scale the loss value according to "badness" in caffe - neural-network

I want to scale the loss value of each image based on how close/far is the "current prediction" to the "correct label" during the training. For example if the correct label is "cat" and the network think it is "dog" the penalty (loss) should be less than the case if the network thinks it is a "car".
The way that I am doing is as following:
1- I defined a matrix of the distance between the labels,
2- pass that matrix as a bottom to the "softmaxWithLoss" layer,
3- multiply each log(prob) to this value to scale the loss according to badness in forward_cpu
However I do not know what should I do in the backward_cpu part. I understand the gradient (bottom_diff) has to be changed but not quite sure, how to incorporate the scale value here. According to the math I have to scale the gradient by the scale (because it is just an scale) but don't know how.
Also, seems like there is loosLayer in caffe called "InfoGainLoss" that does very similar job if I am not mistaken, however the backward part of this layer is a little confusing:
bottom_diff[i * dim + j] = scale * infogain_mat[label * dim + j] / prob;
I am not sure why infogain_mat[] is divide by prob rather than being multiply by! If I use identity matrix for infogain_mat isn't it supposed to act like softmax loss in both forward and backward?
It will be highly appreciated if someone can give me some pointers.

You are correct in observing that the scaling you are doing for the log(prob) is exactly what "InfogainLoss" layer is doing (You can read more about it here and here).
As for the derivative (back-prop): the loss computed by this layer is
L = - sum_j infogain_mat[label * dim + j] * log( prob(j) )
If you differentiate this expression with respect to prob(j) (which is the input variable to this layer), you'll notice that the derivative of log(x) is 1/x this is why you see that
dL/dprob(j) = - infogain_mat[label * dim + j] / prob(j)
Now, why don't you see similar expression in the back-prop of "SoftmaxWithLoss" layer?
well, as the name of that layer suggests it is actually a combination of two layers: softmax that computes class probabilities from classifiers outputs and a log loss layer on top of it. Combining these two layer enables a more numerically robust estimation of the gradients.
Working a little with "InfogainLoss" layer I noticed that sometimes prob(j) can have a very small value leading to unstable estimation of the gradients.
Here's a detailed computation of the forward and backward passes of "SoftmaxWithLoss" and "InfogainLoss" layers with respect to the raw predictions (x), rather than the "softmax" probabilities derived from these predictions using a softmax layer. You can use these equations to create a "SoftmaxWithInfogainLoss" layer that is more numerically robust than computing infogain loss on top of a softmax layer:
Note that if you are going to use infogain loss for weighing, you should feed H (the infogain_mat) with label similarities, rather than distances.
I recently implemented this robust gradient computation and created this pull request. This PR was merged to master branch on April, 2017.


Different delta rules

I am having a lot of troubles to understand this concept about delta rule.
As far as I know, delta rule is used for updating weights during learning the network.
Lets say I have these two formulas:
first formula
second formula
The first formula says exactly what? The new weight should be counted as:
learning rate (eta) * gradient of loss function.
This result will be new weight. Am i correct?
The second formula is confusing. What does it exactly say? Both should be delta rules, but what is the difference between them? Could you please explain me, what following parts of the formula are?
I think it is like that (but i am not totally sure with something...)
change weight between neuron ij = learning rate (eta) * (I dont have any idea what is gamai(t) - it is an output?) * xj (= i belive it is input of the neuron jx) + (momento (that is ok) * wij(t-1) = i think it is previous weight).
Thank you for help
Delta rule is a gradient descent algorithm.
The two formulas you've given give you the gradient of the weights to perform the gradient descent, not the new weights.
The first formula is a general expression while the second is a rule on how to compute the gradient coefficient in function of the previous gradient.
The new weights are computed as in every gradient descent algorithm:
w_new = w - lamda*dw
where lambda is a positive number that may be constant or depend on the number of the iteration.

Non-Symbolic loss in Keras/TensorFlow

For a university project, I want to train a (simulated) robot to hit a ball given the position and velocity. The first thing to try is policy gradients: I have a parametric trajectory generator. For every training position, I feed the position through my network, send the trajectory to the simulator and get a reward back. I now can use that as the loss, sample the gradient, feed it back and update the weights of my network so that it does better next time.
Therefore, goal is to learn the mapping from position to trajectory weights. When using all-star compute graph libraries like Theano and Tensorflow (or Keras), the I have the problem that I do not know how to actually model that system. I want to have standard fully connected layers first, then the output are my trajectory weights. But how do I actually calculate the loss so that it can use the backprop?
In a custom loss function, I would ignore/not specify the true labels, run the simulator and return the loss it gives. But from what I read, you need to return a Theano/Tensorflow function which is symbolic. My loss is quite complicated, so I do not want to move it from simulator to network. How can I implement that? Problem then is to differentiate that loss, as I might need to sample to get that gradient.
I've had a similar problem some time ago.
There was a loss function which relied heavily on optimized C code and third-party libraries.
Porting this to tensorflow was not possible.
But we still wanted to train a tensorflow graph to create steering signals from the current setup.
Here is an
ipython notebook which explains how to mix numerical and analytical derivatives
Here is a more detailed description of the idea behind it:
The training of the graph is an optimization problem, so you will definitely need the derivative of the loss.
The challenge is to mix the analytical derivative in tensorflow and the numerical derivative of your loss.
You need this setup
Input I
output P
Graph G maps I to P, P = G(I)
add a constant of the same shape as P, P = C * G(I)
Loss function L
Training the tensorflow graph works with backpropagation.
For every parameter X in the graph, the following derivative is computed
dL/dX = dL/dP * dP/dX
The second part of that, dP/dX comes for free by just setting up the tensorflow graph. But we still need the derivative of the loss.
Now there's a trick.
We want tensorflow to update X based on the correct gradient dL/dP * dP/dX
but we can't get tensorflow to compute dL/dP, because that's not a tensorflow graph.
we will instead use P~ = P * C,
the derivative of that is dP~ / dX = dP/dX * C
So if we set C to dL/dP, we get the correct gradient.
We simply have to estimate C with a numerical gradient.
This is the algorithm:
set up your graph, multiply the output with a constant C
feed 1 for the constant, compute a forward pass, get the prediction P
compute the loss at P
compute the numerical derivative of P
feed the numerical derivative as C, compute the backward pass, update the parameters

Gradient checking in backpropagation

I'm trying to implement gradient checking for a simple feedforward neural network with 2 unit input layer, 2 unit hidden layer and 1 unit output layer. What I do is the following:
Take each weight w of the network weights between all layers and perform forward propagation using w + EPSILON and then w - EPSILON.
Compute the numerical gradient using the results of the two feedforward propagations.
What I don't understand is how exactly to perform the backpropagation. Normally, I compare the output of the network to the target data (in case of classification) and then backpropagate the error derivative across the network. However, I think in this case some other value have to be backpropagated, since in the results of the numerical gradient computation are not dependent of the target data (but only of the input), while the error backpropagation depends on the target data. So, what is the value that should be used in the backpropagation part of gradient check?
Backpropagation is performed after computing the gradients analytically and then using those formulas while training. A neural network is essentially a multivariate function, where the coefficients or the parameters of the functions needs to be found or trained.
The definition of a gradient with respect to a specific variable is the rate of change of the function value. Therefore, as you mentioned, and from the definition of the first derivative we can approximate the gradient of a function, including a neural network.
To check if your analytical gradient for your neural network is correct or not, it is good to check it using the numerical method.
For each weight layer w_l from all layers W = [w_0, w_1, ..., w_l, ..., w_k]
For i in 0 to number of rows in w_l
For j in 0 to number of columns in w_l
w_l_minus = w_l; # Copy all the weights
w_l_minus[i,j] = w_l_minus[i,j] - eps; # Change only this parameter
w_l_plus = w_l; # Copy all the weights
w_l_plus[i,j] = w_l_plus[i,j] + eps; # Change only this parameter
cost_minus = cost of neural net by replacing w_l by w_l_minus
cost_plus = cost of neural net by replacing w_l by w_l_plus
w_l_grad[i,j] = (cost_plus - cost_minus)/(2*eps)
This process changes only one parameter at a time and computes the numerical gradient. In this case I have used the (f(x+h) - f(x-h))/2h, which seems to work better for me.
Note that, you mentiond: "since in the results of the numerical gradient computation are not dependent of the target data", this is not true. As when you find the cost_minus and cost_plus above, the cost is being computed on the basis of
The weights
The target classes
Therefore, the process of backpropagation should be independent of the gradient checking. Compute the numerical gradients before backpropagation update. Compute the gradients using backpropagation in one epoch (using something similar to above). Then compare each gradient component of the vectors/matrices and check if they are close enough.
Whether you want to do some classification or have your network calculate a certain numerical function, you always have some target data. For example, let's say you wanted to train a network to calculate the function f(a, b) = a + b. In that case, this is the input and target data you want to train your network on:
a b Target
1 1 2
3 4 7
21 0 21
5 2 7
Just as with "normal" classification problems, the more input-target pairs, the better.

local inverse of a neural network

I have a neural network with N input nodes and N output nodes, and possibly multiple hidden layers and recurrences in it but let's forget about those first. The goal of the neural network is to learn an N-dimensional variable Y*, given N-dimensional value X. Let's say the output of the neural network is Y, which should be close to Y* after learning. My question is: is it possible to get the inverse of the neural network for the output Y*? That is, how do I get the value X* that would yield Y* when put in the neural network? (or something close to it)
A major part of the problem is that N is very large, typically in the order of 10000 or 100000, but if anyone knows how to solve this for small networks with no recurrences or hidden layers that might already be helpful. Thank you.
If you can choose the neural network such that the number of nodes in each layer is the same, and the weight matrix is non-singular, and the transfer function is invertible (e.g. leaky relu), then the function will be invertible.
This kind of neural network is simply a composition of matrix multiplication, addition of bias and transfer function. To invert, you'll just need to apply the inverse of each operation in the reverse order. I.e. take the output, apply the inverse transfer function, multiply it by the inverse of the last weight matrix, minus the bias, apply the inverse transfer function, multiply it by the inverse of the second to last weight matrix, and so on and so forth.
This is a task that maybe can be solved with autoencoders. You also might be interested in generative models like Restricted Boltzmann Machines (RBMs) that can be stacked to form Deep Belief Networks (DBNs). RBMs build an internal model h of the data v that can be used to reconstruct v. In DBNs, h of the first layer will be v of the second layer and so on.
zenna is right.
If you are using bijective (invertible) activation functions you can invert layer by layer, subtract the bias and take the pseudoinverse (if you have the same number of neurons per every layer this is also the exact inverse, under some mild regularity conditions).
To repeat the conditions: dim(X)==dim(Y)==dim(layer_i), det(Wi) not = 0
An example:
Y = tanh( W2*tanh( W1*X + b1 ) + b2 )
X = W1p*( tanh^-1( W2p*(tanh^-1(Y) - b2) ) -b1 ), where W2p and W1p represent the pseudoinverse matrices of W2 and W1 respectively.
The following paper is a case study in inverting a function learned from Neural Networks. It is a case study from the industry and looks a good beginning for understanding how to go about setting up the problem.
An alternate way of approaching the task of getting the desired x that yields desired y would be start with random x (or input as seed), then through gradient decent (similar algorithm to back propagation, difference being that instead of finding derivatives of weights and biases, you find derivatives of x. Also, mini batching is not needed.) repeatedly adjust x until it yields a y that is close to the desired y. This approach has an advantage that it allows an input of a seed (starting x, if not randomly selected). Also, I have a hypothesis that the final x will have some similarity to initial x(seed), which would imply that this algorithm has the ability to transpose, depending on the context of the neural network application.

Neural Network with tanh wrong saturation with normalized data

I'm using a neural network made of 4 input neurons, 1 hidden layer made of 20 neurons and a 7 neuron output layer.
I'm trying to train it for a bcd to 7 segment algorithm. My data is normalized 0 is -1 and 1 is 1.
When the output error evaluation happens, the neuron saturates wrong. If the desired output is 1 and the real output is -1, the error is 1-(-1)= 2.
When I multiply it by the derivative of the activation function error*(1-output)*(1+output), the error becomes almost 0 Because of 2*(1-(-1)*(1-1).
How can I avoid this saturation error?
Saturation at the asymptotes of of the activation function is a common problem with neural networks. If you look at a graph of the function, it doesn't surprise: They are almost flat, meaning that the first derivative is (almost) 0. The network cannot learn any more.
A simple solution is to scale the activation function to avoid this problem. For example, with tanh() activation function (my favorite), it is recommended to use the following activation function when the desired output is in {-1, 1}:
f(x) = 1.7159 * tanh( 2/3 * x)
Consequently, the derivative is
f'(x) = 1.14393 * (1- tanh( 2/3 * x))
This will force the gradients into the most non-linear value range and speed up the learning. For all the details I recommend reading Yann LeCun's great paper Efficient Back-Prop.
In the case of tanh() activation function, the error would be calculated as
error = 2/3 * (1.7159 - output^2) * (teacher - output)
This is bound to happen no matter what function you use. The derivative, by definition, will be zero when the output reaches one of two extremes. It's been a while since I have worked with Artificial Neural Networks but if I remember correctly, this (among many other things) is one of the limitations of using the simple back-propagation algorithm.
You could add a Momentum factor to make sure there is some correction based off previous experience, even when the derivative is zero.
You could also train it by epoch, where you accumulate the delta values for the weights before doing the actual update (compared to updating it every iteration). This also mitigates conditions where the delta values are oscillating between two values.
There may be more advanced methods, like second order methods for back propagation, that will mitigate this particular problem.
However, keep in mind that tanh reaches -1 or +1 at the infinities and the problem is purely theoretical.
Not totally sure if I am reading the question correctly, but if so, you should scale your inputs and targets between 0.9 and -0.9 which would help your derivatives be more sane.