history.pushState why twice back issue? - pushstate

I have like this code when i running click function need to back 2 units for before page why twice ?
jQuery(document).ready(function ($) {
$('.pager .pages ol li a,#narrow-by-list dd ol li a,.currently ol li a,.actions a').on('click' ,function(event){
window.history.pushState({page: this.href}, null, this.href);
$('html, body').animate({
scrollTop: $("#uppp").offset().top - 60
}, 1300,'easeInOutExpo');
// event.preventDefault();
$(document).on("scroll mousedown DOMMouseScroll mousewheel keydown", function (e) {
if (e.which > 0 || e.type === "mousedown" || e.type === "mousewheel") {
$('html, body').stop();
window.onpopstate = function(event) {
var state = event.originalEvent.state;
window.location.href = document.location;


how to use tern in codemirror to add my special text for every word in my editor?

I want to use tern (to add type for every word in my own language ) so I add to my html page this :
<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugin/codemirror/addon/tern/tern.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="plugin/codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog.css">
<script src="plugin/codemirror/addon/tern/tern.js"></script>
<script src="plugin/codemirror/addon/dialog/dialog.js"></script>
what I try :
I try alot But nothing work :( ,
I try to write :
"Ctrl-I": function(cm) { CodeMirror.tern.getServer(cm).showType(cm); }, but not work
and I try to write like demo:
function getURL(url, c) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("get", url, true);
xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xhr.readyState != 4) return;
if (xhr.status < 400) return c(null, xhr.responseText);
var e = new Error(xhr.responseText || "No response");
e.status = xhr.status;
var server;
getURL("//ternjs.net/defs/ecma5.json", function(err, code) {
if (err) throw new Error("Request for ecma5.json: " + err);
server = new CodeMirror.TernServer({defs: [JSON.parse(code)]});
editor.setOption("extraKeys", {
"Ctrl-Space": function(cm) { server.complete(cm); },
"Ctrl-I": function(cm) { server.showType(cm); },
"Ctrl-O": function(cm) { server.showDocs(cm); },
"Alt-.": function(cm) { server.jumpToDef(cm); },
"Alt-,": function(cm) { server.jumpBack(cm); },
"Ctrl-Q": function(cm) { server.rename(cm); },
"Ctrl-.": function(cm) { server.selectName(cm); }
editor.on("cursorActivity", function(cm) { server.updateArgHints(cm); });
var editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.getElementById("code"), {
lineNumbers: true,
mode: "javascript"
But nothing work
so can any body help me what functions I must to call to add my own tern to my own words ???

Ionic There is a Bug? ion-refresher and ion-infinite-scroll

I found an compatibility issue using the two mentioned components on same list, my html and js code below:
<ion-content ng-controller="homeCtrl">
<ion-refresher on-refresh="loadNewContent()" pulling-text="LoadMore..." spinner="android"></ion-refresher>
<div ng-repeat="item in items">
<img ng-src="{{pathUrl+item['path']}}" style="height: auto;width:100%;">
<ion-infinite-scroll ng-if="hasMore" on-infinite="loadMoreContent()" spinner="spiral" distance="5" immediate-check="false"></ion-infinite-scroll>
JiCtrls.controller('homeCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', 'DbService', 'JsonService',
function ($scope, $timeout, DbService, JsonService) {
$scope.items = [];
$scope.hasMore = true;
var run = false;
$scope.loadNewContent = function () {
// Stop the ion-refresher from spinning
$scope.loadMoreContent = function () {
function loadData(stateType) {
if (!run) {
run = true;
if ($scope.sql == undefined) {
$scope.sql = "select top 5 * from information ";
DbService.getData($scope.sql, '').success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
var convertData = JsonService.convertData(data);
if (stateType == 1 || stateType == 0) {
// $scope.items = $scope.items.concat(convertData);
for (var i = 0; i < convertData.length; i++) {
else {
for (var i = 0; i < convertData.length; i++) {
if (convertData == null || convertData.length <= 0) {
$scope.hasmore = false;
$timeout(function () {
run = false;
}, 500);
}).error(function (errorData, errorStatus, errorHeaders, errorConfig) {
Everything is normal in Chrome browser and Iphone, but in a part of the Android phone there is a big problem.When ion-refresher trigger on-refresh function,the on-infinite="loadMoreContent()" function will run indefinitely. So,What is the problem?
Try to put $scope.$broadcast("scroll.refreshComplete"); and $scope.$broadcast('scroll.infiniteScrollComplete'); into DbService.getData(...).success() callback, not in functions triggered by on-infinite and on-refresh.
When the user scrolls to the end of the screen, $scope.loadMoreContent which is registered with on-infinite is triggered. The spinner shows, and ion-infinite-scroll pauses checking whether the user has reached the end of the screen, until $scope.$broadcast('scroll.infiniteScrollComplete'); is broadcast, when it hides the spinner and resumes the checking.
In your code, imagine there's a 3s delay in network, no new item is added to the list in that 3s. As a result, the inner height of ion-content is never updated, so the check that determines whether the user has reached the end of the screen will always return true. And you effectively prevent ion-infinite-scroll from pausing this checking by broadcasting scroll.infiniteScrollComplete the moment on-infinite is triggered. That's why it will update indefinitely.
To improve your code quality and prevent future problems, you may need to call $scope.$apply in your DbService.getData().success() callback (depending on the implementation of getData) and manually notify ion-content to resize in the callback.
P.S. 来自中国的Ionic开发者你好 :-) 两个中国人讲英语真累啊
I've made a codepen that combines both ion-refresher and ion-infinite-scroll, I think it's working pretty fine.
<html ng-app="ionicApp">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no, width=device-width">
<title>ion-refresher + ion-infinite-scroll 2</title>
<link href="//code.ionicframework.com/nightly/css/ionic.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//code.ionicframework.com/nightly/js/ionic.bundle.js"></script>
<body ng-controller="MyCtrl">
<ion-header-bar class="bar-positive">
<h1 class="title">ion-refresher + ion-infinite-scroll 2</h1>
<ion-content delegate-handle="mainScroll">
<ion-refresher on-refresh="doRefresh()">
<ion-item ng-repeat="item in list">{{item}}</ion-item>
angular.module('ionicApp', ['ionic'])
.controller('MyCtrl', function($scope, $timeout, $q, $ionicScrollDelegate) {
list of items, used by ng-repeat
$scope.list = [];
var itemOffset = 0,
itemsPerPage = 5;
used by ng-if on ion-infinite-scroll
$scope.hasMore = true;
isRefreshing flag.
When set to true, on data arrive
it first empties the list
then appends new data to the list.
var isRefreshing = false;
introduce a custom dataFetcher instance
so that the old fetch process can be aborted
when the user refreshes the page.
var dataFetcher=null;
returns a "dataFetcher" object
with a promise and an abort() method
when abort() is called, the promise will be rejected.
function fetchData(itemOffset, itemsPerPage) {
var list = [];
//isAborted flag
var isAborted = false;
var deferred = $q.defer();
//simulate async response
$timeout(function() {
if (!isAborted) {
//if not aborted
//assume there are 22 items in all
for (var i = itemOffset; i < itemOffset + itemsPerPage && i < 22; i++) {
list.push("Item " + (i + 1) + "/22");
} else {
//when aborted, reject, and don't append the out-dated new data to the list
}, 1000);
return {
promise: deferred.promise,
abort: function() {
//set isAborted flag to true so that the promise will be rejected, and no out-dated data will be appended to the list
isAborted = true;
$scope.doRefresh = function() {
//resets the flags and counters.
$scope.hasMore = true;
itemOffset = 0;
isRefreshing = true;
//aborts previous data fetcher
if(!!dataFetcher) dataFetcher.abort();
//triggers loadMore()
$scope.loadMore = function() {
//aborts previous data fetcher
if(!!dataFetcher) dataFetcher.abort();
//fetch new data
dataFetcher=fetchData(itemOffset, itemsPerPage);
dataFetcher.promise.then(function(list) {
if (isRefreshing) {
//clear isRefreshing flag
isRefreshing = false;
//empty the list (delete old data) before appending new data to the end of the list.
//hide the spin
//Check whether it has reached the end
if (list.length < itemsPerPage) $scope.hasMore = false;
//append new data to the list
$scope.list = $scope.list.concat(list);
//hides the spin
//notify ion-content to resize after inner height has changed.
//so that it will trigger infinite scroll again if needed.
//update itemOffset
itemOffset += itemsPerPage;
The correct Javscript is as follows:
JiCtrls.controller('homeCtrl', ['$scope', '$timeout', '$ionicScrollDelegate', 'DbService', 'JsonService',
function ($scope, $timeout, $ionicScrollDelegate, DbService, JsonService) {
$scope.items = [];
$scope.hasMore = true;
$scope.loadNewContent = function () {
$scope.loadMoreContent = function () {
function loadData(stateType) {
if ($scope.sql == undefined) {
$scope.sql = "select top 5 * from information”;
DbService.getData($scope.sql, '').success(function (data, status, headers, config) {
var convertData = JsonService.convertData(data);
if (stateType == 0) {
for (var i = 0; i < convertData.length; i++) {
else if (stateType == 1) {
// $scope.items = $scope.items.concat(convertData);
for (var i = 0; i < convertData.length; i++) {
$timeout(function () {
}, 500);
else {
for (var i = 0; i < convertData.length; i++) {
// Stop the ion-refresher from spinning
$timeout(function () {
}, 500);
if (convertData == null || convertData.length <= 0) {
$scope.hasmore = false;
}).error(function (errorData, errorStatus, errorHeaders, errorConfig) {

Masonry filter + infinite scroll issue

I built jQuery Masonry layout with infinite scroll and filtering.
My problem is that when a filter clicked before scrolling, the content loaded with infinite scroll is not filtered.
Is there any way to fix it?
Here is the link to check: http://www.jcvergara.com/working/
Here is the full masonry code:
var $container = $('.container');
// initialize
columnWidth: 250,
itemSelector: '.item',
isFitWidth: true
$container.masonry( 'on', 'layoutComplete', function() {
$('.right-line').css('height', $('.container').height());
$('.right-line').css('height', $('.container').height());
// infinite scroll
var $container = $('#content');
navSelector : "nav.posts-navigation",
nextSelector : "div.nav-previous a:first",
itemSelector : "#content div.item",
// trigger Masonry as a callback
function( newElements ) {
var $newElems = $( newElements );
$container.masonry( 'appended', $newElems );
// open posts in ajax
$('.openarticle').css('display', 'block');
var post_link = $(this).attr('href');
$('#openthis').html('<div class="title"><h2>Loading..</h2><div class="text"></div>');
$('<a></a>', {
text: 'Close',
class: 'close',
id: 'close',
href: '#'
.prependTo($('.openarticle .main'))
.click(function() {
$('.openarticle').css('display', 'none');
return false;
// filtering
$(".cat-item a").click(function(e) {
var cut_url = "http://www.jcvergara.com/category/";
var group = $(this).attr('href');
group = group.replace(cut_url, '').slice(0,-1);
var group_class = "." + group;
$(".cat-item a.active").removeClass('active');
if(group != "all") {
} else {
Try using "on" for your click function:
// filtering
$(".cat-item a").on( "click",function (e) {
var cut_url = "http://www.jcvergara.com/category/";
var group = $(this).attr('href');
group = group.replace(cut_url, '').slice(0,-1);
var group_class = "." + group;
$(".cat-item a.active").removeClass('active');
if(group != "all") {
} else {

Symfony collection form data is not in post params

Today our user reported that saving his CV does not work, that it does not save his Skills, languages, driving license level, schools and prev. employments.
That is the Collection forms that i use on 2 parts of website (CV and Offers)...
Funny is that we tested it before going live and running live from IE6 to any other newer browser.
Collections is added correctly using "add foobar record" button, when there is any record in DB it appears in edit correctly, when i edit these existing it will be saved, if i remove them than they will be removed.
But when i add new, these new records is not in Form post data. I cant understand if its part of form, html is rendered correctly, why it does not include it in post...
These collections works with Offer entity, saved updated added... no problem. i have checked the controller code, the javascript code, the entity code, the html code, the collection templates, the form types..
Here is DB structure:
here is how i add collection in botz CV and Offer
<div class="tbl">
<div class="row">
<div class="col" style="text-align: center; width: 100%;">Počítačové znalosti</div>
<div class="divider"></div>
<div class="skills" data="0" data-prototype="{% filter escape %}{% include 'TvarplastTopzamBundle:Collections:SkillCollection.html.twig' with {'form': form.skills.vars.prototype} %}{% endfilter %}">
{% for skill in form.skills %}
<div class="row">
{% include 'TvarplastTopzamBundle:Collections:SkillCollection.html.twig' with {'form': skill} %}
<script type="text/javascript">$(".skills").data("index", {{ loop.index }});</script>
{% endfor %}
<div class="row">
<div class="col">
Pridať počítačovú znalosť
Problem cannot be with entity, because if some relation exists in DB that is displayed as collection, and if its edited, it can be changed or removed, and its displayed in post parameters, then entity, form type, cannot be wrong.
but i handle form like this:
public function zivotopisAction(\Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request $request, $showmsg = false) {
if (!$this->get("data")->hasPerm(Role::WORKER, $this->getUser())) {
$message["show"] = true;
$message["text"] = "Nemáte požadované oprávnenia. Stránka nemôže byť zobrazená.";
$message["type"] = "box-red";
return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response($this->renderView("TvarplastTopzamBundle::error.html.twig", array("message" => $message)));
$return = array();
$message = array("show" => $showmsg, "type" => "", "text" => "");
if ($message["show"]) {
$message["text"] = "Je nutné vyplniť nasledujúce informácie pre pokračovanie.";
$message["type"] = "box-red";
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
if (!is_null($this->getUser()->getZivotopis())) {
$zivotopis = $em->getRepository("TvarplastTopzamBundle:Zivotopis")->find($this->getUser()->getZivotopis()->getId());
} else {
$zivotopis = new \Tvarplast\TopzamBundle\Entity\Zivotopis();
$originalSkills = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
if ($zivotopis->getSkills()) {
foreach ($zivotopis->getSkills() as $skill) {
$originalLanguages = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
if ($zivotopis->getLanguages()) {
foreach ($zivotopis->getLanguages() as $language) {
$originalDrivingskills = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
if ($zivotopis->getSkilldriving()) {
foreach ($zivotopis->getSkilldriving() as $skilldriving) {
$originalEmployments = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
if ($zivotopis->getEmployments()) {
foreach ($zivotopis->getEmployments() as $employment) {
$originalSchools = new \Doctrine\Common\Collections\ArrayCollection();
if ($zivotopis->getSchools()) {
foreach ($zivotopis->getSchools() as $school) {
$form = $this->createForm(new \Tvarplast\TopzamBundle\Form\ZivotopisType(), $zivotopis, array(
'action' => $this->generateUrl('zivotopis'),
if ($form->isValid()) {
//var_dump($_POST); die();
foreach ($originalSkills as $skill) {
if (false === $zivotopis->getSkills()->contains($skill)) {
foreach ($originalLanguages as $language) {
if (false === $zivotopis->getLanguages()->contains($language)) {
foreach ($originalDrivingskills as $drivingskill) {
if (false === $zivotopis->getSchools()->contains($drivingskill)) {
foreach ($originalEmployments as $employment) {
if (false === $zivotopis->getEmployments()->contains($employment)) {
foreach ($originalSchools as $school) {
if (false === $zivotopis->getSchools()->contains($school)) {
$zivotopis = $form->getData();
$message["text"] = ($this->container->get('security.context')->isGranted('ROLE_WORKER') ? "Životopis" : "Profil") . " bol úspešne uložený.";
$message["type"] = "box-yellow";
$message["show"] = true;
$return["form"] = $form->createView();
$return["message"] = $message;
return $return;
and my javascript looks like this:
$(document).ready(function() {
$.extend({getDeleteLinkCode: function(div) {
return '<div class="col" style="margin-top: 8px; margin-left: 3px;"><a href="#" style="margin-top: 5px;" >Odstrániť</a></div>';
$.extend({addSubFormSelectChangeListener: function(collectionHolder, formRow, div) {
formRow.find('select' + (!div ? ':first' : '')).on("change", function() {
var org = $(this);
if (collectionHolder.find(!div ? "tr" : "div").size() > 1) {
collectionHolder.find(!div ? "tr" : "div").each(function() {
if (org.val() === $(this).find('select:first').val() && org.attr("id") !== $(this).find("select:first").attr("id")) {
$.extend({addSubForm: function(collectionHolder, div) {
var prototype = collectionHolder.data('prototype');
var index = collectionHolder.data('index');
index = (index !== parseInt(index) ? 0 : index);
var form = prototype.replace(/__name__/g, index);
var formRow = $((div ? '<div class="row"></div>' : '<tr></tr>')).append(form);
var removeFormRow = $($.getDeleteLinkCode(div));
collectionHolder.data('index', index + 1);
removeFormRow.on('click', function(e) {
$.addSubFormSelectChangeListener(collectionHolder, formRow, div);
function addSubFormItemDeleteLink(collectionHolder, $tagFormLi, div, notag) {
var $removeFormA = $($.getDeleteLinkCode(div));
$removeFormA.on('click', function(e) {
$.addSubFormSelectChangeListener(collectionHolder, $tagFormLi, div);
jQuery.fn.toggleOption = function(show) {
if (show) {
if ($(this).parent('span.toggleOption').length) {
} else {
if ($(this).parent('span.toggleOption').length === 0) {
$(this).wrap('<span class="toggleOption" style="display: none;" />');
$.extend({comboFilter: function(inputField, comboBox) {
$("#" + inputField).delayBind("input", function() {
var inputValue = $(this).val().toLowerCase();
var combobox = document.getElementById(comboBox);
$("#" + comboBox).children("span").children("optgroup").each(function() {
optionToSelect = false;
$("#" + comboBox + " option").each(function() {
if ($(this).text().toLowerCase().replace(/<.+?>/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ").indexOf(inputValue.replace(/<.+?>/g, "").replace(/\s+/g, " ")) !== -1) {
optionToSelect = $(this);
} else {
if (optionToSelect !== false) {
$("#" + comboBox).children("optgroup").each(function() {
if ($(this).children("option").length <= 0) {
} else {
if ($("#" + comboBox).children("optgroup").length <= 0) {
$("#" + comboBox).children("span").children("optgroup").children("option").each(function() {
if (inputValue === '') {
combobox[0].selected = true;
$("#" + comboBox).children("span").children("optgroup").each(function() {
}, 50);
/* skills */
holderSkills = $('div.skills');
holderSkills.find('div.row').each(function() {
addSubFormItemDeleteLink(holderSkills, $(this), false, false);
$(".add_skill_link").on('click', function(e) {
$.addSubForm(holderSkills, true);
/* driving */
holderDriving = $('div.skilldriving');
holderDriving.find('div.deletehere').each(function() {
addSubFormItemDeleteLink(holderDriving, $(this), true, true);
$(".add_driving_link").on('click', function(e) {
$.addSubForm(holderDriving, true);
/* Lang */
holderLanguages = $('div.languages');
holderLanguages.find('div.row').each(function() {
addSubFormItemDeleteLink(holderLanguages, $(this), false, false);
$(".add_lang_link").on('click', function(e) {
$.addSubForm(holderLanguages, true);
/* Emp */
holderEmployments = $('div.employments');
holderEmployments.find('div.deletehere').each(function() {
addSubFormItemDeleteLink(holderEmployments, $(this), false, false);
$(".add_zam_link").on('click', function(e) {
/* Schools */
holderSchools = $('div.schools');
holderSchools.find('div.deletehere').each(function() {
addSubFormItemDeleteLink(holderSchools, $(this), false, false);
$(".add_Schools_link").on('click', function(e) {
Any idea where can the problem be?
Thank you very much
Thanks to Dynamically added form field not showing up in POSTed data
Solved by switching first 2 lines to be {form} first and div the second
i had something like
<div .....>
some html
That was the reason why browser was not able to read newly added items

How to Add jQuery UI DatePicker Button TRIGGER SCRIPT

I have a working jQuery UI DatePicker script that only
displays WED & SAT (see MAIN SCRIPT below).
I also have a working jQuery UI DatePicker script that adds
a button image to trigger the DatePicker (see TRIGGER SCRIPT BELOW).
How can I integrate the TRIGGER SCRIPT into the MAIN SCRIPT?
I know this is simple but this newbie can't figure out out the syntax.
Sorry about that....
Trigger script:
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
showOn: "button",
buttonImage: "css/blitzer/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true
Main script:
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<title>Disable Certains Days in a Week using jQuery UI DatePicker</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/redmond/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="js/jquery-ui-1.8.6.custom.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
{ beforeShowDay: function(day) {
var day = day.getDay();
if (day == 0 || day == 1 || day == 2 || day == 4 || day == 5) {
return [false, "somecssclass"]
} else {
return [true, "someothercssclass"]
<input id="datepicker"/>
<input type="button" name="date" id="popupDatepicker">
/* create an array of days which need to be disabled */
var disabledDays = ["2-21-2010","2-24-2010","2-27-2010","2-28-2010","3-3-2010","3-17-2010","4-2-2010","4-3-2010","4-4-2010","4-5-2010"];
/* utility functions */
function nationalDays(date) {
var m = date.getMonth(), d = date.getDate(), y = date.getFullYear();
//console.log('Checking (raw): ' + m + '-' + d + '-' + y);
for (i = 0; i < disabledDays.length; i++) {
if(ArrayContains(disabledDays,(m+1) + '-' + d + '-' + y) || new Date() > date) {
//console.log('bad: ' + (m+1) + '-' + d + '-' + y + ' / ' + disabledDays[i]);
return [false];
//console.log('good: ' + (m+1) + '-' + d + '-' + y);
return [true];
function noWeekendsOrHolidays(date) {
var noWeekend = jQuery.datepicker.noWeekends(date);
return noWeekend[0] ? nationalDays(date) : noWeekend;
/* taken from mootools */
function ArrayIndexOf(array,item,from){
var len = array.length;
for (var i = (from < 0) ? Math.max(0, len + from) : from || 0; i < len; i++){
if (array[i] === item) return i;
return -1;
/* taken from mootools */
function ArrayContains(array,item,from){
return ArrayIndexOf(array,item,from) != -1;
/* create datepicker */
jQuery(document).ready(function() {
minDate: new Date(2010, 0, 1),
maxDate: new Date(2010, 5, 31),
dateFormat: 'DD, MM, d, yy',
constrainInput: true,
beforeShowDay: noWeekendsOrHolidays
In your main script:
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker(
{ showOn: "button",
buttonImage: "css/blitzer/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true});
Solution Found: How to Add jQuery UI DatePicker Button TRIGGER SCRIPT.
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$( "#datepicker" ).datepicker({
showOn: "button",
buttonImage: "css/blitzer/images/calendar.gif",
buttonImageOnly: true,
beforeShowDay: function(day) {
var day = day.getDay();
if (day == 0 || day == 1 || day == 3 || day == 4 || day == 6) {
return [false, "somecssclass"]
} else {
return [true, "someothercssclass"]