Showing all Assets in Azure portal, Azure Powershell - powershell

Is there a commandlet in Azure Powershell for showing all current assets being used in Azure , including subscriptions,VM's,webapps, storage accounts...etc so we can generate an updated report at anytime ?

If you're using Resource Manager (read New Portal), you can try the following to get a list of all the resources at the subscription level.
Get-AzureRmResource | Export-Csv -Path "C:\temp\all-resources.csv"
You will need to run this for all Subscriptions for which you want to fetch the data.


How to transfer a html file from Azure VM via Azure powershell or Azure CLI to a local machine

I am working on developing a Automated QA script for my project for my organisation. My goal is to execute pester scripts through custom script extension feature of azure vms. I got the Pester executed and result exported as a nunit xml. I would like to fetch the xml back from VM to my local machine. One way of doing that is by uploading the xml into blob storage from VMs. but since it requires azure connection to be established in VM using SP account. I dont prefer this method.
I would like to know the best way to retrive pester results and get it outside VM.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks .
I'd use a shared access signature token for that (link). that way your script doesnt really need SP, it just needs the token. that token would limit permissions to only upload file to specific container (or even blob).
$sascontext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName accountname -SasToken '?tokenvalue'
Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -File path -Container name -Context $sascontext -Force
You can create new token with New-AzureStorageBlobSASToken or New-AzureStorageContainerSASToken
Your only requirement would be to install Azure.Storage module before hand.

How do I get a VM Image from Azure in Powershell?

Previously in Powershell I was using the Get-AzureVMImage cmd-let to retrieve a VM Image I had generated. I would store the image an as object to build a VM with New-AzureQuickVM. Below is a code snippet:
$image = Get-AzureVMImage | where { $_.Imagename -like $basicImageNames[$n] } | Sort-Object -Descending -Property PublishedDate | Select-Object -First 1 -OutVariable image
Now with the new AzureRM Powershell Module, the majority of the cmd-lets for Powershell management have been renamed or deprecated. Get-AzureVMImage.
I've attempted to use Get-AzureRmImage, but it doesn't list any of my VM Images.
I've also attempted to use Get-AzureRmVMImage, but this appears to be valid only for official published images, and not my user generated ones.
Does anyone know of an equivalent cmd-let to the deprecated Get-AzureVMImage?
According to your describe, I think you have created a Classic Image ,right?
As I known, Classic image can only be used to create classic VM. Also, you cannot using Azure RM powershell to get a Classic Image and to create a classic VM.
So, I suggest you can go to Azure portal > VM images(classic)> find your generated Image>Create VM . Or you can also use Azure SM powershell to login your Azure Classic Account and then use Get-Azure VM image.
See more details about Get-AzureVMImage in this document.
See more details about Get-AzureRmImage in this document.

remove azure storage account with powershell

I was looking a way to delete azure storage account using powershell.
There are powershell command to remove blob,container,table,queue, filed, directory. But I don't see any way to remove/delete azure storage account using powershell.
Through portal I can do it, but need to do it through powershell.
Anyone knows how to do this ?
Have you tried Remove-AzureRmStorageAccount or Remove-AzureStorageAccount depending on the deployment model you are using?
To find those you can always use Get-Command remove-azure*storage*
This article may help you -> scroll down to- To remove the whole storage account
This is the powershell command-
Remove-AzureRmResourceGroup -Name resourceGrouptest
where resourceGrouptest is the name of the resource group.
you also need to first login into your account using-

Can't get Move-AzureResource working

I'm trying to move some of my resources (Azure Web Apps, Azure SQLs, Redis caches) from one resource group to another. I'm using the Azure Resource Manager PowerShell cmdlets.
Here's what I've tried:
PS C:\> Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup -ResourceId "/subscriptions/someguid/resourceGroups/Default-Web-WestEurope/providers/Microsoft.Web/sites/somesite"
PS C:\> Get-AzureResource -ResourceName somesite | Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup
just Move-AzureResource, hitting enter and supplying the parameters one by one.
None of the commands seems to work. They just don't do anything. No error, no output.
When I changed the debug preference to $DebugPreference = "Continue" I got only the following:
DEBUG: 12:16:06 - MoveAzureResourceCommand begin processing with ParameterSet '__AllParameterSets'.
DEBUG: 12:16:06 - using account id 'my#account.tld'...
Please note that I'm able to create a new resource group (New-AzureResourceGroup), list resource groups (Get-AzureResourceGroup), list resources (Get-AzureResource), etc.
Note: you have to call Switch-AzureMode AzureResourceManager before you can use the cmdlets. The authentication is done by Add-AzureAccount.
Articles I've been referring to:
Moving resources between Azure Resource Groups
Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager
GitHub - Using Azure PowerShell with Azure Resource Manager
Reading this azure forum it looks like they have implemented the cmdlet but not all resources support being moved yet.
We have released a new powershell cmdlet to move resources across resource groups. Not all resources have support yet, but the "main" ones do like hosted services, virtual machines & storage accounts.
Looking back at the example I was following, this does only use VM's. So based on this I think websites aren't supported yet. That fact that no error or warning is returned for unsupported resources is a bit poor.
Though not all resources are currently supported, I understand the current version - 0.9.1 - does have a bug which means that even a supported resource may not be moved with the symptoms as seen by the author of the question. I understand this is being worked on for the next release, but in the interim (as a temp. work around) the previous powershell cmdlets release of 2 versions ago should work fine.
The original issue is fixed in the 0.9.4 release. I just tried and it works.
FYI. To move a VM using Move-AzureResourceGroup you need to move the containing cloud service and all its VMs at the same time. For example:
Get-AzureResource -ResourceGroupName OriginalResourceGroup | where { $_.ResourceType -match 'Microsoft.ClassicCompute' } | Move-AzureResource -DestinationResourceGroupName NewResourceGroup
By default, the resources in a cloud service are put in a resource group with the same name as the DNS name of the cloud service.
For some reason, Azure PowerShell Version 1.0 has trouble moving over web apps from one Resource Group to another. If you follow the instrctions below, you will be able to move the web app over via powershell.
Download Azure PowerShell Version 1. The below instructions only work for this version. Type the commands below in order.
1) **Login-AzureRmAccount** (a login window will pop up asking for your azure credentials, type them in)
2) **Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName"** (if you are moving over a website, you will see 2 files, you need the one that is a resource type of Microsoft.Web/sites)
3) **Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"**
4) Assign value 3 to a variable of your name choice. I Chose $a, so **$a = Get-AzureRmResource -ResourceGroupName "NameOfResourceGroup" -ResourceName "WebAppName" -ResourceType "Microsoft.Web/sites"**
5) **Move-AzureRmResource -DestinationResourceGroup "DestinationResourceGroup" -ResourceId $a.ResourceId**
6) It will ask you if you are sure type "Y" and hit enter.

Get-AzureStorageBlob throws Can not find your azure storage credential

I have just started using Azure and I am facing issues using the PowerShell cmdlets to work with my storage account.
I have created a Storage account and a container in that storage account. Next I installed the Azure Powershell SDK and command lets etc. and imported the publishsettings file. When I do the Get-AzureSubscription or Get-AzureStorageAccount command it correctly shows my subscription in the PowerShell console along with various storage end points.
However if I do a Get-AzureStorageBlob call or a Set-AzureStorageBlobContent I get the following error
Get-AzureStorageBlob : Can not find your azure storage credential. Please set current storage account using
"Set-AzureSubscription" or set the "AZURE_STORAGE_CONNECTION_STRING" environment variable.
I am literally at wits ends here. A Google search on this error string only brings up references to code on Github etc. Would really appreciate some help.
Right so I finally managed to do this! Here is the overall details on how to use PowerShell to create a blob in Azure and store a file there.
$context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName FunkyStorage -StorageAccountKey {Enter your storage account key here}
Set-AzureStorageBlobContent -Blob "MyFunkyBlob" -Container FunkyContainer-File "c:\temp\1.txt" -Context $context -Force
You may need to set the 'current' subscription to use. For that, you must run Select-AzureSubscription.
If you run Get-AzureSubscription, you'll see all subscriptions in your publish settings. One of those subscriptions should be set as the default. As you scroll through the result list, you'll see one property, IsDefault for each subscription, set to True or False. If the subscription you're using is set to False, run:
Select-AzureSubscription -SubscriptionName mysub
Hopefully that fixes the issue you're running into.
Just a quick FYI: you can do this another (and faster way). I build a web language atop Windows PowerShell that heavily integrates with Azure. It's called PowerShell Pipeworks.
You can use 4 cmdlets to interact with the blobs:
All take a -StorageAccount and a -StorageKey, and also a -StorageAccountSetting and a -StorageKeySetting. You can save creds to disk (or for use in a web app by using Add-SecureSetting). Once any blob cmdlet has a storage account, it will continue to reuse it.
Export-Blob is also handy in that you can pipe in a directory to it, and it will create the right content types, and provide -Public, which will mark the container it's stored in as public.
These cmdlets are a notch older (~3 months) than the Azure ones, and still about 3/4ths the time to execute (I believe a major chunk of this is their slower lookup on credentials), and are worth a try.