in Specman e, is there a way go give messagef non-definitive message_tag? - specman

I made 2 loggers, one for each thread like this(THREAD=2):
lsd_logger[THREADS] : list of message_logger is instance;
keep for each in lsd_logger {
soft it.tags == {appendf("DBG%d",index).as_a(message_tag)};
it.to_file == appendf("lsd%d.elog", index);
soft it.verbosity == HIGH;
it.to_screen == FALSE;
Now I have a checker that I want to sent a message to each logger according to the thread currently running, like this:
messagef(appendf("DBG%d",thread).as_a(message_tag), MEDIUM, "this is a message to logger %d",thread);
But I keep getting this error about how this is not a constant verbosity.
Is there a way to give the message_tag like this instead of creating a func to handle the printing?
Thank you,

No, this is impossible. The tag of the message must be hard-coded, thus it should be a constant tag, and not any expression that returns a tag.
You could possibly solve the issue by defining a method like this:
my_message() is {
case thread {
0: {
messagef(DBG0, MEDIUM, "this is a message to logger 0");
1: {
messagef(DBG1, MEDIUM, "this is a message to logger 1");
Then if you want to avoid writing this very long method with repeating code (which you even need to modify every time the number of threads changes), you can use a define as computed macro instead, such as:
define <my_message'action> "my_message" as computed {
items: list of string;
for i from 0 to THREADS-1 do {
items.add(appendf("%d: {messagef(DBG%d, MEDIUM, \"this is a message to logger %d\")}", i, i, i));
result = appendf("case thread { %s }", str_join(items, ";"));


Raise.Event<Action<T[]>> : Cannot raise event with the provided arguments

When I run the unit test below, it fails and returns this message:
System.ArgumentException : Cannot raise event with the provided
arguments. Use Raise.Event<Action'1>(CWaveform[]) to raise this event.
public void WaveformsReceived_FourWaveformsReceived_WaveformPlotsEqual4()
IWorkflowController oWorkflowControllerMock = Substitute.For<IWorkflowController>();
IEventAggregator oEventAggregatorMock = Substitute.For<IEventAggregator>();
CDataAcquisitionViewModel oDataAcquisitionViewModel = new CDataAcquisitionViewModel(oWorkflowControllerMock, oEventAggregatorMock);
CWaveform[] aoWaveforms = { };
oWorkflowControllerMock.WaveformsReceived += aoWForms => aoWaveforms = aoWForms;
int nNumberOfWaveforms = 4;
CWaveform[] aoFourWaveforms = Enumerable.Range(0, nNumberOfWaveforms).Select(_ => new CWaveform()).ToArray();
oWorkflowControllerMock.WaveformsReceived += Raise.Event<Action<CWaveform[]>>(aoFourWaveforms);
Assert.AreEqual(aoWaveforms.Length, oDataAcquisitionViewModel.Plots.Count());
Raise.Event does not seem to work for an Action whose parameter is an array of reference types. It does work for an array of value types. Is it possible to make it work for reference types?
Edit: The declared type for IWorkflowController.WaveformsReceived is event Action<CWaveform[]>
System.ArgumentException Cannot raise event with the provided
arguments. Use Raise.Event<EventHandler1>(Object, IList1) to raise
this event.
I was seeing a similar error, which brought me here. However it was down to how I was raising the event. I had forgotten to include the sender and was blindly trying to send the EventHandler.
+= Raise.Event<EventHandler<string>>"Something");
+= Raise.Event<EventHandler<string>>(null, "Something");

send message to set of channels in non-deterministic order

I'm building a Promela model in which one process send a request to N other processes, waits for the replies, and then computes a value. Basically a typical map-reduce style execution flow. Currently my model sends requests in a fixed order. I'd like to generalize this to send a non-deterministic order. I've looked at the select statement, but that appears to select a single element non-deterministically.
Is there a good pattern for achieving this? Here the basic structure of what I'm working with:
#define NUM_OBJECTS 2
chan obj_req[NUM_OBJECTS] = [0] of { mtype, chan };
This is the object process that responds to msgtype messages with some value that it computes.
proctype Object(chan request) {
chan reply;
:: request ? msgtype(reply) ->
int value = 23
reply ! value
This is the client. It sends a request to each of the objects in order 0, 1, 2, ..., and collects all the responses and reduces the values.
proctype Client() {
chan obj_reply = [0] of { int };
int value
for (i in obj_req) {
obj_req[i] ! msgtype(obj_reply)
obj_reply ? value
// do something with value
And I start up the system like this
init {
atomic {
run Object(obj_req[0]);
run Object(obj_req[1]);
run Client();
From your question I gather that you want to assign a task to a given process in a randomised order, as opposed to simply assign a random task to an ordered sequence of processes.
All in all, the solution for both approaches is very similar. I don't know whether the one I am going to propose is the most elegant approach, though.
#define NUM_OBJECTS 10
mtype = { ASSIGN_TASK };
chan obj_req[NUM_OBJECTS] = [0] of { mtype, chan, int };
byte i;
for (i in obj_req) {
run Object(i, obj_req[i]);
run Client();
proctype Client ()
byte i, id;
int value;
byte map[NUM_OBJECTS];
int data[NUM_OBJECTS];
chan obj_reply = [NUM_OBJECTS] of { byte, int };
d_step {
for (i in obj_req) {
map[i] = i;
// scramble task assignment map
for (i in obj_req) {
byte j;
select(j : 0 .. (NUM_OBJECTS - 1));
byte tmp = map[i];
map[i] = map[j];
map[j] = tmp;
// assign tasks
for (i in obj_req) {
obj_req[map[i]] ! ASSIGN_TASK(obj_reply, data[i]);
// out-of-order wait of data
for (i in obj_req) {
obj_reply ? id(value);
printf("Object[%d]: end!\n", id, value);
printf("client ends\n");
proctype Object(byte id; chan request)
chan reply;
int in_data;
:: request ? ASSIGN_TASK(reply, in_data) ->
printf("Object[%d]: start!\n", id)
reply ! id(id)
The idea is have an array which acts like a map from the set of indexes to the starting position (or, equivalently, to the assigned task).
The map is then scrambled through a finite number of swap operations. After that, each object is assigned its own task in parallel, so they can all start more-or-less at the same time.
In the following output example, you can see that:
Objects are being assigned a task in a random order
Objects can complete the task in a different random order
~$ spin test.pml
Object[1]: start!
Object[9]: start!
Object[0]: start!
Object[6]: start!
Object[2]: start!
Object[8]: start!
Object[4]: start!
Object[5]: start!
Object[3]: start!
Object[7]: start!
Object[1]: end!
Object[9]: end!
Object[0]: end!
Object[6]: end!
Object[2]: end!
Object[4]: end!
Object[8]: end!
Object[5]: end!
Object[3]: end!
Object[7]: end!
client ends
#processes: 11
If one wants to assign a random task to each object rather than starting them randomly, then it suffices to change:
obj_req[map[i]] ! ASSIGN_TASK(obj_reply, data[i]);
obj_req[i] ! ASSIGN_TASK(obj_reply, data[map[i]]);
Obviously, data should be initialised to some meaningful content first.

Why isn't my score recording on the playerprefs is there GetFloat method?

Why isn't my score recording on the playerprefs ? is there GetFloat method? Can anyone help me to post the least score of my game it just like the most least seconds will get the best time record ever
var myTimer: float = 0;
var GUITimer: GUIText;
function Start() {
function Update() {
GUITimer.text = "Time: " + myTimer;
if (myTimer > -1) {
myTimer += Time.deltaTime;
function OnTriggerEnter(other: Collider) {
if (other.tag == "FinishLine") {
function OnGUI() {
GUI.Label(Rect(10, 10, 500, 200), myTimer.ToString());
function SaveTime() {
if (myTimer < PlayerPrefs.GetInt("JeepneyScore3")) {
PlayerPrefs.SetInt("JeepneyScore3", myTimer);
I see three problems:
First, you're tracking a float, but calling GetInt() and SetInt(). Keep your data types consistent. You should either round/floor/etc, or call GetFloat() and SetFloat().
Second, you're not calling Save(), which means your changes will never write to disk. You might consider something like this:
PlayerPrefs.SetFloat("JeepneyScore3", myTimer);
Third, you're not handling the case where no data exists. You could check for existing data with HasKey(), but in this case it's simpler to rely on the second form of GetFloat(). The default form, which you're calling, returns zero if the requested key isn't set:
//returns value of "foo", or zero if no such value
var prevBest = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("foo");
If you're looking for a time below the player's previous best, but the default "best" is already 0.0, you're going to have a hard time beating that time.
You can instead provide your own default value:
//returns value of "foo", or ten thousand if no such value
var prevBest = PlayerPrefs.GetFloat("foo", 10000.0);
Finally, you should make sure that SaveTime() is actually being called at the appropriate time. You could add a simple debug line, like this:
Debug.Log("SaveTime was called");
And then make sure that's showing up. If not, you need to fix your collision check.

Why threads give different number on my program using ThreadPool?

why Number has different value?
class Program
static DateTime dt1;
static DateTime dt2;
static Int64 number = 0;
public static void Main()
dt1 = DateTime.Now;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(WorkThread), DateTime.Now);
dt2 = DateTime.Now;
public static void WorkThread(object queuedAt)
number = 0;
for (Int64 i = 0; i < 2000000; i++)
number += i;
Console.WriteLine("number is:{0} and time:{1}",number,DateTime.Now - dt1);
number is being shared between all of your threads, and you're not doing anything to synchronize access to it from each thread. So one thread might not have even started it's i loop (it may or may not have reset number to 0 at this point), while another can be half way through, and another might have finished it's loop completely and be at the Console.WriteLine part.
Here you have 10 threads acting on the static variable number at indeterminate times. One thread could on its 10000 iteration while another could just be beginning execution. And your routine begins by resetting number to 0. This logic would produce interesting results but nothing predictable.
If multiple threads access the same variable all at once, there is a risk of race conditions. A race condition is basically when the operations of the two threads are interwoven such that they interfere with eachother. To add a value to "number", the old value must be read, the sum computed, and the new value set. If those steps are being done by many threads at the same time, the value-setting can overwrite work done by previous threads, and the final result can change. You must use a lock (also called a critical section, mutex, or monitor) to protect the variable so this can't happen.

IronRuby performance issue while using Variables

Here is code of very simple expression evaluator using IronRuby
public class BasicRubyExpressionEvaluator
ScriptEngine engine;
ScriptScope scope;
public Exception LastException
get; set;
private static readonly Dictionary<string, ScriptSource> parserCache = new Dictionary<string, ScriptSource>();
public BasicRubyExpressionEvaluator()
engine = Ruby.CreateEngine();
scope = engine.CreateScope();
public object Evaluate(string expression, DataRow context)
ScriptSource source;
parserCache.TryGetValue(expression, out source);
if (source == null)
source = engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(expression, SourceCodeKind.SingleStatement);
parserCache.Add(expression, source);
var result = source.Execute(scope);
return result;
public void SetVariable(string variableName, object value)
scope.SetVariable(variableName, value);
and here is problem.
var evaluator = new BasicRubyExpressionEvaluator();
evaluator.SetVariable("a", 10);
evaluator.SetVariable("b", 1 );
evaluator.Evaluate("a+b+2", null);
var evaluator = new BasicRubyExpressionEvaluator();
evaluator.Evaluate("10+1+2", null);
First Is 25 times slower than second. Any suggestions? String.Replace is not a solution for me.
I do not think the performance you are seeing is due to variable setting; the first execution of IronRuby in a program is always going to be slower than the second, regardless of what you're doing, since most of the compiler isn't loaded in until code is actually run (for startup performance reasons). Please try that example again, maybe running each version of your code in a loop, and you'll see the performance is roughly equivalent; the variable-version does have some overhead of method-dispatch to get the variables, but that should be negligible if you run it enough.
Also, in your hosting code, how come you are holding onto ScriptScopes in a dictionary? I would hold onto CompiledCode (result of engine.CreateScriptSourceFromString(...).Compile()) instead -- as that will help a lot more in repeat runs.
you can of course first build the string something like
evaluator.Evaluate(string.format("a={0}; b={1}; a + b + 2", 10, 1))
Or you can make it a method
if instead of your script you return a method then you should be able to use it like a regular C# Func object.
var script = #"
def self.addition(a, b)
a + b + 2
var = func = scope.GetVariable<Func<object,object,object>>("addition");
This is probably not a working snippet but it shows the general idea.