MATLAB execution runtime limitation - matlab

I want to limit execution runtime of a function I am using in my code. Is it possible?
I am using Windows 10 with MATLAB R2015a (unlike in this question asked before: Matlab time limit for function execution), so has there been any changes to make it possible or are there any tweaks to make it possible?
For example:
H = transpose(homograpyMatrix);
t = projective2d(homograpyMatrix);
result = imwarp(img, t); % If execution takes more than X seconds - stop running
If imwarp is taking too long to compute (more than predefined X seconds) I want MATLAB to stop the running process. Is it possible?
Please note that I don't want to use tic-toc within a loop as a stopping condition, because this is not the case.

You have two options:
Parallel Computing Toolbox
With the Parallel Computing Toolbox, you can define a timeout for idle calculations. It is important to remember that this timeout is reset whenever your process enters a parfor loop or uses parfeval.
Hard-coded Timeout
In this instance you would implement a hard-coded timeout variable and check it at a regular interval to assess if you have to stop the running process or not.


GPU MATLAB gives different elapsed time between first and second execution

When i execute my code using Matlab parallel toolbox it gives me two different time execution between first and second time.
In fact the first time is very slow (more than CPU version) however the second time is faster and logical, and subsequent runs are the same as the second time. Why does this happen?
That is correct, and expected.
When you call it for the first time, it needs to initialize the GPU ("turn it on" in some sense), set up the CUDA contexts, etc etc. The second time you run it the GPU is ready to take anything you throw at it.
On top of that, depends on how you wrote the code, maybe the first time it requires to move some data to the GPU, and perhaps in the second time the memory is already there.
Often doing gpuDevice(1) will initialize the context enough, but otherwise just throw a small matrix multiplication to it to initialize.
All this is somehow true for other parallel computing paradigms in MATLAB, e.g. if you want to use parfor you need to initialize the parallel pool or it will take very long the first time.

Paralell computing opening and closing with calling parfor in MATLAB R2014a

I have a program that call a m-file that contains parfor for calculation. You know that in MATLAB R2014a we don't need open parallel computing using parpool or something likes that and parfor doing the same.
My question is about closing parallel computing. If i have this structure ( only parfor ) MATLAB closing parallel computing after ending process of parfor? I'm calling this parfor every 10 seconds. I don't want MATLAB close the pool in every iteration of my system.
From the documentation of parpool:
If you set your parallel preferences to automatically create a
parallel pool when necessary, you do not need to explicitly call the
parpool command. You might explicitly create a pool to control when
you incur the overhead time of setting it up, so the pool is ready for
subsequent parallel language constructs.
It is true that we don't have to use parpool, but it makes sense to use it if you want to control the overhead it causes.
As for your question - take a look at the Parallel Computing Toolbox Preferences:
I believe that the highlighted option is what was bothering you. If the default timeout is too short, you could either postpone it or disable it altogether.

Prevent MATLAB from opening pool

When I have the parallel computing toolbox installed and use parfor in my code, MATLAB starts the pool automatically once it reaches the parfor loop. This however makes it difficult to debug at times, which is why I would like to prevent MATLAB from opening a pool in certain situations. So, how can I tell MATLAB not to open a pool? Obviously I could go through my code and remove all parfor loops and replace them with normal for loops, but this is tedious and I might forget to undo my changes.
edit: To specify, I ideally would like the parfor loop to behave exactly like a for when setting a control or variable or something. That is, I should for example also be able to place breakpoints in the for-loop.
Under Home->parallel->parallel preferences you can deselect the check box "Automatically create a parallel pool (if one doesn't already exist) when parallel keywords are executed." This makes all the parfor loops behave as a normal for loop.
I'll get back to you if I figure out a way to do this in the code as opposed to using the check box.
Update turns out it is indeed possible to change the settings through code, although I would not recommend this, as it involves changing MATLAB's preference file. This is taken from the Undocumented MATLAB blog by Yair Altman.
ps = parallel.Settings;
ans =
PoolSettings with properties:
AutoCreate: 1
RestartOnClusterChange: 1
RestartOnPreferredNumWorkersChange: 1
IdleTimeout: 30
PreferredNumWorkers: 12
where you need to change the AutoCreate switch to 0.
As alternative I'd suggest wrapping everything inside your parfor in a function, thus calling
parfor 1:N
output = function(..)
Now modify your script/function to have a Parallel switch on top:
if Parallel
parfor 1:N
output = function(..)
for 1:N
output = function(..)
You can edit and debug the function itself and set your switch on top of your program to execute in parallel or serial.
As well as the normal syntax
parfor i = 1:10
you can also use
parfor (i = 1:10, N)
where N is the maximum number of workers to be used in the loop. N can be a variable set by other parts of the code, so you can effectively turn on and off parallelism by setting the variable N to 1 or 0.
Edit: to be clear, this only controls the number of workers on which the code is executed (and if N is zero, whether a pool is started at all). If no pool exists, the code will execute on the client. Nevertheless, the code remains a parfor loop, which does not have the same semantics as a for loop - there are restrictions on the loop code for parfor loops that do not exist for for loops, and there is no guarantee on the order in which the loop iterations are executed.
When you use parfor, you're doing more than just saying "speed this up please". You're saying to MATLAB "I can guarantee to you that the iterations of this loop are independent, and can be executed in any order, so you will be OK if you try to parallelize it". Because you've guaranteed that, MATLAB is able to speed things up by using different semantics than it would do for a for loop.
The only way to completely get for loop behaviour is to use for, and if you need to switch back and forth for debugging purposes you'll need to comment and uncomment the for/parfor (or perhaps use an if/else block, switching between a for and a parfor depending on some variable).
I think that the way to go here, is not to disable the parfor, but rather to let it behave like a simple for.
This should be possible by setting the number of workers to 1.
Depending on your code you may be able to just do this once before you run the code, or perhaps you need to do this (conditionally) each time when you set the number of workers anywhere in your code.

Can I run a script on multiple MATLAB sessions instead of parallelizing the script?

I have a script which solves a system of differential equations for many parameters in a for loop. ( iterations are completely independent, but at the end of each iteration , a large matrix ( mat ) is modified according to the results of the computation ). Here is the code: (B is a matrix containing parameters)
for n=1:20000
prop=B(n,:); % B is a (20000 * 2 ) matrix that contains U and V parameters
if max(rad)<radius % radius is a constant
function xprime=acceleration(T,X)
First I tried to use parfor, but because the acceleration function (ode45 input) was defined as an inline function, (to achieve better performance) I couldn't do that .
Can I open 4 MATLAB sessions (my CPU has 4 cores) and run the code separately in each session , instead of modifying the code to implement acceleration as a separate function, and therefore , using parfor? Does it give 4X the performance of running on one session? (or does it give same performance as parallelized code ? - in parallel code I can't define inline functions-)
(on Windows)
If you're prepared do to the work of separating out the problem to run separately in 4 sessions, then reassemble the results, sure you can do that. In my experience (on Windows) it actually runs faster to run code in four separate sessions than to have a parfor loop with 4 workers. Not quite as fast as 4x performance of a single session, because the operating system will have other work to do... so for example if you have no other processor-heavy applications running, the OS itself might take up 25% of one core, leaving you with maybe 3.75x performance of a single session. However, this assumes you have enough memory for that not be the limiting factor.
If you wanted to do this regularly you might need to create some file-based signalling/data passing system.
This is obviously not as elegant as a parfor, but is workable for your situation, or if you can't afford the license fee for the parallel toolbox.

Matlab parallel computing toolbox, dynamic allocation of work in parfor loops

I'm working with a long running parfor loop in matlab.
parfor iter=1:1000
There are generally about 2-3 timing outliers per run. That is to say for every 1000 chunks of work performed there are 2-3 that take about 100 times longer than the rest. As the loop nears completion, the workers that evaluated the outliers continue to run while the rest of the workers have no computational load.
This is consistent with the parfor loop distributing work statically. This is in contrast with the documentation for the parallel computing toolbox found here:
"Work distribution is dynamic. Instead of being allocated a fixed
iteration range, the workers are allocated a new iteration only after
they finish processing their current iteration, which results in an
even work load distribution."
Any ideas about what's going on?
I think the doc you quote has a pretty good description what is considered a static allocation of work: each worker "being allocated a fixed iteration range". For 4 workers, this would mean the first being assigned iter 1:250, the second iter 251:500,... or the 1:4:100 for the first, 2:4:1000 for the second and so on.
You did not say exactly what you observe, but what you describe is well consistent with dynamic workload distribution: First, the four (example) workers work on one iter each, the first one that is finished works on a fifth, the next one that is done (which may well be the same if three of the first four take somewhat longer) works on a sixth, and so on. Now if your outliers are number 20, 850 and 900 in the order MATLAB chooses to process the loop iterations and each take 100 times as long, this only means that the 21st to 320th iterations will be solved by three of the four workers while one is busy with the 20th (by 320 it will be done, now assuming roughly even distribution of non-outlier calculation time). The worker being assigned the 850th iteration will, however, continue to run even after another has solved #1000, and the same for #900. In fact, if there were about 1100 iterations, the one working on #900 should be finished roughly at the time when the others are.
[edited as the orginal wording implied MATLAB would still assign the iterations of the parfor loop in order from 1 to 1000, which should not be assumed]
So long story short, unless you find a way to process your outliers first (which of course requires you to know a priori which ones are the outliers, and to find a way to make MATLAB start the parfor loop processing with these), dynamic workload distribution alone cannot avoid the effect you observe.
Addition: I think, however, that your observation that as "the loop nears completion, the worker*s* that evaluated the outliers continue to run" seems to imply at least one of the following
The outliers somehow are among the last iterations MATLAB starts to process
You have many workers, in the order of magnitude of the number of iterations
Your estimate of the number of outliers (2-3) or your estimate of their computation time penalty (factor 100) is too low
The work distribution in PARFOR is somewhat deterministic. You can observe precisely what's going on by having each worker log to disk how things go, but basically it turns out that PARFOR divides your loop up into chunks in a deterministic way, but farms them out dynamically. Unfortunately, there's currently no way to control that chunking.
However, if you cannot predict which of your 1000 cases are going to be outliers, it's hard to imagine an efficient scheme for distributing the work.
If you can predict your outliers, you might be able to take advantage of the fact that roughly speaking, PARFOR executes loop iterations in reverse order, so you could put them at the "end" of the loop so work starts on them immediately.
The problem you face is well described in #arne.b's answer, I have nothing to add to that.
But, the parallel compute toolbox does contain functions for decomposing a job into tasks for independent execution. From your question it's not possible to conclude either that this is suitable or that this is not suitable for your application. If it is, the general strategy is to break the job into tasks of some size and have each processor tackle a task, when finished go back to the stack of unfinished tasks and start on another.
You might be able to decompose your problem such that one task replaces one loop iteration (lots of tasks, lots of overhead in managing the computation but best load-balancing) or so that one task replaces N loop iterations (fewer tasks, less overhead, poorer load-balancing). Jobs and tasks are a little trickier to implement than parfor too.
As an alternative to PARFOR, in R2013b and later, you can use PARFEVAL and divide up the work any way you see fit. You could even cancel the 'timing outliers' once you've got sufficient results, if that's appropriate. There is, of course, overhead when dividing up your existing loop into 1000 individual remote PARFEVAL calls. Perhaps that's a problem, perhaps not. Here's the sort of thing I'm imagining:
for idx = 1:1000
futures(idx) = parfeval(#chunk_of_work, 1, idx);
done = false; numComplete = 0;
timer = tic();
while ~done
[idx, result] = fetchNext(futures, 10); % wait up to 10 seconds
if ~isempty(idx)
numComplete = numComplete + 1;
% stash result
done = (numComplete == 1000) || (toc(timer) > 100);
% cancel outstanding work, has no effect on completed futures