Swift: why aren't all variables lazy by default? - swift

In comparing these two options for defining an instance property:
var networkManager = NetworkManager.sharedInstance()
var lazy networkManager = NetworkManager.sharedInstance()
Can evaluate a block to get the value
Can be declared inline (not a block, like above)
Can refer to self
Is not calculated until needed
If you don't use it, it is never calculated
No benefits whatsoever
It appears that there is no benefit to ever use a non-lazy variable. So why does the language allow the programmer to make this inferior choice?
(I am NOT asking about the difference between var and let à la Are Swift constants lazy by default?)

One reason might be that lazyness is not well-suited for situations where you want control when the evaluation happens. this is relevant in cases where the work being done in the assignment has side effects.
Although this pertains to closure, this blog post by stuart sierra explains this idea very well, and I think it applies equally in any language.

As others already said, there are several critical scenarios where you want the initialization of the properties to be deterministic.
This is an example (among many others) related to game development.
Often the instances of classes representing items in a game scene/level, are created before the level does begin.
Initialisation can be a time expensive task (load stuff from persistent storage, allocate memory, prepare the instances...) and doing this part before the player does begin playing the level does avoid CPU overhead.
This is critical because a CPU overhead in the middle of a level could cause a drop in the frame rate which is a nightmare for the user experience.

FYI. My feeling is that Swift wants to become more like a functional language and would like lazy instantiation in more places.
My early assessment of Swift has held up pretty well over time (well, the "not functional" part. I didn't anticipate how much Swift would favor methods over functions in later versions). Swift is not a functional language and does not intend to be one. This has come up often in WWDC talks, on the forums, on Twitter, and in conversations with the Swift team. Originally all maps and filters were lazy. Swift removed that because of the problems it caused. Probably the best talk on that subject is "Building Better Apps with Value Types in Swift". As they say:
We like mutation. We think it's valuable. We think it's easy to use when done correctly.
You don't get much more "non-functional" than that. Swift also embraces immutable data. But functional programming is about pure functions over immutable data, and that's not Swift.
(Of course there are plenty of non-lazy functional languages. Lazy and functional are orthogonal concepts. Haskell just happened to embrace both.)
To the question at hand, though:
I've found the lazy attribute rarely useful in real-world Swift (I'm being generous; I have never encountered a case where I kept it in the code). It doesn't offer anything like the laziness you get in Haskell. It isn't thread safe, so that's a nightmare. It forces you into reference types (or forces your structs to be mutable), so that can be annoying. If I heard they were pulling it from the language and we just had to roll our own, that'd be fine with me. (I'm tempted to write a proposal to do just that.) It implements a specific memo pattern that can occasionally be handy, but often isn't the one you want. So it's a very good thing that it isn't the default.
As you likely know, global variables and class variables are lazy by default, and I think that tends to work out pretty well since there are so many fewer of them, there's a much better chance they won't be accessed in practice, and that laziness is thread safe (which has a cost, but since they're so much rarer, the cost is much lower).

If you have an expensive object (in terms of, takes long to create) you would like to decide and control when it is created. One could argue that the lazy variable should be the default though. Maybe it has historical reasons. Lazy properties in ObjC resulted in a lot boilerplate code.


What is the advantage of saying your function should never be inlined?

I understand Swift's inlining well. I know the nuances between the four function-inlining attributes. I use #inline(__always) a lot, especially when I'm just making sugary APIs like this:
public extension String {
var length: Int { count }
I do this because there's not really a cost involved in inlining it, but there would be the cost of an extra stack frame if it weren't inlined. For less-obvious sugar, I'll lean toward #inlinable andor #usableFromInline as needed.
However, one distinction vexes me. The two possible arguments to #inline are never and __always. Despite the lack of actual documentation, this choice of spelling here acts as a sort of self-documentation, implying that if you are going to use one of these, you should lean toward never, and __always is discouraged.
But why is this the direction the Swift language designers encourage? As far as I know, if no attribute is applied at all, then this is the behavior:
If a function (et al) is used within the module in which it's declared, the compiler might choose to inline it or not, depending on which would produce better code (by some measure)
If that function (et al) is used outside the module, its implementation is not exposed in a way that allows it to be inlined, so it is never inlined.
So, it seems most of the time, not-inlining is the default. That's fine and dandy, I have no problem with that on the surface; don't bloat the executable any more than you need to.
But then, I've never had a reason to think #inline(never) is useful. From what I understand, the only reason I would use #inline(never) is if I've noticed that the Swift compiler is choosing to inline a non-annotated function too much, and it's bloating my executable. This seems like a super-niche occurrence:
My software is running fine
The Swift compiler's algorithm for deciding whether to inline something is not making the right choice for my code
I care about the size of the binary so much that I'm inspecting it closely enough to discover that a function is being inlined automatically too much
The problem is only in code that I've written into my own module; not code I'm using from some other module
Or, as Rob said in the comments, if you're going through some disassembly and automatic inlining makes it hard to read.
I can't imagine that these are the use cases which the Swift language designers had in mind when designing this attribute. Especially since Swift is not meant for embedded systems, binary size (and the (dis)assembly in general) isn't really that much of a concern. I've never seen an unreasonably-large Swift binary anyway (>50MB).
So why is never encouraged more than __always? I often run into reasons why I should force a function to be inlined, but I've not yet seen a reason to force a function to be stacked, at least in my own work.

Do we have to implement copy on write behavior for our custom types?

In Swift, collections are implicitly implemented with copy on write behavior; However, we don't get it for free in our custom types.
My main question is:
Regardless of how to achieve it, is it a good idea to do for our custom types? Why/Why not?
According to this answer, even the built-in types (but not collections) provided from the Swift standard library do not implement it which could be an indication that we don't have to do it. Even so, is there any advantage of doing it?
You do not have to do it, but it can be a worthwhile optimization if you have the resources and need to do so. Ask yourself the following questions:
Is my datatype copied often (i.e. applicability)?
Is it easy enough to implement CoW in reasonably time (i.e. viability)?
Does my application benefit from these optimizations (i.e. return of investment)?
Probably, in most applications it is not necessary and the users will not notice the difference. In some specific cases it might be applicable, but be critical. Remember:
Premature performance optimization is the root of all evil ~ Donald Knuth

Speed Comparison: C++ vs Objective C [duplicate]

When programming a CPU intensive or GPU intensive application on the iPhone or other portable hardware, you have to make wise algorithmic decisions to make your code fast.
But even great algorithm choices can be slow if the language you're using performs more poorly than another.
Is there any hard data comparing Objective-C to C++, specifically on the iPhone but maybe just on the Mac desktop, for performance of various similar language aspects? I am very familiar with this article comparing C and Objective-C, but this is a larger question of comparing two object oriented languages to each other.
For example, is a C++ vtable lookup really faster than an Obj-C message? How much faster? Threading, polymorphism, sorting, etc. Before I go on a quest to build a project with duplicate object models and various test code, I want to know if anybody has already done this and what the results where. This type of testing and comparison is a project in and of itself and can take a considerable amount of time. Maybe this isn't one project, but two and only the outputs can be compared.
I'm looking for hard data, not evangelism. Like many of you I love and hate both languages for various reasons. Furthermore, if there is someone out there actively pursuing this same thing I'd be interesting in pitching in some code to see the end results, and I'm sure others would help out too. My guess is that they both have strengths and weaknesses, my goal is to find out precisely what they are so that they can be avoided/exploited in real-world scenarios.
Mike Ash has some hard numbers for performance of various Objective-C method calls versus C and C++ in his post "Performance Comparisons of Common Operations". Also, this post
by Savoy Software is an interesting read when it comes to tuning the performance of an iPhone application by using Objective-C++.
I tend to prefer the clean, descriptive syntax of Objective-C over Objective-C++, and have not found the language itself to be the source of my performance bottlenecks. I even tend to do things that I know sacrifice a little bit of performance if they make my code much more maintainable.
Yes, well written C++ is considerably faster. If you're writing performance critical programs and your C++ is not as fast as C (or within a few percent), something's wrong. If your ObjC implementation is as fast as C, then something's usually wrong -- i.e. the program is likely a bad example of ObjC OOD because it probably uses some 'dirty' tricks to step below the abstraction layer it is operating within, such as direct ivar accesses.
The Mike Ash 'comparison' is very misleading -- I would never recommend the approach to compare execution times of programs you have written, or recommend it to compare C vs C++ vs ObjC. The results presented are provided from a test with compiler optimizations disabled. A program compiled with optimizations disabled is rarely relevant when you are measuring execution times. To view it as a benchmark which compares C++ against Objective-C is flawed. The test also compares individual features, rather than entire, real world optimized implementations -- individual features are combined in very different ways with both languages. This is far from a realistic performance benchmark for optimized implementations. Examples: With optimizations enabled, IMP cache is as slow as virtual function calls. Static dispatch (as opposed to dynamic dispatch, e.g. using virtual) and calls to known C++ types (where dynamic dispatch may be bypassed) may be optimized aggressively. This process is called devirtualization, and when it is used, a member function which is declared virtual may even be inlined. In the case of the Mike Ash test where many calls are made to member functions which have been declared virtual and have empty bodies: these calls are optimized away entirely when the type is known because the compiler sees the implementation and is able to determine dynamic dispatch is unnecessary. The compiler can also eliminate calls to malloc in optimized builds (favoring stack storage). So, enabling compiler optimizations in any of C, C++, or Objective-C can produce dramatic differences in execution times.
That's not to say the presented results are entirely useless. You could get some useful information about external APIs if you want to determine if there are measurable differences between the times they spend in pthread_create or +[NSObject alloc] on one platform or architecture versus another. Of course, these two examples will be using optimized implementations in your test (unless you happen to be developing them). But for comparing one language to another in programs you compile… the presented results are useless with optimizations disabled.
Object Creation
Consider also object creation in ObjC - every object is allocated dynamically (e.g. on the heap). With C++, objects may be created on the stack (e.g. approximately as fast as creating a C struct and calling a simple function in many cases), on the heap, or as elements of abstract data types. Each time you allocate and free (e.g. via malloc/free), you may introduce a lock. When you create a C struct or C++ object on the stack, no lock is required (although interior members may use heap allocations) and it often costs just a few instructions or a few instructions plus a function call.
As well, ObjC objects are reference counted instances. The actual need for an object to be a std::shared_ptr in performance critical C++ is very rare. It's not necessary or desirable in C++ to make every instance a shared, reference counted instance. You have much more control over ownership and lifetime with C++.
Arrays and Collections
Arrays and many collections in C and C++ also use strongly typed containers and contiguous memory. Since the address of the next element's members are often known, the optimizer can do much more, and you have great cache and memory locality. With ObjC, that's far from reality for standard objects (e.g. NSObject).
Regarding methods, many C++ implementations use few virtual/dynamic calls, particularly in highly optimized programs. These are static method calls and fodder for the optimizers.
With ObjC methods, each method call (objc message send) is dynamic, and is consequently a firewall for the optimizer. Ultimately, that results in many restrictions or inconveniences regarding what you can and cannot do to keep performance at a minimum when writing performance critical ObjC. This may result in larger methods, IMP caching, frequent use of C.
Some realtime applications cannot use any ObjC messaging in their render paths. None -- audio rendering is a good example of this. ObjC dispatch is simply not designed for realtime purposes; Allocations and locks may happen behind the scenes when messaging objects, making the complexity/time of objc messaging unpredictable enough that the audio rendering may miss its deadline.
Other Features
C++ also provides generics/template implementations for many of its libraries. These optimize very well. They are typesafe, and a lot of inlining and optimizations may be made with templates (consider it polymorphism, optimization, and specialization which takes place at compilation). C++ adds several features which just are not available or comparable in strict ObjC. Trying to directly compare langs, objects, and libraries which are very different is not so useful -- it's a very small subset of actual realizations. It's better to expand the question to a library/framework or real program, considering many aspects of design and implementation.
Other Points
C and C++ symbols can be more easily removed and optimized away in various stages of the build (stripping, dead code elimination, inlining and early inlining, as well as Link Time Optimization). The benefits of this include reduced binary sizes, reduced launch/load times, reduced memory consumption, etc.. For a single app, that may not be such a big deal; but if you reuse a lot of code, and you should, then your shared libraries could add a lot of unnecessary weight to the program, if implemented ObjC -- unless you are prepared to jump through some flaming hoops. So scalability and reuse are also factors in medium/large projects, and groups where reuse is high.
Included Libraries
ObjC library implementors also optimize for the environment, so its library implementors can make use of some language and environment features to offer optimized implementations. Although there are some pretty significant restrictions when writing an optimized program in pure ObjC, some highly optimized implementations exist in Cocoa. This is one of Cocoa's strong points, although the C++ standard library (what some people call the STL) is no slouch either. Cocoa operates at a much higher level of abstraction than C++ -- if you don't know well what you're doing (or should be doing), operating closer to the metal can really cost you. Falling back on to a good library implementation if you are not an expert in some domain is a good thing, unless you are really prepared to learn. As well, Cocoa's environments are limited; you can find implementations/optimizations which make better use of the OS.
If you're writing optimized programs and have experience doing so in both C++ and ObjC, clean C++ implementations will often be twice as fast or faster than clean ObjC (yes, you can compare against Cocoa). If you know how to optimize, you can often do better than higher level, general purpose abstractions. Although, some optimized C++ implementations will be as fast as or slower than Cocoa's (e.g. my initial attempt at file I/O was slower than Cocoa's -- primarily because the C++ implementation initializes its memory).
A lot of it comes down to the language features you are familiar with. I use both langs, they both have different strengths and models/patterns. They complement each other quite well, and there are great libraries for both. If you're implementing a complex, performance critical program, correct use of C++'s features and libraries will give you much more control and provide significant advantages for optimization, such that in the right hands, "several times faster" is a good default expectation (don't expect to win every time, or without some work, however). Remember, it takes years to understand C++ well enough to really reach that point.
I keep the majority of my performance critical paths as C++, but also recognize that ObjC is also a very good solution for some problems, and that there are some very good libraries available.
It's very hard to collect "hard data" for this that's not misguiding.
The biggest problem with doing a feature-to-feature comparison like you suggest is that the two languages encourage very different coding styles. Objective-C is a dynamic language with duck typing, where typical C++ usage is static. The same object-oriented architecture problem would likely have very different ideal solutions using C++ or Objective-C.
My feeling (as I have programmed much in both languages, mostly on huge projects): To maximize Objective-C performance, it has to be written very close to C. Whereas with C++, it's possible to make much more use of the language without any performance penalty compared to C.
Which one is better? I don't know. For pure performance, C++ will always have the edge. But the OOP style of Objective-C definitely has its merits. I definitely think it is easier to keep a sane architecture with it.
This really isn't something that can be answered in general as it really depends on how you use the language features. Both languages will have things that they are fast at, things that they are slow at, and things that are sometimes fast and sometimes slow. It really depends on what you use and how you use it. The only way to be certain is to profile your code.
In Objective C you can also write c++ code, so it might be easier to code in Objective C for the most part, and if you find something that doesn't perform well in it, then you can have a go at writting a c++ version of it and seeing if that helps (C++ tends to optimize better at compile time). Objective C will be easier to use if APIs you are interfacing with are also written in it, plus you might find it's style of OOP is easier or more flexible.
In the end, you should go with what you know you can write safe, robust code in and if you find an area that needs special attention from the other language, then you can swap to that. X-Code does allow you to compile both in the same project.
I have a couple of tests I did on an iPhone 3G almost 2 years ago, there was no documentation or hard numbers around in those days. Not sure how valid they still are but the source code is posted and attached.
This isn't a very extensive test, I was mainly interested in NSArray vs C Array for iterating a large number of objects.
You can see the C Array is much faster at high iterations. Since then I've realized that the bottleneck is probably not the iteration of the NSArray but the sending of the message. I wanted to try methodForSelector and calling the methods directly to see how big the difference would be but never got round to it. According to Mike Ash's benchmarks it's just over 5x faster.
I don't have hard data for Objective C, but I do have a good place to look for C++.
C++ started as C with Classes according to Bjarne Stroustroup in his reflection on the early years of C++ (http://www2.research.att.com/~bs/hopl2.pdf), so C++ can be thought of (like Objective C) as pushing C to its limits for object orientation.
What are those limits? In the 1994-1997 time frame, a lot of researchers figured out that object-orientation came at a cost due to dynamic binding, e.g. when C++ functions are marked virtual and there may/may not be children classes that override these functions. (In Java and C#, all functions expect ctors are inherently virtual, and there isnt' much you can do about it.) In "A Study of Devirtualization Techniques for a Java Just-In-Time Compiler" from researchers at IBM Research Tokyo, they contrast the techniques used to deal with this, including one from Urz Hölzle and Gerald Aigner. Urz Hölzle, in a separate paper with Karel Driesen, had shown that on average 5.7% of time in C++ programs (and up to ~50%) was spent in calling virtual functions (e.g. vtables + thunks). He later worked with some Smalltalk researachers in what ended up the Java HotSpot VM to solve these problems in OO. Some of these features are being backported to C++ (e.g. 'protected' and Exception handling).
As I mentioned, C++ is static typed where Objective C is duck typed. The performance difference in execution (but not lines of code) probably is a result of this difference.
This study says to really get the performance in a CPU intensive game, you have to use C. The linked article is complete with a XCode project that you can run.
I believe the bottom line is: Use Objective-C where you must interact with the iPhone's functions (after all, putting trampolines everywhere can't be good for anyone), but when it comes to loops, things like vector object classes, or intensive array access, stick with C++ STL or C arrays to get good performance.
I mean it would be totally silly to see position = [[Vector3 alloc] init] ;. You're just asking for a performance hit if you use references counts on basic objects like a position vector.
yes. c++ reign supreme in performance/expresiveness/resource tradeoff.
"I'm looking for hard data, not evangelism". google is your best friend.
obj-c nsstring is swapped with c++'s by apple enginneers for performance. in a resource constrained devices, only c++ cuts it as a MAINSTREAM oop language.
NSString stringWithFormat is slow
obj-c oop abstraction is deconstructed into procedural-based c-structs for performance, otherwise a MAGNITUDE order slower than java! the author is also aware of message caching - yet no-go. so modeling lots of small players/enemies objects is done in oop with c++ or else, lots of Procedural structs with a simple OOP wrapper around it with obj-c. there can be one paradigm that equates Procedural + Object-Oriented Programming = obj-c.

What's better: Writing functions, or writing methods? What costs more performance?

Currently I am making some decisions for my first objective-c API. Nothing big, just a little help for myself to get things done faster in the future.
After reading a few hours about different patterns like making categories, singletons, and so on, I came accross something that I like because it seems easy to maintain for me. I'm making a set of useful functions, that can be useful everywhere.
So what I did is:
1) I created two new files (.h, .m), and gave the "class" a name: SLUtilsMath, SLUtilsGraphics, SLUtilsSound, and so on. I think of that as kind of "namespace", so all those things will always be called SLUtils******. I added all of them into a Group SL, which contains a subgroup SLUtils.
2) Then I just put my functions signatures in the .h file, and the implementations of the functions in the .m file. And guess what: It works!! I'm happy with it, and it's easy to use. The only nasty thing about it is, that I have to include the appropriate header every time I need it. But that's okay, since that's normal. I could include it in the header prefix pch file, though.
But then, I went to toilet and a ghost came out there, saying: "Hey! Isn't it better to make real methods, instead of functions? Shouldn't you make class methods, so that you have to call a method rather than a function? Isn't that much cooler and doesn't it have a better performance?" Well, for readability I prefer the functions. On the other hand they don't have this kind of "named parameters" like methods, a.f.a.i.k..
So what would you prefer in that case?
Of course I dont want to allocate an object before using a useful method or function. That would be harrying.
Maybe the toilet ghost was right. There IS a cooler way. Well, for me, personally, this is great:
#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>
#interface MYNAMESPACECoolMath : NSObject {
+ (float)randomizeValue:(float)value byPercent:(float)percent;
+ (float)calculateHorizontalGravity:(CGPoint)p1 andPoint:(CGPoint)p2;
// and some more
Then in code, I would just import that MYNAMESPACECoolMath.h and just call:
CGFloat myValue = [MYNAMESPACECoolMath randomizeValue:10.0f byPercent:5.0f];
with no nasty instantiation, initialization, allocation, what ever. For me that pattern looks like a static method in java, which is pretty nice and easy to use.
The advantage over a function, is, as far as I noticed, the better readability in code. When looking at a CGRectMake(10.0f, 42.5f, 44.2f, 99.11f) you'll may have to look up what those parameters stand for, if you're not so familiar with it. But when you have a method call with "named" parameters, then you see immediately what the parameter is.
I think I missed the point what makes a big difference to a singleton class when it comes to simple useful methods / functions that can be needed everywhere. Making special kind of random values don't belong to anything, it's global. Like grass. Like trees. Like air. Everyone needs it.
Performance-wise, a static method in a static class compile to almost the same thing as a function.
Any real performance hits you'd incur would be in object instantiation, which you said you'd want to avoid, so that should not be an issue.
As far as preference or readability, there is a trend to use static methods more than necessary because people are viewing Obj-C is an "OO-only" language, like Java or C#. In that paradigm, (almost) everything must belong to a class, so class methods are the norm. In fact, they may even call them functions. The two terms are interchangeable there. However, this is purely convention. Convention may even be too strong of a word. There is absolutely nothing wrong with using functions in their place and it is probably more appropriate if there are no class members (even static ones) that are needed to assist in the processing of those methods/functions.
The problem with your approach is the "util" nature of it. Almost anything with the word "util" it in suggests that you have created a dumping ground for things you don't know where to fit into your object model. That probably means that your object model is not in alignment with your problem space.
Rather than working out how to package up utility functions, you should be thinking about what model objects these functions should be acting upon and then put them on those classes (creating the classes if needed).
To Josh's point, while there is nothing wrong with functions in ObjC, it is a very strongly object-oriented language, based directly on the grand-daddy of object-oriented languages, Smalltalk. You should not abandon the OOP patterns lightly; they are the heart of Cocoa.
I create private helper functions all the time, and I create public convenience functions for some objects (NSLocalizedString() is a good example of this). But if you're creating public utility functions that aren't front-ends to methods, you should be rethinking your patterns. And the first warning sign is the desire to put the word "util" in a file name.
Based on the particular methods you added to your question, what you should be looking at are Categories. For instance, +randomizeValue:byPercent: is a perfectly good NSNumber category:
// NSNumber+SLExtensions.h
- (double)randomizeByPercent:(CGFloat)percent;
+ (double)randomDoubleNear:(CGFloat)percent byPercent:(double)number;
+ (NSNumber *)randomNumberNear:(CGFloat)percent byPercent:(double)number;
// Some other file that wants to use this
#import "NSNumber+SLExtensions.h"
randomDouble = [aNumber randomizeByPercent:5.0];
randomDouble = [NSNumber randomDoubleNear:5.0 byPercent:7.0];
If you get a lot of these, then you may want to split them up into categories like NSNumber+Random. Doing it with Categories makes it transparently part of the existing object model, though, rather than creating classes whose only purpose is to work on other objects.
You can use a singleton instance instead if you want to avoid instantiating a bunch of utility objects.
There's nothing wrong with using plain C functions, though. Just know that you won't be able to pass them around using #selector for things like performSelectorOnMainThread.
When it comes to performance of methods vs. functions, Mike Ash has some great numbers in his post "Performance Comparisons of Common Operations". Objective-C message send operations are extremely fast, so much so that you'd have to have a really tight computational loop to even see the difference. I think that using functions vs. methods in your approach will come down to the stylistic design issues that others have described.
Optimise the system, not the function calls.
Implement what is easiest to understand and then when the whole system works, profile it and speed up what's slow. I doubt very much that the objective-c runtime overhead of a static class is going to matter one bit to your whole app.

The evilness of 'var' in C#? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 13 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
C# 'var' keyword versus explicitly defined variables
For those who are still viewing this, I've completely changed my opinion on var. I think it was largely due to the responses to this topic that I did. I'm an avid 'var' user now, and I think its proponents comments below were absolutely correct in pretty much all cases. I think the thing I like most about var is it REALLY DOES reduce repetition (conforms to DRY), and makes your code considerably cleaner. It supports refactoring (when you need to change the return type of something, you have less code cleanup to deal with, and NO, NOT everyone has a fancy refactoring tool!), and anecdotally, people don't really seem to have a problem not knowing the specific type of a variable up front (its easy enough to "discover" the capabilities of a type on-demand, which is generally a necessity anyway, even if you DO know the name of a type.)
So here's a big applause for the 'var' keyword!!
This is a relatively simple question...more of a poll really. I am a HUGE fan of C#, and have used it for over 8 years, since before .NET was first released. I am a fan of all of the improvements made to the language, including lambda expressions, extension methods, LINQ, and anonymous types. However, there is one feature from C# 3.0 that I feel has been SORELY misused....the 'var' keyword.
Since the release of C# 3.0, on blogs, forums, and yes, even Stackoverflow, I have seen var replace pretty much every variable that has been written! To me, this is a grave misuse of the feature, and leads to very arbitrary code that can have many obfuscated bugs due to the lack in clarity of what type a variable actually is.
There is only a single truly valid use for 'var' (in my opinion at least). What is that valid use, you ask? The only valid use is when you are incapable of knowing the type, and the only instance where that can happen:
When accessing an anonymous type
Anonymous types have no compile-time identity, so var is the only option. It's the only reason why var was added...to support anonymous types.
So...whats your opinion? Given the prolific use of var on blogs, forums, suggested/enforced by tools like ReSharper, etc. many up and coming developers will see it as a completely valid thing.
Do you think var should be used so prolifically?
Do you think var should ever be used for anything other than an anonymous type?
Is it acceptable to use in code posted to blogs to maintain brevity...terseness? (Not sure about the answer this one myself...perhaps with a disclaimer)
Should we, as a community, encourage better use of strongly typed variables to improve code clarity, or allow C# to become more vague and less descriptive?
I would like to know the communities opinions. I see var used a lot, but I have very little idea why, and perhapse there is a good reason (i.e. brevity/terseness.)
var is a splendid idea to help implement a key principle of good programming: DRY, i.e., Don't Repeat Yourself.
VeryComplicatedType x = new VeryComplicatedType();
is bad coding, because it repeats VeryComplicatedType, and the effects are all negative: more verbose and boilerplatey code, less readability, silly "makework" for both the reader and the writer of the code. Because of all this, I count var as a very useful enhancement in C# 3 compared to Java and previous versions of C#.
Of course it can be mildly misused, by using as the RHS an expression whose type is not clear and obvious (e.g., a call to a method whose declaration may be far away) -- such misuse may decrease readability (by forcing the reader to hunt for the method's declaration or ponder deeply about some other subtle expression's type) instead of increasing it. But if you stick to using var to avoid repetition, you'll be in its sweet spot, and no misuse.
I think it should be used in those situations where the type is clearly specified elsewhere in the same statement:
Dictionary<string, List<int>> myHashMap = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
is a pain to read. This could be replaced by the following with no loss of clarity:
var myHashMap = new Dictionary<string, List<int>>();
Pop quiz!
What type is this:
var Foo = new string[]{"abc","123","yoda"};
How about this:
var Bar = {"abc","123","yoda"};
It takes me roughly no longer to determine what types those are than with the explicity redundant specification of the type. As a programmer I have no issues with letting a compiler figure out things that are obvious for me. You may disagree.
Never say never. I'm pretty sure there are a bunch of questions where people have expounded their views on var, but here's mine once more.
var is a tool; use it where it's appropriate, and don't use it when it's not. You're right that the only required use of var is when addressing anonymous types, in which case you have no type name to use. Personally, I'd say any other use has to be considered in terms of readability and laziness; specifically, when avoiding use of a cumbersome type name.
var i = 5;
var list = new List<Customer>();
var customers = GetCustomers();
(Questionable; I'd consider it acceptable if and only if GetCustomers() returns an IEnumerable)
Read up on Haskell. It's a statically typed language in which you rarely have to state the type of anything. So it uses the same approach as var, as the standard "idiomatic" coding style.
If the compiler can figure something out for you, why write the same thing twice?
A colleague of mine was at first very opposed to var, just as you are, but has now started using it habitually. He was worried it would make programs less self-documenting, but in practice that's caused more by overly long methods.
var MyCustomers = from c in Customers
where c.City="Madrid"
select new { c.Company, c.Mail };
If I need only Company and Mail from Customers collection. It's nonsense define new type with members what I need.
If you feel that giving the same information twice reduces errors (the designers of many web forms that insist you type in your email address twice seem to agree), then you'll probably hate var. If you write a lot of code that uses complicated type specifications then it's a godsend.
EDIT: To exapand this a bit (incase it sounds like I'm not in favour of var):
In the UK (at least at the time I went), it was standard practice to make Computer Science students learn how to program in Standard ML. Like other functional languages it has a type system that puts languages in the C++/Java mould to shame.
Anyway, what I noticed at the time (and heard similar remarks from other students) was that it was a nightmare to get your SML programs to compile because the compiler was so increadibly picky about types, but once the did compile, they almost always ran without error.
This aspect of SML (and other functional languages) seems to be one the questioner sees as a 'good thing' - i.e. that anything that helps the compiler catch more errors at compile time is good.
Now here's the thing with SML: it uses type inference exclusively when assigning. So I don't think type inference can be inherently bad.
I agree with others that var eliminates redundancy. I have decided to use var where it eliminates redundancy as much as possible. I think consistency is important. Choose a style and stick with it through a project.
As Earwicker indicated, there are some functional languages, Haskell being one and F# being another, where such type inference is used much more pervasively -- the C# analogy would be declaring the return types and parameter types of methods as "var", and then having the compiler infer the static type for you. Static and explicit typing are two orthogonal concerns.
In fact, is it even correct to say that use of "var" is dynamic typing? From what I understood, that's what the new "dynamic" keyword in C# 4.0 is for. "var" is for static type inference. Correct me if I am wrong.
I must admit when i first saw the var keyword pop up i was very skeptical.
However it is definitely an easy way to shorten the lines of a new declaration, and i use it all the time for that.
However when i change the type of an underlying method, and accept the return type using var. I do get the occasional run time error. Most are still picked up by the compiler.
The secound issue i run into is when i am not sure what method to use (and i am simply looking through the auto complete). IF i choose the wrong one and expect it to be type FOO and it is type BAR then it takes a while to figure that out.
If i had of literally specified the variable type in both cases it would have saved a bit of frustration.
overall the benefits exceed the problems.
I have to dissent with the view that var reduces redundancy in any meaningful way. In the cases that have been put forward here, type inference can and should come out of the IDE, where it can be applied much more liberally with no loss of readability.