Soundcloud : Issue with API linked_partioning - soundcloud

Is there an issue with the linked_partitioning functionality of the soundcloud API
I have done further testing and the functionality behaves as expected for some of the API, but does not work in the following areas I have verified so far using an oAuth token and the /me resource (the token is valid and refreshed as needed) :
Example :
This was previously returning data with the "next_href" field populated but now it returns
Using PHP json_decode on the data it shows
[next_href] =>
The raw Json is now


Turn Firebase 'idToken' into 'access token' with no backend?

I'm trying to use the Firebase REST API by creating an anonymous user by calling:[API_KEY].
No problem there, response (modified it abit for secrecy):
"kind": "identitytoolkit#SignupNewUserResponse",
"idToken": "eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IjM0NTBiMGJhOWUzMTcyMmUwOTBlZDIxMzViY2RiN2MxNzdhMzJmMjcifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL3NlY3VyZXRva2VuLmdvb2dsZS5jb20vZmlzaGluYy1hcHAiLCJwcm92aWRlcl9pZCI6ImFub255bW91cyIsImL1ZCI6ImZpc2hpbmMtYXBwIiwiYXV0aF90aW1lIjoxNTAzMDQ1NjY4LCJ1c2VyX2lkIjoiQ2hKRUJ3Vk5HeVA0NmtEQzA3d1VKMUJ3Y3Q3MyIsInN1YiI6IkNoSkVCd1ZOR3lQNDZrRENwN3dVSjFCd2N0NzMiLCJpYXQiOjE1MDMwNDU2NjgsImV4cCI6MTUwMzA0OTI2OCwiZmlyZWJhc2UiOnsiaWRlbnRpdGllcyI6e30sInNpZ25faW5fcHJvdmlkZXIiOiJhbm9ueW1vdXMifX0.jdMuPVGvMT6qZoxynpGMqURqg9zrVbPl1kXxmbHoglGgi9u1HHwQft5hhKIS3QbS87-rr5BcEitCu5seHcDlWl3rzEx87fctHmY4z-vDqUUKIqjKHfB0q04SbzBKVUvuUg9O-ACWMDLWFZ54U4ALK7kFdlBti3600kqw_4-UGURa2jIPpOse9f8HIz_qGaO_5kptjO6v4drLhY6PPH_h1kO4p1DITWt6pfdn_E_tAqXZgsCK3iKhu4bYUc2DgiUfR7q3dfzravQyz2nrpDN6S3Z_NdzxiKRuyasPr7kpeqxGaAPCYX84P_GL6r-EEFCcVeouRukRvloRpoezOSkeRg",
"refreshToken": "APRrRCIqIUK5BiJIjpIt-ZtSdvn6ybONtTccCPOzIWAxg9qsClqdR82vqYmb0TMS1xngpCvlbIzgTSDTycvSoSYgua1r-6RlAt83Z2jXKTAnGalAHQLsC_gpUeF7js9PWl8O8PP5KF64coel22pgysd39QwC2Z2yf6zJj7xoozF0eaLjmkyvzqs",
"expiresIn": "3600",
"localId": "ChJEBwVNGyP46kDC07wUJ1Bwct73"
I was under the impression that I've now got an "authed"/logged in user. And that I can read data from the Realtime DB by using the idToken (provided that the only rules are that the user is authed).
But this doesn't seems to be the case (receive "Unauthorized request.") , or am I missing something. After googling it seems that I need a custom backend to "convert" the idToken into an access token. Is that correct?
Uhhh. It seems the documentation is a bit confusing, which says:
Supported by all request types. Authenticates this request to allow
access to data protected by Firebase Realtime Database Rules. See the
REST authentication documentation for details.
But using the access_token parameter is wrong (in my case at least), in which I needed to use "auth" instead.
So this will work:
curl 'https://[PROJECT_ID].firebaseio/users/jack/name.json?auth=myIdTokenHere'

How to call REST API related to Azure Search through postman?

I am trying to call REST API related to Azure Search through postman.
Here is the API link: (Check Step 1: Create a data source)
Have sent parameter api-key: [admin key] in form-data and other through jSON object.
I am getting 403 error.
Whats the correct way to get required output?
Update :
Changed position of api-key. Still getting the error as :
Is there any additional setting for postman to work with Azure's REST APIs?
Please make sure that you pass api-key in Headers instead of form-data and also all the headers should be selected. Once you do that, things should work just fine.

Magento REST API keeps returning "signature_invalid" error

I'm trying to use the Firefox Rest client extension to test out my Magento REST API. I followed this guide but I keep getting the "signature_invalid" error when making the final request to receive the access token.
The URL I use for the final request is:
And these are the readers:
OAuth oauth_version="1.0", oauth_signature_method="HMAC-SHA1",
oauth_nonce="OmOzMMy2Z60m5sV", oauth_timestamp="1495611445",
The nonce, timestamp and signature are automaticly refreshed each request.
I'm using Magento CE
I have also tried Postman, but that tool gives me a nonce_used error with every request, even though it's automaticly refreshed... Permissions are correctly set up as explained here:
Everything goes fine using the Rest client extension untill the final request where I want to receive the access token.
I found the solution... The local browser had cached the oauth responses...

silhouette rest seed : how to use a social provider?
I am trying to use this as I don't want to use the scala.html template files, and this seemed to do exactly what I wanted. I can CURL to create a user and get a token, but I don't know what to do with the redirects when trying to authenticate with a social provider, such as Facebook. There don't seem to be any instructions, either. Any help would be appreciated.
The readme gets you to the point where you have signed up a user and with the credentials POST retrieved the X-Auth-Token.
After a little debugging you will submit a POST request to the auth/link route to associate the user with the returned X-Auth-Token with a social provider as in:
http :9000/auth/link/facebook 'accessToken=xxxxx' X-Auth-Token:tokenfromearlier
Note the syntax of httpie is specific and must use = for json and : for headers. You obtain accessToken from here:
This will return the following JSON:
"message": "link with social completed!",
"status": "ok"
Not yet sure how to accomplish the next step which is to invoke the
/auth/signin/facebook POST route as this requires the ID of the provider and I am still figuring out the fb graph access approach.

Even though Facebook API returns 'code' 200 for some 'nodes', when accessing the webpage it return 404

I'm developing a web app that uses FB data for some FB posts. I have a bunch of post ids and am fetching the data related to them using batched requests. Then am showing a summary of each post (number of comments, shares, likes) and link to the actual FB page ( But clicking on the link shows a 404 page on FB!!
Example, the node_id, '69983322463_10152179775342464' will return data in the graph explorer. But when you access it returns 404!
In case my question is not clear:
GET{a valid access token} returns data.
But GET (with or without an access_token param) returns a 404
Is there some field in the API response that signifies that the page does not exist anymore?
This is because not every post is public. Only publicly available posts can be accessed directly.
For rest you need a valid access token to GET its details. When you tried the post id in graph api explorer it showed the result since an access token was applied.
So, you simply use a valid access token, may be any app access token (app_id|app_secret)- that never expires, and make the /GET request.
Eg: \GET /69983322463_10152179775342464?access_token={app-access-token}