Finding shortest length between to regions of interest - matlab

I have a binary image with several regions of interest which I have identified via bwconncomp. I am trying to find the shortest point connecting each of these regions. I was considering using dilation with larger and larger kernel sizes within a loop with code similar to below, pausing the loop when the number of connected components drops, then maybe identifying those which have connected by sizable changes in centroids and using the number of iterations times two to gives the approximate distance? I feel like there should be a better way of doing this?
for c=1:50
if length(TT.PixelIdxList)>length(YY.PixelIdxList)

Using bwdist and bwlabel, you can find the shortest distance of any feature to all other features. All you have to do is then to loop through the features.
%// labeledImage is 1 on feature #1, 2 on feature #2, etc
labeledImage = bwlabel(yourBinaryImage);
nLabels = max(labeledImage(:));
%// find the distance between each label and all other labels
distMat = zeros(nLabels, nLabels);
for iLabel = 1:nLabels
%// distance transform - every pixel is the distance to the nearest
%// non-zero pixel, i.e. the location of label iLabel
dist = bwdist(labeledImage==iLabel);
%// use accumarray b/c we can
%// get rid of the zeros in labeledImage, though, as there is no index 0
distMat(:,iLabel) = accumarray(dist(labeledImage>0),labeledImage(labeledImage>0),[],#min);
Note that the distance is equivalent to "how many hops do I need at minimum if I start on feature X and hop from pixel to pixel onto feature Y". If you need the distance between centroids, regionprops(yourBinaryImage,'Centroids') followd by pdist2 is the better approach.


Find volume of 3d peaks in matlab

right now I have a 3d scatter plot with peaks that I need to find the volumes for. My data is from an image, so the x- and y- values indicate the pixel positions on the xy-plane, and the z value is the pixel value for each pixel.
Here's my scatter plot:
I am trying to find the "volume" of the peaks of the data, like drawn below:
I've tried findpeaks() but it gives me many local maxima without the the two prominent peaks that I'm looking for. In addition, I'm really stuck on how to establish the "base" of my peaks, because my data is from a scatter plot. I've also tried the convex hull and a linear surface fit, and get this:
But I'm still stuck on how to use any of these commands to establish an automated peak "base" and volume. Please let me know if you have any ideas or code segments to help me out, because I am stumped and I can't find anything on Stack Overflow. Sorry in advance if this is really unclear! Thank you so much!
Here is a suggestion for dealing with this problem:
Define a threshold for z height, or define in any other way which points from the scatter are relevant (the black plane in the leftmost figure below).
Within the resulted points, find clusters on the X-Y plane, to define the different regions to calculate. You will have to define manually how many clusters you want.
for each cluster, perform a Delaunay triangulation to estimate its volume.
Here is an example code for all that:
[x,y,z] = peaks(30); % some data
subplot 131
title('The original data')
th = 2.5; % set a threshold for z values
hold on
surf([-3 -3 3 3],[-4 4 -4 4],ones(4)*th,'FaceColor','k',...
hold off
ind = z>th; % get an index of all values of interest
X = x(ind);
Y = y(ind);
Z = z(ind);
clustNum = 3; % the number of clusters should be define manually
T = clusterdata([X Y],clustNum);
subplot 132
title('A look from above')
subplot 133
hold on
c = ['rgb'];
for k = 1:max(T)
valid = T==k;
% claculate a triangulation of the data:
DT = delaunayTriangulation([X(valid) Y(valid) Z(valid)]);
[K,v] = convexHull(DT); % get the convex hull indices
% plot the volume:
ts = trisurf(K,DT.Points(:,1),DT.Points(:,2),DT.Points(:,3),...
hold off
view([-45 40])
title('The volumes')
Note: this code uses different functions from several toolboxes. In any case that something does not work, first make sure that you have the relevant toolbox, there are alternatives to most of them.
Having already a mesh, maybe you could use the process described in .
If not, making a linear regression on (x,z) or (y,z) plane could make a base for you to find the peaks.
Out of experience in data with plenty of noise, selecting the peaks manually is often faster if you have small set of data to make the analysis. Just plot every peak with its number from findpeaks() and select the ones that are relevant to you. An interpolation to a smoother data can help to solve the problem in the long term (but creates a problem by itself).
Other option will be searching for peaks in the (x,z) and (y,z) planes, then having the amplitude of each peak in an (x) [or (y)] interval and from there make a integration for every area.

How to use distance to extract features and compare images: : matlab

I was trying to code for feature extraction from the two images, which are actually similar. I tried to extract the intersection points from both of the image and calculated the distance from one intersection point to all other points. This procedure was iterated for all points and in both images.
Then I compared the distance between points in both images But I found that even for dissimilar images am getting same kind of distance and am not able to distinguish them.
Is there any way in this method which will improve the code or is there any other way to find the similarity.
I = bwmorph(I,'skel',Inf);
II = bwmorph(II,'skel',Inf);
[i,j] = ind2sub(size(I),find(bwmorph(bwmorph(I,'thin',Inf),'branchpoint') == 1));
[i1,j1] = ind2sub(size(II),find(bwmorph(bwmorph(II,'thin',Inf),'branchpoint') == 1));
figure,imshow(I); hold on; plot(j,i,'rx');
figure,imshow(II); hold on; plot(j1,i1,'rx')
for x=1:m
for y=1:n
for x1=1:m1
for y1=1:n1
z = intersect(k,k2)
if length(z)>20
disp('similar images');
disp('dissimilar images');
This is a part of my code where I tried to extract features.
skel 1
I think your code is not the problem. Instead, it seems that either your feature descriptor is not powerful enough or your comparison method is not powerful enough, or a combination of the two. This gives us several options for how to explore solutions to the problem.
Feature Descriptor
You are constructing an image feature consisting of the distances between skeleton intersection points. This is an unusual approach and a very interesting one. It reminds me of peak constellations, a feature used by Shazam to audio-fingerprint songs. If you are interested in exploring, that more sophisticated technique, take a look at "An Industrial Strength Audio Search Algorithm" by Avery Li-Chun Wang. I believe you could adapt their feature descriptor to your application.
However, if you want a simpler solution there are some other options as well. Your current descriptor uses unique to find a set of unique distances between the skeleton intersection points. Take a look at the following images of a line and an equilateral triangle both with 5 unit line lengths. If we use the unique distances between vertices to make the feature, the two images have identical features, but we can also count the number of lines of each length in a histogram.
The histogram preserves more of the image structure as part of the feature. Using a histogram might help distinguish better between your similar and dissimilar cases.
Here's some demo code for histogram features using the Matlab demo images pears.png and peppers.png. I had difficulty extracting the skeleton from your provided images, but you should be able to adapt this code easily to your application.
I1 = = im2bw(imread('peppers.png'));
I2 = = im2bw(imread('pears.png'));
I1_skel = bwmorph(I1,'skel',Inf);
I2_skel = bwmorph(I2,'skel',Inf);
[i1,j1] = ind2sub(size(I1_skel),find(bwmorph(bwmorph(I1_skel,'thin',Inf),'branchpoint') == 1));
[i2,j2] = ind2sub(size(I2_skel),find(bwmorph(bwmorph(I2_skel,'thin',Inf),'branchpoint') == 1));
%You used a for loop to find the distance between each pair of
%intersections. There is a function for this.
d1 = round(pdist2([i1, j1], [i1, j1]));
d2 = round(pdist2([i2, j2], [i2, j2]));
%Choose a number of bins for the histogram.
%This will be the length of the feature.
%More bins will preserve more structure.
%Fewer bins will help generalize between similar but not identical images.
num_bins = 100;
%Instead of using `unique` to remove repetitions use `histcounts` in R2014b
%feature1 = histcounts(d1(:), num_bins);
%feature2 = histcounts(d2(:), num_bins);
%Use `hist` for pre R2014b Matlab versions
feature1 = hist(d1(:), num_bins);
feature2 = hist(d2(:), num_bins);
%Normalize the features
feature1 = feature1 ./ norm(feature1);
feature2 = feature2 ./ norm(feature2);
figure; bar([feature1; feature2]');
title('Features'); legend({'Feature 1', 'Feature 2'});
xlim([0, num_bins]);
Here are what the detected intersection points are in each image
Here are the resulting features. You can see the clear differences between images.
Feature Comparison
The second part to consider is how you compare your features. Currently, you are simply looking for >20 similar distances. With the 'peppers.png' and 'pears.png' test images distributed with Matlab, I find more than 2000 intersection points in one image and 260 in the other. With so many points, it is trivial to have an overlap of >20 similar distances. In your images, the number of intersection points is much smaller. You could carefully adjust the threshold of similar distances, but I think this metric is probably to simplistic.
In Machine Learning, a simple way to compare two feature vectors is vector similarity or distance. There are multiple distance metrics you could explore. Common ones include
Cosine Distance
score_cosine = feature1 * feature2'; %Cosine distance between vectors
%Set a threshold for cosine similarity [0, 1] where 1 is identical and 0 is perpendicular
cosine_threshold = .9;
disp('Cosine Compare')
if score_cosine > cosine_threshold
disp('similar images');
disp('dissimilar images');
Euclidean Distance
score_euclidean = pdist2(feature1, feature2);
%Set a threshold for euclidean similarity where smaller is more similar
euclidean_threshold = 0.1;
disp('Euclidean Compare')
if score_euclidean < euclidean_threshold
disp('similar images');
disp('dissimilar images');
If these don't work, you may need to train a classifier to find a more complicated function to distinguish between similar and dissimilar images.

Connecting the dots in an image

I have the following image:
Is there a way to connect the dots (draw a line between them) using MATLAB? I tried plot by passing it the image, but didn't work.
The way I'm expecting to connect the dots is roughly as shown through the red line in the image sample below:
There are a number of ways you can do this, for instance as follows:
m = bwmorph(~img,'shrink',Inf);
[ix iy] = find(m);
tri = delaunay(iy,ix);
hold on
axis square off
If instead you want something akin to a plot, then you can try this after running the find step:
[ix ii]=sort(ix);
iy = iy(ii);
hold on
To plot a trail through a number of points, you could define an adjacency matrix and use gplot to display.
Here's a snippet to show the idea, although you'll note that with this rather simple code the output is a bit messy. It depends how clean a line you want and if crossovers are allowed - there are probably better ways of creating the adjacency matrix.
This assumes you've extracted the position of your points into a matrix "data" which is size n x 2 (in this case, I just took 200 points out of your image to test).
Basically, the nearest points are found with knnsearch (requires Statistics toolbox), and then the adjacency matrix is filled in by picking a starting point and determining the nearest neighbour not yet used. This results in every point being connected to at maximum two other points, providing that the number of points found with knnsearch is sufficient that you never back yourself into a corner where all the nearest points (100 in this case) have already been used.
datal = length(data);
marked = ones(datal,1);
m = 100; % starting point - can be varied
marked(m)=0; % starting point marked as 'used'
adj = zeros(datal);
IDX = knnsearch(data, data,'K',100);
for n = 1:datal;
x = find(marked(IDX(m,:))==1,1,'first'); % nearest unused neighbour
adj(m,IDX(m,x))=1; % two points marked as connected in adj
marked(IDX(m,x))=0; % point marked as used
m = IDX(m,x);
gplot(adj, data); hold on; plot(data(:,1),data(:,2),'rx');

K means clustring find k farthest points in java

I'm trying to implement k means clustering.
I've a set of points with coordinates (x,y) and i am using Euclidean distance for finding distance. I've computed distance between all points in a matrix
dist[i][j] - distance between points i and j
when i choose a[1][3] farthest from pt 1 as 3.
then when i search farthest from 3 i may get a[3][j] but a[1][j] may be minimum.
[pt j is far from pt3 but near to 1]
so how to choose k farthest points using the distance matrix.
Note that the k-farthest points do not necessarily yield the best result: they clearly aren't the best cluster center estimates.
Plus, since k-means heuristics may get stuck in a local minimum, you will want a randomized algorithm that allows you to restart the process multiple times and get potentiall different results.
You may want to look at k-means++ which is a known good heuristic for k-means initialization.

Define the width of peak in Matlab

I'm trying to find some peaks in Matlab, but the function findpeaks.m doesn't have the width option. The peaks I want to be detected are in the balls. All the detected are in the red squares. As you can see they have a low width. Any help?
here's the code I use:
[pk,lo] = findpeaks(ecg);
lo2 = zeros(size(lo));
for m = 1:length(lo) - 1
if (ecg(m) - ecg(m+1)) > 0.025
lo2(m) = lo(m);
p = find(lo2 == 0);
lo2(p) = [];
figure, plot(ecg);
hold on
plot(lo, ecg(lo), 'rs');
By the looks of it you want to characterise each peak in terms of amplitude and width, so that you can apply thresholds (or simmilar) to these values to select only those meeting your criteria (tall and thin).
One way you could do this is to fit a normal distribution to each peak, pegging the mean and amplitude to the value you have found already, and using an optimisation function to find the standard deviation (width of normal distribution).
So, you would need a function which calculates a representation of your data based on the sum of all the gaussian distributions you have, and an error function (mean squared error perhaps) then you just need to throw this into one of matlabs inbuilt optimisation/minimisation functions.
The optimal set of standard deviation parameters would give you the widths of each peak, or at least a good approximation.
Another method, based on Adiel's comment and which is perhaps more appropriate since it looks like you are working on ecg data, would be to also find the local minima (troughs) as well as the peaks. From this you could construct an approximate measure of 'thinness' by taking the x-axis distance between the troughs on either side of a given peak.
You need to define a peak width first, determine how narrow you want your peaks to be and then select them accordingly.
For instance, you can define the width of a peak as the difference between the x-coordinates at which the y-coordinates equal to half of the peak's value (see here). Another approach, (which seems more appropriate here) is to measure the gradient at fixed distances from the peak itself, and selecting the peaks accordingly. In MATLAB, you'll probably use a gradient filter for that :
g = conv(ecg, [-1 0 1], 'same'); %// Gradient filter
idx = g(lo) > thr); %// Indices of narrow peaks
lo = lo(idx);
where thr is the threshold value that you need to determine for yourself. Lower threshold values mean more tolerance for wider peaks.
You need to define what it means to be a peak of interest, and what you mean by the width of that peak. Once you do those things, you are a step ahead.
Perhaps you might locate each peak using find peaks. Then locate the troughs, one of which should lie between each pair of peaks. A trough is simply a peak of -y. Make sure you worry about the first and last peaks/troughs.
Next, define the half height points as the location midway in height between each peak and trough. This can be done using a reverse linear interpolation on the curve.
Finally, the width at half height might be simply the distance (on the x axis) between those two half height points.
Thinking pragmatically, I suppose you could use something along the lines of this simple brute-force approach:
[peaks , peakLocations] = findpeaks(+X);
[troughs, troughLocations] = findpeaks(-X);
width = zeros(size(peaks));
for ii = 1:numel(peaks)
trough_before = troughLocations( ...
find(troughLocations < peakLocations(ii), 1,'last') );
trough_after = troughLocations( ...
find(troughLocations > peakLocations(ii), 1,'first') );
width(ii) = trough_after - trough_before;
This will find the distance between the two troughs surrounding a peak of interest.
Use the 'MinPeakHeight' option in findpeaks() to pre-prune your data. By the looks of it, there is no automatic way to extract the peaks you want (unless you somehow have explicit indices to them). Meaning, you'll have to select them manually.
Now of course, there will be many more details that will have to be dealt with, but given the shape of your data set, I think the underlying idea here can nicely solve your problem.