Similar to this.
We are using sortable table header. But it does not support multiline header.
How can I construct a table header than spans multiple rows in HTML?
You can roll out your own Toolbar with extension of the IColumn impls that supports this, e.g.
If you think this deserves to be supported by Wicket then please raise an issue in JIRA!
Hallow! I need to insert HTML from server to flutter_quill editor, but how to do it? Maybe is it unable thing... Thanks for any answers!
I can make a new document from Delta or from JSON only
As far as I know flutter_quill don't support the html data types. I think it can provide data in delta, plain text & json formats only.
But you can use quill_html_editor library to use the html together with quill editor in flutter. The usage is almost like flutter_quill with more focus on html type content.
To set the html content to editor you just have to set the html string in the controller
await controller.setText(text);
Give it a try. May be it can fulfil your need.
I write word add-in in JS using this API:
When I use function body.getHtml() I get almost everything , but some style is missing ,for example table of content is not with style, and when I use body.insertHtml() all style of table of content is not exist.
I success to get all style with body.getOoxml() function but it's very very long when I compare it to the html and this is bug problem for me .
What could I do?
Thank you
The issue here is that when you create a TOC what really happens in the doc is that we insert a special type of content control wrapping the TOC and we don't roundtrip it in docx-html conversions. In fact, if you save your TOCed document as HTML you will see that the style is lost in the resulting html. FWIW the links on the resulting HTML are functional.
That said, your only option as of now is to go OOXML.
I am wondering if there is a way to add a HTML5 Custom Data Attribute to any Content Element like Text or Text w/ images.
Anyone tried / did this before or is there a good reason not to do this?
You can either add a new field (own extension) or use any of the existing (e.g. layout to define own values. Then you can change the TypoScript rendering based on the value of this field.
... or in addition to #pgampe's answer, which is fine for programmers you can use ie. DCE extension, which allows you to create any HTML structure with usage pure Fluid syntax
Thank's for the answers. I didn't know DCE, looks very interesting.
As I needed a quick solution for just a few elements on one page I did something really quick and dirty. But as it worked for me, I would like to post it in addition to the two other excellent answers.
I used the field Description field to add the content of my custom field. I know it's not intended for this, but as alreay mentioned: quick & dirty. :-)
tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject {
50 =< tt_content.stdWrap.innerWrap.cObject.default
50.20.10.value = csc-default layout-{field:layout}" data-filter="{field:rowDescription}
50.20.10.insertData = 1
I'm trying to add a div to the table column header, but this does not affected.
TableColumn column = table.getColumn(columnIndex);
column.setData(RWT.MARKUP_ENABLED, Boolean.TRUE);
Markup can only be applied to TableItems. Table columns currently don't support markup.
If you think you have a valid use case, you may want to open an enhancement request here:
I have to create a table in my wizard page and I want to create it using TableViewer. I'm using WindowBuilderPro for designing my wizard page. The TableViewer control is available in the palette of WindowBuilderPro but I'm not getting how to use it properly.
Has any body used the same?
Thanks a lot in advance!!
You have two ways of filling the TableViewer with contents (similar to TableViewers in JFace):
You can define a content provider and a label provider manually. A content provider has to return a set of Objects, that represent each line of the table; while the TableLabelProvider translates the returned objects to texts in the columns. The content and label providers are to set in the Properties box on the left. In this case, the resulting code should look like the following snippets: or
On the other hand you could define JFace Data Bindings to fill the table with contents. In this case you have to define a corresponding binding, that returns the list of all contents; additionally you have to create a label provider, that works similar to the previous one.
There is also a way to fill the table content using a newer API then supported directly by WindowBuilder: you could create TableViewerColumns, and ColumnLabelProviders for each column, thus resulting in much nicer code for Label Providers (and also this API is newer, so it should be preferred for new JFace based code) - but in this case you have to create your code manually. See the JFace Table tutorial from Lars Vogel.
Additionally, if you don't know the JFace Viewer framework from before, I suggest reading the first few questions listed in the JFace FAQ to gain a better understanding of the ideas (and the tutorial from Lars Vogel is also nice for this reason).