Using custom type in Powershell 5.0 class [duplicate] - powershell

This question already has answers here:
Using .NET objects within a Powershell (V5) class
(3 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
Here is example code that is causing me lots of headaches at the moment.
if (("Win32.NativeMethods" -as [type]) -eq $null){
Add-Type -MemberDefinition '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
' -name NativeMethods -namespace Win32
class AppInstance
[string]$App = 'Notepad.exe'
[IntPtr]$hWnd = 0
AppInstance () {
Start-Process $this.App
$this.process = get-process ($this.App.split('.'))[0]
start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
$this.hWnd = $this.process.MainWindowHandle
[void] Show () {
[Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($this.hWnd, 3)
[void] Hide () {
[Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($this.hWnd, 2)
This class can be used like so
$notepad = [AppInstance]::new()
Basically, what I'm trying to do is to import a function from user32.dll as type [Win32.NativeMethods] and then use this type in a class.
If I execute the Add-Type statement separately in Powershell_ISE the type gets created and subsequently the script works just fine.
However, when I try to execute the whole script before creating the type manually, I get the following Powershell parser error
At C:\class.ps1:26 char:10
+ [Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($this.hWnd, 3)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unable to find type [Win32.NativeMethods].
At C:\Uclass.ps1:31 char:10
+ [Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($this.hWnd, 2)
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Unable to find type [Win32.NativeMethods].
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TypeNotFound
Looks like the parser is ignoring the Add-Type statement and exiting before execution.
Is there any way to overcome this issue? Maybe with a using statement?
Or, is there any way to tell the parser that the type is dynamically created?
I have read the answer to Using .Net Objects within a Powershell (V5) Class and the accepted answer is not an answer to my question. Splitting a simple script into multiple files is not really an answer.
What I'm asking is weather there is a way to tell the parser that the type is dynamically created.
To clarify this a little further here is code equivalent to the one above, but implemented using functions instead of classes.
if (("Win32.NativeMethods" -as [type]) -eq $null){
Add-Type -MemberDefinition '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
' -name NativeMethods -namespace Win32
[string]$script:App = 'Notepad.exe'
$process = Start-Process $App -PassThru
function Show () {
[Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($process.MainWindowHandle, 3)
function Hide () {
[Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($process.MainWindowHandle, 2)
This code will parse and execute perfectly fine. Are classes handled by the parser in a different way to rest of the script?

As you've found out yourself, when defining functions the parser is not nearly as strict as when it comes to classes - the simple reason is that function definitions need no compilation, so the parser only checks for syntax not type resolution.
You can use this observation to work around your problem - simply define a function outside the Class definition that wraps the call to [Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync() and then call that function from inside your class method:
function __ShowWindowAsync
if (("Win32.NativeMethods" -as [type]) -eq $null){
Add-Type -MemberDefinition '[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);' -Name NativeMethods -namespace Win32
[Win32.NativeMethods]::ShowWindowAsync($this.hWnd, $ShowState)
class AppInstance
[string]$App = 'Notepad.exe'
[IntPtr]$hWnd = 0
AppInstance () {
# this is way more reliable than running Get-Process subsequently
$this.process = Start-Process $this.App -PassThru
start-sleep -Milliseconds 100
$this.hWnd = $this.process.MainWindowHandle
[void] Show () {
$Maximized = 3
__ShowWindowAsync -WindowHandle $this.hWnd -ShowState $Maximized
[void] Hide () {
$Minimized = 2
__ShowWindowAsync -WindowHandle $this.hWnd -ShowState $Minimized


Variable names with random numbers

I want to declare variables with random numbers in the name, such as
$var123 = "A"
$var456 = "B"
$var789 = "C"
by using Get-Random for the number part.
What have I to write behind $var if $rnd = Get-Random? Or is there another way to declare such variables?
Update: The real use case is that I have trouble with Add-Type and hoped I could solve it with this workaround. But it still does not work as expected. It works for the very first time, but after changing the C# code, it still shows the old code.
Any suggestions? I am running PowerShell 7.2.1 on a Mac computer.
$rnd = Get-Random
$code =
using System;
namespace HelloWorld {
public class Program {
public static int Main() {
#return 123; # first try, working well
return 456; # after changing, still returns 123
New-Variable -Name "var$rnd" -value $code
Add-Type -TypeDefinition (Get-Variable -Name "var$rnd" -ValueOnly) -Language CSharp
Write-Host (Invoke-Expression "[HelloWorld.Program]::Main()")
You would need to use New-Variable or Set-Variable if you want to dynamically create them with random names:
'A', 'B', 'C' | ForEach-Object {
do {
$varname = "var$(Get-Random -Minimum 100 -Maximum 1000)"
} until($varname -notin (Get-Variable var*).Name)
New-Variable -Name $varname -Value $_
Get-Variable var*
Worth noting that, using above method will make an infinite loop if you create 901 variables with it. -Minimum and -Maximum should be tweaked if more variables are needed.
Regarding your update, I believe you already have been following this Q&A, one of the answers provides this workaround which is what I believe you wanted to do:
$rnd = Get-Random
$code = #"
using System;
namespace HelloWorld$rnd {
public class Program {
public static int Main() {
return 123;
// return 456;
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $code -Language CSharp
Invoke-Expression "[HelloWorld$rnd.Program]::Main()"

Bring a program to foreground or start it

For a handful of programs I use frequently, I am trying to write me some functions or aliases which would check if this program is already running and bring its window to foreground, else start this program.
Usage example with np, a handle for notepad.exe:
PS> np
checks if notepad.exe is running (Get-Process -Name "notepad.exe") if not, it would start it. When Notepad is already running but my maximized console is in the foreground, I'd like to execute the same command again, but this time I want it to bring the already running notepad process to foreground, rather than start a new one.
In order to implement this, I created this class called Program which I would instantiate for every program I want to handle like this. Then I have a HashTable $knownprograms of instances of this class, and in the end I try to define functions for every program, so that I could just type two or three letters to the console to start a program or bring its running process back to foreground.
class Program {
$this.Name = $n
$this.Path = $p
$this.Executable = $e
$this.Arguments = $a
return ("{0}\{1}" -f $this.Path, $this.Executable)
try {
# Adapted from
$Process = Get-Process -Name $this.Name -ErrorAction Stop
Write-Host "Found at least one process called $this.Name"
$sig = '
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
[DllImport("user32.dll")] public static extern int SetForegroundWindow(IntPtr hwnd);
$Mode = 4 # Will restore the window, not maximize it
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $sig -Name WindowAPI -PassThru
$hwnd = $process.MainWindowHandle
$null = $type::ShowWindowAsync($hwnd, $Mode)
$null = $type::SetForegroundWindow($hwnd)
} catch [Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ProcessCommandException] {
Write-Host "Did not find any process called $this.Name"
Invoke-Command -ScriptBlock { & $this.FullPath() $this.Arguments }
$knownprograms = #{}
$knownprograms.Add("np", [Program]::new(
$knownprograms.Add("pt", [Program]::new(
Function np {
Function pt {
The idea would be that I would source this script in my profile.ps1 and then just use the pre-factored functions. However, it seems that this code always opens a new instance of the program, rather than using its running process. Maybe I need some sort of delayed evaluation, so that the ShowOrStart() method checks at the time of invocation of np or pt whether the associated process exists. Any ideas how to accomplish this?
The process name for notepad.exe is notepad.
$knownprograms.Add("np", [Program]::new(
And this works as expected.
This would be probably interesting to register $sig once for all and not on every call (which will probably raise an error).

How to make #'...'# work in powershell.exe -command ""?

This is a PowerShell script for refreshing Internet proxy settings which I got from Batch File to disable internet options proxy server.
function Refresh-System {
$signature = #'
[DllImport("wininet.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool InternetSetOption(IntPtr hInternet, int dwOption, IntPtr lpBuffer, int dwBufferLength);
$type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name wininet -Namespace pinvoke -PassThru
$a = $type::InternetSetOption(0, $INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED, 0, 0)
$b = $type::InternetSetOption(0, $INTERNET_OPTION_REFRESH, 0, 0)
return $a -and $b
I want to run it in batch file or command prompt as a single command such as
powershell.exe -Command "stmnt1; stmnt2; ..."
Which I learned from How to condense PowerShell script to fit on a single line.
I've tried to combine it altogether into one line and execute it.
powershell -command "$signature = #'[DllImport("wininet.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool InternetSetOption(IntPtr hInternet, int dwOption, IntPtr lpBuffer, int dwBufferLength)'#; $INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED = 39; $INTERNET_OPTION_REFRESH = 37; $type = Add-Type -MemberDefinition $signature -Name wininet -Namespace pinvoke -PassThru; $a = $type::InternetSetOption(0, $INTERNET_OPTION_SETTINGS_CHANGED, 0, 0); $b = $type::InternetSetOption(0, $INTERNET_OPTION_REFRESH, 0, 0);"
But it returned me an error.
At line:1 char:16
+ $signature = #'[DllImport(wininet.dll, SetLastError = true, CharSet=C ...
+ ~
No characters are allowed after a here-string header but before the end
of the line.
+ CategoryInfo : ParserError: (:) [], ParentContainsErrorRecordException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnexpectedCharactersAfterHereStringHeader
How do I solve it? Is there any better ways to condense the function above?
The # characters around the $signature variable are what's known as a Here-String and are explicitly intended for blocks of text that may include new lines.
The signature definition is just C# code and that particular code snippet doesn't actually need the included line breaks to function. So can just declare it like a regular string instead.
$signature = '[DllImport("wininet.dll", SetLastError = true, CharSet=CharSet.Auto)] public static extern bool InternetSetOption(IntPtr hInternet, int dwOption, IntPtr lpBuffer, int dwBufferLength);'
However, you're also going to have to deal with escaping the embedded double quotes which according to the "Calling PowerShell's CLI from cmd.exe or POSIX-like shells" section of this answer means you should replace each of them with "^""
Is there a particular reason the PowerShell code has to be embedded in the batch file rather than its own .ps1 file along side it that your batch file references? Because that's the least hassle if you can manage it.
Your other option instead of having to one-line'ify and escape the PowerShell code is to use PowerShell's ability to run a Base64 encoded script via the -EncodedCommand parameter. Assuming you have your Refresh-System.ps1 script already, you could do something like this to generate the batch file.
$scriptText = Get-Content .\Refresh-System.ps1 -Raw
$scriptB64 = [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetBytes($scriptText))
"powershell.exe -EncodedCommand `"$scriptB64`"" | Out-File refresh-system.cmd -Encoding ascii

How to execute a powershell script without stealing focus?

I made a powershell script that uses GetForegroundWindow() to identify which Window is the currently focused Window. Unfortunately, when the powershell script is executed (via Windows Task Scheduler or a hotkey), the script steals focus of the current foreground app; incorrectly using the Powershell window itself as the Foreground app, instead of the intended foreground app.
I even tried creating an EXE using PS2EXE "-noconsole" setting; however, the script still doesn't doesn't work.
Could someone please suggest a way to execute this script without changing focus of the current foreground Window?
My script code works during tests (ONLY if I add "Start-Sleep -s 5"; and, manually steal back the focus with alt-tab for the script to identify the correct foreground Window.
Add-Type #"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class Tricks {
public static extern IntPtr GetForegroundWindow();
function Set-WindowStyle {
$Style = 'SHOW',
$MainWindowHandle = (Get-Process -Id $pid).MainWindowHandle
$WindowStates = #{
Write-Verbose ("Set Window Style {1} on handle {0}" -f $MainWindowHandle, $($WindowStates[$style]))
$Win32ShowWindowAsync = Add-Type -memberDefinition #"
public static extern bool ShowWindowAsync(IntPtr hWnd, int nCmdShow);
"# -name "Win32ShowWindowAsync" -namespace Win32Functions -passThru
$Win32ShowWindowAsync::ShowWindowAsync($MainWindowHandle, $WindowStates[$Style]) | Out-Null
$a = [tricks]::GetForegroundWindow()
$title = get-process | ? { $_.mainwindowhandle -eq $a }
$title2 = $title | select -ExpandProperty ProcessName
if ($title2 -eq 'Kodi'){
Set-WindowStyle MINIMIZE $a;
if (Get-Process -Name Yatse2) {(Get-Process -Name Yatse2).MainWindowHandle | foreach { Set-WindowStyle MINIMIZE $_ }}
} ELSE {
I know this question is old, but I've spent quite some time trying to figure out how to not lose focus from the current window for myself and found some information, so hopefully this will help future readers.
The easiest solution is just to literally simulate an Alt+Tab keypress from within your Powershell script instead of having to do it yourself. The following code comes from this StackOverflow answer:
# Retrieve the window handles...
...where % represents the Alt modifier and {TAB} is interpreted as the tab key.
User homersimpson's answer works, but using reflection is a bit slow. You can speed things up by adding the Windows.Forms assembly directly...
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
...other imports
#Return focus to the original window.
...Your Code Here
Again, the % represents Alt and you know what TAB is. You are effectively Alt-Tabbing the new window away, returning focus to your desired one.
Create task that can be run on demand in Task Scheduler and executes your powershell script
Make sure it is set to be run whether user is logged on or not
Create a shortcut that starts the task
That allows your script to be run without visible window

Can I write a class using PowerShell?

With PowerShell being built on top of the .NET framework, can I write my own custom class using PowerShell?
I'm not talking about instantiating .NET classes... that part is plain enough. I want to write my own custom classes using PowerShell scripts. Is it possible? So far my research leads me to say that this isn't possible.
I'm still learning PowerShell, and so far I haven't found an answer on this website, despite a few searches.
Take a look at the Add-Type cmdlet. It lets you write C# and other code in PowerShell.
For example (from the above link), in a PowerShell window,
$source = #"
public class BasicTest
public static int Add(int a, int b)
return (a + b);
public int Multiply(int a, int b)
return (a * b);
Add-Type -TypeDefinition $source
[BasicTest]::Add(4, 3)
$basicTestObject = New-Object BasicTest
$basicTestObject.Multiply(5, 2)
I suspect that the solution that you are looking for is PowerShell Modules. They perform the roles that classes typically perform in other languages. They give you a very simple, yet structured, way to reuse your code.
Here is how to get the functionality of classes in PowerShell using modules. At the command line you could do this:
New-Module -ScriptBlock {function add($a,$b){return $a + $b}; function multiply($a,$b){return $a * $b}; function supersecret($a,$b){return multiply $a $b}; export-modulemember -function add, supersecret}
Then you would be able to:
PS C:\> add 2 4
PS C:\> multiply 2 4
The term 'multiply' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is correct and try again.
At line:1 char:9
+ multiply <<<< 2 4
+ CategoryInfo : ObjectNotFound: (multiply:String) [], CommandNotFoundException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : CommandNotFoundException
PS C:\> supersecret 2 4
As you can see multiply is private within the module. More traditionally you would instantiate an object that is an instance of the module. That is done via the -AsCustomObject parameter:
$m = New-Module -ScriptBlock {function add($a,$b){return $a + $b}; function multiply($a,$b){return $a * $b}; function supersecret($a,$b){return multiply $a $b}; export-modulemember -function add, supersecret} -AsCustomObject
Then you could:
PS C:\> $m.add(2,4)
PS C:\> $m.multiply(2,4)
Method invocation failed because [System.Management.Automation.PSCustomObject] doesn't contain a method named 'multiply'.
At line:1 char:12
+ $m.multiply <<<< (2,4)
+ CategoryInfo : InvalidOperation: (multiply:String) [], RuntimeException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : MethodNotFound
PS C:\> $m.supersecret(2,4)
This all demonstrates the use of dynamic modules meaning nothing is stored to disk for reuse. It is fine for very simple functionality. If you want to actually be able to read the code and reuse it in future sessions or scripts, however, you would want to store it in a .psm1 file and then store that file in a folder with the same name (minus the extension) as the file. Then you can import the module into your session at the command line or into another script.
As an example of this, let's say I took this code:
function Add{
return $a + $b
function Multiply{
return $a + $b
function SuperSecret{
return Multiply $a $b
Export-ModuleMember -Function Add, SuperSecret
And saved it to a file called TestModule.psm1 in the folder: C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules\TestModule
The Modules folder in the PowerShell install folder is a magic folder and any modules stored there are visible to the Import-Module cmdlet without having to specify a path. Now if we run Get-Module -List at the command line we see:
ModuleType Name ExportedCommands
---------- ---- ----------------
Script DotNet {}
Manifest FileSystem {Get-FreeDiskSpace, New-Zip, Resolve-ShortcutFile, Mount-SpecialFolder...}
Manifest IsePack {Push-CurrentFileLocation, Select-CurrentTextAsVariable, ConvertTo-Short...
Manifest PowerShellPack {New-ByteAnimationUsingKeyFrames, New-TiffBitmapEncoder, New-Viewbox, Ne...
Manifest PSCodeGen {New-Enum, New-ScriptCmdlet, New-PInvoke}
Manifest PSImageTools {Add-CropFilter, Add-RotateFlipFilter, Add-OverlayFilter, Set-ImageFilte...
Manifest PSRss {Read-Article, New-Feed, Remove-Article, Remove-Feed...}
Manifest PSSystemTools {Test-32Bit, Get-USB, Get-OSVersion, Get-MultiTouchMaximum...}
Manifest PSUserTools {Start-ProcessAsAdministrator, Get-CurrentUser, Test-IsAdministrator, Ge...
Manifest TaskScheduler {Remove-Task, Get-ScheduledTask, Stop-Task, Add-TaskTrigger...}
Manifest WPK {Get-DependencyProperty, New-ModelVisual3D, New-DiscreteVector3DKeyFrame...
Manifest AppLocker {}
Manifest BitsTransfer {}
Manifest PSDiagnostics {}
Script **TestModule** {}
Manifest TroubleshootingPack {}
Manifest Citrix.XenApp.Commands... {}
We can see that our module is ready to import. We can import it into the session and use it in the raw using:
Import-Module TestModule
Or once again we can instantiate an object:
$m = Import-Module TestModule -AsCustomObject
You can use the class keyword that was introduced in PowerShell 5.0
Here is an example by Trevor Sullivan. (Archived here.)
####### WMF 5.0 November 2014 Preview ###########
class Beer {
# Property: Holds the current size of the beer.
[Uint32] $Size;
# Property: Holds the name of the beer's owner.
[String] $Name;
# Constructor: Creates a new Beer object, with the specified
# size and name / owner.
Beer([UInt32] $NewSize, [String] $NewName) {
# Set the Beer size
$this.Size = $NewSize;
# Set the Beer name
$this.Name = $NewName;
# Method: Drink the specified amount of beer.
# Parameter: $Amount = The amount of beer to drink, as an
# unsigned 32-bit integer.
[void] Drink([UInt32] $Amount) {
try {
$this.Size = $this.Size - $Amount;
catch {
Write-Warning -Message 'You tried to drink more beer than was available!';
# Method: BreakGlass resets the beer size to 0.
[void] BreakGlass() {
Write-Warning -Message 'The beer glass has been broken. Resetting size to 0.';
$this.Size = 0;
This works on Windows 10 Pro.
Test drive it like this:
# Create a new 33 centilitre beer, named 'Chimay'
$chimay = [Beer]::new(33, 'Chimay');
# Need more beer!