ProductsViewState>!
var disposeBag: DisposeBag!
override func setUp() {
scheduler = TestScheduler(initialClock: 0)
result = scheduler.createObserver(ProductsViewState.self)
disposeBag = DisposeBag()
func testStateLoaded() {
let mockRepo = MockProductsRepository(products: { .empty() }, promotions: { .empty() })
let viewModel = ProductsViewModel(repository: mockRepo)
viewModel.state.bind(to: result).disposed(by: disposeBag)
viewModel.requestData(scheduler: scheduler)
XCTAssertEqual(result.events, [.next(0, ProductsViewState.loading), .next(1, .loaded([]))])
func testState_ProductsError() {
let mockRepo = MockProductsRepository(products: { .error(StubError()) }, promotions: { .empty() })
let viewModel = ProductsViewModel(repository: mockRepo)
viewModel.state.bind(to: result).disposed(by: disposeBag)
viewModel.requestData(scheduler: scheduler)
XCTAssertEqual(result.events, [.next(0, ProductsViewState.loading), .next(1, .error)])
func testState_PromotionsError() {
let mockRepo = MockProductsRepository(products: { .empty() }, promotions: { .error(StubError()) })
let viewModel = ProductsViewModel(repository: mockRepo)
viewModel.state.bind(to: result).disposed(by: disposeBag)
viewModel.requestData(scheduler: scheduler)
XCTAssertEqual(result.events, [.next(0, ProductsViewState.loading), .next(1, .error)])
struct StubError: Error { }
struct MockProductsRepository: ProductsRepository {
let products: () -> Observable<Products>
let promotions: () -> Observable<[Promotion]>
func fetchProducts() -> Observable<Products> {
return products()
func fetchPromotions() -> Observable<[Promotion]> {
return promotions()