Impersonation on ToDo Items via X-LConn-RunAs using the IBM Connections REST API - rest

I have successfully posted data to IBM Connections using the X-LConn-RunAs Header in my API calls to create Activity Stream Entries, Blog Posts, Wiki Pages, Forum Entries and File Uploads on behalf of someone else although it is not documented in some of the APIs. The only API that does not seem to support this Header is the Activity API. Here is what I did:
I added my technical user to the "trustedExternalApplication" role in the "WidgetContainer" application.
I added my technical user to the "admin" role in all other applications.
I added the X-LConn-RunAs Header to my api call like this: X-LConn-RunAs: userid=D2A7325-...
I made sure the referenced user exists in IBM Connections.
I sent my call to: http://myconnections/activities/service/atom2/activity?activityUuid=GH765...
The post is still being created with the technical user as creator instead of the user referenced by X-LConn-RunAs. I tested this against my on premises IBM Connections 5.0 installation as well as IBM Connections Cloud. While all other API calls support this Header the Activities don't.
Did anybody have more luck than myself and figured out how to use it or is there another way to achieve the same result with a different header or some additional information in the message body? I tried to send an <author> element but that is being ignored as it says in the documentation.

As just heard in an IBM Connect 16 session (you are sitting left of me ;-) ), as of today Impersonation of activity stream and status update data is not possible


How Acumatica Cloud ERP integration works for third party application?

We have an application developed with react and NodeJs and already implemented an MYOB cloud ERP integration to import data. Now we are planning to add a new ERP integration for Acumatica, in the developer document it was mentioned that the rest API is available but I can't find the cloud instance URL, everywhere it was mentioned as localhost only. So can anyone please help me to understand how to connect the Acumatica cloud to fetch details?
Note: I understand the authorization flow like Authorization Code but I'm confused with which URL to use for and I hope it should be a fixed one as it is a cloud URL
The Integration end points is a rather large topic. I am in the process of writing a blog post on it which is more or less a getting started blog on automating stuff and getting info via ReST. The blog itself is in the context of using these services via PowerShell but if you are able to follow along and get to the point of establishing postman examples of what you need to do you should be able to get to the same end result in any language.
You will want to explore The Web Services Endpoint screen in the integration module as this is where all the Contract Based Soap/ReST definitions are managed. You can even set up custom endpoint if you need.
Do you have access to the Acumatica Portal? The best way to get started is with some of the course work there.
Stand by and ill forward some information for you to get started.
The URL for the RestAPI is whatever is the site URL of your Acumatica instance. For example if your Acumatica is hosted in To login to your API :

Bing Ads API - Can not authenticate - Authentication challenge in Python SDK

I am facing the challenge to request the Bing Ads API to get a couple of metrics from it.
I am using Apache Airflow DAGs hosted on a remote Kubernetes cluster to do so. It is a nice way to automate and schedule tasks.
Now, the documentation is rather light on the point of gaining access to the API.
I have followed this
and the official SDK docs
I am failing at authenticating when querying, since I am lacking a couple of pieces of information.
When authenticating using the "refresh token" and "redirect URI", I do not have either. (Class OAuthWebAuthCodeGrant here:
When using a different method (Class OAuthDesktopMobileAuthCodeGrant here:, I fail w/
AADSTS700016: Application with identifier '<someidentifier>' was not found in the directory '<somethingelse>'. This can happen if the application has not been installed by the administrator of the tenant or consented to by any user in the tenant. You may have sent your authentication request to the wrong tenant.
Thank you very much in advance! If you need more details, let me know!
Also great documentation in general, if I can make it more "newb"-friendly, let me know!
Sadly, while there has been some traffic to this question, nobody seems to be able to answer.
I will specify the set up a bit further.
We use Airflow DAGs to request daily updates from the API. For this, we need to authenticate. The authentication comes from a "new device" every time, since the code runs on a k8s cluster which allocates the jobs dynamically to it's pods.
For authentication, we ventured into different solutions, but all require some form of human interaction to get the refresh token into the DAG.
Is there any solution which allows for a hands-free deamon like many-server-to-server communication?
This link sheds some light on what we are looking for:
Sadly, the Bing Ads API does not show up there.
What key piece of information are we missing?
Bing Ads, like Google Ads, uses OAuth for its API.
If you reference the Getting Started page, it mentions that you need a developer token, complete with links.
You can follow these steps to get a developer token for production.
Sign in with Super Admin credentials at the Microsoft Advertising Developer Portal account tab.
Choose the user that you want associated with the developer token. Typically an application only needs one universal token regardless how many users will be supported.
Click on the Request Token button.
Regarding your specific scenario--an application running in the cloud without an interface--you should know that OAuth requires you to interact with it to set things up. So run your app locally ONCE, or at least the getting_started code from your language's walkthrough:
Running it locally will go through the authentication process with your browser and generate a refresh token (in the file refresh.txt by default). Store this file with your code. It will have to be on the server that's making the request, and since it's in Kubernetes, you'll have to keep it with your container file.

Google Assistant actions on google

All my hardware is already developed. I use MQTT for communication between my devices, I have lights, fans, heaters and many more ioT appliances. I can controll all of these from my Android application which i have built. I would like to use Google Assistant to control my devices as well. The status of my lights (on/off) are stored in a sql database and when ever a change occurs to the database(detected by the hardware) my hardware can control that specific light. In My Android app i do the same thing which is updating the databases value(on/off) of the light and the change is detected by my hardware platform. Can i use Google Assistant to update a sql database value?
I can create a webserver( ASP.NET C#) and pass the command to the sql database of my relevant customer if google assistant can invoke the username or email, lightID, command to my webserver. Can google assistant do this? If not how would achieve this.
It sounds like you want to take a look at the Actions on Google Smart Home API which will let the Assistants Smart Home controls work with your control server directly.
Without knowing exactly how your database or existing web server are configured or hosted, I can speak only broadly at best. Your web server will need to implement two primary things:
You'll need an OAuth2 server that can issue tokens that represent your users. This is how Google will associate the user's account on the Assistant with your account, and how Google will identify (to you) which user is issuing the command.
You will need to implement a webhook at a URL on your web server. This webhook will be sent a POST message containing a header with a valid auth token (that you issued) and a JSON body. The JSON will contain information about the command that has been issued by the user. Your HTTP reply body will also be JSON. For details of the JSON formats and all the fields that it can send and that you must reply with, consult Google's documentation.
There are a number of different commands (which Google calls "intents") that Google can send you on behalf of the user. You should be able to handle all of them by either querying or modifying your database:
SYNC - A request for what devices this user has, some of their configuration information, and what commands they respect.
QUERY - What is the current state of the devices for this user.
EXECUTE - Change the state on some of the user's devices.
RESYNC - (Future update) A re-request of the user's device info.

Host my own user authentication service on my own server?

I have tried Google with queries similar to the title of this question, but haven't found anything useful.
Background: I am building a web app and would like to add a user authentication level to it. I cannot imagine anything worse than building a user authentication system from the ground up, so I want a quick solution.
I'm looking for open source software I can host on my server that provides an auth layer I can connect to, with multiple user accounts
I want to host the software on my own server
Provide a log in screen that works with multiple sign in strategies - twitter, facebook, vanilla email, etc.
Persists users to a database (preferably postgres) and persists session data
Preferably lets me store a minimal amount of data per user, like key value store
Has a client-side (Javascript) API, like Facebook's JS, so I can use this auth service on multiple sites. Namely, I want to use it on localhost or my own file system (when allowing file cookies). Client side JS API exposes methods like log in / log out
Has a server side API (such as exposes local RESTful endpoints) so that when I do build out my server side app for other data storage outside of the user, my app can query the auth service for log in status.
I want to run this stack completely independently of my own app - in fact I want to run this auth service and purely communicate to it from my local dev environment without building any server side app of my own.
I have used Firebase and they do many of the things that I want, including log in strategies and the client / server side APIs, but I want to be able to host my own version of this.
I can't imagine anyone takes pleasure out of building user authentication of any kind, so I'm surprised I haven't found anything in research.
I also know this is an open-ended question, but as far as I can tell I haven't found anything satisfying my requirements.
I like Devise (, which is for Rails. It has an active community with a boatloads of plugins available that can fulfill many of your requirements.
I didn't see a language specified; most languages and frameworks have their own implementations. Can you provide more information?
Example: I use the Flask framework on python. In addition, I use the Authomatic library which provides Oauth access for twitter, google, facebook, etc.
What I was looking for is something called a Single Sign On solution. According to this list there is nothing currently that meets my criteria.
Instead I have chosen to just run a local webserver and implement a regular auth flow.

FOSOAuthServerBundle Create Client

I'm currently trying to setup FOSOAuthServerBundle with my Symfony2 app.
Everything seems to be setup and functional, anyway I'm stuck after the installation.
What is the proper workflow with URLs to get the access_token ?
I tried /oauth/v2/auth, but sounds like I need to define a Client object first.
How to create/generate Client ? Clients are always supposed to be created manually ?
FOSOAuthServerBundle doc is great, but seems to skip all the usage workflow. Am I supposed to check the OAuth2 doc for this ?
Thanks !
In short, yes. You should be using the oAuth2 RFC to determine which workflow you want to use. In regards to client registration the RFC specifically states that the means through which a client registers is beyond the scope of the specification (
With that being said I can give you some insight into how I did this. My application is a mobile phone application that connects to several services running on various servers. I'm also using the Resource Owner Password Credentials Grant.
The way I approached this was: when the application loads, the first thing it does is to check if it has an oAuth2 client id. If it doesn't, then it POSTS to a create client endpoint I've setted up with the meta-data I need. The endpoint validates the POST, creates the client and returns the client information. The application stores the client id and the process doesn't have to be repeated the next time.
Application loads;
Application checks for oAuth2 client id;
If there is one, the process ends;
If there isn't, it posts to;
If we get a 200, store the oAuth2 client id.
I could have also created the oAuth2 client when the user created an account in the application, but I wanted to make the registration process as fast as possible. Creating the client would have added some extra waiting time to the process.
Check this:
It's quite simple to convert to Doctrine, whether you use it.
There's a command-line that does exactly what you need: create a Client!