multiplexing consumer and producer in kafka - apache-kafka

In my kafka consumer threads(high level), after I consumed a message I am applying some business logic to this message and forwarding this to a WS. But this webservice may be down sometimes and since I consumed this object from kafka and offset is moved forward, i would missed this object.
One way get rid of from this problem is to disabling autocommit in zookeeper and committing offset by calling programmaticaly but i expect that this is a very costly operation. I will be producing to kafka at about 2000 tps and may increase later times.
Another way - which i am not sure if it is a good idea - is if i face with any problem, producing this consumed object to kafka again but i didn't see any post related to this across all my googleings. Is this a thing which is even not considerable?
Can you please give me some insights about handling this situation.

You can post back the failed message to the same topic or another of your choice.
If you use the same topic, you will push the messages at the end of the topic and they will be picked up after the others (so if order matters to you don't do this). Also if the action that you perform before sending the message is not idempotent you will have to something to identifying this records so they don't perform the action twice.
If you use a failed_topic, you can push the messages that you can't send to this topic and when the WS is healthy again you need to create a consumer that consumes all the messages there and sends them to the WS.
Hope it helps!

Moving such messages to an error queue and retrying them later is a well known approach.
See Dead letter channel


What happens to the kafka messages if the microservice crashes before kafka commit?

I am new to kafka.I have a Kafka Stream using java microservice that consumes the messages from kafka topic produced by producer and processes. The kafka commit interval has been set using the . My question is, before commit if the microservice crashes , what will happen to the messages that got processed but didn't get committed? will there be duplicated records? and how to resolve this duplication, if happens?
Kafka has exactly-once-semantics which guarantees the records will get processed only once. Take a look at this section of Spring Kafka's docs for more details on the Spring support for that. Also, see this section for the support for transactions.
Kafka provides various delivery semantics. These delivery semantics can be decided on the basis of your use-case you've implemented.
If you're concerned that your messages should not get lost by consumer service - you should go ahead with at-lease once delivery semantic.
Now answering your question on the basis of at-least once delivery semantics:
If your consumer service crashes before committing the Kafka message, it will re-stream the message once your consumer service is up and running. This is because the offset for a partition was not committed. Once the message is processed by the consumer, committing an offset for a partition happens. In simple words, it says that the offset has been processed and Kafka will not send the committed message for the same partition.
at-least once delivery semantics are usually good enough for use cases where data duplication is not a big issue or deduplication is possible on the consumer side. For example - with a unique key in each message, a message can be rejected when writing duplicate data to the database.
There are mainly three types of delivery semantics,
At most once-
Offsets are committed as soon as the message is received at consumer.
It's a bit risky as if the processing goes wrong the message will be lost.
At least once-
Offsets are committed after the messages processed so it's usually the preferred one.
If the processing goes wrong the message will be read again as its not been committed.
The problem with this is duplicate processing of message so make sure your processing is idempotent. (Yes your application should handle duplicates, Kafka won't help here)
Means in case of processing again will not impact your system.
Exactly once-
Can be achieved for kafka to kafka communication using kafka streams API.
Its not your case.
You can choose semantics from above as per your requirement.

High Performing Kafka Consumer

We have a requirement to consume from a Kafka Topic. The Topic is provided by the producer team and we have no control on them. The producer publishes huge amount of messages which our consumer is unable to consume. However we only require 5-10% of the volume produced. Currently in Consumer we deserialize the message and based on certain attributes drop 90-95% of the messages. The consumer is behind 5-10L messages most of the time during the day. We even tried with 5 consumer and 30 threads in each consumer but not much success.
Is there any way we can subscribe Consumer to the Topic with some filter criteria so we only receive messages we are interested in.
Any help or guidance would be highly appreciated.
It is not possible to filter messages without consuming and even partially deserializing all of them.
Broker-Side filtering is not supported, though it has been discussed for a long time (
You mentioned that you do not control the producer. However, if you can get the producer to add the attribute you filter by to a message header, you can save yourself the parsing of the message body. You still need to read all the messages, but the parsing can be CPU intensive, so skipping that helps with lag.

Kafka "retry" topic anti-pattern

Most places I look recommend that to prevent data loss you should create a "retry" topic. If a consumer fails it should send a message to the "retry" topic which would wait a set period of time and then send a message back to the "main" topic.
Isn't this an anti-pattern since when it goes back to the "main" topic all the services subscribed to the "main" topic would reprocess the failed message even though only one of the services failed to process it initially?
Is there a conventional way of solving this such as putting the clientId in the headers for messages that are the result of a retry? Am I missing something?
Dead-letter queues (DLQ), in themselves, are not an anti-pattern. Cycling it back through the main topic might be, but that is subjective.
The alternative would be to "stop the world" and update the consumer code to resolve the errors before the topic retention deletes the messages you care about. OR, make your downstream consumers also read from the DLQ topic(s), but handle them differently from the main topic.
Is there a conventional way of solving this such as putting the clientId in the headers
Maybe if you wanted to track lineage somehow, but re-introducing those previously bad messages would introduce lag and ordering issues that interfere with the "good" messages.
Related question
What is the best practice to retry messages from Dead letter Queue for Kafka

Kafka producer resilience config: Fail but never block

I am currently learning some Kafka best practices from netflix ( It is a very good slide. However, I really dont understand one of the slides (slide 18) mentioned about producer resilience configuration, I hope someone in stackoverflow is very kind to give me insight for that (Cant find the video or reach out the author...).
The slide mentioned: Fail but never block in producer resilience configuration.
Even thought this is the deprecated configuration, I guess the idea is to let producer fail right away rather than block to wait. In the latest kafka configuration, I can use a small value for to fail the producer to sends message rather than blocking it.
Question 1: Why we want to fail it right away, does it means retry later on rather than block it ?
Handle Potential Block for first meta data request
Question 2: I can understand the meta data in the consumer side. i.e registering consumer group and sort of stuff, but what is meta data request for producer point of view ? and is it potentially blocked ? Is there any kafka documentation to describe that
Periodically check whether Kafka producer was open successfully
Question 3: Is there a way we can check that and what benefits for that check ?
Thanks in advance :)
You have to keep in mind how a kafka producer works:
From the API-Documentation:
The producer consists of a pool of buffer space that holds records
that haven't yet been transmitted to the server as well as a
background I/O thread that is responsible for turning these records
into requests and transmitting them to the cluster.
If you call the send method to send a record to the broker, this message will be added to an internal buffer (the size of this buffer can be configured using the buffer.memory configuration property). Now different things can happen:
Happy path: The messages from the buffer will get converted into requests to the broker by the background I/O thread, the broker will ACK this messages and everything will be fine.
The messages can not be send to the kafka broker (connection to broker is broken, you are producing messages faster than they can send out, etc.). In this case it is up to you to decide what to do. Setting the (as an replacement for block.on.buffer.full) to a positive value the send message will block for this amount of time(1) and through a timeout exception afterwards.
Regarding your questions:
(1) If I got the slides right, Netflix explicitly wants to throw away the messages which they can't send to the broker (instead of blocking, retrying, failing ...). This of course highly depends on your application and the kind of messages you are dealing with. If it "just log messages" it might be no big deal. If it comes to financial transactions you may want to
(2) The producer needs some metadata about the cluster. E.g. it needs to know which key goes to which partition. There is a good blogpost by hortonworks how the producer works internaly. I think it is worth reading:
Furthermore the statement:
Handle Potential Block for first meta data request
points to an issues which is as far as I know still around. The very first call of send will do a sync. metadata request to the broker and therefor may take longer.
(3) Connections to the producers are closed by the broker if the producer is idle for some time (see I am not aware of some standard way to keep the connection of your consumer alive or even to check if the connection is still alive. What you could do is peridicaly send a metadatarequest to the broker (producer.partitionsFor(anyTopic)). But again maybe this is not an issue for your application.
(1) When it comes to details what is taken into account to calculate the time passed it get's a bit tricky. For it is actually:
metadata fetch time
buffer full block time
serialization time (customized serializer)
partitioning time (customized partitioner)

Kafka only once consumption guarantee

I see in some answers around stack-overflow and in general in the web the idea that Kafka does not support consumption acknowledge or that exactly once consumption is hard to achieve.
In the following entry as a sample
Is there any reason to use RabbitMQ over Kafka?, I can read the following statements:
RabbitMQ will keep all states about consumed/acknowledged/unacknowledged messages while Kafka doesn't
Exactly once guarantees are hard to get with Kafka.
This is not what I understand by reading the official Kafka documentation at:
The previous documentation states that Kafka does not use a traditional acknowledge implementation (as RabbitMQ). Instead they rely on the relationship partition-consumer and offset...
This makes the equivalent of message acknowledgements very cheap
Could somebody please explain why "only once consumption guarantee" in Kafka is difficult to achieve? and How this differs from Kafka vs other more traditional Message Broker as RabbitMQ? What am I missing?
If you mean exactly once the problem is like this.
Kafka consumer as you may know use a polling mechanism, that is consumers ask the server for messages. Also, you need to recall that the consumer commit message offsets, that is, it tells the cluster what is the next expected offset. So, imagine what could happen.
Consumer poll for messages and get message with offset = 1.
A) If consumer commit that offset immediately before processing the message, then it can crash and will never receive that message again because it was already committed, on next poll Kafka will return message with offset = 2. This is what they call at most once semantic.
B) If consumer process the message first and then commit the offset, what could happen is that after processing the message but before committing, the consumer crashes, so in that case next poll will get again the same message with offset = 1 and that message will be processed twice. This is what they call at least once.
In order to achieve exactly once, you need to process the message and commit that offset in an atomic operation, where you always do both or none of them. This is not so easy. One way to do this (if possible) is to store the result of the processing along with the offset of the message that generated that result. Then, when consumer starts it looks for the last processed offset outside Kafka and seek to that offset.